Imperial Meeting – COVID Update


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It is encouraging to see over 740 entries to the Target Rifle Meeting, which together with the Gallery Rifle, McQueen, Sporting and F Class, means we will be welcoming around 1,500 people to Bisley over the next few days.


The Imperial COVID-secure procedures have been published here, and while most Government restrictions will be lifted from 19th July, we have decided these Imperial COVID-secure procedures will remain in place throughout the Meeting.


Throughout the pandemic Bisley shooters have displayed admirable consideration and respect for the welfare of their colleagues, NRA staff and the wider Bisley community. It is essential that we do not let our guard down now; whilst many of us are double jabbed, and despite the low risk of infection when shooting on our ranges, the virus has not gone away and case numbers are rising rapidly.


Please respect the COVID-secure procedures and instructions applicable in NRA receptions and other facilities, clubhouses, accommodation, gun rooms etc. We all share in the responsibility of ensuring our interactions and social gatherings do not provide opportunities for the spread of the virus.


Some of us may choose to take a lateral flow test every 3-4 days; these are free, highly accurate, and identify the large proportion of people who display no symptoms of the virus. Free test packs are available at


We are excited to be welcoming so many shooters to the 152nd Imperial Meeting; let us all play our part in ensuring it is memorable for all the right reasons.


Andrew Mercer

Secretary General




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