F-Class Bulletin Oct 18

Much more F-class news will be covered in greater depth in the Winter issue of the Journal, such as; the report from the main flagship event, the European F-class championships held in September and if publishing deadlines allow, the British Championships next month.

Now that the four-year cycle of the World Championships has begun anew, the NRA has ratified the Captains to take the F/Open and F/TR teams forward to the next tournament , to be held in South Africa in 2021 on the Bloemfontein ranges. David Rollafson will Captain the F/TR squad, while David Kent will be the F/Open Captain, we wish them well in their new posts.

The Imperial was fully reported on by David Kent in the Summer edition of the Journal, suffice to say that it was said to be some of the most challenging conditions seen at Bisley for many years in terms of the strong changeable winds and of course the record-breaking high temperatures. Many of those in attendance enjoyed it tremendously and have been keen to promote the newly-revamped format of the F-class Imperial to a wider audience. Their efforts seem to be bearing fruit; many F-classers have indicated that they would like to compete next year and especially seeing as 2019 will be the NRA’s 150th anniversary. We look forward to a seeing surge in attendance at the next Imperial.

Looking ahead to next season, the Great Britain F-class Association will publish their 2019 calendar of League matches late this year at: www.new.gbfclass.co.uk  the most significant items to note is that League matches will resume at Blair Atholl after an absence of three years, using the GBFCA’s newly-acquired and portable Silver Mountain electronic targets. The new targets have impressed everyone at this year’s League matches at Diggle, freeing competitors from the chore of target marking and making the whole competition much more of a sociable spectator sport.

The GBFCA will be running an introductory training weekend for anyone interested in learning more about F-class. The course will be held at Bisley, provisionally on the 22nd to 24th of March, it covers all aspects of the discipline and is intended to equip shooters new to F-class with the basic knowledge required to compete effectively. To confirm the date and for more information, see the course leader; Mik Maksimovic: mik@mikdolphin.demon.co.uk