

E-League 2023/24

As the first NRA’s E-League Season draws to a close, the 2023/24 season’s courses of fire have been published and are now available to download CSR: GR&P: F Class: MR: TR: TS: Our modernised postal league offers shooters from across the UK the opportunity to engage in competitive shooting

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Coming Soon – Precision Rifle Shooting

Coming Soon – Precision Rifle Shooting 🎉   Precision Rifle Shooting (PRS) is a popular and growing shooting style which involves hitting a sequence of metal targets at varying distances, shooting from multiple supported and unsupported positions. Targets are typically sub 3.0 MOA and positioned anything 250-900 yds, depending on the location and Range Regulations.

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Final weeks of the First NRA E-League Season

⏰ Complete the events and submit your scorecards by 31st AUGUST Our E-League is a modernised postal league that offers shooters from across the UK the opportunity to engage in competitive shooting. The competitions that make up the League are designed to complement practice/club sessions, and aid the individual in working towards entering club or

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GR Nationals 2023

Gallery Rifle Nationals 2023: Saturday 2nd – Sunday 3rd September The GR Nationals features events for Gallery Rifle, as the name suggests, but also events for CSR, LBP, LBR, Target Shotgun and McQueen shooters. The full programme contains the following events: 1020 1500 200m 25m Precision 50m Precision Advancing Target America Match Bianchi Embassy Cup McQueen

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Imperial Buggies

Following an increased demand for buggies to hire this year, we are introducing a pick up and drop off service from NRA Reception to either Century or Stickledown range. This will be available from Tuesday 11th – Saturday 22nd July If you wish to book a pick up or drop of slot, you must speak to

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The 154th Imperial is here!

The 154th Imperial Meeting is here Today marks the first day of competition, with Service personnel currently competing on Bisley Ranges. To keep track of what is going on, view our Meeting Programme via this link, or grab a free copy – now available in NRA Reception or the Range Office:…/NRA-Imperial-Programme-2023.pdf There is still

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Birmingham Bisley 2023 – Post Event Update

24 TR competitors and 10 FTR competed in this year’s Birmingham Bisley at Kingsbury Ranges on 3rd and 4th June. (The number of F-class entries was curtailed by an irreconcilable clash with a GBFCA league fixture, which we shall do our best to avoid next year). We had two dry days with sun on Saturday

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154th Imperial Meeting Programme

The Programme for the 154th Imperial Meeting is now available online via this LINK   Printed copies are in productions, and will be available for FREE from NRA reception in the coming weeks – thanks to the continued support of our sponsors that make this possible For more information about the Imperial Meeting please visit:

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