Useful Links

  • National Shooting Centre Clays

    The NCSC superb layouts, built for the 2002 Commonwealth Games are equipped with 72 Mattarelli traps and offer impressive facilities for clay shooters of all abilities. The facilities include computer controlled scoring, trap sequencing, acoustic release (on all layouts) and covered stands, all of this against the backdrop of over 3000 acres of unspoilt Surrey heathland.

  • Air Cadets 

  • Bedworth and District Air Rifle League 

    Home Page for Bedworth and District Air Rifle League, Matches on Tuesday nights and start at around 8.00pm and usually finish before 11.00pm. The competitions are shot indoors at a range of 6 yards on standard bell targets (3/8″ dia bull) with occasional matches shot on 6 yard paper targets for individual cup competitions. The air rifles are 0.177″ (4.5mm) Calibre. (No Field target Rifles allowed under League Rules) League Meetings are on 1st Wednesday of the month at the League Headquarters IMPORTANT: All persons taking part in the “Bedworth & District Air Rifle League” do so entirely at their own risk.

  • Bisley Field Targets Organisation 

    The Bisley Field Target Organisation Air Rifle & Pistol Club (BFTO AR & PC) website has been set up for providing information for potential new members as well as existing members. The Club provides a safe and attractive open air environment where both paper and metal silhouette targets can be shot.

  • British Shooting Sports Council 

  • British Schools Small-Bore Rifle Association 

    The BSSRA offers Small-Bore Rifle Competitions for both School and Veterans Teams

  • Campaign for Shooting 

    The campaign for shooting is part of the Countryside Alliance.

  • Clay Pigeon Shooting Association 


    The National body representing Civil Servants and former Civil Servants envolved in all Shooting Sports across the country.

  • Council for Cadet Rifle Shooting 

    CCRS acts as a central body, which can speak with authority and give advice on cadet shooting matters. Its responsibilities, exercised with the approval of the Ministry of Defence, include liaison between other representative shooting authorities and units of the pre-Service cadet organisations and the dissemination of information on shooting matters effecting cadets. In addition to arranging and administering shooting competitions, postal matches, coaching courses and other shooting events for cadets at schools and units in the Commonwealth, CCRS also provides administrative support for cadet teams selected to represent Great Britain in National and International matches, both at home and overseas.

  • Countryside Alliance

  • Disabled Shooting Project 

    Target shooting is the most accessible and inclusive of all mainstream sports – this is the Disabled Shooting Project’s key message. Our role is to help as many people as possible to enjoy this great sport, either by helping them into it, or by helping them to stay in it.

  • GB 300m Shooting website 

  • Great Britain Under 25 (Target Rifle) 

    Great Britain Under 25 website. Contains information on tours, past matches, previous Captains as well as upcoming events.

  • Guernsey Rifle Club 

  • HARC Miniature League 

    The Historic Arms Resource Centre

  • Herts and Essex Shooting Association 

  • Jersey Rifle Association 

  • Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain 

    The MLAGB was formed in 1952 and is the Governing Body for muzzle loading within the UK. Its objectives are to encourage an interest in muzzle loading firearms; to promote, regulate and safeguard their use; and to preserve their freedom of collection.

  • National Rifle Club of Scotland 

    The National Rifle Club of Scotland was founded in 1872 for the encouragement and development of scientific long range rifle shooting. The Club represents Scotland in long range Match Rifle shooting, in particular for the Elcho Match which is shot at Bisley at 1000, 1100 and 1200 yards. The home range in Scotland is at Blair Atholl which has firing points going back to 1233 yards.

  • National Small-bore Rifle Association 

  • Northern Ireland Practical Shooting Confederation 

    NIPSC is the Regional Directorate for IPSC shooting in Northern Ireland and is one of 94 regions that span the globe as part of the International Practical Shooting Confederation.

    NIPSC is recognised by the Northern Ireland Government, the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Ministry of Defence as the governing body for the sport of IPSC Shooting in Northern Ireland. IPSC competition differs from most other forms of target shooting in that a variety of target types are used. These include paper and steel, stationary and moving, scoring and penalty targets. There is no fixed way in which these targets must be arranged. A competition organiser creates a number of courses of fire or ?stages? each using different numbers and arrangements of targets, to create a shooting challenge that the competitor has to solve as accurately and as rapidly as possible.

  • Scottish Rifle Association 

  • Scottish Smallbore Rifle Association 

    The Scottish Smallbore Rifle Association is the Scottish governing body for the Olympic and Commonwealth sports of smallbore and air rifle target shooting. There are three disciplines within that remit – Smallbore Prone Rifle, Smallbore 3-Positions Rifle and Air Rifle – each held separately for men and women at international level.

  • Skeet shooters aims: are to bring together in one portal …all the best of whats been written already, together with news, views and general information about skeet shooting. We hope the site will be of interest to the new shooter, the shooter new to skeet as well as those of you who are already hooked on one of the most exciting of the clay shooting disciplines.

  • The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) 

    BASC is a professional organisation representing members from every branch of shooting. We care passionately about our sport. The shooting men and women of the past have handed down a legacy which we are determined to pass on, in turn, to those who will come after us.

  • The Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association 

    The Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association was founded in 1973 to encourage the preservation of breechloading firearms and to foster study of all the aspects from the aesthetics of the sporting gunmaker and engraver’s art to the functional equipment of the soldier or target shooter. Arms have always played a central role, not just in military and social history, but in technological an industrial development, art and culture. Great Britain has been in the forefront of the development of the modern firearm. Since its inception, the H.B.S.A. has taken a leading role in ensuring that the nation?s heritage of arms and the interests of its collectors are protected under the law, and has been successful in its aims at both national and European levels. It also provides an unparalleled source of information for those involved in the legislative process, and holds symposia at national and international levels. The Association has been organised on a national and regional basis. It is a member of F.E.S.A.C., the Federation of European Societies of Arms Collectors. It is also a Home Office Approved Rifle Club. Membership is by election, and it offers two classes of full membership, which require active participation, corresponding membership for supporters at home or overseas, institutional membership and club affiliation. Details about membership or branches may be obtained from: BCM HBSA, The Hon Secretary, LONDON, WC1N 3XX

  • United Kingdom Benchrest Association 

    The United Kingdom Benchrest Association was established in 1993 to promote American-style benchrest shooting in the UK. We shoot benchrest at 100, 300 and 1000 yards using the facilities at Diggle Ranges in the north west.

  • Vintage Arms Association 

    A vintage firearm is any smallarm which was in production or experimental before the end of the year 1945 AD, or any design variation of such a smallarm in which no improvement in accuracy has been effected by the design change. Accurate reproductions of an original are acceptable.

    The Objects of the Association are to foster an interest in vintage firearms and support the possession and use of vintage and modern firearms whether for competition or practice in accordance with Home Office conditions and approval by encouraging; a) the attainment of skill in the use of such weapons so that members will be better able to serve their country in time of peril, by providing facilities for range practice and organising suitable competitions, b) the preservation and collecting of such weapons by members, and c) an exchange of information on the construction, history and use of various weapons through the periodical newsletter or Journal.

  • Welsh Rifle Association 

    The Welsh Rifle Association are the governing body for fullbore shooting in Wales