South East Clubs
1066 Rifle and Pistol Club
The 1066 Rifle and Pistol Club is situated in Hastings, East Sussex and is Home Office approved for all legal classes of firearm.
We have our own indoor range and shoot monthly at Bisley and the military ranges at Hythe and Lydd. See our website for further information. -
21st Kent Home Guard Rifle Club
32nd/61st Surrey Hg Rifle Club
5th Sussex Home Guard Rifle Club
We shoot at:
The Worthing Leisure Centre
Shaftesbury Road,
West Worthing BN12 4ET
Every Friday at 8.00 p.m. in the Projectile Room
All new members are welcome!
On a first visit, we will explain the rules and ethos of the Club.
Please do not expect to shoot on your first visit.
All new members are vetted by the police which takes four to six weeks, followed by a three month probationary period.
During this period, tuition is given. -
Aldershot Rifle and Pistol Cub
Visit our website for more details.
Army Target Shooting Club
Visit our website for more details.
Artists Rifle Club
Home page of the Artists’ Rifle Club, with shoot programme, application forms and contact details.
We retain no connection with the Artists’ Rifle Clubhouse – please see Mars and Minerva Rifle Club. -
Arundel Rifle and Pistol Club
A relatively new friendly club formed by regular like minded shooters, Home office approved and affiliated with the NRA. We shoot at Chichester Range, West Sussex and Bisley. Disciplines include small and full bore rifle and pistol.
New members welcome.
South East region
Home Office approval 1381280
NRA Membership CSA1925
Ashford & District Rifle Club
The range can accommodate up to 10 air gun shooters or 5 prone rifle shooters or 3 gallery shooters at any one time. Proposals are now being made to construct a 50Metre outdoor rifle range adjacent to the present building.
Balcombe Rifle & Pistol Club
The Balcombe Rifle and Pistol Club was first opened in November 1906.
We are affiliated with the NRA, NSRA, and shoot competitions with the West Sussex and Worthing leagues. We have also had members shoot with the Sussex County team.
A new outdoor range has been recently opened allowing us to shoot 50/100 yard small-bore rifle.
The range is sited in Stockcroft road between the Victory Hall and the Parish Room.
The range is available to members at any time (within reason) but the main meeting times are:Mondays 7pm -9pm
Thursdays from 5pm till 7pm for juniors, from 7pm – 9pm for adults.
The rifles we use are 0.22 live firing, two types:one is the standard bolt action ‘open site’ single shot rifle (normally used for prone deliberate target shooting at 25 yards)
the other is a ‘light sporting rifle’ which has a spotter scope and ammo clip which self loads up to 10 shots. This is normally fired from a standing position, rapid or deliberate at 20 meters.
We shoot mainly postal competitions, in which all members are strongly encouraged to take part. The year is split into summer and winter leagues.
There are also ‘shoulder to shoulder’ shoots with local clubs, home or away, which are normaly followed by refreshments and maybe a drink!
We have outings to Bisley Ranges around 5 times a year, usually Thursdays, with a program of:Clay shoots in the morning (club shotgun available)
A break for a picnic or hot lunch (there are facilities on site)
Full-bore target shooting in the afternoon (the club will hire a rifle from the NRA armoury on site if needed)
New members are always welcome.
Bearsted and Thurnham Rifle Club
Website for the Bearsted and Thurnham Rifle Club. Based near Maidstone, Kent.
Bicester Town & District Rifle Club
Welcome to the Bicester Town & District Rifle & Pistol Club. We have been around since 1906 and continue to maintain high standards of sporting excellence in a number of National shooting disciplines.
Our club caters for many types of shooting including Air rifle & pistol (.177 only), Smallbore (.22LR), Light Weight Sport Rifle ( .22LR), Muzzle Loading (Black Powder) and Centre Fire weapons.
We have an indoor 25 yard range with four firing points at Oxford Road in Bicester and an outdoor range with eight firing points at 50 metres and at 100 yards at Chesterton.
Everyone over the age of twelve (with parent/guardian present)is welcome, beginners and the more experienced.
The club has a wide selection of equipment and weapons for use by prospective members and instruction in the safe use and handling of weapons is given free of charge as is the more advanced coaching required for competitive shooting.
For further details contact Frank Slade at -
Blue Rifle & Pistol Club
Blue Rifle & Pistol Club is a Home Office-Approved smallbore and fullbore rifle, pistol and shotgun shooting club, wiht a difference. We shoot fullbore rifle; practical shooting; Precision Rifle Shooting; gallery rifle and pistol; Extreme Long Range; clay shooting and much more!
We predominantly shoot at ranges in Hampshire and Surrey, but also at partner clubs/ranges across the country. We cater for all skill levels and experience, from beginners to semi-professional shooters.
We have full-time members of staff whose sole job is to organise your shooting. Members are not only part of our community; they are clients too. And with that comes the Blue ethos of unwavering customer service.
As a member, you will be emailed whenever a club shoot is announced. All upcoming shoots are available to view and book on our website’s Events page.
BRPC members also have access to one of the most extensive and varied selection of club guns in the country, all of which can be taken to any club shoot. Check out the list on our webiste!
Get in contact today. You can find us at:
01489 858 133
British Field Targets Organisation
The Club provides an attractive open air environment. Members can shoot modern and vintage Air Guns at a range of paper and metal silhouette targets and enter a range of club competitions.
As a Home Office approved club we offer a safe place to shoot and enjoy the sport.
Please explore this website which contains information on our club, our membership, Field Target (FT), Hunter Field Target (HFT) and the numerous other competitions we run each month –
British Association for Shooting and Conservation Limited (BASC)
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation Limited (BASC) was founded in 1908 by Stanley Duncan, fzs (hon) as the Wildfowlers’ Association of Great Britain and Ireland (WAGBI). The name of the Association was changed to BASC in 1981.
The Objects of the Association are essentially to:
- Act as a representative body for all sporting shooting
- Promote and safeguard all sporting shootin
- Represent all engaged in such sport
- Promote conservation and scientific research and other matters connected with such sport in accordance with the ethics of good sportsmanship
- Uphold and maintain the legitimate interest of members …in particular with regard to…legislation (on) the use of firearms…and the lawful right of every member to shoot at sporting quarry with any (appropriate) firearm.
(a) The BASC vision is:
“To ensure a guaranteed future for responsible shooting sports in all their diversity as a widely enjoyed – and important – part of the life and economy of the country.”
The BASC mission is threefold:
(a) to promote and protect sporting shooting and the well-being of the natural environment throughout the United Kingdom and overseas
(b) to represent members’ interests by providing an effective and unified voice for sporting shooting, provide individual services to members and others, and
(c) to act for the benefit of the community by promoting practical habitat conservation, wildfowl, game and deer management, good firearm licensing practice, best practice, education and scientific research.
BASC has six Strategic Objectives:
(a) an effective and unified voice for shooting
(b) all party backing for shooting
(c) balanced comment in the media
(d) continued opportunity to go shooting i.e. having place, quarry and gun, and opportunity
(e) high standards
(f) good governance
British Alpine Rifles
The British Alpine Rifles seeks to uphold the finest British traditions of pistol and rifle marksmanship, offering opportunities for shooting which are no longer possible within her shores. It counts some very distinguished competitors among its members, but membership is not conditional upon shooting attainment. Whilst B.A.R. has limited opportunities for training complete beginners and recommends that applicants should also be members of other clubs that offer regular practice facilities, in principle it welcomes applications from safe shooters of all levels of skill and experience. Its youngest members have joined in their early teens, and its oldest when approaching receipt of the Queen’s telegram.
British Benchrest Club
The British Benchrest Club shoot fullbore Benchrest competitions every month from the Bisley Short Siberia Range. New members are always welcome
British Sporting Rifle Club
Our objectives encompass fostering competitive shooting with the sporting rifle, working for the greater safety and accuracy in the use of the sporting rifle on the range and in the field, and for the highest standards of sportsmanship and fellowship in both competitive and leisure shooting activities.
British Young Shooters Association
The British Young Shooters’ Association (BYSA) is a multi-discipline organisation set up to make shooting easier for young people of any age or ability level.
We organise training weekends at Bisley Camp and other ranges around the country offering excellent improvement opportunities through training and target time.
We mainly support Target Rifle and historic Service Rifle but will expand into supporting other shooting disciplines as time goes on.
BYSA will also be forging long-lasting links with clubs around the country to help you find a local base for your shooting. -
Canterbury & District Shooting Club
Canterbury Airgun Club
Welcome to Canterbury Airgun Club at Greenfields Shooting Ground. The Club, recently formed, resides in the grounds of Greenfields and provides undercover shooting and woodland target areas for our members. Open five and a half days a week (closed Sunday afternoons and all day Monday), we have the full use of Greenfields amenities including refreshments, toilet facilities and a well stocked airgun shop.
The Club provides a safe and enjoyable environment for informal target shooting including air pistol. Members are enthusiastic and friendly and helpful advice is always available.
For further information, please call 07950 462594 Tuesday to Thursday between 12.00 – 14.00 or inquire within the shop. Application forms are available at the shop -
Caterham and District Rifle Club
Caterham and District Rifle club was established in 1907 and is still a very active smallbore club with over 150 members. We shoot in a purpose bulit range at distances up to 25 yards.
We shoot all of the current smallbore disciplines including Prone (lying down), Light Sporting Rifle (standing up), Air Rifle and Air Pistol. Air disciplines can be shot at 20 yards or the ISSF distance of 10 Metres.
For more information, please visit our website.
Cheriton Pistol Club
Chichester Rifle Club
Chichester Rifle Club shoots fullbore at Bisley and .22 on its indoor 25yds range in Chichester.
Chinnor Rifle and Pistol Club
Chinnor Rifle and Pistol Club is located in the Chiltern Hills area of Oxfordshire.
Explains the full facilities of the club, make up of the membership, disciplines and firearms shot there and a brief explanation of the firearms used at this year-round indoor 25-yard range. All ages and abilities welcomed.
Club-owned firearms on site available for members’ use, from air pistols and rifles to .22RF target rifles and sporting rifles. Member-owned gallery rifles and black powder pistols may also be shot there. Includes other useful links, including an often discounted and affordable web hosting site as used by the CRPC.
For more information about the club, please contact Club Secretary Patrick Twomey (eves.) on 01844-351347 or email -
Chipstead & District Rifle
Cinque Port Branch of Muzzle Loaders
Cinque Ports Rifle Club
Club based in Kent.
Chobham and District Rifle Club
Based in Chobham, Surrey – within ten minutes of Junction 3 the M3. The club shoots air rifle, air pistol, .22 prone, 3 Position and Light Weight Sport Rifle.
The club has 20 yard and 25 yard indoor ranges and 50 yard and 50 metre outdoor ranges. In addition, the club has an active section shooting full-bore at various venues. -
Chipping Norton Rifle and Pistol Club
Chipping Norton Rifle and Pistol Club has a 100 yard range located at Greystones on the outskirts of Chipping Norton. We are surrounded by the rugby club, bowls club, football club and business units.
We shoot smallbore and air rifle from 100 yards and other disciplines such as gallery rifle and black powder from 25 yards.
For all membership enquiries please email; likewise if any members wish to use the range other than on Saturday morning it would be appreciated if you could inform the secretary to avoid any clashes (
For any queries about paying your membership fees please email -
Classic & Historic Rifle Club
Cobham (Surrey) Rifle & Pistol Club
Cobham (Surrey) Rifle & Pistol Club is a small yet diverse and active outdoor club located a stone’s throw from the village centre. Formerly a very busy handgun club it offers .22LR, Turning Targets and Practical events on a Saturday 3 week rota.
Week 1 Service/.22LR
Week 2 Turning Targets
Week 3 Practical
The primary firearms of the club are the pistol calibre lever action and .22LR semi-automatic rifle. To accommodate the developing interest in long barrelled revolver (LBR) and long barrelled pistol (LBP) the club also hosts handgun events as secondary activities. Courses of fire are designed to be appropriate for a particular firearm and activity.
A series of competency checks have been developed for all firearms a member wishes to use in club activities. Training and coaching is given if required. All those wishing to use LBRs or LBPs are required to undertake the club handgun development course.
Ancillary equipment is required for most activities (slings for long guns, magazine pouches, speedloaders, holster, etc). Traditional .22LR Target and ‘Deliberate’ precision events are not offered.
Formal application should be made to the Club Secretary (
Alternatively, for further detail or for existing FAC holders to arrange a shooting visit, the Club Captain Malcolm Dalgleish may be contacted on 01372 272040.
Crookham Rifle & Pistol Club
Smallbore Rifle Club based in Hampshire.
Croydon Rifle & Pistol Club
Croydon Rifle & Pistol Club is situated in Jessops Way on the Croydon & Mitcham borders in south London, Surrey.
Croydon club is cleared to shoot .22LR smallbore rifles up to 100 yards and on our 25 metre gallery rifle and black powder range, various calibres up to .455.
The 20, 25, 50, 100 yard and the two 25 metre ranges have all-weather capability and the two indoor air weapon 10 metre ranges and the 25 yard smallbore range is heated. So our one club has most of the facilities for shooting competitions that you would ever need, all in one place, with no range fees.
We have regular visits throughout the year to the National Shooting Centre at Bisley for fullbore rifle shooting from 200 to 1,000 yards and also shoot gallery and sporting rifle there at 200 yards for pistol calibre rifles.
Please arrange with our Membership Secretary before turning up at the club just so that we can make sure someone will be there to show you around.
Would all prospective members please note that modern handguns have been banned since 1997 and cannot be shot in the UK and would all interested parties please read the FAQ page before emailing or ringing us. -
Deal & District Rifle Club
The home of Deal & District rifle Club.
Deddington & District Rifle & Pistol Club
Deddington and District Rifle and Revolver Club an affiliated target shooting club in Oxfordshire whose objective is to “promote and facilitate the sport of shooting and encourage community participation in the same”.
We have both indoor and outdoor ranges, with facilities for a variety of disciplines. -
Dorking & District Rifle Club
The Dorking & District Rifle Club is amongst the oldest in Great Britain, having been Inaugurated on 22nd October 1900. The Club has its own outdoor range. This caters for full-bore rifle shooting at 200, 300, 500 and 600 yards.
Full-bore rifle shooting takes place at Boar Hill, approximately 2 miles south of Dorking on the Coldharbour Road. -
Dover Pistol Club
Eagle Rifle and Pistol Club
Founded 1966
Home Office Approval – CFP 10/1/7/4/1/2/1/2/3/468
NRA Affiliation – C290Eagle Rifle and Pistol Club is a small friendly Club based at Bisley with currently 25 members who travel from both near and from as far as Nottingham and Bournemouth. We are always happy to welcome new members whether new to the sport or experienced.
The club originated as a “Target Rifle” club but now encompasses most forms of prone rifle and gallery carbine shooting.
The club does not own any facilities and prefers to offer reasonably priced membership fees which are used to pay affiliations, insurance and to fund the hiring of NRA range facilities. There are several food outlets at Bisley which Members can use.
The annual fees pay for 24 shoots per year (every other weekend). These shoots include:
Short Siberia 100 and 200yds
Century 300, 500, and 600yds
Stickledown 800-1200yds
Melville and Winans for Gallery Carbine and Long Barrelled Pistol
Butt0 for Shotgun, Carbine and Long Barrelled Pistol
There are a number of Club Competitions run every year for various categories of shooting.
A schedule of activities is published at the start of the year so that Members can plan ahead. Occasionally this changes if the NRA has to cancel some shoots but notice is given to shooters ahead of time.
In addition to the weekend activity shown above, there are also Member funded shoots organised by the Club on Wednesday mornings. These are very suitable for those who would prefer to shoot during the week or who are retired or such. These shoots can to be on Stickledown or Century with Short Siberia thrown in on occasion and can be quite leisurely
East Grinstead Target Shooting Club
Visit our website for more details.
Edenbridge & District Rifle Club
We are a ‘Home Office Approved’ target shooting club located in the Kent countryside, near Edenbridge in Kent England and very close to Hever Castle Estate. We promote both smallbore .22 target shooting and Air Rifle & Pistol target shooting.
Our Club members are drawn from all walks of life and occupations and take part in both Club, Local League, County and Nationally organized shooting competitions, both ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ and postal.
We always welcome existing shooters looking for a new Club and new challenges as well as potential new members who would like to take up an interesting, challenging and rewarding hobby. -
English Eight Club
The objects of the English Eight Club are to foster long range rifle shooting in the interests of National Defence and in particular to organise the English Team in any International Match shot with the Match Rifle.
The English Eight Club was formed in 1878 but its origins go back to 1861 and the Elcho Match which was first shot in 1862. It was not until 1978 that the rules specified the objects of the Club quoted above which occurred at the time the Club was accepted as a charity (registration number 277108).
The club is based at Bisley in Surrey. -
The English Twenty Club
We are the governing body for english full bore target rifle and gallery rifle shooting. Our role stretches from encouraging and fostering the sport of target shooting in local county regions, to selecting teams who represent England in national and international matches at home and abroad, to developing, selecting and training our commonwealth games team.
The club hosts and takes part in a number of events each year including our own spring open prize meeting, the King George the Fifth inter-county heats and final as well as the annual National and Mackinnon matches held at Bisley each July. -
Enigma Shooting Club
Epsom Rifle Club
For 25 yard prone smallbore shooting in Epsom.
Ewhurst Rifle & Pistol Club
We are the only UK rifle club that exclusively book military Field Firing areas (Live Firing Tactical training areas).
We predominantly use bolt action .50 calibre (.50BMG) target rifles for long distance competitions, although we also compete with most smaller calibres at similar distances. We are also the only civilian rifle club in the UK with a MOD permission to regularly shoot historical large calibre rifles. With over 400 members we are now one of the fastest growing target shooting clubs in the UK.
Range events and competition details can be found here, so if you already shoot target rifle but want to see what you can do at distances beyond the usual 1000 yards, then large calibre shooting might be the challenging sport you’ve been looking for.
We are affiliated to the FCSA USA, and shoot the same competitions as our American counterparts, along with our own UK ‘practical’ competitions using reactive electronic targets which take full advantage of our unique UK military ranges. Some of our members also shoot in mainland Europe and annually compete at the World Championships in Raton, USA. We don’t just shoot the venerable .50, all smaller calibres are welcome at our range bookings, even a .22RF will operate a figure 11 reactive target!
Fifity Calibre Shooters Association UK (FCSA)
GB 300m Rifle Club - Bisley
Articles about 300m. Competitions and results for past 3 years. Lots of links.
Harrow Rifle & Pistol Club
For details email
Havant Rifle & Pistol Club
Visit our website for more details.
High Wycombe and District Rifle and Pistol Club
High Wycombe & District Rifle & Pistol Club operates an indoor 25yard range at Wycombe Air Park, High Wycombe, Bucks, SL7 3DP.
We shoot .22LR, pistol calibres and air rifles and pistols at the club range most evenings and at weekends and fullbore rifles at the NSC, Bisley.
We are affiliated to both the NRA and NSRA.
For further details please contact or look at our web site,
Highfield Rifle & Pistol Club
- Indoor 20yard .22 range for prone, benchrest and standing rifle shooting.
- Indoor 10metre range for Air pistol and rifle.
- Teams and Individuals entered in Local and County Competitions.
- Fullbore Gallery and Target rifle at Bisley several times a year.
Contact email:
Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association (HBSA)
Honourable Artillery Company Rifle Club
The Rifle Club caters for those interested in full-bore (7.62mm) target rifle shooting under National Rifle Association conditions: deliberate, single-shot firing from the prone position at fixed targets at distances between 300 and 1000 yards. The Club has associate membership of the London Middlesex Rifle Association, but currently shoots exclusively at Bisley. The Club owns four rifles of different makes together with spotting telescopes and other equipment.
Season, Fixtures and Training
The season runs from spring to autumn each year and typically consists of five or six half-day practice sessions, three or four matches and the Championship weekend. One-to-one supervision and coaching is also available, particularly for new members.
Other Activities
The Club attends the HAC Sports Presentation Evening where all clubs celebrate the achievements of the past sporting calendar.
New Members
New members are welcome to join the Rifle Club; you need not be a member of the HAC to apply. Costs are kept to a minimum and one-to-one coaching is available. For more information, please complete the enquiry form on the website page.
Ibis Rifle Club
Looking for a small but conveniently situated Club with excellent facililties that holds Club days once a fortnight?
We offer a warm welcome to newly qualified TR and F-Class shooters.
Our membership includes a past winner of HM The Queen’s Prize, National and County standard shooters and members iwth a brod expereince of various other shooting disciplines.
To find out more:
Visit the website:
Visit the clubhouse (look at the website calendar for dates we are open)
Contact us via the website page
Download the club leaflet: IBIS Rifle Club Leaflet
Itchen Valley Shooting Club
Formed in 1971 The Itchen Valley Shooting Club is a Home Office Approved Club located, offering all forms of target shooting in a well equipped indoor range in the centre of Winchester, Hampshire.
The club offers a warm friendly atmosphere to both new and experienced shooters and has one of the most active memberships of any target shooting club in the South of England. -
King's College School Old Boys' Rifle Club
The Rifle Club is able to offer to those unfamiliar with shooting sports a chance to try out various shooting disciplines including; Target rifle, Action rifle, Gallery rifle, shotgun and if you are really keen heritage firearms.
If you are an experienced shooter and would like to come along to one of our shoots, we would be delighted to see you. The Club practises regularly and we also compete in National competitions.
Our Club is based at the Surrey Rifle Association, which is a very people friendly establishment on Bisley Camp near Woking in Surrey.
Leatherhead Rifle Club
Location / Ranges
Indoor .22 range located in Wotton, Surrey meeting two evenings per week
Regular club days (typically two per month on Saturday or Sunday) at NRA Bisley booking for 100 to 1,000 yards
Opening Times
Indoor range
Standing and Bench – 20 yards – Wednesday 1930 to 2130
Prone – 25 yards – Friday 2000 to 2200
Bisley ranges
Dates and time by arrangement
Disciplines and Calibres
Indoor range
.22LR Standing, .22LR Bench Rest, .22LR Prone
Bisley Ranges
Target Rifle, Scoped full-bore Rifle, Historic Rifle, Sporting Rifle
Website address
Contact Details
The Secretary, Leatherhead Rifle Club
Mobile 07802 831073
Lloyds TSB Rifle Club
Visit our website for more details.
Lydd Rifle Club
Lydd Rifle Club is formed from a relatively small group of individuals from all walks of life and a broad spectrum of ages who share a common interest in the sport of shooting.
Although primarily a full bore rifle club our members enjoy shooting a wide range of weapons including .22rimfire, Gallery rifle (under lever carbines), black powder pistol/rifle, and full bore rifle both sporting and target. We also have a healthy contingent of members dedicated to old military weapons from both World Wars.
We shoot twice a month on Military Ranges at Hythe and Lydd with ranges varying from 25m to 900m. On occasions we arrange for a day at Bisley for any members who fancy a change of venue and between our shoots get together for a day at a local clay shoot for anyone who is interested.
Whilst we take the sport seriously we also try to ensure that everybody has a good enjoyable day.
Our aim is to promote to sport of shooting in all its various forms and encourage the safe handling and ownership of firearms by responsible citizens. -
Maidstone Pistol and Rifle Club
We are a small friendly club that shoots smallbore and fullbore rifles and blackpowder pistols.
Manydown Rifle Club
Visit our website for more details.
Marlow Rifle & Pistol club
MRPC is one of the longest established clubs in the South of England. We celebrated our centenary in 2007. We also have our own heated and well ventilated 6 lane, 25 yard indoor range.
Mars and Minerva Rifle Club
Visit our website for more details.
Midweek Shooters Group – CSA1905
We are a small Specialist Club of experienced shooters. We shoot Fullbore and Smallbore mainly on Bisley Shooting Ground and Pistols when abroad. Our disciplines consist mainly of Long Range, Short Range, Chobham Ridges sniper range and Precison/Snap. We shoot every fortnight during a weekday when it is quiet.
Applications are welcome only from ex and serving Military, Police and Specialist Units.
Contact details:
Newport (IW) & District Rifle Club
We are the Isle of Wight’s premier target shooting club. We shoot a variety of disciplines from .22 rim fire through fullbore to black powder and shotgun.
There is an array of silver and other trophies to be won every year. But if you’re not the competitive type, you can just shoot for fun. -
Northwood Rifle & Pistol Club
Northwood Rifle & Pistol Club was founded in 1911 and is one of the longest established shooting clubs in Middlesex, situated in the Northwood/Ruislip area.
For more information, please visit the website.
Novio Magnum Pistol Club
Novio Magnum Pistol Club Full-bore ranges are situated just outside of Chichester, with our indoor range near the town centre.
We have good facilities at the club, with a 25m and 50m outdoor range and one 25m indoor range. The club participates in inter-club, county and national competitions as well as running internal competitions and fun shoots. -
Old Cranleighan Rifle Club
We are a rifle club for former pupils and staff of Cranleigh School, participating mainly in the TR discipline. We are affiliated to the Surrey Rifle Association and National Rifle Association, and we primarily shoot at NSC Bisley. We are open to new members and can provide a friendly and welcoming environment, coaching, and equipment to the highest standards.
For further details, please see our website ( or contact our Secretary (
Old Epsomian Rifle Club
Visit our website for more details.
Old Sergeants Mess Shooting Club
Visit our website for more details.
Old Windsor Rifle and Pistol
Visit our website for more details.
Oxford University Rifle Club
A club that promotes Target Rifle and Match Rifle shooting for current students at the University of Oxford. Our main matches of the year are the Chancellors and the Humphry, both shot at the Imperial meeting against Cambridge. Training for new members begins at the start of Michaelmas term each year. Join the club through the Freshers’ fair.
Portsmouth City Rifle & Pistol Club
Portsmouth City Rifle Club is one of the Districts oldest gun clubs established in 1907. We are located in southsea, Hampshire.
We have two indoor ranges and several other facilities including Prone and Bench-rest. If you are a new shooter then we can support you with coaching. For the more experienced shooter there are matches and competitions to take part in. We are open to new members.
Visit our website to learn how you can enjoy shooting sports at or club. -
Ramsgate 1957 & Dover 1900 Rifle Club
To be found at the far eastern side of the county of Kent, on the Isle of Thanet. The Ramsgate & Dover Rifle Club, is on the cliff top between Winterstoke Gardens (Ramsgate) and Dumpton Gap (Broadstairs), in a corner of The King George VI Memorial Park.
We are a small Club; currently around 50 members, of all ages and skill levels. We shoot Air Rifle, Air Pistol, .22lr Smallbore Target Rifle and .22lr Smallbore Sporting Rifle at the Club, as well as visiting Bisley and MOD Hythe Ranges for monthly fullbore shoots.
The Club is within a few hundred yards of the cliff top, overlooking the English Channel. The range orientation is west to east.The means that shooting is often subject to the local weather conditions, including bright sunrise, strong coastal winds and rolling sea fog.
Reeds Target Shooting Club
We have recently completed a new indoor 25m centre fire range. The range is based in the Medway area of Kent.
It is a 5 lane indoor pistol calibre range, offering prone , standing , kneeling, small bore and pistol calibre rifle at 20/25 yards, plus smallbore bench rest and muzzle loading pistol.
We have also added a dedicated air rifle range.
The whole building is disabled friendly and accessible.
Full details on
Ricochet Rifle Club
We are a small, friendly, successful, full-bore rifle club that takes shooting seriously. A history of the club is published in the Spring 2009 edition of the NRA Journal. We are affiliated to the NRA and the Oxfordshire R.A.
Members shoot at Bisley and at ranges from Kent to the West Country. There are members in Berks, Dorset, Glos., Hants, Kent, London, Oxon, Somerset, and Surrey.
We are a good, inexpensive club for those who shot at school or university that have no ‘Old Boys’ shooting club of their own. We can provide rifles, telescopes, equipment, and above all enthusiasm and training expertise. We have all standards of shooter from ‘keen but average’ up to International. -
Romsey Shooting Club
The website of the Romsey Shooting Club.
Royal Air Force Target Rifle Club
Visit our website for more details.
RAF Small Arms Association
Visit our website for more details.
Royal Navy & Royal Marines Rifle Association
Website detailing contact details, fixture lists and news relating to all aspects of shooting within the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and their Reserves.
Salvo Rifle Club
Salvo (Horsham) Rifle Club – a club for those interested in both .22 and full bore rifle. We shoot regularly at our indoor .22 range in Horsham, and we also visit the National Shooting Centre at Bisley to shoot full bore events. We are based at The Holbrook Club, North Heath Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5PJ.
We number around 35 members including ladies, gents and juniors who participate regularly in two main disciplines: Prone rifle and Lightweight Sporting Rifle.
We welcome shooters of all ages (minors need to be accompanied), and will make our best efforts to accommodate shooters of all physical abilities. -
Shanklin Rifle & Pistol Club
Shanklin Rifle and Pistol Club is the largest premier shooting club on the Isle of Wight. It was formed as a target shooting club in 1903.
The aim of the Club is to promote safe, responsible and legal use of firearms for target shooting. To bring together people with an interest in the many target shooting disciplines. Provide facilities for the individual to receive advice, coaching, shooting practice and to compete against others at all levels (Novice to International).
The Club has affiliation to a number of shooting organisations. Including National Small-bore Rifle Association, National Rifle Association, UKPSA and the Isle of Wight Target Shooting Association. These associations run shooting competitions, training and accreditation schemes for member clubs. The club has a number of Range Conducting Officers and Licensed Instructors who oversee the range conduct, coaching standards and competition shooting. The club has also adopted and abides by, the National Small-bore Rifle Association’s Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults in Target Shooting policy.
From 1903 many types of shooting have been part of its activities, including the following:
- Air rifle & air pistol precision target shooting
- Air pistol timed target shooting
- .22 Rifle & pistol precision target shooting
- Centre-fire rifle precision target shooting
- Centre-fire Pistol shooting disciplines
- .22 and Centre-fire Sporting rifle disciplines.
- Practical shotgun
Single Shot Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club of GB
We are a small friendly club that enjoys shooting old style Black Powder cartridge rifles. We have a programme of relaxed friendly competitions from March to November as well as shooting Long Range (900 and 1000 yards) throughout the year.
If you are interested, take a look at our website and contact us. -
Solent Target Shooting Club
Up to date NRA Approved Training
Specialists in Long Range Shooting
Specialists in Dynamic Gallery Rifle & Pistol Shooting
Regular shooting events held at Bisley National Shooting Centre
Bespoke course books and reference materials with fantastic qualified support
Ongoing training and tuition to become a Firearms Instructor / Range Officers
Flexible booking system so you can get on the ranges when you want to
Social events and guest days throughout the year so you can bring your friends and family to your club
Friendly and supportive environment with comprehensive safeguarding policies in place
Welcoming to people new to shooting and experienced alike
Ongoing help from your application right through to getting your own FAC
Management committee that is committed to its members with great communication
Contact our secretary Chris Baverstock at
South Hants Rifle and Pistol Club
Located in Portsmouth, we have two indoor ranges for smallbore and pistol calibre shooting, and also shoot full bore rifle twice a month on a local MOD range.
Spires Rifle and Pistol Club
Spires Rifle & Pistol Club has been running since 2013 and currently has 30 members, mostly based in the south of England. We offer pistol, small-bore and full-bore rifle target shooting, as well as black powder. We hire range slots at Witney (indoor, max 25 yards), Stoke Orchard (100 yards) and Bisley (longer ranges) and shoot at weekends throughout the year. The club is open to both FAC holders and those wishing to take up the hobby, for whom supervision and training are supplied.
We do not have a website at the moment, but do engage with members via Facebook and WhatsApp.
If you would like to join us, or would like any more information, please contact our Club Secretary, email:
Download more information: Spires Rifle and Pistol Club – Club Overview
Surrey Rifle Association
Founded in 1861 and established at Bisley in 1895 the Surrey Rifle Association operates successfully as both a County Rifle Association and a rifle club, and is one of four clubs at Bisley with full-time staff and “open” Membership.
Thames Valley Gun Club
Thames Valley Gun Club is a small, friendly gun club which shoots both Rifle and Gallery Rifle / Pistol on the ranges at Bisley. For more information, please click on the link above and have a look around the website.
Vintage Arms Association
The Vintage Arms Association (VAA) was established in 1973 for the purpose of encouraging the collection, study, and use of all vintage firearms, including muzzle and breech loaders, rifles, pistols, shotguns and airguns.
The Association fosters an interest in, and use of, all vintage and modern firearms and we promote shooting by means of a comprehensive calendar of shooting dates and structured probation and training programmes for new and inexperienced shooters.
Shooting, including competitions, for both vintage and modern firearms (both full bore and small bore) are held throughout the year at the following Ranges:
Barton Rd, Cambridgeshire (100 to 600 metres)
Bisley, Surrey (50 to 1000 yards)
Horsford, near Norwich (up to 100 metres)
Shrubland, near Ipswich (up to 40 metres)
Crabbe Range, Jersey (20 to 200 yards)
New members are welcome, and more details can be found on our website:
Waverley District Rifle Club
We are a small Home Office approved full-bore rifle club based at Bisley, run as a non profit organisation, with the objective of making shooting affordable and sociable.
We are open to all to join the sport and can provide a full NRA approved training program along with the use of the club rifles and other shooting equipment.
Through the clubs affiliation with the Old Sergeants Mess Clubhouse, you can relaxed after a days shooting in a friendly atmosphere with your fellow members. For more information and to contact us, please visit our Website. -
Wey Valley Rifle & Pistol Club
Visit our website for more details.
Weybridge Rifle and Pistol Club
Visit our website for more details.
Wickham and District Rifle Club
Wickham and District Rifle Club membership is open to all, regardless of age, gender or ability. We do Target shooting at an indoor range based at the Wickham Community Centre on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings. Wickham and District Rifle Club’s was originally formed in 1905 but was suspended during the First World War, the present club format was started in 1944.
The original purpose of the club was to provide the Home Guard with a place to practice their shooting. The club has evolved from the occasional practice night to running two competition teams in the Portsmouth and District Small Bore league and a successful Saturday morning Air Rifle section which attracts a wide variety of participants, young and old (minimum age is 10). -
Windsor Rifle Club
The Windsor Rifle Club is a Home Office Approved Club and is affiliated to both the NRA and the NSRA. With its own 25 yard indoor range in Windsor, Berkshire, Windsor RC is a friendly club and welcomes new members whether they be new to the sport of target rifle shooting or experienced shooters.
Club equipment is available for all members and more details about our small-bore and full-bore activities can be found on our web site together with how to contact us. -
Woodstock Rifle and Pistol Club
Visit our website for more details.