Northern Ireland Clubs

  • Clandeboye, Bangor & District Ulster Special Constabulary Rifle Club

    Club based in Northern Ireland

  • Comber Rifle Club

    Based in Northern Ireland.

  • Delta Full Bore Club

  • Dungannon Rifle & Pistol Club

    Dungannon Rifle & Pistol Club was founded over 30 years ago as a smallbore rifle club.
    Since that time the Club has expanded considerably both in membership and in the disciplines catered for.

  • Dunnyboe Target Club

    Smallbore rifle club based in Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

  • Ex Services Pistol & Rifle Club

    Fullbore rifle club based in Northern Ireland.

  • Minehill Target & Sporting Club

    We are a small friendly club based in County Down, Northern Ireland.
    Both visitors and new members of all ages are always welcome.
    Email: Attn: Eric Rosborough

  • Northern Ireland Target Sports Association

    NITSA is one of the largest Pistol and Rifle Clubs in the North of Ireland our two ranges are located 7 miles north of Newry Co.
    Down and within yards of the main Belfast to Dublin Road. We have around 250 members who use a five lane 25 metre range with covered firing points and a fifteen lane range for full-bore pistol and small-bore rifle.
    We welcome visitors from other clubs.

  • Ulster Rifle Association

    The URA is the Governing Body of full bore Rifle and pistol shooting in Northern Ireland and was established in 1860.

    We are a well-attended club with over 500 members who enjoy the sport of shooting many different disciplines.

    Our teams represent the club in competitions both at home and abroad.

    We have our own indoor 10m and 25m ranges and have the use of other outdoor ranges.