Launch of new NRA Website

We will shortly be launching the new NRA website; please note the following:–
(1) The website has been designed to suit a wide range of platforms; our research indicates that mobile devices are now used by a majority of users
(2) The structure will facilitate detailed analytics to help us understand how the website is being used and guide future developments
(3) The home page layout should quickly route to relevant content the two main users, namely NRA members / Bisley regulars and those seeking information about target shooting.
(4) The new software is modern, allows staff to update content and enables proper technical support and development.
(5) Some of the functionality is currently somewhat clunky (e.g. search) but will be improved in time
Most importantly It is fundamentally different and may take some users time to adjust to!
I have been assured that the transition will be painless and seamless; however good sense suggests that I should offer in advance my apologies for any unexpected technical problems that may occur.
Andrew Mercer
Group Chief Executive & Secretary General
Published on:
Oct 27, 2017