NRA Imperial Meeting – Military Adaptive

The 148th Imperial

Start22nd Jun 2017

Gallery Rifle

At Bisley

NRA Reception

01483 797777



Every year, during the Imperial Meeting, the NRA organises the Adaptive Championship. This competition is designed for veteran personnel who, in the line of duty have suffered a disability, be it physical or mental. The competitions forms part of the rehabilitation programme designed to reintroduce the individual into normal life, be it in the services or into civilian, commercial life.

“A lot of them, despite their injury or illness like to be able to maintain some form of military skill. The work that the NRA does in order to enable them to continue shooting in this case, is tremendously important in their recovery, […] {Something like the Adaptive Championship} is part of the normalisation programme; it is normally about a three year process from time of wounding to the point where they have recovered to the maximum extent that is physically and psychologically possible. At that point we will make a judgement as to whether or not they can continue to serve […] The vast majority, given some of the dreadful wounds that some of our people have suffered in Afghanistan are no longer fit, physically or psychologically, to do the job they were doing before they were wounded. Then what we do is help them transition from service life into the best civilian life that we can help them with which they want. […] The adaptive shooting introduces them to a different aspect of competition. Our lads are very competitive.” Brigadier Richard Spencer, Commandant General of the Royal Marines