NRA Imperial Meeting – Match Rifle

The 148th Imperial

Start7th Jul 2017

Match Rifle

At Bisley



The Hopton is the Match Rifle element of the NRA’s Imperial Meeting, and equivalent of the Grand Aggregate in the Target Rifle world. It is shot over four days (First Saturday (8th July) to First Tuesday (11th July)) prior to the Target Rifle competitions.Shooting only takes place on Stickledown at three distances – 1000, 1100 and 1200 yards. There are seven individual competitions (several shot over more than one distance) and the winner of the Hopton will have fired a minimum of 205 rounds. Most competitions are shot in two details and as all the competitions take place on the same range, it is very sociable with competitors enjoying discussing latest wind challenges, new developments in ammo making and anecdotes from the last detail over a cup of tea in one of the nearby club houses and lodges or behind the firing point.

The results are almost immediately available with the stats office just behind the 1200-yard firing point and a big screen leaving no one in doubt which position they are holding in the Hopton at all times. It makes for a competitive atmosphere and encourages not just those heading for the top places, but also those hoping to beat their piers in the Hopton. To give it a bit of an international twist…each shooter’s nationality is easily identifiable by colour.

Most competitions are either two convertible sighters and 15 or 20 to count to follow, but the Albert, the final competition of the Hopton puts extra pressure on all. It is the only individual competition fired over three distances and 15 to count on each of them, but there are NO sighters. So it’s not just a test, if you have got your elevation and wind zero right, but also if you have nerves of steel. The final distance will see the competitors squaded with their closest rival, which adds that little bit more of excitement, not just for the shooter but also spectators.

In true MR style you will be able to find a variety of shooting positions on the firing point – prone (with most people using a rest), supine (yes, there are still plenty of people shooting ‘on their back’) , and – for those who are unable to shoot prone or supine on medical grounds – shooting seated at a table. Most people are now using telescopic sights and almost everyone is using handloads, although it is not a requirement to take part, it probably is if you would like to be at the top of the leader board.

For those wanting the opportunity to warm up before the rigours of the Hopton, the Any Rifle Extras allow the option of shooting at each distance on Pre Friday (7th July). The weekend also sees an aggregate for those shooting with the NRA’s GGG ammunition, so anyone wanting to have a go with their TR on the longer ranges, and sample the friendly experience of Match Rifle shooting, is very welcome.

There is also a team competition – the F W Jones, shot on First Monday – open to club teams of 4 shooters from. The day after the Hopton (First Wednesday) seesthe almighty Elcho Match– a coached team shoot between the four home nations, first held in 1862. Everyone tends to get involved in one way or another and it’s worth coming along to watch the final distance. 1200 always has its challenges – rarely is the match won after 1000 and 1100 yards!

Proceedings end on on a sociable note with the MR Prize Giving in the English Eight Club garden immediately after the Elcho.