Great Britain Rifle Team to Canada 2025 – applications invited

I am honoured and privileged to have been appointed captain of the Great Britain Rifle Team to Canada in 2025. I am delighted that Chris Watson (GC), (Wales and GB) has agreed to be the team vice captain. I am further delighted that Liam Cheek (Ireland and GB) has agreed to be the adjutant for the tour.
I intend to take a mixture of experience and new caps who have achieved the required standard for GB selection. The tour is expected to be two and a half to three weeks in length, taking in a provincial meeting followed by the DCRA meeting in August 2025.
I invite applications to be considered for selection in the team. Please apply by email to:
Applications will be accepted until the BCRC meeting in 2024 and the team will be selected immediately after the 2024 Imperial Meeting.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Paul Gray (Wales and GB)
Published on:
Jul 10, 2023