1 day till Imperial 155


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⏰ 1 Day till entries open

Featuring an unchanged programme from 2023, our 155th Imperial Meeting will conclude on Saturday 27th July with the crowning of the next King’s prize winner.
Thursday 18th: Opening Shot, Schools Veterans
Friday 19th: Admiral Hutton, Century, Astor County Finals, Cadet International, United Hospitals, U25 HC Invitational
Saturday 20th: Conan Doyle, Daily Telegraph, Donegall
Sunday 21st: Alexandra, Corporation, Daily Mail
Monday 22nd: Duke of Cambridge, Prince of Wales, Times
Tuesday 23rd: Lovell, St George’s Stage 1, Wimbledon
Wednesday 24th: HM King’s Prize Stage 1, Cadet & Service, Inter-Service and County Long Range
Thursday 25th: St George’s Stage 2, Cadet & Service, Inter-Service and County Short Range, National, Overseas, Junior Overseas
Friday 26th: Barlow, King’s Consolation, Stickledown, HM King’s Prize Stage 2, St George’s Final, Kolapore, Junior Kolapore, UKAF v HC, Chancellors, Musketeers & U25 Teams
Saturday 27th: Howard Wilkinson, PW Richardson, Mackinnon, Junior Mackinnon & Universities Long Range, Parting Shot, HM King’s Prize Final
A number of competitions and aggregate offer prizes in each of the 4 Class (X,A,O,T). We are pleased to announce that Toye, Kenning and Spencer are now the sponsors of the sighters aggregate, and have generously increased the prizemoney in each class
For full details please visit: online.nra.org.uk/imp155-tr

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