Final call for Palma 2023 squad applications: 23rd September 2020, 6pm

Team invitation

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As a reminder following my message below from July, any applicant should ensure that I have received their expression of interest by 6pm this Wednesday, 23rd September 2020.

Jeremy Langley, Captain GB Palma 2023

21st September 2020



Following the very welcome announcement that the Target Rifle Imperial Meeting will be held over 12th – 19th September 2020, I have set the final deadline for applications to the Palma squad at 23rd September 2020.

This will allow for strong performances in this Imperial to be considered during selection.  However, given the challenges faced this year, I would like to reassure those who do not enter this year’s Imperial (or do not perform there as they would wish) that this will not be viewed negatively during selection.

The initial squad size is likely to be around 50.  The first squad event is currently planned for the weekend of 17th-18th October 2020, for which applicants should expect to make themselves available.  Selection will be announced in the limited time following the application deadline.

I expect applicants with aspirations to a place on the Palma team in 2023 to be available for the GBRT tour to South Africa in 2022, which will provide both full representation of GB in international competition and serve as a training and selection aid for 2023.

In 2023, I intend to take a cohesive, well trained and highly competitive team with the aim of regaining the Palma Trophy for GB.  I therefore encourage all who aspire to represent GB at elite international and Palma levels to apply to the squad, whether as a shooter or wind coach.  My intention is to facilitate integration of the GB U21, GB U25 and GB Veterans teams into the squad’s training plans, so I encourage those who will be eligible for these teams in 2023 to apply to the Palma squad also.

To apply, please email me at as soon as practicable, and certainly by 23rd  September 2020.  I will be asking for further information following each application, including within a few days of this notice in the case of existing applicants.


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