Monthly Archives: August 2017

Shoot in Comfort all year round with improved facilities at Bisley

Gone are the days where shooters have to brave the weather and surrender to the elements to practice their favourite sport. Bisley offers the largest Ranges Complex in Western Europe with 14 ranges offering everything from 25m to 1200yards. Bisley is  the home of shooting and the new and Improved Ranges are looking fantastic and

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Disciplinary Committee – Decision

At a recent hearing by the Disciplinary Committee, the NRA alleged that: a. In early 2017, a range user described their status as a member of the NRA to staff in such a way as to give the impression that they were a paid-up NRA member and acting as such, notwithstanding that they were not

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Birmingham Bisley 2018

The event will be shot  on 2nd & 3rd June at Kingsbury Ranges, Warwickshe at 300, 500 and 600 yards. Individual and 4-man team prizes will be available. Please note the date in your diaries NOW! The format will be roughly the same as last year’s. Entry forms will be available nearer the time.

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NRA Adaptive Championship 2017

The NRA Adaptive Championship is a highlight of the Imperial Meeting, with tremendous camaraderie amongst the Serving soldiers and Veterans coupled with a strong competitive determination. Held on Melville Range, competitors use Ruger 10/22s in three matches: Advancing Target, Rapid & Snaps, and the Mini McQueen. An interest shoot is provided by the MLAGB which

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