Announcement in Relation to Sporting Rifle Ranges

National Rifle Association
Following the expiry at the end of 2024 of the lease to the British Sporting Rifle Club (“BSRC”) of the Sporting Rifle Range at Bisley, the National Shooting Centre Limited (“NSC”) will be taking over the operation of the Sporting Rifle Range. The NSC is the commercial subsidiary of the NRA and operates the other rifle and shotgun ranges at Bisley.
The Sporting Rifle Ranges offer a fullbore Running Deer target, a smallbore Running Boar target, 6 100-yard static firing points and a 50m gallery range. The firing points are all under cover and can be used year-round. There will also be a clubhouse lounge for users of the Sporting Rifle range. The NRA will be upgrading the existing targetry and the clubhouse during 2025 as part of the new NSC operation.
These new arrangements will provide much greater access to this unique range complex. Bookings will be available to individual NRA members and affiliated clubs on an hourly, daily and half-daily basis. The ranges will provide training facilities for police and military personnel. The Spring Action and Phoenix Meeting will also continue at the Sporting Rifle Range. There will be a separate announcement once arrangements are in place for NSC to start taking bookings.
The NRA looks forward to working closely with the BSRC to ensure an orderly transition to NSC with minimal impact on range availability.
Andrew Mercer
Secretary General
Published on:
Jan 07, 2025