Gallery Rifle and Pistol Imperial Meeting

The 2018 Imperial Meeting

Start18th Jul 2018



NRA Becky Mills

01483 797 777 (ext. 160)

NRA Carol Kellow

01483 797777 ext 146

Enter now


Gallery Rifle & Pistol Imperial Meeting



The meeting is open to all shooters and offers competition in Gallery Rifle Centrefire (GRCF), Gallery Rifle Small-Bore (GRSB), Long Barrel Revolver and Pistol (LBR/LBP) and Muzzle Loading Revolver/Pistol (MLP/MLR)

There are unlimited medal entry matches, squadded trophy matches and team matches.

The format of the Imperial is slightly different to many GR meetings people may attend so we advise downloading the entry form and GR&P Handbook


Individual Squadded Competitions:

Match Class Distance
 Cotterill Trophy AP 25m
 Granet Cup GRCF 25m
 Gallery Rifle SB Match GRSB 25m
 Man v Man GRSB Up to 20m
 Police (T&P1) GRCF 25m
 Scott Cup GRCF 25m
 Service GRCF 25m
 Silhouette GRCF 25m


Individual Unlimited Competitions:

Match Class Distance
 Advancing Target GRCF, GRSB, LBP, LBR, MLR 10-25x
 America GRCF, GRCF, LBP, LBR 25-50m
 Free Gallery Rifle GRCF, GRCF, LBP, LBR 50m
 Granet AP, GRCF, GRSB, LBP, LBR, MLP, MLR 25m
 Police (T&P1) GRCF, GRSB, LBP, LBR, MLR 10-25m
 Service (M-T) GRCF, GRSB, LBP, LBR, MLR 10-25m
 Silhouette AP, GRCF, GRSB, LBP, LBR 25m


Individual Aggregate Competitions:

Match Aggregate of
 GRCF Grand Aggregate Advancing Target, America, Granet, Police, Scott, Service, Silhouette
 GRSB Grand Aggregate Advancing Target, America, Granet, Police, Scott, Service, Silhouette
 LBP Grand Aggregate Advancing Target, Granet, Police, Scott, Service
 LBR Grand Aggregate Advancing Target, Granet, Police, Scott, Service
 LBP Grand Aggregate Advancing Target, Granet, Police, Scott, Service
 Gallery Rifle Match Granet and Scott (Squadded)


Team Competitions:

Match Class
 Advancing Target Team GRCF
 Beaufoy Gallery Rifle Team GRCF
 Fairburn Cup GRCF
 Lord Salisbury Team GRSB
 Mander Trophy GRCF
 McGivern Cup GRSB
 Oxford & Cambridge Match GRCF
 Peel Cup GRCF
 Universities Team Aggregate GRCF