
150th Imperial Meeting

Start15th Jul 2019



NRA Shooting Division

01483 797777 ext 208

Download registration form ā†’


McQueen Imperial 2019

Monday 15th ā€“ Wednesday 24th July


The McQueen events during the Imperial Meeting comprise of 7 different snap shooting competitions, all shot at 300 yards in front of the 300 yard shed on Century Range.

For full details of the below events please see theĀ NRA HandbookĀ (Bisley Bible).

All entries are taken on the range on the day, no advanced entry or payment required.

To save time and for more information about the competitions you may download the registration form above.Ā 


McQueen A | Precision

Entry:Ā Adult Ā£5.75 (plus ammunition), Under 25 Ā£5.00 (including ammunition), Cadets Ā£2.00 (including issued cadet ammunition)

Riļ¬‚es:Ā NRA issued sniper riļ¬‚es (see Para 153 ofĀ NRA Handbook)

Ammunition: Ammunition as issued which must be purchased on the range*. Cadets may use military issue ammunition during the Schoolsā€™ and Cadet Imperial Meetings


1st Place: The Entente Cordiale Gold Challenge Cup, a bottle of Piper Heidsieck champagne, and an NRA Gold Medal. Subsequent Prizes List D.

Under 25: A Silver Salver presented by Accuracy International Ltd, a Miniature Riļ¬‚e Model, and an NRA Gold Medal. Subsequent Prizes List D.

Cadet: A Challenge Trophy, an NRA Gold Medal and Ā£10.00. Subsequent Prizes List D.


The McQueen Pairs

Open to any number of teams of two from any riļ¬‚e club affiliated to the NRA,Ā Unit of HM Forces or visiting team (regardless of discipline).Ā To be awarded to the teams whose aggregate scores, each member firing theĀ McQueen A (Precision) match once only, make up the highest aggregates.

Entry:Ā FREE


1st Place: A Challenge Trophy presented by Accuracy International Ltd, 2 Miniature Riļ¬‚e Models, and 2 NRA Gold Medals. Subsequent Prizes List D.


McQueen B | TargetĀ 

Entry:Ā Adult Ā£8.50, Under 25 Ā£5.10

Rifle:Ā Any Target Riļ¬‚e (Para 150, but may be fitted with any sight) or Match Riļ¬‚e (Para 156).

Ammunition:Ā None provided


1st Place: A Challenge Trophy , and an NRA Gold Medal. Subsequent Prizes List D.


McQueen C |Ā ClassicĀ ā€“Ā  Sponsored by Sykes McQueen

Entry:Ā Adult Ā£8.50, Under 25 Ā£5.10

Rifle:Ā Historic (Issued) Sniper Riļ¬‚es. Any riļ¬‚e and sights prior to 1945 designs: the sights and mounts must be in the spirit of the original. Any position, including Hawkins. Only the sandbags provided may be used to support the riļ¬‚e.

Ammunition:Ā Any (see Para 116)


1st Place: The Falklands Heritage Cup, an NRA Gold Medal and Ā£100. Subsequent Prizes List D.


McQueen D | Sporting

Entry:Ā Adult Ā£5.75 (plus ammunition), Under 25 Ā£3.50 (plus ammunition), Cadets Ā£4.00 (including issued cadet ammunition)

Rifle:Ā NRA Sporting Rifles (see Para 159)

Ammunition: As supplied, must be purchased on the range*


1st Place: A Challenge Trophy, and an NRA Gold Medal. Subsequent Prizes List D.


McQueen E (Open)

Entry:Ā Adult Ā£8.50, Under 25 Ā£5.10

Rifle:Ā Any Sniper Rifles (see Para 152).Ā Any rifle that matches the specification of a general issue Sniper Riļ¬‚e by any government, without any alterations or additions.

Ammunition:Ā Any (see Para 116)


1st Place: A Challenge Bowl, and an NRA Gold Medal. Subsequent Prizes List D.


McQueen F (Any Rifle)

Entry:Ā Adult Ā£8.50, Under 25 Ā£5.10

Rifle:Ā Any Rifle within range limits

Ammunition:Ā Any (see Para 116)


1st Place: Selous Challenge Trophy, and an NRA Gold Medal. Subsequent Prizes List D.


McQueen G (Civilian Service Rifle)

Entry:Ā Adult Ā£8.50, Under 25 Ā£5.10

Rifle:Ā Service Optic (see Para 389)

Ammunition:Ā 5.56mm/.223ā€³ (see Para 390)


1st Place: NRA Challenge Tankard, and an NRA Gold Medal. Subsequent Prizes List D.


The McQueen Ace Trophy

Open to competitors shooting in the McQueen A, C and E competitions.Ā Ā The best score in each of the above three matches must be aggregated on theĀ claim card, which must be handed in by 08:30 on Second Thursday.


Special Offer:Ā McQueen A-G: Buy 4 Entries ā€“ Get 1 FREE


*Issued ammunition Ā£10 per 12 rounds of 7.62 GGG 155gr