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Interim advice for NRA affiliated Clubs that operate Indoor Ranges 


The Government guidance for grassroots sports/gym leisure facilities is available here


The guidance is very detailed but places the responsibility for sport specific guidance on NGBs.

Key points:

  • Indoor sports facilities in England may reopen from 25th July provided that the operator can do so safely and follow public health guidance
  • Local restrictions will apply and devolved Governments will publish guidance for Scotland, NI, Wales
  • Volunteers are to be afforded the same level of protection as workers or customers. This will apply to all Club operated indoor ranges and may present issues
  • The range operator must develop a site specific Covid-19 risk assessment, following the guidance and do this in conjunction with volunteers that are involved in the operation of the facility
  • The guidance provides a lot of detail around handwashing, hygiene, social distancing, surface cleaning that will already be familiar to Club officials/range operators
  • Operators will have to restrict access to the facility as a way to manage throughput, avoid breaches of social distancing and optimise the existing ventilation systems in place, whilst not causing harm to range users through lead contamination
  • Ventilation of the facility plays an important part in mitigating the spread of Covid-19. Section 5 of the guidance details specific requirements including the importance of fresh air circulation and limiting occupancy to allow 100 sqf per person
  • Range operators will need to fully understand the ventilation system for their range and its characteristics in order to comply with guidance provided by the CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) that is included in the Government guidance. https://www.cibse.org/coronavirus-covid-19/emerging-from-lockdown
  • CIBSE recommends that areas that lack a direct supply of outside air be prohibited from use- this may apply to parts of many indoor ranges
  • CIBSE recommends that operators using “specialised ventilation systems” seek further advice from the “Institute of Local Exhaust Engineers”. https://www.cibse.org/Institute-of-Local-Exhaust-Ventilation-Engineers
  • Indoor ranges rely on a laminar air flow pulled down the range with an extraction system rated 10% greater than the inlet producing a negative pressure down range. The air systems are to be switched on 20 minutes before use of the range and left on 30 minutes after use to remove dust and gasses after firing ceases. The consequence of this system is that Covid-19 in aerosol could be carried down the range and deposited onto targets, filters and range structures exposing users to Covid-19 when targets are changed or during the close down procedures when the extractor fan is still running. Operators will need to include in the risk assessment. In addition range operators should consider not handling contaminated filters for a fixed period of time to allow Covid-19 to “expire”, currently 72 hours
  • Range operators will need to consider the broader implications of Covid-19 on the existing operational and maintenance procedures (including cleaning) as part of the risk assessment process. For example, allow ventilation systems to run 24/7 and increase airflow and ventilation maintenance frequency
  • Indoor ranges may be located in buildings or structures that do not allow the implementation of the Guidelines, for example tunnel ranges or subterranean ranges with no doors/windows to the outside. On ranges where the only doors/windows are located near the firing point end of the range, ventilation may be difficult
  • Operators will have to consider mandating the use of PPE to protect volunteers and users, for example use of face masks and shields, gloves, aprons etc during set up, use and close down of the range
  • Contractors visiting the range to provide maintenance services will require separate risk assessment and procedures
  • Range waste including targets should be treated as if contaminated with Covid-19 which can remain on surfaces for up to 3 days
  • Operators will need to decide if retail activity such as ammunition sales, firearm rental, can be delivered safely
  • Operators will need to decide if training can be delivered safely



Nic Couldrey

20th July 2020

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NRA Affiliated Clubs that operate an indoor range in England during Covid-19 restrictions

The Government published new national guidance for England on 24th February for indoor sports and leisure facilities. Indoor shooting ranges may reopen not earlier than 12th April 2021 as part of Step 2 of the gradual relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions.  Details are available here


Range premises should only be visited alone or with household groups, the Club/range operator should follow the Government social contact rules.  Club officials should be able to demonstrate robust strategies to manage the risk of transmission of Covid-19 and ensure that social distancing rules are followed.  Club officials are encouraged to review and update the Covid-19 risk assessment for the indoor range and supporting range operating procedures.  An example of a generic risk assessment template for an indoor range is attached. Clubs may wish to adapt the template to suit the specifics of the range and shooting activity.

Generic Covid-19 RA for indoor range March 2021

Club officials responsible for indoor ranges may wish to review the CIBSE advice for building owners/managers when reopening buildings following a period of inactivity. The ventilation guidance updated in October 2020 is available here


Club officials are encouraged to regularly check the Government Covid-19 advice available here

https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus   to ensure compliance.

Please contact me directly for further clarification.


Nic Couldrey

Regional Ranges Manager

4th March 2021

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Message to NRA Clubs that operate an indoor target shooting range – July 2021

The Government has announced that most legal restrictions to control the transmission of Covid-19 in England will be lifted on July 19th 2021.  This includes social distancing and restrictions on the size of gatherings.

The Government has advised that individuals should still minimise the number, duration and proximity of social contacts.

Government guidance is available here


Clubs that operate an indoor range are encouraged to review the guidance which includes advice on the ventilation of indoor premises and measures to reduce the risk of transmission in poorly ventilated spaces.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has produced updated guidance on ventilation and air conditioning during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The guidance includes advice on how to identify a poorly ventilated area and measures that may be used to improve ventilation. This information may helpful to Clubs that operate premises that include an indoor range and associated facilities.

Details are available here


Clubs are encouraged to seek specialist advice from the contractor(s) responsible for the maintenance of indoor range ventilation systems.    The CIBSE ventilation guidance for building operators is available here


Clubs operating in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland should follow the advice provided by the Devolved Administrations.


Nic Couldrey

Regional Ranges Manager

July 2021





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General News

New National Shooting Centre (‘NSC’) Website Is Now Live

We are pleased to inform you that the new NSC website is now live at: www.NSCBisley.co.uk

Kindly be advised that this is a different website address hosted on a different platform than the previous one www.nationalshootingcentre.co.uk which was taken down due to malware attacks.

If you have saved the old address, please remember to update and clear your cache if necessary.

You can also access the new site through the NRA homepage www.nra.org.uk

This is the first phase of the rollout of the new website; further updates are scheduled in the weeks ahead.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, if you have any queries please contact: webenquiries@nra.org.uk

Andrew Mercer
NSC Chief Executive

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Covid-19 Update

Coronavirus Update 20th December 2020 Bisley Ranges in Tier 4


The Government has imposed further restrictions under a new Tier 4 on most of Southeast England including Bisley, from 00.01 today.

Outdoor shooting ranges can remain open in Tier 4 areas, for members of one household, or two individuals from separate households.

Please check Tier 4 restrictions before travelling to Bisley; see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tier-4-stay-at-home


Bisley Rifle Ranges

All ranges will be closed to civilian shooting from Sunday 20th December 2020 to Tuesday 5th January 2021 inclusive.

From Wednesday 6th January 2021 targets are available, Wednesdays to Sundays only, on an hourly basis for electronic targets on Century and Stickledown only. The Zero range will operate as usual.

Targets can be booked for a maximum of two individual shooters per hour. NRA members and affiliated clubs with existing target bookings from Wednesday 6th January 2020 will be contacted by the Range Office.


Bisley Shooting Ground

Cottesloe Heath re-opens Monday 21st December 2020 for bookings for a maximum of two individuals from separate households, or for individuals from the same household. For Christmas and New Year opening hours and contact details https://www.bisleyshooting.com/contact/?t=1608465940561


National Clay Shooting Centre (NCSC)

NCSC re-opens Wednesday 23rd December 2020; squads must be pre-booked for a maximum of two shooters. Clays café will be closed. For Christmas and New Year opening hours and contact details see https://www.nsc-clays.co.uk/

The rifle ranges and Bisley Shooting Ground / National Clay Shooting Centre shotgun ranges will operate under NRA / NSC COVID secure procedures; for further details see https://nra.org.uk/covid-update-for-shooters-at-bisley/  These will be updated so please check before travelling to Bisley.

The NRA office are open up to midday Thursday 24th December, and from Monday 4th January 2021.

Finally I hope you have a Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year. We will be glad to see the back of 2020, and look forward to a happier 2021.



Andrew Mercer

Secretary General, National Rifle Association

Chief Executive, National Shooting Centre

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General News

Sponsored headsets for NRA Range & Competition Staff

Talking Headsets Ltd have generously sponsored a supply of  SWATCOM Active8 electronic headsets for the NRA Range Services and Competition teams working across the range complex throughout the year.

This professional family business based on the south coast is strongly committed to ongoing investment in the development of high quality communication solutions. They have the latest and most sophisticated passive and electronic hearing protection, head safety equipment, two-way communications headsets and wireless hands-free full-duplex communications and are keen to support the NRA and the shooting community.

Their newly developed SWATCOM Active8 waterproof electronic headsets have ASIC digital electronics which offer 360 degree stereo sound reproduction to enhance situational awareness and audio clarity whilst giving optimum personnel hearing protection.

Keith Foote, Owner and Managing Director of Talking Headsets, said yesterday: “Talking Headsets’ longstanding association with shooting enthusiasts around the world has been further enhanced by an even closer relationship with the NRA. Our family business is very proud to support them with our new SWATCOM Active8 electronic headsets. These will ensure their range and competition personnel’s hearing is protected, they can communicate effectively and are safer in their working environment. As the NRA represent and support the very pinnacle of the sport, it is important that together we help to educate shooters and those around them of the importance of properly protecting their precious hearing for a relatively small investment”.

The NRA expresses its sincere thanks to Keith and the team for supporting its staff team in this way.

Visit their site for further information:

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Membership Bulletin Oct 18




The membership renewals are fast approaching and we will be contacting all our Individual members, Clubs, Schools and Associations in mid-October with the renewal information for 2019.

Our preferred method of contact will now be by email.  We will only send letters to those members for whom we do not hold an email address.


2018 individual membership and more importantly NRA insurance expires on 31st December 2018.

Renewal information will be sent to our individual members by either email or letter in October.  If you have not heard from us by mid-November, please contact the Membership team.

Please renew your membership before 31st December to ensure continued cover.  New membership cards will be sent out by the end of the year.

Direct Debit Payments

For our individual members who have selected to pay by direct debit, the annual renewal fee will be taken on the 14th December 2018.

For those of you who wish to pay by direct debit and save £2.50 on your annual membership fee, please download and complete a form https://nra.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Direct-debit-form.pdf and send to the Membership team.  All direct debit forms should be returned by 23rd November to ensure payment is set up before the direct debit run on 14th December 2018.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a vital fund raising opportunity for charities such as the NRA, and is worth up to £20.00 for each NRA full member’s annual subscription. Furthermore we may be able to collected Gift Aid on four prior year’s subscriptions.  If you pay more than £20.00 of UK income tax in the year than you can Gift Aid your annual subscription; it doesn’t matter whether the tax is paid on your salary, pension or other earned income.

If you would like to donate Gift Aid to the NRA, please download and complete a form https://nra.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Gift-Aid-Declaration.pdf and send to the Membership Team.



The renewal information will be sent out to all CSA secretaries by the end of October, by post.  If you have not received any information by the middle of November, please contact the Membership team.




Individual NRA Members

The NRA produces 4-year SCCs for their members.  These cards are available, without assessment, for NRA members who meets the following requirements:

  • Qualified NRA RCO
  • Qualified NRA Club Instructor
  • Have entered an NRA competition in the past 12 months
  • Have shot at least 3 times with the NRA Shooting Club in the past 12 months
  • Have shot with the F-Class League in the past 12 months


For those members who do not meet any of the above, the NRA can assess each required discipline at a cost of £25 for one discipline, or £35 for two or more.

If you do meet any of the above requirements, please request an certification application form from memadmin@nra.org.uk or contact Sarah Boxall on 01483 797777 ext 162, to arrange an assessment.


Clubs, Schools and Associations

2019 sees the change of the production of Safety Certification Cards for Clubs, Schools and Associations.

All current Club SCCs expire on 31st December 2018.  New cards will be produced annually in-house by the NRA for each affiliated Club member.  Member details should be uploaded onto the spreadsheet which can be found on the NRA website (https://nra.org.uk/safety-legal-and-technical/club-certification/) and sent to the Membership team, either by email:  sccrenewals@nra.org.uk or through the dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/T0BI6S6N3aDzDNgaN1km

Please do send your club members requirements in as soon as possible.  We would like to thank all those CSAs who have already sent through their information.

The team are working extremely hard inputting the data we have received and we will be sending out the new cards to the Club Secretaries in the coming months.




The remaining Guest Days for 2018 are listed below:

 Date Range Sessions
Saturday 27th October 600 yards – Century PM available
Saturday 24th November Gallery Rifle – Cheylesmore AM & PM


Attendance price is £35.00 per guest per session.

Spaces are limited so please contact the Membership team to secure your place – 01483 797777 extensions 162, 122, 138 or 142.

We will continue to hold a suite of Guest Days in 2019 at varying distances.




The next NRA Shooting Club day will be held on Sunday 14th October.  The available ranges/distances are:

AM SESSION                                                      PM SESSION

Melville Range                                                  Stickledown 1000 yards – ELECTRONIC targets

Century 600 yards                                            Century 300 yards – ELECTRONIC targets

Short Siberia 100 yards


Followed by Thursday 25th October when we will have the following ranges/distances available:


AM SESSION                                                      PM SESSION

Century 100 yards                                            Century 100 yards – ELECTRONIC targets

Century 600 yards                                            Stickledown 1000 yards – ELECTRONIC targets

Melville Range


The NRA Shooting Club is available to all NRA members, especially those who have just passed their probationary training.  If you wish to build your confidence on the ranges the NRASC provides RCOs who are there to ensure a safe range and offer assistance.

The NRASC is run on a monthly basis and offers supported shooting on various ranges and distances either in the morning or afternoon.  The cost is £30 for the morning or the afternoon. If you want to use an NRA firearm please contact the Armoury. (01483 797 777 Ext 134, armoury@nra.org.uk)

Remaining Dates – 2018

Saturday 10th November, Thursday 22nd November, Thursday 6th December and Saturday 15th December


Update – Changes to Note

Ammunition is only available for purchase from the Range Office and no longer from the firing point. We have reduced the on-range admin to enable the RO’s to focus on the members and their shooting

Please be aware that lack of bookings on ranges will result in the cancellation of firing points – we will inform you of any changes within a week of the date of the Shooting Club taking place.

Melville Range continues to be poorly utilised by our Shooting Club members and we may look at removing this as an option altogether – members who wish to use Melville can do so on a ‘casual’ basis by booking in the Range Office and shooting on Bay A which is always available for casual shooters.


Logging your Shooting History

Do remember that you can log your shooting at Bisley online, either in the Range Office or at home, which will help you to maintain your records for FAC renewals.  Please ensure you record on the day of shooting as it cannot be entered retrospectively.

Please contact the Membership Team if you need any help setting up your online login.




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Scotland Clubs

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