Smallbore Long Range Match


The Smallbore Long Range Match is a half day event run in two details starting at 200 yards and falling back to 300 yards. Any single shot rifle chambered for .22 Long Rifle, Long or Short Rimfire ammunition may be used. Magazine rifles must be loaded by single shots. A sling may be used.

Eligible Firearms: Any single shot rifle chambered for .22 Long Rifle, Long or Short Rimfire ammunition may be used. A sling may be used. Bolt action magazine firearms are permitted, but not semi-auto magazine fed firearms. Competitors can compete in the following classes:

  • F Class Small Bore (FCSB): Iron, magnifying or telescopic sights may be fitted. The forend of the rifle may be placed on a rest or bipod, and the butt may be rested on a sandbag
  • Match Rifle Small-Bore (MRSB): Iron, magnifying or telescopic sights may be fitted. The forward hand may also be rested, but the rifle itself may not touch the rest and the butt may not be rested or touch the ground
  • Service Rifle Small-Bore (SRSB): British or foreign military training rifles such as the Enfield No 2, 8 or 9, foreign equivalents or Morris tube conversions. Iron sights of any type, the forward hand may not be rested
  • Target Rifle Small-Bore (TRSB): As per para 150 of the NRA Handbook


📅 Dates

Sunday 30th March 2025 – CLICK HERE


🏅 Awards

Medals are awarded to the top scoring competitors for each match, in each class, subject to the amount of entries:

  • 2+ entries: Gold Medal
  • 6+ entries: Gold and Silver Medal
  • 11+ entries: Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal
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