
The Gallery Rifle & Pistol Imperial Meeting comprise of two types of matches:

Unlimited matches: Enter these competitions as many times as you like Thursday to Sunday

25m Precision (Scott)

America Match

Imperial Silhouettes

50m Precision (Free Gallery Rifle)

Cotterill (Sport Pistol)

Multi-Target (Service)

Advancing Target


Timed & Precision 1 (Police)

Team matches: Teams of 4 shooters, scores comprised of concurrent unlimited scores

Grand Aggregate: All entrants are automatically entered. Your highest scores in the requisite matches will combine to form your Grand Aggregate total


📅 Dates

Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th July 2025

Thursday 16th – Sunday 19th July 2026


🏅 Awards

Unlimited matches: Trophies and NRA Medals awarded based on the number of entrants

Grand Aggregates: NRA medals awarded based on the number of entrants

Grand Master Medal: Gold, silver and bronze standard scores are set for most Unlimited events at the Imperial Meeting. Once a competitor achieves a given standard, they will receive the following amount of points: 

Gold standard: 5 points

Silver standard: 3 points

Bronze standard: 1 point

A competitor will receive a Grand Master Medal (Standard NRA Medal) on accumulating the following amount of points:

Gold Grand Master: 30 points

Silver Grand Master: 25 points

Bronze Grand Master: 20 points



Results are achieved by year in our Imperial Results section of the website

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