NRA 100 Competition scores for 2017

NRA100 2017
To view and download the NRA 100 Scores for 2017 – Click here
Congratulations to Roger Ellis of Wandsworth RC on Winning Target Rife Class and Shane Hancock of Mars Minerva winning Service Rifle Class of the 2017 NRA 100 competition. Commiserations to those taking part who did not win. I hope to see more of you participating during 2018 in what is a fun and unique competition.
The NRA 100 is a 3-Position shoot over 200 or 300yds shooting 4 non-convertible sighters and 10 scoring shots to count in the order: Prone, Standing then Kneeling or Sitting. Because of range limitations on availability of 200yds targets any scores from 200 or 300 shot to the competition rules and on standard NRA face targets can be entered and will be scored side by side. This year’s winners shot at 300yds.
NRA 100 shoots and entries can be arranged by any NRA affiliated club and shot on any suitable range during 2018. The scores + a small prize fund & badge fee of £2 sent to myself to award the winner and prize badges to NRA 100 shoots will be organised by myself and advertised so any NRA or Guest entrants can attend to shoot them side by side.
Congratulations to the 2017 winners, wishing you all good shooting for 2018.
Phil Northam
The North Herts Rifles
Organiser NRA 100
Published on:
Feb 02, 2018