
The Imperial Historic Arms Meeting (IHAM) is shot entirely in the Spirit of the Original with historic firearms and equipment appropriate to the period. IHAM offers a great opportunity to experience Classic & Historic arms in action, and works towards maintaining their legacy.

Short range events typically take place on Melville and Running Deer Ranges, whilst a selection of longer range events take place at 100 and 200 yards on Short Siberia

10 Yards

25m Advancing

25m Bobber

25m Dueling

25m Precision

25m Slowfire

25m Surrenden

50m Advancing

50m Precision

50m Rook & Rabbit

Running Boar

Running Deer

100 Yards Prone

100 Yards Standing

100 Yards Three Position

200 Yards ‘Agony’ Snaps

200 Yards Double Snaps

200 Yards McQueen

200 Yards Prone

200 Yards Rapid

200 Yards Standing

📅 Competition Dates

2025 Competition Dates:

Saturday 12th – Sunday 13th July 2025


Draft 2026 Competition Dates:

Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th July 2026


Full details to be published via online.nra.org.uk in due course


Results are achieved by year in our Imperial Results section of the website