Disciplinary Committee – Decision

At a recent hearing by the Disciplinary Committee, the NRA alleged that:
a. In early 2017, a range user described their status as a member of the NRA to staff in such a way as to give the impression that they were a paid-up NRA member and acting as such, notwithstanding that they were not in possession of a 2017 membership card.
b. At the time they had not paid their NRA membership subscription for 2017 and were aware that was so.
c. Those two points taken together amounted to a dishonest attempt to access Bisley ranges.
The Committee found the allegations proven. The Committee further found that the actions, involving as they did a dishonest intent, fell within the bounds of para 544(xiii) of the NRA rules. The Committee considered that lack of appreciation of the seriousness of the offence had been demonstrated, and considered that to be an aggravating factor.
Accordingly, the Committee decided that the individual’s membership of the NRA be suspended, and that they be prohibited from entering Bisley Camp, both for a period of 1 year.
Andrew Mercer
Group Chief Executive & Secretary General
Published on:
Aug 24, 2017