Monthly Archives: October 2019

The NSC Seeks Independent Directors

National Shooting Centre Limited (trading subsidiary of the NRA) Seeks Independent Directors   The National Shooting Centre Limited (NSC) is the wholly owned trading subsidiary of the NRA. NSC operates trading activities from its base at Bisley Camp in Surrey; the main sources of income come from the operation of rifle and shotgun ranges, sale

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National Rifle Association

Memorial Service for Mark Bradley

A Memorial Service in remembrance of the former CSR Rep Mark Bradley will take place this Saturday 2nd November at 8:15am on the 600 yard firing point of Century Range, Bisley. The Service will be conducted by the Reverend M Chester CF, who led the Armistice Remembrance Service in 2018 where Mark read the Kohima

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Canopy in MoD 1908 Barrack Ranges

Steel Plate Canopy in MoD 1908 Barrack Ranges Members that are involved in the conduct and management of ranges should be aware of a recent issue on a 1908 Barrack Range. The following extract is taken from the MoD Range Advice Notice (RAN) “An incident has been highlighted to us regarding the steel plate in

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Ages Match 2019 Results

Well done to all the shooters and support staff that braved the elements out on Century and Stickledown today! The Ages match is a unique fixture in the NRA calendar, and it was great to see a full compliment of teams on the firing point! The results for the match can be viewed HERE 

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ALTERATION OF SCORE IN COMPETITION – NOTICE OF DISCIPLINARY DECISION After the Second Stage of HM The Queen’s Prize on 26 July 2019, stats staff identified an anomaly recorded on a register card.  Subsequent investigation determined that the score recorded for the 500 yard element of the competition had been altered so as to claim

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Target Shotgun Festival – October 2019 – Results

Thank you to all those who attended the Target Shotgun Festival on 5 & 6 October, we are delighted so many of you managed to get out on the range and enjoy the match. The results for the slug matches on Saturday and Practical Stages on Sunday have been processed and are now available to

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