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General News



After the Second Stage of HM The Queen’s Prize on 26 July 2019, stats staff identified an anomaly recorded on a register card.  Subsequent investigation determined that the score recorded for the 500 yard element of the competition had been altered so as to claim a point not made, contrary to para 308 of the NRA Rules of Shooting.  As a consequence the competitor collected a Queen’s badge and a register card authorising participation in the Final.  The offence was detected in time to rectify the list of qualifiers for the Final and subsequently to present the Queen’s badge to the 100th qualifier.

A Disciplinary Committee considered the matter, found the allegation of contravention of para 308 proven, and under para 544(v) directed that:

The competitor’s name be struck off the register of NRA members

The competitor be expelled from Bisley Camp.

Notwithstanding that the penalty under para 544 constitutes a life ban, the Committee directed that, were the competitor to reapply for membership of the NRA after 26 July 2029 with appropriate support, such an application would be considered.


The NRA takes such action with regret, and is anxious to minimise the opportunity for this type of cheating.  To that end, stronger preventative measures will be considered, and Rules of Shooting paras 348 to 350, concerning the procedure for correcting errors in register cards, the duty of register keepers to enter final totals in ink, and the process that will be followed if cards are incorrectly completed, will in future be enforced.  Since these rules provide for deduction of points from both the firer’s and the register keeper’s score, competitors are earnestly requested to ensure they follow the rules.

I W Robertson

Secretary to the Disciplinary Body


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General News

Firearms Bill – Miniature Rifle Ranges and Ammunition Components

Parliament is considering new firearms legislation regarding Section 11(4) (miniature rifle ranges) and reloading components (intent to manufacture)  which were announced following the 2021 Home Office Firearms Safety Consultation.

The Private Members Bill, supported by the Government, can be found https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-03/0039/220039.pdf

The proposal that miniature range operators should hold a firearm certificate in order to purchase, acquire and possess firearms and ammunition is sensible. This will ensure that they are subject to the same background checks as other firearm owners, and that they are responsible for the security of the firearms and ammunition.

The proposal to criminalise those found in possession of components with intent to manufacture unauthorised ammunition is again sensible. During discussions with Government following the consultation the NRA was reassured changes to the legislation would be drafted in such a way that they would not inadvertently criminalise those who lawfully possess ammunition or component parts of it, or who intend to manufacture authorised rounds. In particular, simple possession by such a person of components sufficient to assemble quantities of ammunition in excess of the limit of their certificate would not qualify as “intent” in any legislation.

The draft Bill proposes a person will commit an offence if they possess any component part, intend to manufacture ammunition, and would have no lawful basis for having the ammunition once it was assembled and complete. Whilst the wording of the draft Bill could be misinterpreted, it will be a matter for the police and the Courts  to determine  how ‘intent’ to unlawfully manufacture ammunition is to be proven.

The NRA, working with the British Shooting Sports Council (“BSSC”), is carefully monitoring the progress of the Bill through Parliament, and were pleased that BSSC Chairman Jonathan Djanogly MP is a member of the Committee scrutinising the Bill. The Second Reading debate can be found Firearms Bill – Hansard – UK Parliament and the Committee Debate on 15 March https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2023-03-15/debates/f40ec0da-6a95-48a2-b3c6-52f001007149/FirearmsBill?highlight=firearms#main-content


Andrew Mercer

Secretary General

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Target Shotgun Festival – February 2018

This 2 day event offers a variety of GR&P solid slug events, as well as the first round of the NRA Shotgun League 2018.

Saturday AM

Timed & Precision One and Multi-Target (all classes) and the NRA Embassy Cup (SGM and SGSA).


Practical match which forms part of the NRA Shotgun League.


  • All competitors will need to provide their own hearing and eye protection (unless otherwise stated in individual event conditions). The NRA are not be liable for any injury sustained through lack of appropriate protection.
  • Ammunition will be available for purchase from the NRA Range Office on the day.
  • Fibre wad ammunition only.
  • One to one supervision by an NRA Certified RCO or other competent person can be offered to competitors without a Shooter Certification Card (SCC). Please inform Shooting Division if you require this in advance of the event.
  • If you are a FULL member of the NRA and would like to be assessed for an NRA Shooter Certification Card (SCC), this can be carried out on the day subject to prior agreement with the discipline representative. There is a fee of £25 for this, please inform us in advance if you require this facility.

Shotgun League Divisions

The two standard Divisions do not permit the use of the following:

  • Detachable magazines of any type
  • Speed loaders
  • Re-dots, optical or electronic sighting/aiming systems of any type
  • Load restriction at the start of the course of fire of 9 rounds

There are no magazine capacity restrictions in ANY of the divisions.

  • Open – Any shotgun
  • Standard Auto – Any semi automatic shotgun with a fixed magazine that does not have any of the prohibited items listed above
  • Standard Manual – Any manually reloaded (pump action, lever action, bolt action etc) shotgun with a fixed magazine that does not have any of the prohibited items listed above

Click here to enter online

Click here to download an entry form

Skills Development

If you are new to Target Shotgun our skills courses aim to provide fundamental skills for taking part in TS events and competitions. The 1-day course is being run on Sunday 18 February prior to the Festival and involves classroom and practical range work with expert coaching from national and international level shooters.

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General News

NRA Estate Development Plan 2024 to 2028

NRA Estate Development Plan 2024 to 2028

Bisley Camp and Ranges


Having reviewed the helpful and interesting responses to the consultation on the draft plans earlier this year please find below the final Estate Development Plans for Bisley Camp and Ranges for 2024 to 2028.

I can report the following progress and planned works for 2024:-

Bisley Camp

Caravan sites serviced and un-serviced

  1. Works to develop 28 serviced caravan pitches on Wharncliffe Site (formerly Site 5) were completed in April and new caravans are available for viewing on site. For the latest schedule of available pitches and further details see https://nra.org.uk/about-the-nra/wharncliffe-caravan-pitches/
  2. Six electrical hook ups and an Elsan point will be installed on Sit Pep field by the end of 2024.
  3. Grab rails and drop down seats have been installed in one male and one female shower on caravan sites 2, 7, 8, and the Royal Marines ablutions to improve accessibility.

Clubhouses and tenanted property

  1. Contractor quotes for the exterior decoration of Exhibition Hut are being assessed with work scheduled in the autumn.


  1. In the Pavilion eight rooms have been refurbished including one wheelchair accessible room; the car park to the side has been upgraded and a bin store constructed. A breakfast room has been introduced to extend the offer to include breakfast. Weekday occupancy is increasing as a result of the new website https://www.thepavilionbisley.com/ and listing on booking.com.
  2. 18 bedrooms in A line (Crawford cabins) have been refreshed ahead of a trial listing on booking.com to assess the mid-week demand for basic accommodation.


  1. Hut C21 will be refurbished and offered to let by tender later this year.

Site 103

  1. The buildings and ground has been measured and mapped; architects have produced draft designs and layout to facilitate discussions with potential tenants and explore utilisation by the NRA / NSC.

Car parking, services, electricity and broadband

  1. Two new bespoke bin stores will be installed this year in prominent locations to reduce the visual impact of the blue wheelie bins.
  2. Plans are progressing to install EV charging points alongside the electricity substation by the Lord Roberts Centre.
  3. A review of the utilisation of the three main sub-stations has confirmed two are operating near capacity. We are exploring options to upgrade their capacity and/or redistribute the loadings.


Bisley Ranges

  1. The Century range 300 yard firing point at butts 18 and 19 has been widened to accommodate a rear all-weather surface. This trial will inform future improvements to firing points to reduce the wear and tear caused by year round use of electronic targets. The car park has also been extended to maintain capacity.
  2. Plans are progressing to develop police firearms training facilities on Short Siberia range.

Bisley Camp – Estate Development Plan 24 to 28

Bisley Camp – Estate Development Plan (Plan)

Ranges Projects – Estate Development Plan 24 to 28

Ranges Projects – Estate Development Plan (Plan)

Andrew Mercer
Secretary General

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General News

Offensive Weapons Bill Second Reading 27/6/18


22nd June 2018

“Offensive Weapons Bill” – Second Reading Wednesday 27th June 2018

We the target shooting community are being unfairly treated by prohibitions proposed in the above Bill.

I have emailed MPs asking them to challenge the Bill; my letter can be found [Here]

Time is short and it is essential that shooters contact their local MP and:-

  • State their support to the NRA’s letter
  • Urge their local MP to question:

(a) the details of the NCA / police Risk Assessments that apparently have identified .50” calibre / MARS rifles as particular risks to public safety

(b) what reductions in firearms crime are expected as a result of the prohibitions

(c) the incidence of legally held rifles being used in crime; and

(d) why the strict rules on the granting of FACs are deemed insufficient in the case of .50” calibre, MARS and lever release rifles.

Our politicians have many demands on their time and attention; it is best to concentrate upon the unjustified attack on the law abiding shooting community rather than detailed technical descriptions.

This Bill, if unchallenged, risks setting a dangerous precedent for the shooting community as it proposes banning certain firearms without evidence or credible justification. Today the target is .50” calibre and MARS / lever release rifles; tomorrow it could be one of yours.

Please email your local MP – their contact details can be found here https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/

The Bill and evidence base can be found here https://services.parliament.uk/Bills/2017-19/offensiveweapons.html


Andrew Mercer

Group Chief Executive & Secretary General

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General News

Ibis Open Competition – 23rd May

The Ibis Open Competition


The Ibis Open Competition for TR and F-class will now be held on 23rd May (when the caravan sites are fully open).


The morning shoot will be a ‘Georges I and II’, the afternoon 2+10 at 900 and 1000 (2+15 for F-class)


Valuable trophies, HPS vouchers and cash prizes to be won.


The Organiser (Frank Harriss) has contacted as many people about this change of date as he could.


If you have not received an entry form and are interested, please contact him via the Ibis website (http://www.ibisrifleclub.co.uk).

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General News

Vortex Optics to sponsor the CSR Imperial Meeting 2018

We are pleased to announce that Vortex Optics are generously sponsoring The Rural Match at the Civilian Service Rifle Imperial Meeting 2018 with prestigious new awards and prizes.

Vortex Optics remain a family-run organisation offering high quality scopes across the shooting disciplines such as Gallery Rifle, Match Rifle, F Class and Civilian Service Rifle.  They wish to engage with, and support the shooting community through the NRA.

The Rural Match has six stages; Close Quarter at 100x, Brief Encounter at 200x, Snap at 300x, Sitting, Kneeling or Squatting at 400x, Harassing Fire at 500x and Fire and Movement at 500x, 400x, 300x.

Shot on Saturday 7th July 2018 on Century Range, this match is followed that evening by the Imperial CSR Prizegiving event.

As proud sponsors, Martin Baumber, International Operations Manager for Vortex Optics who will present the awards, said “It is an honour to be part of the Bisley community and an absolute pleasure to be able to support the great work the NRA do in the UK.  These particular disciplines of CSR and service optic are very close to our hearts as our products have always been designed to ensure they fill the practical purposes the shooter requires assured by a lifetime warranty.  These values we hold dear of reliability, professionalism, commitment and practicality couldn’t be more evident in the community of members and work the NRA and Bisley do, it is our privilege to be associated with you all”.


The impressive range of awards are:

Practical Optic Class

1st Prize – The Vortex Nation Trophy and Vortex Optics scope from Razor range

2nd Prize – Vortex Optics scope from Viper PST range

3rd Prize – Vortex Optics’ top practical scope


Service Optic Class

1st Prize – The Vortex Challenge Cup and Vortex Optics scope from Razor range

2nd Prize – Vortex Optics scope from Viper PST range

3rd Prize – Vortex Optics’ top practical scope


For more information on the range of Vortex scopes, visit: http://www.vortexoptics.com/

To ENTER the match, click HERE

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