Coronavirus Update: 2 April 2020

We at the NRA hope you, your family and friends are all well during these difficult times. Our thoughts are with those affected; our admiration for those front-line workers fighting the pandemic; and our respect for those serving their local communities.   We are all coming to terms with the “new normal” that has turned

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Coronavirus Update: 26th March 2020

Membership Services, Armouries and Cancellation of Competitions and Training Earlier this week we announced the suspension of all civilian shooting on rifle and shotgun ranges operated by the National Shooting Centre at Bisley; military and police firearms training on Bisley ranges will continue. Please note the following:- Membership and NRA / NSC Services NRA /

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Coronavirus Update: 23rd March 2020

Suspension of Civilian Shooting – Bisley Rifle Ranges and NCSC   In response to the instructions from Government announced this evening we have suspended, with immediate effect, all civilian shooting on rifle and shotgun ranges operated by the National Shooting Centre at Bisley. To support the armed and emergency forces, military and police firearms training

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Coronavirus Update: 18th March 2020

The National Rifle Association and National Shooting Centre continue to closely monitor updates from the statutory authorities and Chief Medical Officers. Our rifle and shotgun ranges are open and will remain so as long as:- we have sufficient staff to ensure range safety and proper levels of service; there are sufficient shooters to justify the

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Coronavirus Update: 13th March 2020

The National Rifle Association and National Shooting Centre continue to closely monitor updates from the statutory authorities and Chief Medical Officers. Whist further restrictions are being announced, we remain determined that it will be “business as usual” at Bisley. In essence our ranges and other facilities will remain open as long as:- we have sufficient

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Coronavirus Update: 5th March 2020

The National Rifle Association and National Shooting Centre are planning for the potential escalation of the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and closely monitoring updates from the statutory authorities and Chief Medical Officers. We are determined that it will be “business as usual” at Bisley, but instigating procedures to mitigate the risk of exposure to the

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