CSR 2017/18 Winter League – October

CSR 2017/18 Winter League

Start1st Oct 2017



NRA Reception

01483 797777

Enter Online


The 2017/18 CSR Winter League runs from October 2017 to April 2018, offering challenging and enjoyable competitions in all weather.

New shooters are always welcome and will be squadded with experienced competitors to help guide the way.

The first League Matches take place on Sunday 1 October 2017 with three events in one day:

The Urban Match
Short Range Rural Match
Whitehead Match

There are still places available but please note the deadline for entry is fast approaching – Monday 25 September.

Click here to enter online.

Confirmed dates for the full Winter League are:

Saturday 4 November 2017

Sunday 3 December 2017

Saturday 6 January 2018

Sunday 4 February 2018

Saturday 3 March 2018

Sunday 8 April 2018

For those new to Civ SR, we run 1-day ‘Introduction to Civ SR’ courses – look on the NRA website for further details. These are run by highly experienced shooters and involve classroom work and practical coaching on range.


£ 31.50

All day for NRA Members

Under 25 – 40%

COST TO ENTER £31.50 all day for NRA members

£17.75 Half Day (NRA members) Indicate AM/PM

Non-NRA Member meeting fee £6.60 or NRA No.