

GR&P National Championship

Entries to the GR&P National Championships are now OPEN: As well as featuring many of the popular events from our Action Weekends (Advancing Target, T&P 1, 1020, Speed Steels, Mini McQueen…), this event will also crown the 2021 National Champions in GRSB, GRCF, GRCF Classic, LBR and LBR. To achieve this title you must attain

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Imperial Meeting 2021 – Review Meeting

Having delivered an enjoyable 2021 Imperial we have started the review of the Meeting as part of the planning for 2022. As always there are things that appear in the “could do better” box; the tight supply of issued GGG ammunition that limited late entries to the TR competitions being one example. Entries after the

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Imperial: Procedures for Staged Competitions

Due to amendments to the Target Rifle Imperial Programme after publication of the 2021 NRA Handbook, please make note of the following times for staged competitions – SEE POSTER

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Bisley Ranges – 152nd Imperial Meeting 2021 Competition Schedule

Bisley Ranges – 152nd Imperial Meeting 2021 Competition Schedule   Friday 16 July                     0800 to 1830 Saturday 17 July               0800 to 1900 Sunday 18 July                   0800 to 1900 Monday 19 July                 0800 to 1900 Tuesday 20 July                 0800 to 1900 Wednesday 21 July          0800 to 1930 Thursday 22 July               0800 to 2000 Friday 23

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Close of Imperial Entries

To ensure we have sufficient resources to accommodate all of the individual and teams entries that have been made so far for this year’s 152nd Target Rifle Imperial, we are closing entries to any new or additional individual squadded competitions. Entries have greatly exceeded our expectations. We are conscious that further entries may wish to

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Imperial Daily Details Sheets

We have published a copy of the Daily Detail Sheets for the 9th – 24th July on the Main Imperial Webpage:, but can also be found via the direct link HERE The DDS provide information on the detail timings, which may be different to those published earlier in the year in the NRA Handbook

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152nd Imperial Meeting COVID-Procedures: MR, F Class, TR

The updated Imperial COVID-secure procedures for Match Rifle, F Class and Target Rifle are published here, together with procedures for team competitions in all three Meetings. MR Imperial COVID-Secure Procedures 2021 F Class COVID-secure Procedures 2021 TR COVID-Secure Procedures 2021 COVID-Secure Procedures – TEAMS

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152nd Imperial Meeting – St George’s and Queen’s Prize Stage II & III

Planning for the TR Imperial Meeting is based on a limit of two shooters per target throughout the Meeting. The schedule requires both the St George’s and Queen’s Prize second stages to be shot in single details, meaning the capacity for both second stages is 200 this year. Using the powers delegated by the Shooting

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