CSR 2017/18 Winter League – April

Start8th Apr 2018



NRA Sharon Baker

01483 797777 ext 208

Rep for CSR

Enter Online


This popular CSR Winter League competition is running from October 2017 to April 2018. The Courses of Fire (CoF) for each individual match will be available nearer the event.

The final Winter League Match is on Sunday 8 April 2018.

Click here to enter online

Click here to download the Course of Fire

Click here to download an entry form

For those new to Civ SR, we run 1-day ‘Introduction to Civ SR’ courses – look on the NRA website here for further details. These are run by highly experienced shooters and involve classroom work and lots of practical coaching on the range.


£ 32.5

All day for NRA Members

Under 25 – 40%

COST TO ENTER £32.50 all day for NRA members

£18.25 Half Day (NRA members) Indicate AM/PM

Non-NRA Member meeting fee £6.85 or NRA No.