National Rifle Association
After the Second Stage of HM The Queen’s Prize on 26 July 2019, stats staff identified an anomaly recorded on a register card. Subsequent investigation determined that the score recorded for the 500 yard element of the competition had been altered so as to claim a point not made, contrary to para 308 of the NRA Rules of Shooting. As a consequence the competitor collected a Queen’s badge and a register card authorising participation in the Final. The offence was detected in time to rectify the list of qualifiers for the Final and subsequently to present the Queen’s badge to the 100th qualifier.
A Disciplinary Committee considered the matter, found the allegation of contravention of para 308 proven, and under para 544(v) directed that:
The competitor’s name be struck off the register of NRA members
The competitor be expelled from Bisley Camp.
Notwithstanding that the penalty under para 544 constitutes a life ban, the Committee directed that, were the competitor to reapply for membership of the NRA after 26 July 2029 with appropriate support, such an application would be considered.
The NRA takes such action with regret, and is anxious to minimise the opportunity for this type of cheating. To that end, stronger preventative measures will be considered, and Rules of Shooting paras 348 to 350, concerning the procedure for correcting errors in register cards, the duty of register keepers to enter final totals in ink, and the process that will be followed if cards are incorrectly completed, will in future be enforced. Since these rules provide for deduction of points from both the firer’s and the register keeper’s score, competitors are earnestly requested to ensure they follow the rules.
I W Robertson
Secretary to the Disciplinary Body
Published on:
Oct 21, 2019