Target Rifle Imperial Meeting

The 2018 Imperial Meeting

Start20th Jul 2018

Target Rifle


NRA Shooting Division

01483 797777 ext 208

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Target Rifle Imperial Meeting



Target Rifle (TR) evolved from Service Rifle (SR) shooting in the late 1960s. Previously the .303″ calibre No. 4 Service Rifle was used with the addition of precision sights that were adjustable for elevation and windage.

TR involves prone single shot precision shooting using aperture iron sights at ’round bull’ targets at distances from 300 to 1000 yards, with each shot carefully scored, recorded and analysed.


Individual Target Rifle Competitions:

Match Distance Date
 Admiral Hutton 900x First Friday (20 July)
 Century 500x, 600x First Friday (20 July)
 Conan Doyle 900x Middle Saturday (21 July)
 Daily Telegraph 500x Middle Saturday (21 July)
 Donegall 300x Middle Saturday (21 July)
 Alexandra 600x Middle Sunday (22 July)
 Daily Mail 500x Middle Sunday (22 July)
 Duke of  Cambridge 900x Middle Sunday (22 July)
 Champion of Champions Final 1000x Second Monday (23 July)
 Corporation 1000x Second Monday (23 July)
 Times 300x Second Monday (23 July)
 Wimbledon TR 600x Second Monday (23 July)
 St George’s First Stage 300x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 Lovell 1000x Second Wednesday (25 July)
 Queen’s Prize First Stage 300x, 500x, 600x Second Wednesday (25 July)
 Barlow 900x Second Thursday (26 July)
 Prince of Wales 600x Second Thursday (26 July)
 PW Richardson 500x Second Thursday (26 July)
 St George’s Second Stage 600x Second Thursday (26 July)
 Stickledown 1000x Second Thursday (26 July)
 Chairman’s Prize 900x, 1000x Second Friday (27 July)
 Donaldson Memorial Second Stage 1000x Second Friday (27 July)
 Queen’s Prize Second Stage 300x, 500x, 600x Second Friday (27 July)
 Queen’s Consolation 900x, 1000x Second Friday (27 July)
 Howard Wilkinson 300x, 600x Final Saturday (28 July)
 Queen’s Prize Third Stage 900x, 1000x Final Saturday (28 July)
 St George’s Third Stage 900x Final Saturday (28 July)
 Raven 600x Unsquadded until Final Saturday (28 July)


Target Rifle Team Competitions:

Match Distance Date
 Astor County Championship 300x, 500x, 600x First Friday (20 July)
 Cadet and Services Long Range 900x, 1000x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 Cadet and Services Short Range 500x, 600x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 Chancellors 300x, 500x, 600x Second Friday (27 July)
 County Championship Long Range 900x, 1000x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 County Championship Short Range Junior 500x, 600x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 County Championship Short Range Senior 500x, 600x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 Inter-Services Long Range 900x, 1000x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 Inter-Services Short Range 500x, 600x Second Tuesday (24 July)
 Junior Kolapore 300x, 500x, 600x Second Friday (27 July)
 Junior  Mackinnon 900x, 1000x Final Saturday (28 July)
 Junior Overseas 300x, 500x, 600x Second Thursday (26 July)
 Kolapore 300x, 500x, 600x Second Friday (27 July)
 Mackinnon 900x, 1000x Final Saturday (28 July)
 Musketeers 300x, 500x, 600x Second Friday (27 July)
 National 300x, 500x, 600x Second Thursday (26 July)
 Opening Shot 900x, 1000x First Thursday (19 July)
 Overseas 300x, 500x, 600x Second Thursday (26 July)
 Parting Shot 500x Final Saturday (28 July)
 Schools Veterans 500x First Thursday (19 July)
 Under 25 Team 300x, 500x, 600x Second Friday (27 July)
 Under 25 Home Countries Invitation 300x, 500x, 600x First Friday (20 July)
 United Hospitals 300x, 500x, 600x First Friday (20 July)
 Universities Long Range 900x, 1000x Final Saturday (28 July)
 Universities National 300x, 500x, 600x Second Thursday (26 July)
 Vizianagram 500x, 600x Second Friday (27 July)


Individual Concurrent & Aggregate Matches:

Match Notes:
 Admiral Campbell Concurrent: Queen’s First Stage
 Aidan Reece Aggregate: Prince of Wales, Queen’s First Stage, St George’s First Stage
 Allcomer’s Aggregate Aggregate: Alexandra, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Prince of Wales, Times, Wimbledon TR
 Alton Concurrent: Grand Aggregate
 Amazons Concurrent: Queen’s First Stage
 Ambala Goblet Concurrent: Queen’s Prize
 Athelings Centenary Aggregate Aggregate: Lovelt Queen’s First Stage
 Baldwin Aggregate Aggregate: Donegall and Prince of Wales
 Berryman Aggregate Aggregate: Corporation, Prince of Wales and St George’s First Stage
 Brigadier Aggregate: Admiral Hutton, Conan Doyle and Duke of Cambridge
 British Open Target Rifle Championship Aggregate: Grand Aggregate and Second and Third Stages of the Queen’s Prize
 Century Range Aggregate Aggregate: Alexandra, Century, Donegall, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Prince of Wales, Queen’s First Stage, St George’s First Stage, Times and Wimbledon TR
 Clementi Smith Aggregate: Alexandra, Donegall and Daily Telegraph
 Conway Fenton Memorial Cadets: Grand Aggregate
 Donaldson Aggregate Aggregate: St George’s First Stage and Queen’s First Stage
 Donaldson Memorial First Stage Aggregate: Conan Doyle, Corporation, Duke of Cambridge and Lovell
 Elkington Aggregate: Corporation, Duke of Cambridge, Lovell
 Falklands Concurrent: St George’s First Stage
 Fuanthorpe Concurrent: Queen’s First Stage
 Five Hundred Yards Aggregate Aggregate: Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Queen’s First Stage
 Foster Concurrent: St George’s First Stage
 Freddy Payne Memorial Trophy Concurrent: Queen’s Prize
 Friday Aggregate Aggregate: Admiral Hutton and Century
 Fulton Aggregate Aggregate: Prince of Wales, Queen’s First and Second Stage and St George’s First Stage
 GMK Sighters Aggregate Aggregate: Grand Aggregate
 Grand Aggregate Aggregate: Alexandra, Conan Doyle, Corporation, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Duke of Cambridge, Lovell, Prince of Wales, Queen’s First Stage, St George’s First Stage, Times and Wimbledon TR
 Gunmakers Aggregate Aggregate: Corporation and Lovell
 Gurkha Appeal Concurrent: St George’s First Stage
 Hobson Aggregate Aggregate: Daily Mail, Prince of Wales, St George’s First Stage
 Howcroft Newspaper Aggregate Aggregate: Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Times
 Imp Concurrent: Northlands
 Kenya Concurrent: Grand Aggregate
 Loder Concurrent: Queen’s First Stage
 Lord Tedder Aggregate: Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Alexandra, Wimbledon TR, Prince of Wales, and Queen’s First Stage
 Marjorie Keir Aggregate Aggregate: Alexandra, Prince of Wales, Queen’s First and Second Stage, Wimbledon TR
 Monday Aggregate Aggregate: Corporation, Times, Wimbledon TR
 Monro Memorial Concurrent: Prince of Wales
 New Zealand See Bisley Bible
 Northland Aggregate: Prince of Wales and Queen’s First Stage
 Overseas Teams Fund Long Range Aggregate: Corporation, Duke of Cambridge, Prince of Wales
 Overseas Teams Fund Short Range Concurrent: Queen’s First Stage
 Palma Aggregate Aggregate: Conan Doyle, Corporation, Duke of Cambridge, Lovell
 Pavey Aggregate: Admiral Hutton, Century, Donegall, Grand Aggregate
 Police Rifle Aggregate: Alexandra and Daily Mail
 Queen’s Veterans Concurrent: Queen’s First Stage
 Saturday Aggregate Aggregate: Conan Doyle, Daily Telegraph, Donegall
 Savage Arms Aggregate Aggregate: Barlow, Howard Wilkinson, PW Richardson, Queen’s Consolation and Stickledown
 Short Range Aggregate Aggregate: Donegall, Queen’s First Stage, Times, St George’s First Stage
 Stickledown Range Aggregate Aggregate: Admiral Hutton, Conan Doyle, Corporation,Duke of Cambridge and  Lovell
 Stock Exchange Aggregate: Daily Mail, Times, Wimbledon TR
 Sudan Concurrent: Elkington
 Sunday Aggregate Aggregate: Alexandra, Daily Mail, Duke of Cambridge
 Tucker  Aggregate Aggregate: Admiral Hutton, Century, Donegall
 V Bull Aggregate Aggregate: Grand Aggregate
 Veterans Aggregate Concurrent: Grand Aggregate
 Volunteer Force Concurrent: Queen’s First Stage
 Weekend Aggregate Aggregate: Alexandra, Conan Doyle, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Donegall and Duke of Cambridge
 Young Riflemen’s Aggregate Aggregate: Alexandra, Conan Doyle, Corporation, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Duke of Cambridge, Lovell, Prince of Wales, Times and Wimbledon


Target Rifle Team Aggregate Competitions:

Match Aggregate of
 Anstey Queen’s First Stage
 Bank of England Grand Aggregate
 Belgian Daily Mail, Times, Wimbledon TR
 County Championship Victor Ludorum County Championship Long Range and the County Championship Short Range Senior
 Dominion Prize Kolapore, Mackinnon and Overseas
 Families Queen’s First Stage
 Fulton’s Pairs Prince of Wales, Queen’s First Stage and St George’s First Stage
 Gary Jones Admiral Hutton, Alexandra, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Donegall, Duke of Cambridge, Times, Wimbledon TR
 Marlingham Grand Aggregate
 Nobel Junior Kolapore, Junior Mackinnon and Junior Overseas
 Ranelagh Queen’s First Stage
 Rifle Clubs Queen’s First Stage
 Steward Alexandra, Daily Telegraph and Donegall
 Thomas Quaich Musketeers and Universities Long Range
 Universities Aggregate Grand Aggregate