Monthly Archives: November 2019

CSR Winter League – Sat 4th Jan; enter now.

Civilian Service Rifle League 2019/20 Saturday 4th January 2020 This popular CSR Winter League competition is running from October 2019 to April 2020. All paper entries must be received by midday on Monday 23 December 2019 Online entries are open until midday Monday 30 December 2019 however there will be no online support from midday

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Brownells UK Ltd to sponsor the Phoenix Meeting 2020

We are delighted to announce Brownells UK Ltd as headline sponsor of the Phoenix Meeting 2020. Brownells UK Ltd have been great supporters of this Meeting and we are delighted to be working with the team again. They provide quality gunsmithing tools, gun parts and service to the firearms industry. Together with their US and

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NRA Bisley

Otto Weber

Otto Weber The NRA have been advised of the passing of Otto “The Duke” Weber, a longstanding member, and more recently an honorary member of the City Rifle Club. Otto died on Saturday 16th November, following cancer of the oesophagus. Given the option of further prolonged, uncomfortable treatment, Otto chose to let nature take its

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TS GB team Captain

Notification of GB Team Captaincy.  Nominations for Captain of the Great Britain Target Shotgun team competing for the Limax Cup are invited. Completed nomination papers should be received by 5pm on 5th Jan 2020.   Download Nomination form: > TS-GB Team Captain form

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NRA Seeks New Trustees

The NRA, a registered charity, is seeking to appoint two new co-opted trustees to the Council of the Association (the board of trustees). The trustee board meets six times each year, with each meeting typically requiring a full day plus additional time to review reports. Trustees receive regular email traffic between meetings, which may require

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External Range Booking Conference 2019

The External Range Booking Conference was held on Thursday 31st October at 2pm.   Please click here for the presentation slides.   All other information regarding important dates can be found on the following link:     The main points to note include: Clubs that have ammunition storage boxes must update their stock tally

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Cadet Shooting Centenarian

Lieutenant Colonel Rex Goddard will celebrate his 100th birthday on 6 November 2019 and also a lifetime of involvement with cadet shooting. After military service during the 2nd World War Rex joined the staff of Epsom College in 1948 and – amongst his many duties – was Officer Commanding the school Combined Cadet Force Contingent

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