Monthly Archives: July 2023

GR Nationals 2023

Gallery Rifle Nationals 2023: Saturday 2nd – Sunday 3rd September The GR Nationals features events for Gallery Rifle, as the name suggests, but also events for CSR, LBP, LBR, Target Shotgun and McQueen shooters. The full programme contains the following events: 1020 1500 200m 25m Precision 50m Precision Advancing Target America Match Bianchi Embassy Cup McQueen

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Imperial Buggies

Following an increased demand for buggies to hire this year, we are introducing a pick up and drop off service from NRA Reception to either Century or Stickledown range. This will be available from Tuesday 11th – Saturday 22nd July If you wish to book a pick up or drop of slot, you must speak to

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Gallery Rifle & Pistol HANDGUN Team

In preparation for the inaugural GB handgun team’s World Championships in Sweden (in August), the new handgun Captain, Dave Harris, has announced his squad. They are :   Dave Harris        Captain               Alan Podevin      Vice Capt Andy Wiggins                                 Chris Pannell Dave Berry                                     Matt Peppitt Neil Jones                                      Nigel Porter Pete Watts                                     Steve Lamb Sharon Bowden   Adjutant  

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