Western Counties

Start14th Apr 2019

Target Rifle


Ian Davison

download entry form


Western Counties Target Rifle Championship

Sunday 14th April 2019



Organiser: Ian Davison – DORSET COUNTY RIFLE CLUB


The event is run under the auspices of Somerset County Rifle Association. It is organised jointly by Somerset & Dorset, and is open to all comers. Entrants will be meeting members of SCRA for the day, so paid-up full members of SCRA may deduct £1 from their total entry fees.

There are Open Aggregates which may be entered by all competitors, and additional Closed Aggregates for those who are paid-up members of Somerset County Rifle Association, those who are qualified to shoot for Dorset under NRA rules, or who qualify under other groupings or affiliations.

Please note that to comply with current NRA rules, all firers must possess and carry their current Shooter Certification Card. You will not be able to shoot without this.



Must be made by post to arrive by Monday 1st April. All entrants will receive their squadding details by post during the week before the competition. No refunds will be made for cancellations unless notification is received before 1 April.

We will be running A and B class entries to ensure a more even spread of prizes.



Competitors must supply their own ammunition (commercial manufacture or handloaded) to NRA specification in calibres 7.62mm/.308 Win (max bullet weight 155 grn), or 5.56mm/.223” (max bullet weight 77 grn).



Sunday 14 April – AM- long range: Stickledown Range at Bisley

Sunday 14 April – PM- short range: Century Range at Bisley

Please arrive early, so you are ready to commence shooting at your Detail Times. It is essential that we start promptly at 08:30 and 13:30 if we are to complete the scheduled competitions.



All sighters are convertible.



We are using private markers again in 2019; the cost is included in the entry fee.


Range Officers

As previously, Paul and Michelle Ballard have kindly agreed to act as dedicated Range Officers for the shoot. Competitor Range Officers will not be required.



Prizes will comprise Trophies, Cups and prizes in kind. The prizegiving will take place in the British Commonwealth Rifle Club clubhouse (next to the Artists) at the end of the shoot. A good number of excellent trophies will be on offer.


Detail Timings

Detail 1: 900x: 08.30, 1000x: 10:30, 300x: 13:30, 500x: 14:50, 600x: 16:10

Detail 2: 900x: 09.30, 1000x: 11:30, 300x: 14:10, 500x: 15:30, 600x: 16:50