New E-League Season has launched

E-League 2023/24 has launched
Our E-League is a modernised postal league offering shooters from across the UK the opportunity to engage in competitive shooting. The competitions that make up the League are designed to complement to Club/ practice sessions, and will aid in working towards entering club or NRA competitions in the future
- Competitions: The Courses of Fire & Scorecards are be published ready for you to download for FREE
- Shoot: Arrange a time to shoot the Competitions at your own Club at any point in the three month window – you will need a witness to sign the scorecard
- Submit: If you want to feature on our online leaderboard simply log into the online booking system and submit you entry (£1 per Competition) along with a picture of your scorecard(s) by emailing
Please follow the links below to the Autumn (Round 1) event pages:
- CSR:
- F Class:
- GR&P:
- MR:
- TR (including CTR):
- TS:
Published on:
Sep 01, 2023