1 | Mr | AH | Abbott | Concord Rifle Club | | Australia |
2 | | BJ | Adams | Spalding RC | Lincolnshire | England |
3 | | MJ | Allender | West Suffolk R.C | Suffolk | England |
4 | Cdt | D | Amin | Epsom College | | |
5 | POA(SE) | TT | Amy | Stock Exchange RC | Cornwall | England |
6 | | AI | Anderson | Oxford University R.C | | |
7 | Mr | CJ | Anyan | Louth RC | Lincolnshire | England |
8 | Mr | DT | Argent | NLRC | Suffolk | |
9 | Cdt | EH | Arthur | Athelings | Kent | England |
10 | | D | Augier de Montgremier | Groupe Mike | | France |
11 | Mrs | G | Augier de Montgremier | Groupe Mike | | France |
12 | | GV | Aust | Barclays Bank R.C | Dumphries & Galloway | England |
13 | Cdt | BD | Austin | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
14 | Mr | CA | Awong | Trinidad RA | | |
15 | JCpl | D | Barker | Malvern College | | |
16 | Miss | SM | Bates | St Andrews Uni. R.C | Kent | Scotland |
17 | | RGP | Baujot-Julien | U.N.C | | France |
18 | Cdt | CM | Beaudreau | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
19 | Cdt | DJG | Bell | Athelings | Hampshire | England |
20 | Miss | KA | Berman | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | Australia |
21 | Cdt | R | Bhargava | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
22 | Cdt | PS | Bhogal | Kelvinside Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
23 | Miss | C | Bisseux | Normandy RC | | |
24 | | SG | Black | OURC | Ulster | N. Ireland |
25 | | D | Blotz | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
26 | Cdt | AJ | Bogle | Athelings | | |
27 | Cdt | SA | Breeze | Athelings | Norfolk | England |
28 | Miss | JK | Brekke | Torfaen RC | Glamorgan | Wales |
29 | | JD | Brettell | Bristol University | | |
30 | Mr | MJ | Brister | Sussex CRA | Sussex | England |
31 | | CA | Britton | East of Scotland R.C | | Scotland |
32 | Mr | PB | Bromley | Old Sedberghians | Kent | England |
33 | | AA | Brown | Edinburgh University R.C | East of Scotland | England |
34 | Mr | AI | Brown | Wandsworth FBRC | London | England |
35 | | EDJ | Brown | Old Wellingtonians | Oxfordshire | England |
36 | Miss | KA | Buck | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
37 | | AJ | Burnell | OWRC | Northants | England |
38 | | MJ | Burns | Oxford University R.C | Berkshire | England |
39 | | JEC | Burridge | British Snipers | | |
40 | | G | Campbell | West of Scotland R.C | West of Scotland | Scotland |
42 | CI | ML | Carew | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
43 | | RCS | Carter | Old Malvernians | Hereford & Worcs | England |
44 | Dr | M | Cassidy | Bombscare 89 | Surrey | England |
45 | Lt Sir | DWD | Cayley | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
46 | | JA | Chapman | LMRA | | |
47 | | DAR | Chase | DURC | | England |
48 | | GSG | Chittock | Leeds Service R.C | Yorkshire | England |
49 | Capt | MK | Chivers | 5 Regt AAC | Sussex | England |
50 | Mr | ASJ | Clark | Uppingham Veterans RC | | |
51 | | CR | Clark | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
52 | | BS | Clarke | Darlington R & P.C | Northumberland | England |
53 | Cdt | V | Cloutier | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
54 | | RJ | Coertze | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
56 | Cdt | CE | Collier | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
57 | SI | E | Cooper | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
58 | | PA | Cordell | Nottingham University | Bedfordshire | England |
59 | Mr | ML | Cotillard | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
60 | Cdt | F | Cousineau | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
61 | Cdt | M | Cousineau | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
62 | | J | Craig | DCRA | Alberta | Canada |
63 | | DB | Croxford | OURC | | England |
64 | LCpl | TE | Crump | Malvern College | | |
65 | | MR | Culbertson Jr | | | United States of America |
66 | Mr | JA | Cummings | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
67 | | RAJ | Dabson | Old Wellingtonians | Berkshire | England |
68 | Sgt | GC | Davies | R.G.S Guildford | Surrey | England |
69 | Flt Lt | SG | Davies | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | Great Britain |
70 | | MP | Davis | C.U.R.A | Gloucestershire | United Kingdom |
71 | | RA | Dawson | Roseville | | South Africa |
72 | Off Cdt | NJ | Dehnel | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
73 | | ALJM | Derks | IRC Holland | Noord-Holland | Holland |
74 | Cdt | I | Desrochers | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
75 | Cdt | CW | Dewar | Athelings | | Scotland |
76 | | C | Dewhurst | Leeds Service R.C | Yorkshire | England |
77 | Cdt | K | Dobie | RCAC Bisley Team | | |
78 | Cdt | E | Dubreuil | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
79 | Mr | PD | Dudzinski | Canada | | Canada |
80 | | TJ | Duncan | East Grinstead TSC | Sussex | |
81 | Mrs | BA | Dyas | Greensleeves | Gloucestershire | England |
82 | Miss | REA | Eatwell | Sussex CRA | Sussex | England |
83 | | DA | Eckles | Old Oakhamians RC | | |
84 | Mr | MJ | Ensor | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | England |
85 | Cdt | LK | Evans | Cranbrook School | Kent | England |
86 | Cdt | PD | Eyre | Elizabeth College | | United Kingdom |
87 | | MG | Farnan | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
88 | Cdt | WG | Feardon | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
89 | Mr | IJ | Ferreira | NLRC | County of London | England |
90 | Mr | DE | Fields | Guyana NRA | | West Indies |
91 | Mr | RB | Fields | Guyana NRA | | Guyana |
92 | | AT | Finch | A.T.R.C. | | |
93 | Mid | MJ | Flegg | NACRA | | |
94 | | A | Forsyth | Bromsgrove R.C | Hereford & Worcs | |
95 | Cdt | JA | Forsyth | Athelings | Cumbria | England |
96 | | PL | Foster | Edinburgh University R.C | Berkshire | England |
97 | Maj (Retd) | SB | Fraser | Somerset R.A | Somerset | England |
98 | | RJ | Friesen | DCRA | British Columbia | Canada |
99 | Mr | AGM | Fyfe | Uppingham Veterans RC | Surrey | Scotland |
100 | | TM | Gadsby | LMRA | Hampshire | England |
101 | | RJ | Gamboa | USA National | | United States of America |
102 | Mr | CA | Ganter | DCRA | | Canada |
103 | Sgt | S | Garbutt | RMRA | | |
104 | Mr | PH | Gardner | Fareham R & PC | Hampshire | England |
105 | | MRT | Garnier | NRA | Hereford & Worcs | England |
106 | Cdt | H | Gauthier | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
107 | Mr | EG | Gauvin | Canada | | Canada |
108 | Mr | AJT | Gemmill | West Suffolk RC | Suffolk | England |
109 | Mr | GMLN | Gilpin | NRA | Devon | Ireland |
110 | Cllr | JK | Glen | NLRC | Hampshire | Scotland |
111 | | PJ | Glenton | OURC | | |
112 | | JRJ | Goddin | Bath University R.C | Somerset | England |
113 | Mr | J | Golling | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
114 | Cdt | PA | Gorsuch | Sevenoaks School | Sussex | England |
115 | Cdt | R | Gougeon | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
116 | | CH | Gough | Bath University R.C | | |
117 | Cdt | BA | Grant-Jones | Athelings | Bedfordshire | Wales |
118 | Mr | J | Grant-Jones | ATSC | | |
119 | Miss | DL | Griffin | Horsham | Sussex | England |
120 | Mrs | AI | Gravett-Hakim | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
121 | Dr | CD | Haley | OCRA | London | England |
122 | Mr | NP | Haley | WRA Bromsgrove | | Wales |
123 | Cdt | M | Halliday | URA | Ulster | Ireland |
124 | | GF | Hallidie | O.G.R.E | Norfolk | England |
125 | Mr | V | Hanna | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
126 | UO | MR | Harbour | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
127 | Cdt | NCB | Harden | URA | Ulster | Ireland |
128 | | AW | Harriss | Ibis R.C | Worcestershire | England |
129 | | RK | Hawley | OCRA | County of London | Ireland |
130 | | MW | Hayden | NLRC | Northants | England |
131 | Mr | JWT | Headon | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | |
132 | Mr | S | Heard | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
133 | Capt | FA | Hearn | A.T.S.C | Hertfordshire | England |
134 | Cdt | WA | Herdman | Dollar Academy | | |
135 | | A | Herron | East of Scotland R.C | East of Scotland | Ireland |
136 | Mr | C | Herter | | | Germany |
137 | Major | P | Heyburn | A.T.R.C. | Ulster | Ireland |
138 | | LLDL | Hibbert | Suffolk CRA | Suffolk | England |
139 | Mr | S | Hijman | IRC Holland | | Netherlands |
140 | | JAR | Hodge | Old Epsomians | Surrey | Scotland |
141 | Mr | RM | Hodgins | NRA | | Ireland |
142 | | MI | Hohenberg | U.L.R.C | Surrey | England |
143 | | OJ | Holbrook | DCRA | | Canada |
144 | Mr | C | Hughes | Irish Rifle Club | Tyne & Wear | Ireland |
145 | | GC | Hulbert | | | |
146 | Mrs | CE | Jeens | OGRE | | Wales |
147 | Cdt | DT | Jackson | Gresham's R.C | Essex | England |
148 | Dr. | MP | James | OCRA | County of London | |
149 | Mr | RCT | Jeens | Welsh RA | London | England |
150 | Miss | HA | Jenkins | OURC | Kent | England |
151 | | PC | Jess | Dungannon | Tyrone | Ireland |
152 | Mr | JI | Jobson | NRA | | Wales |
153 | Mr | MHH | John | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
154 | Dr | CI | Johnston | ATSC | Sussex | Ireland |
155 | Mr | IT | Jones | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
156 | Cdt | J | Kellington | RCAC Bisley Team | Saskatchewan | Canada |
157 | Mr | CP | Kelsey | Uppingham Veterans RC | Yorkshire | England |
158 | Mr | JCT | Kent | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
159 | Mrs | SV | Luckman | Old Epsomian RC | Somerset | England |
160 | Mr | TJ | Smith | English VIII | Cambridgeshire | England |
161 | Sgt | S | Kerr | 111 (Sunderland) Sqn | County Durham | England |
162 | Cpl | S | Kingdom | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | Glamorgan | Wales |
163 | | JA | Kirby | W.R.A | Glamorgan | Wales |
164 | | DAH | Klingebiel | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
165 | | JH | Klopper | South African U25 | | South Africa |
166 | Cdt | PM | Koronka | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
167 | Cpl | IK | Laine | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
168 | | IR | Larsen | Hamilton | | New Zealand |
169 | | CW | Lauterbach | SA Junior | | South Africa |
170 | | CH | Lawson | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | Wales |
171 | Cdt | JF | Lawson | Athelings | Yorkshire | England |
172 | Cdt | PD | Lawson | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
173 | Mr | AJ | Leech | NLRC | Hampshire | England |
174 | | RW | LePrevost | Guernsey R.C | | Channel Islands |
175 | Cdt | C | Linehan | RCAC Bisley Team | Newfoundland | Canada |
176 | | DB | Lubbe | South Africa | | South Africa |
177 | | D | Lynagh | Heriot-Watt URC | Ulster | Ireland |
178 | | BW | MacDonald | | Manitoba | Canada |
179 | C/c | P | Mandaron | U.N.C | | France |
180 | | MG | Marchetti | St Andrews Uni. R.C | Kent | Scotland |
181 | Sgt | RJ | Marshall | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
182 | | CDA | Mattey | OURC | Surrey | England |
183 | | TA | McCallum | Falkland Islands R.A. | | Falkland Islands |
184 | Ms | SR | McCullough | URA | Ulster | N. Ireland |
185 | | FE | McDermott | Mosman-Neutral Bay R.C | | Australia |
186 | Mr | CN | McEachran | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
187 | Miss | J | McEachran | East of Scotland R.C | East of Scotland | Scotland |
188 | Mrs | VR | Measures | Old Oakhamians RC | Lincolnshire | England |
189 | CdtSgt | FLS | Medlycott | Uppingham Veterans RC | Yorkshire | |
190 | Miss | JH | Messer | NLRC | Sussex | England |
191 | Cpl | T | Metcalf | A.T.R.C. | Ulster | Ireland |
192 | Mr | AG | Mitchell | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | Ireland |
193 | | AP | Moller | South Africa | Gauteng North | South Africa |
194 | L Col | WJ | Molnar | Canada | | Canada |
195 | | RJ | Moncur | Old Wellingtonians | Northumberland | England |
196 | Ms | BM | Moore | West Suffolk RC | Suffolk | England |
197 | Cdt | JB | Moreton | Athelings | Gloucestershire | England |
198 | Mr | GW | Morgan | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
199 | | SEN | Mortenson | OURC | Oxfordshire | |
200 | | G | Mortimer | W.R.A | Oxfordshire | Wales |
201 | Mr | CJ | Morton | RAFTRC | Hampshire | England |
202 | Mr | SJ | Morton | RAFTRC | | |
203 | | P | Mowat | R.A.F.T.R.C | | Scotland |
204 | Mr | DS | Murray | DCRA | | Canada |
205 | Mr | HDC | Murray | Dursley | Gloucestershire | |
207 | Mr | CJ | Napier | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
208 | WO2 | KP | Nixon | A.T.R.C. | | |
209 | Mr | JJ | Norman | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
210 | | AT | Nussey | East of Scotland R.C | | Scotland |
211 | | J | Orpen-Smellie | Porthcawl RC | | Wales |
212 | Cdt | DWS | Osborne | Dollar Academy | | |
213 | | GD | Paetkau | Canada | Manitoba | Canada |
214 | | CD | Pask | C.U.R.A | | England |
215 | Miss | EJ | Paton | Nottingham University | | |
216 | Cpl | I | Patton | A.T.R.C. | Ulster | Ireland |
217 | Mr | RG | Pears | CURA | Yorkshire | England |
218 | Mr | S | Pearson | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
219 | Cpl | PI | Perry | RAF Air Cmd | Oxfordshire | England |
220 | | RA | Pitcairn | Canada | | Canada |
221 | | RL | Pitcher | Jersey R.C | | Jersey |
222 | | RT | Pollock | 89 Athelings | | England |
223 | | CGH | Pope | Wandsworth F.B.R.C | Surrey | England |
224 | | SR | Pope | Nottingham University | Sussex | |
225 | Mr | DR | Pote | NRA | Berkshire | England |
226 | Cdt | GF | Pott | Gresham's R.C | Suffolk | England |
227 | Mr | JL | Poulin | DCRA | | Canada |
228 | Mr | A F | Powell | Katandra RC | | Australia |
229 | Mrs | UA | Powell | Sussex CRA | Kent | England |
230 | | AJ | Purvey | Bath University R.C | Somerset | England |
231 | | MTD | Read | Old Epsomians | | |
232 | Mr | CRV | Reed | Harwell TSC | | England |
233 | | GO | Rich | Guernsey R.C | | Guernsey |
234 | Mrs | KG | Richards | Hampshire | Hampshire | England |
235 | Lt Col | RHG | Riley | ATSC | Bedfordshire | England |
236 | Mr | MH | Roberts | ATSC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
237 | | G | Robinson | N.L.R.C. | Norfolk | England |
238 | | S | Romose | Old Wellingburian | | |
239 | | R | Romses | Canada | | Canada |
240 | Mr | DA | Rose | Old Epsomian RC | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
241 | Mr | PCW | Rose | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
242 | Dr | SL | Rosling | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | |
243 | Cdt | CJ | Rowe | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
244 | Mr | TC | Rowntree | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
245 | Mr | H | Rumbelow | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
246 | | MG | Rushton | LMRA | Cambridgeshire | England |
247 | | CS | Salva | Groupe Mike | | France |
248 | Mr | RW | Sandlant | Australia | | Australia |
249 | Miss | AV | Scattergood | Uppingham Veterans RC | Essex | England |
250 | | T | Schioler | C.U.R.A | | |
251 | Mr | WS | Scholze | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
252 | | RM | Sewrey | St Andrews Uni. R.C | Dorset | England |
253 | Mr | MH | Shaw | Langar RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
254 | Cdt | B | Sheill | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
255 | Miss | P | Shori | Ulster RC | | Ireland |
256 | Mr | RSF | Shouler | Surrey RA | Nottinghamshire | England |
257 | Mr | MW | Silver | RAFTRC | Oxfordshire | England |
258 | Cdt | MC | Silvester | St. Johns School | Surrey | England |
259 | | NP | Silvester | NUOTC | | |
260 | | PS | Simon | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
261 | Miss | M | Smekal | Edinburgh University R.C | Cambridgeshire | England |
262 | | DR | Smith | Oxford University R.C | Hertfordshire | England |
263 | | J | Smith | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
264 | Mr | RM | Smith | City of Newcastle RC | County of Durham | England |
265 | | SL | Smith | Langar | Nottinghamshire | England |
266 | | RW | Soden | OURC | | |
267 | | WM | Sryman | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
268 | | NM | Stanwix | A.T.S.C | County Durham | England |
269 | PI | E | Stephenson | Derbyshire RA | Derbyshire | England |
270 | Mr | WR | Steward | Old Epsomian RC | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
271 | Mr | CA | Stewart | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
272 | Mr | CAS | Stewart | NLRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
273 | Cdt | BM | Stoate | Athelings | Gloucestershire | England |
274 | Cdt | V | Stobbart | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
275 | Mr | IE | Stolk | KSV Rotterdam | | Netherlands |
276 | | KRM | Swain | Cheltenham College C.C.F | Worcestershire | United Kingdom |
277 | | JP | Sykes | Bedfordians | Cambridgeshire | England |
278 | Mr | PD | Sykes | Bedfordians RC | Sussex | England |
279 | | MA | Szymankiewics | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
280 | Cdt | B | Tayler | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
281 | | B | Thomas | Trinidad R.C | | Trinidad |
282 | Dr | JC | Thompson | GWDWPAMU | | Canada |
283 | | M | Tibaldi | OERC | | |
284 | Mr | B | Tompson | Old Berkhamstedians | Northants | England |
285 | Cdt | CT | Treadwell | Wellington College | Surrey | England |
286 | Cpl | D | Tuck | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | Glamorgan | Wales |
287 | Cdt | M | Tuck | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | Glamorgan | Wales |
288 | Cdt | ASCS | Turner | Wellington College | Berkshire | Great Britain |
289 | Capt | WG | Turner | British Columbia Team | BC | Canada |
290 | | CD | Turney | | | Canada |
291 | | JF | Ufferte | U.N.C | | France |
292 | Mr | RAH | Vary | NLRC | Berkshire | England |
293 | Mrs | EM | Verduyn | Welwyn Phoenix | Hertfordshire | England |
294 | Cdt | NDD | Vigors | Athelings | Wiltshire | England |
295 | Miss | M | Visser | South African U25 | Gauteng North | South Africa |
296 | | ST | Walmsley | | | |
297 | SSgt | KS | Walsh | | Ulster | Ireland |
298 | Plt Off | PHJC | Ward | JEFTS | Glamorgan | Wales |
299 | Mr | CJ | Watson | Uppingham Veterans RC | Northants, Leics, Rutland | Wales |
300 | | E | Weigand | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
301 | | SJ | West | C.U.R.A | | |
302 | Dr | PR | Wheeler | Old Guildfordians RC | Hampshire | England |
303 | | WS | Wilkinson | Sheffield RC | Derbyshire | England |
304 | | ME | Willan | Edinburgh University R.C | Sussex | England |
305 | | DP | Williams | W.R.A | S Glamorgan | Wales |
306 | Mr | S | Williams | ACRHQ (W&W) | Glamorgan | Wales |
307 | Cdt | AE | Wilson | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
308 | Lt | L | Wilson | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
309 | | LTL | Winkworth | Old Wellingtonians | Surrey | England |
310 | Dr | BJ | Winney | Old Berkhamstedians | Hertfordshire | England |
311 | | DR | Winney | Old Haberdashers | Hertfordshire | England |
312 | | GCY | Wong | N.L.R.C. | Berkshire | England |
313 | Capt | HJ | Woods | A.T.R.C. | Buckinghamshire | England |
314 | | RMB | Young | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | Wales |
315 | Lt Col | CR | Claridge | ATSC | Sussex | England |
316 | Mr | P J | Chance | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
317 | Mr | MJJ | Charlton | Old Guildfordians RC | Northants, Leics, Rutland | Scotland |
318 | | JG | Collins | N.L.R.C. | County of London | Ireland |
319 | Mr | D J | Curtis | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
320 | Mrs | C | Critchley | | Buckinghamshire | |
321 | | J | Carswell | LMRA | County of London | Scotland |
322 | Mr | JRS | Cantlay | Harare RC | Mashonaland | Zimbabwe |
323 | Mr | GK | Alexander | Dungannon | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
324 | | O | Catchpole | Comber R.C | Ulster | Ireland |
325 | Mrs | KD | Robertson | | Oxfordshire | Ireland |
326 | Maj | J | Cload | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
327 | Mr | GS | Cotton | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
328 | Mr | PMG | Campbell | Irish Guards | | Ireland |
329 | | DJ | Daglish | City of Newcastle R.C | Northumberland | England |
330 | Mr | JA | Dallas | NLRC | London | England |
331 | | PE | Daniell | R.N.T.R.C | Hampshire | England |
332 | Mr | DHW | Dashwood | Harrovian RA | | England |
333 | Mr | D | Davies | Lloyds TSBRC | Sussex | Wales |
334 | | JG | Davies | City RC | Hertfordshire | England |
335 | Mr | RJ | Dare | Tetbury | Wiltshire | England |
336 | Mr | SR | Davis | ATSC | Buckinghamshire | Scotland |
337 | Mr | APW | Daw | North Herts Rifles | Hertfordshire | England |
338 | Mr | P | Dawes | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | England |
339 | Mr | KJ | Day | LMRA | Suffolk | England |
340 | Dr | JR | Deane | Dursley | Gloucestershire | England |
341 | Mr | AJCB | de Launay | OMRC | | England |
342 | Mr | CES | Dickenson | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
343 | Mr | ND | Anderson | NLRC | Wiltshire | Ireland |
344 | Mr | SCW | Dixon | NLRC | Surrey | England |
345 | | PM | Dodd | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
346 | Mr | AF | Donald | Wandsworth FBRC | London | England |
347 | Lt Cdr | PW | Drummy | City RC | | Guernsey |
348 | Mr | WJG | Dixon | NLRC | County of London | England |
349 | Mr | J | Dunn | ATRC | Berkshire | Wales |
350 | Mr | PM | Dunn | SLRC | Berkshire | England |
351 | | RA | Davison | N.R.A | Sussex | England |
352 | Mrs | HL | Webb | Lloyds TSBRC | Suffolk | England |
353 | Mr | SH | Dickson | NLRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
354 | Mr | J | Howard Davies | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
355 | Mr | RA | Dix | Old Guildfordians RC | Somerset | England |
356 | Mr | ISL | Dampney | Old Sergeants Mess | Hereford & Worcs | England |
357 | | JA | Davies | LMRA | Hampshire | |
358 | Mr | DC | Dyson | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
359 | Mr | IJ | Donaldson | Guernsey Rifle Club | Guernsey | Guernsey |
360 | Mr | WHC | Alexander | Parthian | Oxfordshire | Scotland |
361 | | H | Duch | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
362 | Mrs | CJ | Clifford Evans | Wandsworth FBRC | Norfolk | England |
363 | Mr | I | Davison | Dorchester | Yorkshire | England |
364 | Mr | MR | Ebbetts | Bedfordians RC | Berkshire | England |
365 | Cdr | RH | Edwardes-Evans | WNSC | Gloucestershire | Wales |
366 | Mr | PR | Edwards | Rainham & District | Essex | England |
367 | Mr | RCP | Elgood | Kent CRA | Kent | England |
368 | Mr | RE | Ellis | Surrey RA | Bedfordshire | England |
369 | | AR | Emmerson | Huddersfield R.C | Yorkshire | England |
370 | Major | JJ | Earle | ATSC | Wiltshire | Ireland |
371 | | TJ | Elliott | Bedfordians | Berkshire | England |
372 | | JA | Elliot-Smith | Ricochet R.C | | |
373 | Mr | N | Edwards | 27th London Putney RC | County of London | England |
374 | | CR | Emmerson | RAFTRC | Northants | England |
375 | Mr | RM | Allan | NLRC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
376 | Mr | ES | Eilley | Old Cranleighians | | |
377 | Mrs | JR | Elcombe | NLRC | Essex | Wales |
378 | Mr | SC | Ennion | Warwickshire Firearms | | England |
379 | Mr | SJ | East | RAFTRC | Berkshire | England |
380 | Mr | RP | Elvins | LMRA | County of London | Scotland |
381 | Mr | AD | Eldridge | Old Guildfordians | Surrey | England |
382 | | M | Eustace | Old Guildfordians R.C | Surrey | England |
383 | Mr | KG | Firth | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
384 | | DC | Fishleigh | N.L.R.C. | Berkshire | England |
385 | Mr | A | Fitch | NRA | | England |
386 | Mr | C | Fitzpatrick | RAFTRC | Oxfordshire | Ireland |
387 | Miss | TJ | Fitzsimons | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
388 | | WN | Fitzsimons | Manchester R.C | Cheshire | England |
389 | | BT | Ford | Leeds Service R.C | Yorkshire | England |
390 | Mr | BAI | Fraser | Dorset Riflemen | Dorset | United Kingdom |
391 | Mr | DA | Friend | NLRC | Sussex | England |
392 | Mr | NAC | Fawcett | SLRC | Devon | England |
393 | | G | Fudger | Manydown Rifle Club | Hampshire | England |
394 | Mr | MR | Fugeman | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
395 | Mr | KL | Farmer | Leatherhead RC | Surrey | England |
396 | Dr | NCM | Fyfe | NLRC | | Scotland |
397 | | JJ | Felton | West Wales ML | Glamorgan | Wales |
398 | Miss | JM | Felstead | S.E.R.C. | Wiltshire | |
399 | | AD | Fitzpatrick | Watford O.C.A. | Hertfordshire | England |
400 | | RL | Field | Wandsworth F.B.R.C | Surrey | England |
401 | Mr | BP | Adams | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
402 | Mrs | JC | Scott Langley | LMRA | Hertfordshire | Ireland |
403 | Mr | G | French | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
404 | Mr | SE | Frost | Canada | Wiltshire | Canada |
405 | Mr | DH | Allen | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
406 | Mr | RG | Faulkner | Dungannon | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
407 | | AH | Ford | Falkland Islands R.A. | | Falkland Islands |
408 | Mr | RH | Gardiner | Club 25 | Berkshire | England |
409 | | R | Garside | LMRA | Wiltshire | England |
410 | Mrs | VP | Garside | LMRA | Wiltshire | England |
411 | Mr | DJ | Gass | City of Newcastle RC | Cheshire | England |
412 | Mr | JB | Geach | Kent CRA | Kent | England |
413 | Dr | KW | Genders | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
414 | | JM | Gray | LMRA | Norfolk | England |
415 | | J | Gilmour | Old Glenalmond R.C | Hampshire | Scotland |
416 | Dr | JO | Ahrens | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
417 | Mme. | A | Ginestet | Normandy RC | | France |
418 | Mr | P | Ginestet | Normandy RC | | France |
419 | | DGW | Gladwin | West Atholl | Lincolnshire | England |
420 | | P | Glasscock | LMRA | | |
421 | Mr | CP | Goad | Huddersfield RC | Lancashire | England |
422 | Mr | J | Gould | West Suffolk RC | Suffolk | England |
423 | Mr | KHJ | Gover | Scarborough | Yorkshire | England |
424 | | IM | Graham | LMRA | Hampshire | |
425 | Mr | N | Granger | Farncombe & Godalming RC | Surrey | England |
426 | | DRS | George | N.R.A | Lancashire | England |
427 | Mr | AC | Grant | Bullet Lodge RC | Sussex | England |
428 | | P | Gray | W.R.A | West of Scotland | Wales |
429 | Mr | PS | Gray | Welsh RA | Nottinghamshire | Wales |
430 | Mr | SJ | Green | RAFTRC | Somerset | England |
431 | Mr | TM | Green | LMRA | London | England |
432 | | RA | Amy | Jersey R.A | | Jersey |
433 | Major | RA | Greenwood | NLRC | Surrey | England |
434 | Mr | PD | Griggs | Ibis RC | Kent | England |
435 | Mrs | MF | Barry | Welsh RA | Norfolk | Wales |
436 | | GF | Gooden | West Suffolk R.C | Suffolk | England |
437 | Wg Cdr | MJ | Gregory | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
438 | Mr | M | Goberville | Normandy RC | | France |
439 | Mr | TJ | Goodger | Room RC | Middlesex | England |
440 | Mr | KG | Garside | Bunhill Rifle Club | County of London | England |
441 | | G | Glasscock | Pumas R.C | Hertfordshire | England |
442 | | CD | Golland | Freelancers R.C | Nottinghamshire | England |
443 | Mrs | LC | Golland | Freelancers R.C | Nottinghamshire | England |
444 | Mr | RR | Grisenthwaite | NLRC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
445 | Mr | G | Atkinson | Old Guildfordians RC | London | England |
446 | Mr | T | Galliers | Welsh RA | Devon | Wales |
447 | Mr | ND | Gomez | Trinidad RA | | Trinidad & Tobago |
448 | Mr | ADE | Grounds | Uppingham Veterans RC | | England |
449 | | A | Nys | LMRA | Cambridgeshire | England |
450 | | MJ | Le Gallais | Jersey R.C | Jersey | |
451 | Mrs | M | Pantaleon-Ginestet | Normandy RC | | England |
452 | | HM | Gray | Bullet Lodge RC | Hampshire | |
453 | Mr | JP | Hakim | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
454 | Mr | PE | Hammond | LMRA | Hertfordshire | England |
455 | Mr | WR | Hinton | Old Haberdashers | Buckinghamshire | Wales |
456 | Mrs | SM | Hind | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
457 | Mr | G | Harris | Jersey RA | | England |
458 | Mr | AG | Harrison | LMRA | Middlesex | England |
459 | Mr | EPJ | Harrison | City RC | Sussex | England |
460 | Mr | TW | Harrison | Caterham & District RC | | England |
461 | Mr | FO | Harriss | Ibis RC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
462 | Mr | JMBH | Buchanan | West Atholl RC | | Scotland |
463 | Dr | N | Hart | Bedfordians RC | Cambridgeshire | England |
464 | Mr | JEM | Hartwell | NLRC | Hampshire | England |
465 | Mr | SP | Hill | Stock Exchange RC | Cornwall | Ireland |
466 | Mr | NJ | Burnip | Old Framlinghamians RC | Derbyshire | England |
467 | Mr | M | Haszlakiewicz | OCRA | | Scotland |
468 | Mr | RM | Hatcher | Bedfordians RC | Suffolk | England |
469 | Mr | R | Hawley | Nottingham City RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
470 | Mr | RW | Hayden | NLRC | Hertfordshire | England |
471 | | DF | Hazelton | | Kent | England |
472 | Mr | CD | Heales | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
473 | Mr | RAV | Hebblethwaite | LMRA | London | England |
474 | | GA | Baker | RAFTRC | County of London | England |
475 | Mr | C | Higginbottom | Midland Counties RC | Warwickshire | England |
476 | Mr | KB | Hill | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | England |
477 | Mr | RG | Hilyard | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
478 | Mr | PN | Hinchliffe | Uppingham Veterans RC | Cheshire | England |
479 | Mr | RE | Hind | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
480 | Mr | PH | Hobson | NLRC | | England |
481 | Wg Cdr | CJ | Hockley | NLRC | | England |
482 | Mr | JR | Hodgson | City RC | Surrey | England |
483 | | DA | Hodson | ATSC | Buckinghamshire | England |
484 | Mr | PJ | Holden | LMRA | Hertfordshire | England |
485 | Mr | AJ | Ball | Whipps Cross RC | Suffolk | England |
486 | | ANC | Holdsworth | City of Newcastle R.C | Yorkshire | England |
487 | | JA | Holmes | W.R.A | Glamorgan | Wales |
488 | Mr | JM | Holmes | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
489 | | J | Holt | LMRA | Nottinghamshire | England |
490 | Mr | FG | Ball | 32nd Essex RC | Essex | England |
491 | | M | Hook Sinclair | KCS Old Boys R.C | Sussex | England |
492 | Dr | AR | Horrocks | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
493 | Mr | JA | Horton | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | England |
494 | Mr | JDI | Hossack | NLRC | Sussex | Scotland |
495 | Capt | NJ | Ball | Wellington College | Norfolk | England |
496 | Mr | JCB | Humphrey | Uppingham Veterans RC | Sussex | England |
497 | Mr | HL | Hunter | NRC of Scotland | West of Scotland | Scotland |
498 | | BK | Hyam | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
499 | Mr | WH | Hanley | Ricochet RC | Wiltshire | England |
500 | Mr | A J | Haggerty | NLRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
501 | Mr | T | Hill | Stock Exchange RC | Essex | England |
502 | Mr | AP | Barnes | Bedfordians RC | Hertfordshire | England |
503 | Mr | AD | Hunter | HAC | Kent | Scotland |
504 | Mr | DQM | Harvey | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
505 | | JE | Horn | Club 25 | Surrey | |
506 | Mr | NE | Harvey | UVRC | | England |
507 | Mr | ME | Barr | City RC | Hertfordshire | England |
508 | Mr | TP | Hammond | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
509 | | J | Hanton | Manchester R.C | Lancashire | England |
510 | Mr | T | Hembrow | Ibis RC | Somerset | England |
511 | Mr | MW | Hallows | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
512 | Mr | RF | Barrington | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | England |
513 | Mr | J | Holmes | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
514 | Mr | AK | Henderson | NLRC | Berkshire | Scotland |
515 | Mr | K | Hardyman | South Hants P & RC | Hampshire | England |
516 | Lt | GD | Bartle | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
517 | | RN | Hall | NLRC | Hertfordshire | |
518 | | WJ | Haag | Suffolk CRA | Suffolk | England |
519 | Mr | DB | Harrison | Watford & District RC | Hertfordshire | England |
520 | Mr | RW | Hallows | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
521 | Mr | D | Hanson | NRA | Sussex | England |
522 | Miss | JF | Hossack | NLRC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
523 | Mr | JSW | Hunter | RNTRC | Hampshire | England |
524 | Mr | G | Baylis | Lloyds TSBRC | Essex | England |
525 | | WO | Hancock | LMRA | Norfolk | England |
526 | Miss | KM | Haag | West Suffolk R.C | Suffolk | England |
527 | Mr | PM | Hakim | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
528 | | AL | Hills | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | |
529 | Mr | JF | Jackman | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
530 | Mr | P | Jacques | MCRC | Staffordshire | England |
531 | Mrs | VD | Jewess | Woodstock RC | Kent | England |
532 | Mr | RA | Jobson | Cornwall RC | | England |
533 | Mr | ARH | Jones | Somerset RA | Somerset | Netherlands |
534 | | DE | Jones | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | Wales |
535 | | H | Jones | LMRA | | |
536 | Cdt | S | Jones | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
537 | Mr | MF | Jordan | RNTRC | Sussex | England |
538 | Mr | DM | Jory | Guernsey RC | | Guernsey |
539 | Mr | MD | Joyce | Cawdor | Buckinghamshire | Scotland |
540 | Mr | B | Jones | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | Wales |
541 | Mr | RK | Jackson | Welwyn Phoenix | Hertfordshire | England |
542 | Mr | CR | Behn | SLRC | Essex | England |
543 | Mr | PM | Jory | Guernsey RC | | Guernsey |
544 | Mr | S | Belither | Uppingham Veterans RC | Essex | England |
545 | Mr | PJ | Johnson | Dark Horse RC | Worcestershire | England |
546 | Mrs | GMP | Jarvis-Brasier | Stock Exchange RC | Buckinghamshire | Wales |
547 | Mr | MD | Jenvey | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
548 | Mrs | LA | Johnson | Comber RC | Ulster | Isle of Man |
549 | Mr | CTS | Belk | Uppingham Veterans RC | County Durham | England |
550 | Dr | NG | Jeffs | NLRC | Middlesex | England |
551 | | C | Jeffery | Manydown Rifle Club | | |
552 | | M | Jeffery | Manydown Rifle Club | | |
553 | | B | Kendrick | MCRC | Staffordshire | England |
554 | Mr | DN | Kent | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
555 | Mr | PG | Kent | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
556 | Mr | TLW | Kidner | East of Scotland RC | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
557 | | JR | Killian | A.T.R.C. | Warwickshire | England |
558 | Mr | JEM | Bellringer | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
559 | | LE | King | | Essex | England |
560 | Mr | JM | Knight | NLRC | Surrey | England |
561 | Mr | PA | King | Artists RC | Surrey | England |
562 | Mr | AP | Benham | South London RC | Essex | |
563 | | GAA | Khalek | Lebanon | | Lebanon |
564 | | DR | Kirk | Telepost R.C | Shropshire | United Kingdom |
565 | Mr | MD | Kyle | Dungannon | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
566 | Mr | C | Kennish | Isle of Man | | Isle of Man |
567 | Mr | MA | Kirkillo-Stacewicz | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | England |
568 | Mrs | SEP | Kent | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
569 | Mr | JRJ | Kennedy | Nottingham City RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
570 | Mr | PG | Kelly | NSSC | Staffordshire | England |
571 | Mr | JG | Bennett | Stock Exchange RC | Worcestershire | England |
572 | Mr | JS | Bennett | Kidderminster RC | Worcestershire | England |
573 | Mr | ARN | Kinross | Tetbury | | England |
574 | | PR | Klein | LMRA | County of London | Scotland |
575 | | R | Bennett | Club 25 | | |
576 | Mr | NJ | Leaper | SLRC | Essex | England |
577 | Mr | CRF | Leather | Old Glenalmond RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
578 | | JL | Le Breton | Jersey R.A | Jersey | Jersey |
579 | | DP | Lee | N.R.A | | |
580 | Mr | AE | Le Page | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Channel Islands |
581 | Mr | DH | Le Vesconte | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
582 | | B | Lewis | Bromsgrove R.C | Worcestershire | |
583 | Mr | JWE | Lewis | ATRC | Norfolk | England |
584 | Wg Cdr | JR | Lindsay | RAFTRC | Berkshire | England |
585 | | PA | Bennison | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
586 | Mr | SR | Sharma | Welsh RA | Gloucestershire | Wales |
587 | Mr | DCW | Lloyd | LMRA | | England |
588 | Miss | SS | Lohmann | NLRC | | Germany |
589 | Mrs | CEE | Lomax | Midland Counties RC | Northants | |
590 | Mr | AW | Lothian | Old Epsomian RC | Middlesex | England |
591 | Dr | JDS | Langley | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
592 | Mr | DW | Bentley | Leics & District RPC | Leicestershire | England |
593 | Mr | MLR | Lunnon | Club 25 | Hertfordshire | England |
594 | Mr | DH | Lury | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
595 | Mrs | SJ | Le Cheminant | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
596 | Mr | PA | Livett | NLRC | Oxfordshire | England |
597 | Mr | AD | Le Cheminant | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
598 | | GW | Berman | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | Australia |
599 | Mr | JD | Llewellyn | Chepstow RC | South Wales | Wales |
600 | Mr | IF | Luckman | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
601 | Mr | RK | Betts | Darwin | Northern Territory | Falkland Islands |
602 | Miss | EA | Lantau | O.G.R.E | Norfolk | Wales |
603 | Mr | GV | Barnard | Northamptonshire RA | Northants | Leics |
604 | Mrs | RSL | Cargill Thompson | Pumas RC | Hertfordshire | England |
605 | Mr | A J | Luckman | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
606 | Mr | D | Lowe | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | England |
607 | Mr | AJ | Le Sueur | Jersey RA | | Jersey |
608 | | M | Longmire | Old Guildfordians RC | | |
609 | Miss | SG | Le Sueur | Jersey R.A | Jersey | Jersey |
610 | Ms | RJ | Lusty | Old Guildfordians RC | | Ireland |
611 | Mr | CL | Leighton | KCS Old Boys RC | Berkshire | England |
612 | Mr | CS | Lamont | Surrey RA | West of Scotland | Scotland |
613 | | TJ | Lury | N.L.R.C. | Aberdeenshire | Great Britain |
614 | Mr | DR | Le Quesne | Jersey RC | | Jersey |
615 | Mr | A | Bishop | Rainham & District | Essex | England |
616 | Mr | DC | Luckman | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
617 | Mr | SWK | Lenyk | NRA | Essex | England |
618 | Mr | A | Mabon | West of Scotland RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
619 | Mr | C | Mallett | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
620 | Mr | C | Mallett Jnr | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
621 | | AG | Marr | Manydown Rifle Club | West of Scotland | Scotland |
622 | Mr | MF | Martel | Guernsey RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
623 | Mr | MJM | Black | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
624 | Mr | RS | Mason | NRA | | England |
625 | | GS | Matthews | Ruislip R.C | | |
626 | Mr | RGK | Matthews | Lyndhurst RC | Wiltshire | Australia |
627 | Mr | PW | Medhurst | LMRA | Berkshire | England |
628 | | RDA | Melling | DCRA | | Canada |
629 | Mr | P | Merry | Kenya RA | Kent | England |
630 | Mr | SA | Merton Jones | Uppingham Veterans RC | Yorkshire | England |
631 | Mr | LE | Messer | NLRC | Sussex | England |
632 | Mr | D | Markie | BBC RC | Surrey | England |
633 | Capt | FR | Miles | | | |
634 | Mr | PJN | Molesworth | ATRC | Gloucestershire | England |
635 | Mr | CP | Moon | NRA | Sussex | England |
636 | Mr | HW | Morley | | | Wales |
637 | Dr | AE | Morris | Old Haberdashers | Buckinghamshire | England |
638 | | TD | Morris | RAFTRC | Middlesex | England |
639 | Mr | GR | Morton | Stock Exchange RC | County of London | England |
640 | Mr | RL | Mundy | NRA | Berkshire | England |
641 | | C | Macfadyen | Old Marlburian R.C | | |
642 | Mr | ID | Macdonald | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
643 | Miss | HR | Mackintosh | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
644 | Mr | RW | Mcveigh | Dungannon | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
645 | Mr | JPS | Bloomfield | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
646 | Mr | KJ | Boaden | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
647 | Mrs | RM | Merridew | Wandsworth FBRC | Buckinghamshire | Ireland |
648 | | IA | Moir | O.G.R.E | Cambridgeshire | Scotland |
649 | | C | Markie | Midland Counties R.C | | |
650 | Mr | S | Maris | Huddersfield RC | Derbyshire | England |
651 | Mr | GD | Moffatt | Windsor RC | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
652 | Mr | RJR | Mott | LMRA | Middlesex | England |
653 | Mr | JT | Miller | Tageme RC | | England |
654 | | JA | Matthews | Artists | | |
655 | Mr | RJ | Booth | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
656 | Mr | D | Morris | ATSC | Yorkshire | England |
657 | Mr | NC | Mace | Guernsey RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
658 | Mr | ML | Millar | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
659 | Mr | RCQ | Martin | ATSC | Ulster | Ireland |
660 | Mr | KL | Murray | Leatherhead RC | Surrey | England |
661 | | IR | McNee | RAFTRC | | |
662 | | JC | Musso | LMRA | | |
663 | Mr | MJ | Moran | Midland RC | | Ireland |
664 | | AS | Mehers | O.G.R.E | Jersey | Ireland |
665 | | AJ | MacDonald | Kent | Kent | England |
666 | | MS | Merry | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
667 | | AM | Newman | Twickenham R.C | | |
668 | | S | Napper | West of Scotland R.C | West of Scotland | England |
669 | | RJG | Nation | | Kent | England |
670 | Mr | RW | Needham | Ricochet RC | Oxfordshire | England |
671 | Mr | RGM | Newman | Lloyds TSBRC | Oxfordshire | England |
672 | | W | Norman | Huddersfield R.C | Yorkshire | England |
673 | | T | Nowell | Huddersfield R.C | Yorkshire | England |
674 | A.V.M. | D | Bower | RAFTRC | Yorkshire | England |
675 | Mrs | CM | Noyes | WFBRC | | Scotland |
676 | Mr | FE | Neale | West Suffolk RC | Lincolnshire | England |
677 | Mr | ML | Boyce | Bullet Lodge RC | Dorset | England |
678 | Mrs | T | Newbold | City RC | | England |
679 | | CS | O'Brien | Manchester R.C | Cheshire | England |
680 | Mr | WA | O'Dair | Bullet Lodge RC | Oxfordshire | England |
681 | Mr | DT | O'Leary | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
682 | Lt. Col. | HJ | Orpen-Smellie | Late Para | Essex | England |
683 | Mr | CAJ | Oliver-Bellasis | NRA | | Ireland |
684 | | TR | Osborne | Chichester R.C | Sussex | England |
685 | Mr | JC | Oxley | Kidderminster RC | Worcestershire | England |
686 | Miss | JE | Ouston | Old Epsomian RC | Hertfordshire | England |
687 | Dr | PJ | O'Brien | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
688 | Mrs | GC | OLeary | Welsh RA | London | Wales |
689 | | RC | Oliver-Bellasis | Manydown Rifle Club | | |
690 | | DE | Osborne | Maritzburg R.A | | |
691 | Mr | SP | OBrien | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
692 | Eur Ing | CA | Painting | Pumas RC | Hampshire | England |
693 | Mr | DJ | Painting | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
694 | Mrs | JA | Painting | Club 25 | Hampshire | England |
695 | | RJ | Bramley | LMRA | Nottinghamshire | England |
696 | Mr | DAF | Parkinson | Ricochet RC | Gloucestershire | Scotland |
697 | Mr | PR | Pines | Chichester RC | Sussex | England |
698 | Mr | J | Payne | Hailsham RC | Sussex | England |
699 | Mr | LM | Peden | NLRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
700 | Mr | AR | Penfold | Tonbridge School | Kent | England |
701 | Mr | NW | Penn | Bedfordians RC | Northants | Leics |
702 | Mr | S | Penrose | Stock Exchange RC | Essex | England |
703 | M | PL | Personne | A.E.T | | France |
704 | | AG | Pettit | Uckfield (1944) HG RC | Sussex | |
705 | | AR | Pettman | Cornwall R.C | Cornwall | England |
706 | Mr | DJ | Pickering | NRA | Somerset | England |
707 | Mr | JD | Pitt | NRA | Hampshire | England |
708 | Dr | R | Pizer | NLRC | | England |
709 | Mr | MR | Place | NLRC | Lancashire | England |
710 | Mr | DS | Pollard | North London Rifle Club | Kent | England |
711 | Mr | R | Braybrooke | Duchy Shooting Assn | Hertfordshire | England |
712 | Mr | RS | Pool | Bullet Lodge RC | Dorset | England |
713 | Mr | AP | Powell | Darlington R & PC | | England |
714 | Mr | JG | Powell | | Sussex | England |
715 | | C | Pope | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
716 | Dr | WLV | Price | LMRA | Surrey | |
717 | | CH | Paul | Stock Exchange RC | Buckinghamshire | England |
718 | Mr | KO | Pugh | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
719 | | R | Purdom | | | |
720 | Mr | EM | Brice | LMRA | | England |
721 | | GH | Pybus | Manchester R.C | Lancashire | England |
722 | Mr | J | Pugsley MRCVS | NRA | Devon | England |
723 | Mr | WT | Bridger | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | England |
724 | Mrs | RKE | Penrose | Stock Exchange RC | Essex | England |
725 | Mr | SJ | Pattinson | Uppingham Veterans RC | Rutland | England |
726 | Dr | HHG | Pollock | Australia | Hampshire | Australia |
727 | Mr | MC | Parker | Lloyds TSBRC | Sussex | England |
728 | Mr | DJ | Pickard | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | |
729 | | A | Perry | Sheffield R.C | | |
730 | Dr | MJ | Pearse | Chobham & District RC | Surrey | England |
731 | | GE | Panella | N.L.R.C. | Norfolk | England |
732 | Mr | RN | Britton | Bromsgrove RC | Worcestershire | England |
733 | | AK | Pearse | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
734 | Mr | JM | Pattenden | Woodstock RC | Katanora | England |
735 | Mr | BJA | Parke | Bullet Lodge RC | Surrey | England |
736 | Mr | SC | Postins | OO Troubleshooters | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
737 | Mr | D | Perella | BBC Rifle Club | Buckinghamshire | |
738 | Mr | GD | Palmer | Wandsworth FBRC | Cheshire | England |
739 | | DJ | Pooley | LMRA | Hertfordshire | England |
740 | Mr | CM | Brooks | Old Marlburian RC | Hampshire | England |
741 | Dr | AJ | Pilgrim | NLRC | Sussex | England |
742 | | PE | Page | DCRA | | Canada |
743 | Mr | RJ | Quy | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
744 | WO2 | PF | Quilliam | A.T.R.C. | Hampshire | Isle of Man |
745 | Mr | JP | Raine | City RC | Sussex | England |
746 | | W | Rea | A.T.R.C. | Essex | Ireland |
747 | Mr | CW | Brown | Uppingham Veterans RC | Buckinghamshire | England |
748 | Mr | DFP | Richards | Old Marlburian RC | Hampshire | England |
749 | Mr | WCP | Richards | Gunroom Lizards | Surrey | England |
750 | Major | JM | Riches | A.T.R.C. | Hampshire | England |
751 | Mr | I | Brown | Wandsworth FBRC | Wiltshire | England |
752 | | RJ | Ritchie | Cornwall R.C | | |
753 | Mr | RA | Roalf | Ashford & District RC | Kent | England |
754 | Mr | BFC | Roberts | Little Clacton | Essex | England |
755 | Mr | RM | Roberts | Ibis RC | Sussex | England |
756 | Mr | V | Robertshaw | Leeds RC | Yorkshire | England |
757 | Wg Cdr | A | Robertson | RAFTRC | | England |
758 | Mr | IW | Robertson | RAFTRC | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
759 | Mr | GW | Robinson | OCRA | Dorset | England |
760 | Mr | RP | Rosling | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
761 | Mr | WJ | Rowland | Ibis RC | | England |
762 | Mr | PS | Rowell | Manydown RC | Hampshire | England |
763 | Mr | CJF | Rowley | NLRC | Norfolk | Scotland |
764 | Miss | IFE | Rowley | NLRC | Hampshire | Scotland |
765 | Mr | TG | Rylands | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
766 | Mr | JS | Ritchie | Wandsworth FBRC | Gloucestershire | England |
767 | | A | Rennison | Caterham & District R.C | | |
768 | Mrs | LJ | Brister | Welsh RA | | Wales |
769 | Mr | A | Ringer | Uppingham Veterans RC | Norfolk | England |
770 | Flt Lt | BN | Roth | NLRC | Kent | Scotland |
771 | Mr | KWD | Ramsey | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
772 | Mr | M | Reid | Somerset RA | Somerset | England |
773 | Mr | DJ | Rowland | West Atholl RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
774 | Lt Cdr. | S | Roots | NACRA | Somerset | England |
775 | Mr | EBD | Reis | Wellington College | Wiltshire | England |
776 | | RA | Restell | Eagle R & P.C | Berkshire | England |
778 | Mr | AJD | Saunders | LMRA | London | England |
779 | | W | Schattenberg | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
780 | Mr | JE | Scobie | | | Scotland |
781 | | DM | Seagrove | | | |
782 | Mr | RF | Burden | Dorchester | Oxfordshire | England |
783 | | S | Schapira | West Atholl | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
784 | Mr | GRP | Shapland | NLRC | Berkshire | Wales |
785 | Mr | PW | Sharman | NRC of S | Wiltshire | Scotland |
786 | Mr | BR | Shouler | Langar RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
787 | | DE | Simkin | A.T.S.C | Worcestershire | England |
788 | Rev Dr | A | Simpson | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | Scotland |
789 | Mr | SM | Smallwood | NLRC | Norfolk | England |
790 | Mr | DM | Smith | NRA | Nottinghamshire | England |
791 | Flt Lt (Re | MJM | Smith | RAF (TR) C | Bedfordshire | United Kingdom |
792 | | PR | Smith | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | England |
793 | | GD | Snooks | N.R.A | | |
794 | | HG | Southwood | National Westminster Bank | Essex | England |
795 | Mr | RHT | Sowerby | ATRC | Sussex | England |
796 | | AHW | Spencer | Zambia R.C | | Zambia |
797 | Mr | BGS | Bush | Lloyds TSBRC | Essex | England |
798 | Mr | R | Stafford | OCRA | County of London | England |
799 | Mr | ND | Stangroom | OGRE | | England |
800 | Mr | PJ | Steele | Carshalton RC | Surrey | England |
801 | | DR | Stevens | Ibis R.C | Hereford & Worcs | England |
802 | Mr | PRC | Stevens | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
803 | Mr | DJ | Stewart | LMRA | London | England |
804 | Dr | MJ | Schwarz | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
805 | Mr | E | Stuart-Bamford | Club 25 | Northants | Leics |
806 | Mr | NS | Suffield-Jones | Berkshire RC | Berkshire | England |
807 | | AM | Sutherland | Barclays Bank R.C | | Scotland |
808 | Mr | JPL | Sweet | NLRC | Hertfordshire | Scotland |
809 | Mr | AP | Sykes | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | United States |
810 | | RJB | Murphy | KCS Old Boys R.C | | |
811 | | RS | Spottiswoode | Horsham R. & P. C. | Sussex | |
812 | Mr | ITG | Shaw | Old Epsomian RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
813 | Mr | PJ | Bysshe | Ricochet RC | Berkshire | England |
814 | Mr | CJ | Sherratt | Club 25 | Hampshire | England |
815 | Dr | RG | Sturton | Windsor RC | | |
816 | | DH | Sims | Sheffield R.C | | |
817 | Mr | JR | Stirland | Club 25 | Berkshire | England |
818 | | R | Addy | Leeds Service R.C | Yorkshire | England |
819 | | JC | Scane | W.F.R.A Bromsgrove | Worcestershire | England |
820 | | DB | Sutcliffe | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
821 | Mr | H | Sanders | Old Wellingburian | Northants | England |
822 | Mr | ID | Southerton | Chichester RC | | |
823 | Mr | CB | Stone | NLRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
824 | Mr | JPM | Stevens | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
825 | Mr | R | Shaw | Sheffield RC | Derbyshire | England |
826 | | WJN | Sampson | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
827 | Dr | GCD | Barnett | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
828 | | G | Stewart | Dorking & District R.C | Surrey | Scotland |
829 | Mrs | E | Smallwood | Pumas RC | Cambridgeshire | England |
830 | Maj Gen | AJW | Sturrock | ATSC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
831 | Mr | AP | Smith | Club 25 | Buckinghamshire | England |
832 | Mr | RA | Benest | Jersey RC | Lancashire | Jersey |
833 | | ST | Seale | N.R.A | | Germany |
834 | Mr | DJ | Archer | Pickering RP Club | County Durham | England |
835 | Mr | NRJ | Brasier | LMRA | London | England |
836 | Mr | CW | Slator | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
837 | Mr | RW | Stone | Leatherhead RC | Surrey | England |
838 | Mr | JSP | Spender | Old Marlburian RC | | England |
839 | | TF | Spencer | Old Johnian R.C | Surrey | England |
840 | | JS | Smith | | | Falkland Islands |
841 | Mr | RK | Sheead | City RC | Hertfordshire | England |
842 | | P | Schumann | ATSC | Derbyshire | England |
843 | Mrs | LK | Mace | Manydown RC | Hampshire | England |
844 | Mr | T | Steele | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
845 | Mr | R | Stewart | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
846 | Wg Cdr | CR | Smith | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
847 | Mrs | C | Beecher | Stock Exchange RC | Cambridgeshire | England |
848 | Mr | J | Shanks | Devon RA | Tyne & Wear | Ireland |
849 | Mr | PBM | Smith | Rand RC | | South Africa |
850 | Mr | B | Taylor | ATSC | Kent | England |
851 | Mr | DA | Taylor | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
852 | Mr | JM | Taylor | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
853 | Mr | N | Thomas | Civil Service RA | Hertfordshire | |
854 | Mr | SA | Thomas | Central Bankers RC | Hertfordshire | England |
855 | Mr | GG | Thompson | Sidcup | Kent | England |
856 | Mr | RBC | Baker | Old Marlburian RC | Kent | England |
857 | Mr | JMA | Thompson | Central Bankers RC | Hertfordshire | England |
858 | Mr | WHA | Thompson | WFRA Bromsgrove | Worcestershire | England |
859 | Dr | KD | Thomson | NLRC | Berkshire | Scotland |
860 | Mr | ATB | Tompson | Old Wellingburian | Hertfordshire | England |
861 | Mr | MK | Townsend | NLRC | Hertfordshire | Ireland |
862 | Mr | CN | Tremlett | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
863 | Mr | KR | Trowbridge | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | Ireland |
864 | | A St G | Tucker | Twickenham R.C | Surrey | England |
865 | | IT | Tucker | Stock Exchange RC | Essex | Scotland |
866 | | R | Turvey | Kidderminister R.C | Worcestershire | England |
867 | Capt | JI | Tozer | ATSC | Devon | England |
868 | Mr | PR | Thompson | NLRC | Kent | England |
869 | Lt Cdr | IR | Thomson | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
870 | | DR | Taylor | Newport West R.C | Monmouthshire | Wales |
871 | | MR | Townsend | NLRC | | |
872 | | W | Tarr | Harare R.C | | South Africa |
873 | | PA | Tonkin | LMRA | Kent | England |
874 | Mr | JR | Tuck | RNTRC | Surrey | England |
875 | Mr | T | Brooking | NLRC | | England |
876 | Mr | AC | Thomson | West Suffolk RC | Suffolk | England |
877 | Mr | J | Tuffen | LMRA | Essex | England |
878 | Mr | JC | Underwood | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | England |
879 | Dr | MWM | Veltman-Grisenthwaite | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
880 | Mr | NJ | Verduyn | Welwyn Phoenix | Hertfordshire | England |
881 | Mr | TL | Bedwell | Stock Exchange RC | Buckinghamshire | England |
882 | Mr | AGH | Van Koetsveld | LMRA | County of London | England |
883 | Mr | JA | Bridger | NLRC | | England |
884 | | RJ | Van Lingen | S A Veterans | Gauteng North | South Africa |
885 | | RA | Bailey | Ibis R.C | | |
886 | | HC | Vanhee | IRC | | |
887 | Mr | R | Winney | Old Haberdashers | Hertfordshire | England |
888 | Mr | WP | Wakefield | OBSS | Oxfordshire | England |
889 | Mr | P | Wale | Lloyds TSBRC | Essex | England |
890 | Dr | C | Wall | Exonia & Tiverton RC | | England |
891 | Mr | JD | Warburton | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
892 | Mr | HN | Watson | RNTRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
893 | Mr | MJ | Barlow | Blue Circle Swanscombe RC | | |
894 | | CAW | Webb | N.R.A | Sussex | England |
895 | Mr | OK | Weber | City RC | | |
896 | Mr | JGM | Webster | Uppingham Veterans RC | Cheshire | England |
897 | Mr | TR | Webster | Central Bankers RC | Hertfordshire | England |
898 | Mr | RA | Welford | OCRA | London | England |
899 | Mr | MJ | Welsh | East Bristol RC | Gloucestershire | England |
900 | Mr | PM | Weston | Kidderminster RC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
901 | Mr | R | Whitby | Hopton Supper Club | | England |
902 | Mr | CA | White | Altcar RC | County Durham | England |
903 | Mr | JE | White | RAFTRC | | West Indies |
904 | Mr | RB | White | RNTRC | Cornwall | England |
905 | Mr | K | Whitecross | Welsh RA | Glamorgan | Wales |
906 | Mr | LT | Wicker | Hailsham RC | Sussex | England |
907 | Miss | ME | Wicker | Hailsham RC | Kent | England |
908 | Mr | DL | Wiles | Sheffield RC | Yorkshire | England |
909 | | CW | Williams | Cornwall R.C | Cornwall | England |
910 | Mr | GA | Williamson | Midland Counties RC | Northants | Leics |
911 | Mr | DA | Wilson | | | Wales |
912 | | TL | Wilson | Rainham & District | | |
913 | Mr | A | Wombell | RNTRC | Sussex | England |
914 | Mr | MJ | Wood | English VIII | | England |
915 | Mr | JDR | Walker | Nottingham City RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
916 | Mr | RA | Wood | RAFTRC | | |
917 | Mr | H R M | Bailie | LMRA | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
918 | Dr | R | Woodside | RNTRC | Dorset | England |
919 | | PF | Wookey | N.L.R.C. | | |
920 | Mr | JO | Wright | NRA | County of London | England |
921 | | RP | Wilson | Ulster R.A | Ulster | Ireland |
922 | Mr | BT | Wood | NRA | Yorkshire | |
923 | Mr | SMC | Wilson | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
924 | Mr | MJ | Whatton | Old Wellingburian | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
925 | Mr | K | Willingale | English VIII | | England |
926 | Ms | RA | Wiltshire | Old Epsomian RC | Yorkshire | Scotland |
927 | Mr | SC | Williamson | RAFTRC | Sussex | England |
928 | Mr | CP | Weeden | NLRC | Kent | England |
929 | Dr | MW | Wrigley | NLRC | Middlesex | Scotland |
930 | Mr | GS | Winfield | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
931 | Miss | VSD | Barber | O.G.R.E | Norfolk | |
932 | | DJE | Beer | Old Epsomians | | |
933 | Mr | JA | Watson | Uppingham Veterans RC | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
934 | | KM | Wilson | Chepstow R.C | Gloucestershire | Wales |
935 | | GB | Walker | UK Police | Devon | Wales |
936 | Major | S | Armour | N.L.R.C. | Suffolk | England |
937 | | J | Wulfraat | K.S.V Rotterdam | | Netherlands |
938 | | SG | Broughton | West Suffolk R.C | Suffolk | England |
939 | | S | Wiktorowski | PPRA | Derbyshire | Canada |
940 | Mr | BF | Witts | RNTRC | Hampshire | England |
941 | Dr | EH | Walker | Artists | | |
942 | Colonel | JR | Bradley | A.T.S.C | | |
943 | | JH | Winn | N.L.R.C. | Ulster | Ireland |
944 | Mr | JP | Barry | Stock Exchange RC | Norfolk | Ireland |
945 | Mr | EC | Wood | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
946 | Mr | W | Deschacht | UFAC Belgium | | Belgium |
947 | | PD | Wheelen | Bromsgrove R.C | Hereford & Worcs | |
948 | | MGB | Wilson | O.G.R.E | Norfolk | England |
949 | | P | Yeomans | Cornwall R.C | Cornwall | England |
950 | | SE | Yeomans | RAFTRC | | Wales |
951 | Mr | DG | Young | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
952 | Mr | SJ | Carson | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
953 | Mr | MJ | OLeary | Manydown RC | Hampshire | England |
954 | Mr | DJH | Birrell | NLRC | Oxfordshire | Scotland |
955 | Mr | J | Leys | UFAC Belgium | | Belgium |
956 | Mr | GM | Martens | UFAC Belgium | | Belgium |
957 | Mr | RJ | Lygoe | Dursley | Gloucestershire | England |
958 | Dr | PJ | Morris | LMRA | Cambridgeshire | Wales |
959 | Mr | T | Bliss | LMRA | | |
960 | Mr | MR | Woolger | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
961 | Mr | PM | de Voil | OO Troubleshooters | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
962 | Mr | MR | Ball | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
963 | Mr | PJ | Amy | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
964 | Mr | JMS | Samson | Normandy RC | | France |
965 | M | AMG | Fortune | Normandy RC | | France |
966 | Mr | CA | Brook | LMRA | Wiltshire | England |
967 | Mr | GE | Morris | Uppingham Veterans RC | Cambridgeshire | Wales |
968 | Mr | WRD | Mott | Old Nottinghamians | | England |
969 | Mrs | SJ | Binder - Swash | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
970 | SSGT | RH | Kitson | ATSC | Oxfordshire | Northern Ireland |
971 | Mr | JM | de Bruijn | | | Netherlands |
972 | Mr | B | Horwood | Invercargill | Jersey | Jersey |
973 | | L | D'Amour | DCRA | | Canada |
974 | Mrs | P | Dahlstrom | Canada | | Canada |
975 | | C | Dahlstrom | Canada | | Canada |
976 | Mr | PJR | Holden | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
977 | Mr | SD | Glen | West Atholl RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
978 | | R | Woodley | Langar | Nottinghamshire | England |
979 | | RM | Brough | Old Guildfordians R.C | | |
980 | Mr | JA | Haward | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
981 | Mr | IDC | Brechin | East of Scotland RC | | Scotland |
982 | | PJ | Pritchard | Somerset RA | Somerset | England |
983 | | HW | Kilpatrick | East of Scotland R.C | East of Scotland | Scotland |
984 | Mr | SP | Harding | Surrey RA | Kent | England |
985 | Mr | PM | Patel | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
986 | Mr | F | Bilton | West Suffolk RC | Suffolk | England |
987 | Mr | JP | Mackay | RNTRC | Bedfordshire | Scotland |
988 | Dr | P | Monaghan | Central Tasmania RC | | Australia |
989 | Flt Lt | B | Ashton | RAFTRC | Middlesex | England |
990 | | RD | Bennison | Barclays Bank R.C | Surrey | England |
991 | Mrs | JA | Cane | Old Guildfordians | Essex | England |
992 | Dr | SS | Horner | Old Marlburian RC | Dorset | England |
993 | Mr | RL | Eayrs | Dursley | Gloucestershire | England |
994 | Miss | DS | Hume | NLRC | | Scotland |
995 | Mr | JA | Bullock | Langar RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
996 | | MP | Chorlton | 11 R.C | Lancaster | England |
997 | | R | Barnard | Midland Counties R.C | Warwickshire | England |
998 | Dr | CCA | Roud-Mayne | N.L.R.C. | Bedfordshire | England |
999 | Mr | AR | McLeod | ATSC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1000 | Mrs | C | Goberville | Normandy RC | | France |
1001 | Miss | AWG | Ogilvie | NLRC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1002 | Mr | A | Errey | NRA | | England |
1003 | | AD | Lewis | Stock Exchange RC | County of London | Wales |
1004 | Mr | ID | Markwell | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
1005 | | AGF | Hill | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
1006 | Mr | TAW | Walters | Canada | | Canada |
1007 | | WB | Loan | Comber R.C | Ulster | Ireland |
1008 | Mr | AS | Fraser | ATRC | Somerset | England |
1009 | Mr | EJH | Pullen | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1010 | Mr | SJV | Osmond | UVRC | Lincolnshire | England |
1011 | Dr | AF | Aspin | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
1012 | Mr | SJ | Bissonnette | Canada | Ontario | Canada |
1013 | Mrs | A-M | Logan | Wandsworth FBRC | Norfolk | England |
1014 | Mr | BA | Young | NRA | Lancashire | USA |
1015 | | DS | Skippen | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1016 | Mr | HTH | Hodges | Kent | Kent | England |
1017 | Mr | AG | McLean | Ulster SASC | Ulster | Ireland |
1018 | Mr | GR | Atkinson | Dorking & District RC | Surrey | England |
1019 | Mr | GR | Capell | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
1020 | Miss | MZJ | Boston | OGRE | Lincolnshire | England |
1021 | Mr | MCJ | Button | Wandsworth FBRC | Lincolnshire | England |
1022 | Mr | J | Munnion | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
1023 | Mr | M | Wentges | Irish Rifle Club | | Ireland |
1024 | Mr | R | Birtwistle | Manydown RC | Hampshire | England |
1025 | | MP | Workman | Dursley | Gloucestershire | England |
1026 | Mr | AC | Speirs | Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
1027 | | DJ | Sax | Artists | Sussex | England |
1028 | Mr | T | Horrocks | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
1029 | | MR | Vernon-Stroud | St Andrews Uni. R.C | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1030 | Miss | V | Tracey | Ibis R.C | Buckinghamshire | Scotland |
1031 | Mr | T | Horsfield | Ross-on-Wye | Hereford & Worcs | England |
1032 | Mr | T | Ginestet | Normandy RC | | France |
1033 | | G | Bohme | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
1034 | | AMC | Baker | N.L.R.C. | Cheshire | England |
1035 | Mr | NS | Roberts | Ibis RC | Sussex | England |
1036 | | RHPA | Butcher | Artists | Wiltshire | England |
1037 | Mr | SJ | Ayres | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
1038 | | AF | Baudains | Jersey R.C | Jersey | Jersey |
1039 | | N | Baker | Club 25 | Berkshire | England |
1040 | | JM | Buchanan | Roseville NSW Aust. | NSW | Australia |
1041 | Mr | M | Ayling | RNTRC | Sussex | England |
1042 | | A | Bellingan | Stock Exchange RC | | |
1043 | Mr | RJ | Cade | NLRC | Hertfordshire | England |
1044 | | SA | Calder | N.L.R.C. | Sussex | |
1045 | Mr | D | Calvert | RAFTRC | Ulster | Ireland |
1046 | | A | Whitington | Ledbury | Gloucestershire | England |
1047 | Mr | BV | Cambray | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1048 | | B | Rushworth | Artists | | |
1049 | Dr | JS | Rennie | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1050 | | JFW | Smith | | Surrey | England |
1051 | Dr | PJ | Rae | C.U.R.A | | Scotland |
1052 | Mr | FJ | Carlin | RAFTRC | Sussex | Ireland |
1053 | Mr | JH | Carmichael | NRA | Hereford & Worcs | England |
1054 | Mr | PA | Hatfield | NRA | Nottinghamshire | England |
1055 | Mr | AA | Williams | NRA | Cambridgeshire | England |
1056 | | VC | Carpenter | Lloyds TSBRC | Devon | United Kingdom |
1057 | Miss | DL | Fenn | NLRC | Suffolk | England |
1058 | Dr | JW | Dyas | ATSC | Gloucestershire | England |
1059 | | CJ | McCallum | Falkland Islands RA | | Falkland Islands |
1060 | | SJ | Carter | RNRRA | Sussex | England |
1061 | | JT | Elliott | Aberdeen University R.C | Aberdeenshire | |
1062 | | TJ | Coleridge | Stock Exchange RC | Northants | England |
1063 | Mrs | DL | Park | OGRE | Suffolk | England |
1064 | | JY | O'Leary | W.R.A | | Wales |
1065 | | L | Chadderton | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
1066 | Mrs | SL | Jones | N.R.A | | |
1067 | Cdt | W | Hyde Parker | Gresham's R.C | Suffolk | England |
1068 | Mr | G | Williams | OGRE | Norfolk | Wales |
1069 | Cdt | GE | Haines | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
1070 | | RA | Lee | N.L.R.C. | Norfolk | England |
1071 | Cdt | RS | Moore | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
1072 | Mr | P | Delforno | City of Newcastle RC | County Durham | England |
1073 | | P | Bernard-Carter | Old Wellingtonians | Berkshire | England |
1074 | | AJ | Brockhurst | Northants RC | Northants & Leicestershir | England |
1075 | | KE | Chard | City RC | Devon | England |
1076 | Mr | TR | Harrison | Old Malvernians | Hereford & Worcs | England |
1077 | | TE | Green | Concord R.C | Sydney | Australia |
1078 | Mr | P | Cann | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1079 | Wg Cdr | IA | Mollan | RAF Air Cmd | Co Down | |
1080 | Mr | GC | Childs | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1081 | | | | | | |
1082 | Mr | A | Chown | Lloyds TSBRC | Surrey | England |
1083 | | AJ | Clark | R.N.T.R.C | Hampshire | England |
1084 | Mr | SJ | Clark | LMRA | Hampshire | England |
1085 | | AE | Clarke | A.T.R.C. | Hampshire | Scotland |
1086 | Mr | G | Clarke | Ulster SASC | Co Down | Ireland |
1087 | Mr | GL | Clarke | Darlington R & PC | County of Durham | England |
1088 | Mr | TP | Clarke | Central Bankers RC | Essex | England |
1089 | Mr | DP | Cole | RAFTRC | Hampshire | England |
1090 | Mr | N | Cole-Hawkins | NLRC | London | England |
1091 | | H | Annand | Leeds Service R.C | Yorkshire | England |
1092 | Mr | PR | Coley | Barbarians RC | | Ireland |
1093 | Mr | JS | Collings | | NSW | Australia |
1094 | | PJ | Arrowsmith | N.R.A | Surrey | England |
1095 | | RD | Comins | Huddersfield R.C | Yorkshire | England |
1096 | Mr | SJ | Comins | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
1097 | | MI | Cook | N.R.A | Devon | England |
1098 | Col | D | Cooper | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Hampshire | England |
1099 | R.M. | Major | Cooper | HN | O W R C | County of London |
1100 | Mr | G | Cox | RAFTRC | Suffolk | England |
1101 | Mr | PAE | Charlton | Stock Exchange RC | London | Ireland |
1102 | | DS | Crisford | Ibis R.C | Kent | England |
1103 | Mr | MT | Critchell | Chichester RC | Sussex | England |
1104 | Mr | BE | Cudby | Stock Exchange RC | County of London | England |
1105 | Mr | PA | Cullimore | LMRA | Buckinghamshire | England |
1106 | Mr | RM | Culverwell | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
1107 | Mr | DB | Cumming | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
1108 | | IL | Cummings | Horsham R. & P. C. | Sussex | England |
1109 | | CWA | Cunningham | N.L.R.C. | Hampshire | England |
1110 | Mr | RJS | Curtis | Uppingham Veterans RC | Herefordshire | England |
1111 | Mr | JJ | Custance Baker | Old Marlburian RC | Wiltshire | England |
1112 | | IH | Czapiewski | Ibis R.C | Gloucestershire | England |
1113 | Mr | DC | Crispin | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
1114 | Mr | RI | Coventry | NRA | Cheshire | England |
1115 | Mr | DMJ | Coutts | Wandsworth FBRC | Norfolk | England |
1116 | Mr | GA | Cann | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1117 | Mr | BW | Cairns | Old Haberdashers | Hertfordshire | England |
1118 | Mr | MR | Cosway | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1119 | Mr | RJSG | Clark | RAFTRC | Buckinghamshire | England |
1120 | Mrs | PA | Cudby | Stock Exchange RC | County of London | Ireland |
1121 | Major | RJ | Aitken | East of Scotland RC | | England |
1122 | | IF | Coventry | Manchester RC | | |
1123 | Mr | CB | Corner | West Suffolk RC | Suffolk | |
1124 | Mr | DR | Armstrong | Old Guildfordians RC | London | England |
1125 | Mr | RJ | Coffin | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1126 | | N | Claus | IRC | | Netherlands |
1127 | Mr | SH | Cox | ATSC | Gloucestershire | England |
1128 | Major | PDE | Chase | N.L.R.C. | | Barbados |
1129 | Mr | R de V | Chase | NLRC | Hertfordshire | |
1130 | Mr | DC | Chalker | Guernsey RC | | Guernsey |
1131 | | PAR | Chapman | A.T.S.C | Sussex | England |
1132 | | GKJ | Chapman | South London R.C | Dorset | England |
1133 | Mr | DA | Chorlton | 11 RC | Lancashire | England |
1134 | Mr | SJ | Cane | Old Guildfordians RC | Wiltshire | England |
1135 | Dr | AMW | Cargill Thompson | NLRC | | England |
1136 | Mr | JS | Cross | NRA | | |
1137 | Mr | JRD | Clegg | Wandsworth FBRC | Lancashire | England |
1138 | Cpl | NM | Atkinson | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1139 | Cdt | DJG | Berkeley | Wellington College | Surrey | England |
1140 | Mr | BE | Bullard | Uppingham Veterans RC | | England |
1141 | Sgt | S | Burke | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1142 | L/Cpl | JDN | Davidson | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
1143 | Dr | M | Davidson | N.L.R.C. | | |
1144 | CdtCpl | A | Ferries | 67(Nearmouth)Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
1145 | Cdt | J | Freer | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1146 | Mr | GK | Goodwin | Falkland Islands RA | | Falkland Islands |
1147 | Mr | MR | Gregory | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
1148 | LCpl | MD | Groves | 1(WFR)Coy Herf'd&WorcsACF | | |
1149 | OCdt | GM | Hillier | University of London | Shropshire | Scotland |
1150 | Cdt | SH | Horiu Chi | Wellington College | | Japan |
1152 | | EH | Jenkins | Edinburgh University R.C | | |
1153 | Cpl | G | Jones | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
1154 | | M | Junor | Glenalmond College | | |
1155 | Cdt | SS | Lean | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
1156 | Cdt | IM | Madison | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1157 | Miss | CE | Marwood | Newcastle Uni RC | Northumberland | England |
1158 | Cpl | FL | Maudling | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1159 | Cdt | SI | Mohacek | Sevenoaks School | Sussex | England |
1160 | Cpl | C | Monk | Oxfordshire ACF | Oxfordshire | England |
1161 | | JJ | Morrison | Edinburgh University R.C | | Scotland |
1162 | | AA | Nicholson | Oxford University R.C | Buckinghamshire | England |
1163 | Sgt | C | Nixon | Campbell College C.C.F | | Ireland |
1164 | Miss | CJ | O'Hagan | Reading University | | |
1165 | | TK | Olliver | Bath University R.C | Somerset | England |
1166 | Mr | J | Paul | Old Wellingtonians | Berkshire | Scotland |
1167 | Cdt | N | Pellett | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | Glamorgan | Wales |
1168 | | CD | Robertson | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
1169 | Cdt | LM | Seales | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1170 | Cdt | RF | Smyth | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1171 | Cdt | WGJ | Stancliffe | Marlborough College | | |
1172 | Cdt | P | Stone | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1173 | Cdt | B | Sturge | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1174 | L/Cpl | WJC | Sutcliffe | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
1175 | Mr | ER | Welford | OWRC | Hampshire | England |
1176 | F/Sgt | M | Wilson | Yorks NSW ACF | | |
1177 | Miss | CV | Wilton | RNTRC | County of London | England |
1178 | Cdt | RC | Wilton | Sevenoaks School | County of London | England |
1179 | Mr | CR | Aitken | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1180 | | JV | Alexander | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1181 | | JO | Apperley | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
1182 | Dr | JC | Austin | Western Provinces | | South Africa |
1183 | Cdt Cpl | JM | Austin | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
1184 | | NJ | Badenhorst | Otjiwarongo | | Namibia |
1185 | Mr | JP | Bailey | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1186 | | JDK | Baker | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1187 | | A | Basson | South Africa | | South Africa |
1188 | Lt Col | AM | Bell | Australia | | Australia |
1189 | | DEH | Benest | Jersey R.C | Jersey | Jersey |
1190 | | IG | Benton | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
1191 | Major | ES | Bergsma | British Columbia Team | BC | Canada |
1192 | | JM | Berms | K.S.V Rotterdam | | Netherlands |
1193 | | TP | Berry | Australian Rifle Team | Queensland | Australia |
1194 | | WC | Berta | USA National | | United States of America |
1195 | Mr | AR | Betts | DCRA | | Canada |
1196 | | AK | Bhargava | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
1197 | Mr | AJ | Blain | | | Australia |
1198 | | JR | Bondfield | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1199 | | RP | Bondfield | Australian Schools Combin | Queensland | Australia |
1200 | Mr | AS | Bosman | Wonderboom RC | | South Africa |
1201 | | AP | Botes | Windhoek Club | | Namibia |
1202 | | V | Bow | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1203 | Mr | GR | Bowman | Canada | | Canada |
1204 | Mr | N C | Boyde | Stock Exchange RC | London | Canada |
1205 | | J | Braam | E.R.A Netherlands | | Netherlands |
1206 | | G | Bramley | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
1207 | | PD | Bramley | South Africa | | South Africa |
1208 | | NJR | Brand | Ooste Club | | Namibia |
1209 | | JF | Bremner | Western Provinces | | South Africa |
1210 | | FM | Browning | USA National | | United States of America |
1211 | | JJ | Bruwer | Baviaanspoort | | South Africa |
1212 | Mrs | CA | Bullock | Ontario Rifle Team | Ontario | Canada |
1213 | | JC | Bullock | Ontario Rifle Team | Ontario | Canada |
1214 | | GJP | Burger | Pretoria-East | | South Africa |
1215 | | A | Busby | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1216 | | DR | Bush | Texas Team | Texas | United States of America |
1217 | | JA | Button | Louth RC | Lincolnshire | |
1218 | | PS | Buys | South African National Te | Gauteng North | South Africa |
1219 | LCol | PF | Cambridge | Canberra RC | | |
1220 | Mr | JA | Caske | Natives RC | | Australia |
1221 | | DJ | Cassidy | Australian Schools Combin | Queensland | Australia |
1222 | | GR | Cassidy | Ontario Rifle Team | Ontario | Canada |
1223 | Lt Col | LL | Cebula | USA National | | United States of America |
1224 | | DS | Chalmers | Victoria Goodwill Team | Victoria | Australia |
1225 | Mr | JS | Chapman | Canada | Devon | Canada |
1226 | | GW | Cheek | Falkland Islands R.A. | | Falkland Islands |
1227 | Cdt | CS | Cherry | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
1228 | Mr | MA | Chivers | ATSC | Wiltshire | England |
1229 | | W | Chong | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1230 | | PB | Church | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1231 | | ES | Claassen | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1232 | | G | Clement | Trinidad R.A | | Trinidad |
1234 | Mr | R | Cole | Old Stamfordians | Lincolnshire | |
1235 | | TE | Cole | TMT | Texas | United States of America |
1236 | Lt | DJH | Coleman | Australian Army | NSW | Australia |
1237 | WO2 | CCC | Coley | Jamaica R.A | | Jamaica |
1238 | | FC | Conner | Victoria Goodwill Team | Victoria | Australia |
1239 | | VE | Conner | Victoria Goodwill Team | Victoria | Australia |
1240 | | KJ | Cooke | Australia | NSW | Australia |
1241 | Mr | J | Corbett | NRA | | Australia |
1242 | | LJ | Corkett | B.C.R.C | Buckinghamshire | England |
1243 | | DN | Crawford | Canada | | Canada |
1244 | | GJ | Crowe | Australian Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1245 | | RD | Cruikshank | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1246 | Capt | KA | Cunningham | DCRA | | Canada |
1247 | Mr | | CURA E | | | |
1248 | | DG | Daines | Canada | | Canada |
1249 | | JC | Davies | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1250 | | KB | De Klerk | Maritzburg R.A | Natal | South Africa |
1251 | | O | De Klerk | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1252 | | AP | de Niekerk | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1253 | | P | Deloume | Normandy RC | | France |
1254 | | RE | DePasque | California | | United States of America |
1255 | Dr | PV | Divasto | Texas Team | Texas | United States of America |
1256 | Mr | P | Dobell | Canada | | Canada |
1257 | Mr | PAB | Dodd | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
1258 | | APC | Dodds | Kenya Regiment R.C | | Kenya |
1259 | CWO | C | Donkin | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1260 | | PD | Dorrer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
1261 | Mr | SD | Douglas | Guyana NRA | | West Indies |
1262 | | W | Du Plooy | Pretoria-East | | South Africa |
1263 | | JG | Du Toit | South Africa | | South Africa |
1264 | WOII | I | Duba | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1265 | Mr | J | Dugas | Canada | | Canada |
1266 | | M | Dunia | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1267 | | AA | Dyason | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1268 | | AV | Edwards | Australian U25 | NSW | Australia |
1269 | ACP | S | Ekeno | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
1270 | | J | Emson | Hampshire | Hampshire | England |
1271 | | DV | Enslin | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1272 | Col | KJ | Erdman | USA National | | United States of America |
1273 | | A | Faruki | BCRA | | Canada |
1274 | | JHC | Fennell | A.T.S.C | Kent | England |
1275 | | R | Feustel | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
1276 | Mr | MSE | Firman | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
1277 | | LA | Fisher | Canada | | Canada |
1278 | Capt | JG | Fittler | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
1279 | | JP | Fitzgerald | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1280 | | DR | Flaharty | USA National | | United States of America |
1281 | Cdt | S | Flatman | Oxfordshire ACF | | |
1282 | | JH | Forrest | Malvern | | New Zealand |
1283 | | D | Fortunov | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1284 | | JJ | Fouche | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1285 | | J | Fourie | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1286 | | JH | Franklin | USA National | | United States of America |
1287 | | MD | Furzer | Jersey R.C | | Jersey |
1288 | | DW | Gardiner | Australian U25 | | Australia |
1289 | | HMJ | Gerber | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1290 | | RWB | Giles | Australian U25 | NSW | Australia |
1291 | Maj | AW | Gill | ATSC | Hampshire | Scotland |
1292 | | GW | Glasgow | New Zealand Goodwill | | New Zealand |
1294 | | BN | Gordon | Queensland Team | Queensland | Australia |
1295 | | SH | Goslin | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
1296 | | GJF | Gous | Windhoek Club | | Namibia |
1297 | Capt | MWA | Graves | Australian Army | NSW | Australia |
1298 | | IT | Griffiths | Grafton Rifle Club | NSW | Australia |
1299 | | JH | Grobler | S A Veterans | Gauteng | South Africa |
1300 | | PJ | Grobler | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1301 | Mr | GE | Grosskreutz | Australia | | Australia |
1302 | | A | Grundy | Ontario R.C | Ontario | Canada |
1303 | | RA | Gustin | USA National | | United States of America |
1304 | | JB | Haasbroek | Witwatersrand | Highveld Provinces | South Africa |
1305 | Dr | KE | Hammond | Jamaica R.A | | Jamaica |
1306 | | DL | Harris | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1307 | | C | Hatton | Chichester R.C | Sussex | |
1308 | Mrs | JE | Hausler | Brisbane RC | | Australia |
1309 | | R | Hayter | Western Provinces | | South Africa |
1310 | | TB | Hayter | Western Provinces | | South Africa |
1311 | Major | RG | Herms | British Columbia Team | | Canada |
1312 | Dr | DR | Hewitt | Queensland Team | Queensland | Australia |
1313 | | JV | Hill | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1314 | Miss | MM | Hill | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1315 | Mr | B | Hirst | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Derbyshire | England |
1316 | | RM | Hobbs | | | |
1317 | | MA | Hockings | Ontario R.C | Ontario | Canada |
1318 | Mr | GH | Holden | Stawell | | Australia |
1319 | | C | Holloway | South Africa | Gauteng North | South Africa |
1320 | | C | Honey | Otjiwarongo | | Namibia |
1321 | | PJ | Hooton | Old Wellingburian | Northants | England |
1322 | Mr | RJ | Hordle | Jersey RC | | Jersey |
1323 | Sgt | TR | Houghton | British Columbia Team | BC | Canada |
1324 | | DLC | Hui | Australian U25 | NSW | Australia |
1325 | Cdt Cpl | KC | Hullah | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
1326 | | CMJ | Hunter | Bristol University | Warwickshire | United Kingdom |
1327 | | S | Hyman | IRC Holland | Noord-Holland | Holland |
1328 | | EL | Illston | Cheltenham | | New Zealand |
1329 | | J | Ingoldsby | Ontario R.C | Ontario | Canada |
1330 | Miss | KAN | Jack | NLRC | Kent | Scotland |
1331 | | MR | Jackman | Victoria Goodwill Team | Victoria | Australia |
1332 | | JJ | Jackson | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1333 | | CJ | Jacobs | South African U25 | Gauteng | South Africa |
1334 | | AM | Jacques | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1335 | | DJ | Jaeger | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1336 | | TM | Joannedys | LMRA | County of London | United Kingdom |
1337 | | DL | Jolly | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1338 | S/Sgt | AA | Jones | Barbados R.A | | Barbados |
1339 | | CC | Jones | California | | United States of America |
1340 | | JT | Jones | Sedbergh School | | |
1341 | Miss | J | Jordan | Barbados R.A | | Barbados |
1342 | | NG | Keighley | A Coy | | |
1343 | | F | Kimani | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1344 | SSgt | E | Kimisik | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1345 | | L | King | Barbados R.A | | Barbados |
1346 | | R | Kinney | New Zealand Goodwill | | New Zealand |
1347 | Sgt | D | Kinuthia | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1348 | | WJ | Kiss | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1349 | Mr | R | Kligge | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
1350 | Sgt | P | Kokon | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
1351 | PTE | SI | Kremer | Australian Army | NSW | Australia |
1352 | | JH | Labuschagne | Ooste Club | | Namibia |
1353 | | D | Ladrach | Texas Team | Texas | United States of America |
1354 | | TSA | Lahtinen | U.L.R.C | | |
1355 | | WR | Lancaster | Zimbabwe Team | | Zimbabwe |
1356 | Mr | WA | Langley | Jersey RA | Jersey | |
1357 | Miss | LS | Larsson | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1358 | | RJ | Lauterbach | South African National Te | Gauteng North | South Africa |
1359 | | CD | Lavelle | USA National | | United States of America |
1360 | Col | CH | Le Roux | S A Veterans | Gauteng | South Africa |
1361 | Mr | D | Lee | Jamaica R.A | | Jamaica |
1362 | | JA | Lee | Trinidad R.A | | Trinidad & Tobago |
1363 | Mr | DFN | Leguern | NRA | Dorset | England |
1364 | | G | Levy | Normandy RC | | France |
1365 | | I | Lewis | C.U.R.A | | England |
1366 | | T | Lintner | Texas Team | Texas | United States of America |
1367 | Ms | U | Locher | British Alpine Rifles | | Switzerland |
1368 | | LE | Lovemore | South African U25 | | South Africa |
1369 | Mr | SL | Lucas | RNTRC | Devon | England |
1370 | | D | Mackie | Comber R.C | Ulster | Ireland |
1371 | | LD | Marett | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1372 | Mr | A | Marion | Canada | | Canada |
1373 | | JH | Maritz | South Africa | Northern Cape | South Africa |
1374 | L/Cpl | CW | Martin | Australian Army | Victoria | Australia |
1375 | Maj Rtd | P | Mathenge | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1376 | | TN | Maynard | DCRA | Ontario | Canada |
1377 | Sgt | A | McCann | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
1378 | | GE | McCartney | PPRA | Manitoba | Canada |
1379 | Mrs | WA | McGuigan | | NSW | Australia |
1380 | Mr | JN | McLaren | Masterton | | New Zealand |
1381 | Miss | JS | McMahon | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1383 | Mr | RC | Mead | USA National | | USA |
1384 | Mr | B | Mehrtens | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
1385 | Ms | LK | Miller | DCRA | | Canada |
1386 | | JD | Mitchley | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
1387 | Mr | FM | Mohideen | Canada | | Canada |
1388 | | MH | Mohideen | DCRA | | Canada |
1389 | | PM | Monteil | Groupe Mike | | France |
1390 | | JA | Moore | Australian Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1391 | | JE | Moore | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1392 | Lt Col | RG | Moore | Ontario R.C | Ontario | Canada |
1393 | | M | Mortensen | Oxford University R.C | Hertfordshire | |
1394 | | DM | Moseley | Texas Team | Texas | United States of America |
1395 | Mrs | SM | Mott | Old Nottinghamians | | England |
1396 | WOII | EK | Muleyi | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1397 | | AA | Mullin | Winona RC | Ontario | Canada |
1398 | | AE | Murray | Gresham's R.C | | Australia |
1399 | | ER | Murray | Queensland Team | Queensland | Australia |
1400 | Sgt | TG | Murray | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
1401 | Insp | J | Musyoka | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
1402 | Cpl | J | Mwangi | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
1403 | Mrs | DE | Negus | Bungendore | | Australia |
1404 | Mr | SM | Negus | Canberra RC | | Australia |
1405 | Miss | KA | Nelson | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1406 | Mr | DF | Nesbitt | Darlington R & PC | County of Durham | England |
1407 | Major | D | Ngatia | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
1408 | Maj | J | Nguli | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
1409 | | DFG | Nichols | British Columbia Team | BC | Canada |
1410 | | D | Noble | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
1411 | | BC | Norman | Zimbabwe Team | | Zimbabwe |
1412 | Cdt | W | Norris | Campbell College C.C.F | | |
1413 | Mr | HP | Noss | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
1414 | Mr | E | Nyagah | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1415 | Dr | BE | O'Brien | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1416 | Cpl | E | Odeo | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
1417 | | P | Papasideris | PPRA | Alberta | Canada |
1418 | | MO | Parvess | 269 Rifle Club | | Zimbabwe |
1419 | | PJ | Paterson | Old Framlinghamians R.C | Essex | United Kingdom |
1420 | Cdt | AD | Patrick | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
1421 | | TS | Paty | Trinidad R.A | | Trinidad & Tobago |
1422 | | PW | Peck | F.I.D.F. RC | | Falkland Islands |
1423 | Mr | M P | Perez | NLRC | | Trinidad & Tobago |
1424 | Mr | M | Persaud | Guyana NRA | | Guyana |
1425 | | DR | Pettersson | Falkland Islands R.A. | | Falkland Islands |
1426 | Cdt | C | Pezzaniti | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1427 | Cpl | AC | Phipps | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1428 | | EW | Pintard | USA National | | United States of America |
1429 | Cdt | MJP | Playford | Norfolk ACF | Norfolk | England |
1430 | | NC | Pogson | Bermuda | | Bermuda |
1431 | | NA | Potts | California | | United States of America |
1432 | Lt Col | AJ | Praysner | Ontario Rifle Team | Ontario | Canada |
1433 | | JLJ | Pringle | Zimbabwe Team | | Zimbabwe |
1434 | Mr | PGW | Purdy | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
1435 | Mr | WH | Putter | RNTRC | Dorset | England |
1436 | | LW | Quick | Ontario R.C | Ontario | Canada |
1437 | Mr | CHT | Quinn | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
1438 | | VC | Quixley | Western Provinces | | South Africa |
1439 | Major | SC | Rayner | Bermuda | | Bermuda |
1440 | | CA | Reid | Bermuda | | Bermuda |
1441 | | JJ | Rhynard | USA National | | United States of America |
1442 | | ER | Robinson | Bermuda | | Bermuda |
1443 | | L | Romalho | Guyana N.R.A | | Guyana |
1444 | | H | Ropars | Normandy RC | | France |
1445 | | NA | Rosewell | C.U.R.A | | |
1446 | | A | Rowlands | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1447 | Mr | RA | Rowlands | Lyndhurst RC | | Australia |
1448 | | RW | Rowlands | Malvern | | New Zealand |
1449 | Insp | | Sanudin Md Isa | Royal Malaysian Police | | Malaysia |
1450 | | JL | Scarborough | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1451 | Col | CE | Schulenburg | S A Veterans | | South Africa |
1452 | | GI | Shar | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1453 | | D | Shea | California | | United States of America |
1454 | | MB | Shouler | Langar | Nottinghamshire | England |
1455 | Mr | P | Sirett | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
1456 | Capt | RG | Skelton | City of Brisbane RC | Queensland | Australia |
1457 | Mr | EM | Sloane | Canada | | Canada |
1458 | | M | Smereka | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1459 | | CA | Smith | Jamaica R.A | | Jamaica |
1460 | | GRH | Smith | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
1461 | | J | Soanes | Trinidad R.A | | Trinidad & Tobago |
1462 | Major | SG | Soskin | OMRC | Bedfordshire | England |
1463 | | BJ | Southall | New Zealand Goodwill | | New Zealand |
1464 | | JA | Southall | New Zealand Goodwill | | New Zealand |
1465 | Mrs | CV | Sproul | USA National | | United States of America |
1466 | | ML | Sproul | USA National | | United States of America |
1467 | Cdt | GC | Staal | Athelings | Jersey | Jersey |
1468 | | D | Stanoev | DCRA | | Canada |
1469 | Mrs | U | Steinbruck | Ooste Club | | Namibia |
1470 | | RC | Steketee | | | United States of America |
1471 | | WI | Stewart | California | | United States of America |
1472 | | EE | Stigant | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
1473 | GYSgt | DW | Stovall | RMRA | | |
1474 | | A | Stuart | Barbados R.A | | Barbados |
1475 | | RD | Sullivan | British Columbia Team | BC | Canada |
1476 | Miss | E | Sutton | Edinburgh University R.C | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1477 | | SJS | Suttor | Sydney RC | | Australia |
1478 | | P | Swales | Canada U25 Rifle Team | Ontario | Canada |
1479 | | PD | Swart | Windhoek Club | | Namibia |
1480 | | MF | Sweet | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1481 | Sgt | PR | Swindell | Kwazulu Natal | | |
1482 | | I | Szabo | British Columbia Team | BC | Canada |
1483 | | AH | Takaoka | California | | United States of America |
1484 | | CG | Tang Choon | Trinidad R.A | | Trinidad & Tobago |
1485 | | GJ | Taras | USA National | | United States of America |
1486 | Capt | G | Taylor | Western Provinces | | South Africa |
1487 | Mr | K | Taylor | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
1488 | | LJ | Taylor | Harare R.C | Mashobaland | Zimbabwe |
1489 | | MD | Taylor | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1490 | | M | Teglasi | DCRA | | Canada |
1491 | Mr | BL | Thomson | Karramomus Rifle Club | | Australia |
1492 | Mrs | HM | Thomson | Victoria Goodwill Team | Victoria | Australia |
1493 | | AW | Tickell | Victoria Goodwill Team | Victoria | Australia |
1494 | | M | Tilton | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1495 | Mr | K | Todd MBE | City RC | Hampshire | England |
1496 | Mr | DJ | Tracey | LMRA | | |
1497 | | IW | Trevathen | | | Australia |
1498 | | TA | Trigg | Central Australian RC | Northern Territory | Australia |
1499 | | SW | Trott | Bermuda | | Bermuda |
1500 | Cdt | JA | Turner | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
1501 | | DGP | Vamplew | DCRA | | Canada |
1502 | | SW | Van Der Meerwe | Windhoek Club | | Namibia |
1503 | Mrs | E | Van der Vyver | Potchefstroom Defence | Highveld Provinces | South Africa |
1504 | | FC | Van der Vyver | Potchefstroom Defence | Highveld Provinces | South Africa |
1505 | | B | Van Marter | Texas Team | | United States of America |
1506 | | SJ | Van Ness Jr | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1507 | Capt | RL | Van Romburgh | Western Provinces | | South Africa |
1508 | | JP | van Rooyen | South African National Te | | South Africa |
1509 | | JW | Van Rooyen | South African U25 | Gauteng North | South Africa |
1510 | | A | Van Tergouw | K.S.V Rotterdam | | Netherlands |
1511 | | JH | Van Wolferen | E.R.A Netherlands | | Netherlands |
1512 | Gen | EA | Venter | S A Veterans | Gauteng North | South Africa |
1513 | RQMS | ARL | Walker | Kelvinside Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
1514 | Mr | GM | Walker | Central Tasmania RC | | Australia |
1515 | Lt | MA | Way | Australian Army | | Australia |
1516 | Mrs | GD | Webb-Enslin | Australian Rifle Team | Queensland | Australia |
1517 | | AC | Webster | USA National | | United States of America |
1518 | | R | Weir | Malvern | | New Zealand |
1519 | | PS | Welgemoed | South Africa | | South Africa |
1520 | | S | Wellington | Wonderboom RC | Highveld Provinces | South Africa |
1521 | Mr | K | Westling | DCRA | | Canada |
1522 | | LC | Whitnack | British Columbia Team | BC | Canada |
1523 | Cdt | B | Wilkinson | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1524 | | P | Willener | British Alpine Rifles | | Switzerland |
1525 | | SJ | Williams | Australia | | Australia |
1526 | Miss | AJ | Wilson | Australian U25 | | Australia |
1527 | Miss | EA | Wilson | Canada U25 Rifle Team | BC | Canada |
1528 | Mrs | SJ | Witney | Falkland Islands R.A. | | Falkland Islands |
1529 | | P | Wong | Australian U25 | NSW | Australia |
1530 | Mr | HM | Wong Shui | ORA | Ontario | Canada |
1531 | Mr | AJ | Woodward | Welsh RA | County of London | Wales |
1532 | | SA | Wotherspoon | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1533 | | NC | Yakey | | | United States of America |
1534 | Eur Ing | C | Cole | Wyke Manor | Hampshire | |
1535 | Mr | WC | Cuthbert | PSSA | | England |
1536 | Capt | HJ | Adcroft | Wellington College | Berkshire | New Zealand |
1537 | | TS | Charrington | Artists | | |
1538 | Mrs | D | Deroy Parker | 32nd 61st Surrey Home Gua | Surrey | England |
1539 | Mr | JR | Dodd | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
1540 | Mr | N | Anderson | Dungannon | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
1541 | Lt Cdr | RJF | Dawson | Canada | | Canada |
1542 | Mr | DAN | Elliott | Eagles RC | Berkshire | England |
1543 | Mr | DGF | Evans | NRA | Hampshire | England |
1544 | Mr | KJ | Aldridge | Falkland Islands RA | | Falkland Islands |
1545 | | MD | Ford | Queensland Team | Queensland | Australia |
1546 | Flt Lt | IM | Fenton | RAFSAA | | Sierre Leone |
1547 | | GD | Ferre | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
1548 | Mr | GAN | Anderson | OMRC | | |
1549 | | B | Hayes | West Suffolk R.C | Lincolnshire | England |
1550 | | P | Henworth | Kidderminister R.C | Hereford & Worcs | England |
1551 | Mr | S | Hepworth | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | Great Britain |
1552 | Mr | JRJ | Hinde | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
1553 | | PJ | Hobson | R.N.T.R.C | Hampshire | England |
1554 | | BG | Hulatt | Ibis R.C | County of London | |
1555 | Mr | JC | Holdsworth | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
1556 | | MGL | Hodges | A.T.S.C | | |
1557 | Mr | TC | Higgins | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | England |
1558 | Mr | JC | Hambro | NRA | County of London | England |
1559 | Mr | P | Barber | City RC | Hampshire | England |
1560 | Mr | R | Jackson | Chepstow RC | South Wales | Wales |
1561 | Dr | JC | Jobling | Langar RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
1562 | | MJ | Johnston | Comber R.C | Tyrone | N. Ireland |
1563 | Mr | D | Johnson | Bromsgrove RC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
1564 | Dr | AM | Jory | Guernsey RC | London | Guernsey |
1565 | | RJ | Knight | Lloyds TSBRC | Devon | England |
1566 | Mr | RW | Large | Bullet Lodge RC | Essex | England |
1567 | Mr | CST | Lehmann | ATSC | Cheshire | England |
1568 | Major | DA | Livingstone | London Scottish R.C | Fife & Kinross | Scotland |
1569 | Mr | MDA | Bentata | ATSC | Lancashire | England |
1570 | Mr | RW | Livett | NLRC | Oxfordshire | England |
1571 | Mr | JD | Lee | Sheffield R.C | Yorkshire | England |
1572 | Mr | HK | Lottritz | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
1573 | | FA | Bird | Dorking & District RC | Kent | England |
1574 | Mr | R | Blackall | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
1575 | Flt Lt | NP | Moxon | RAFTRC | Wiltshire | England |
1576 | Mr | AME | Adams | Lloyds TSBRC | Sussex | England |
1577 | Mrs | K | Le Quesne | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
1578 | Mr | RA | Mullin | Canada | | Canada |
1579 | | T | McIvor | Dungannon | Tyrone | Ireland |
1580 | | JR | Mansfield | Brecon RC | | Wales |
1581 | SAC | JEB | Mawby | R.A.F. Strike Command | | |
1582 | Mr | DR | Niblett | RAFTRC | Herefordshire | England |
1583 | Mr | EL | Orlik | NRA | Essex | England |
1584 | Mrs. | JR | Orpen-Smellie | Porthcawl RC | Glamorgan | Wales |
1585 | | LH | Ovenden | N.R.A | | Belgium |
1586 | | JE | Oliver-Bellasis | Manydown Rifle Club | | |
1587 | | JS | Pile | Old Cranleighians | | |
1588 | Mr | GH | Porter | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
1589 | | AG | Peden | DCRA | | Canada |
1590 | | SJ | Payn | Jersey R.C | | Jersey |
1591 | | D | Brigden | 32nd 61st Surrey Home Gua | Surrey | England |
1592 | Mrs | REG | Brion | Parthian | Surrey | England |
1593 | | J | Brogden | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
1594 | | MA | Pole-Evans | Falkland Islands R.A. | | Falkland Islands |
1595 | Mr | PD | Le Poidevin | Guernsey RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
1596 | | K | Rathbone | Huddersfield RC | Lancashire | England |
1597 | Mr | JT | Rayner | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
1598 | Mr | DF | Robinson | LMRA | Surrey | England |
1599 | Mr | AJ | Bryant | RAFTRC | Suffolk | England |
1600 | Mr | AJ | Reynolds | NLRC | Hampshire | England |
1601 | Mr | A W | Sainter | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
1602 | Sir | C | Sykes | ATSC | Wiltshire | England |
1604 | | NC | Simons | Bermuda | | Bermuda |
1605 | | DF | Sewell | DCRA | Manitoba | Canada |
1606 | Mrs | D | Sewell | DCRA | Manitoba | Canada |
1607 | Mr | PJ | Temperley | Stock Exchange RC | London | England |
1608 | | MC | Turner | RAFTRC | Yorkshire | England |
1609 | | PDC | Turner | RAFTRC | | |
1610 | | W | Turner | MCRC | Nottinghamshire | |
1611 | Dr | NP | Tucker | OGRE | Suffolk | Scotland |
1612 | | L | Temme | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
1613 | Mr | MWT | Walton | Stock Exchange RC | County of London | England |
1614 | Mr | CB | Warwick | ISIS Rifle & Pistol Club | Oxfordshire | England |
1615 | Mr | NR | Wells | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | Isle of Man |
1616 | | GM | Yannaghas | N.L.R.C. | | |
1617 | Mr | R | Kloosterman | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
1618 | M | P | Le Cam | Normandy RC | | France |
1619 | M | JF | Boussaingault | Normandy RC | | France |
1620 | | D | Bedding | Radlett | Hertfordshire | England |
1621 | Ms | SL | Ramsay | Ontario R.C | Ontario | Canada |
1622 | | RDC | Burch | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
1623 | Mr | AA | Jobling | Old Epsomians | Surrey | England |
1624 | Mr | RD | Macmillan | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1625 | Mr | JRW | Postle | Old Epsomian RC | Gloucestershire | England |
1626 | | NE | Scudder | Australian U25 | | Australia |
1627 | Mr | TF | Kurn | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
1628 | | HJ | Burton | City RC | | |
1629 | | JP | Bouin | Normandy RC | | Normandy |
1630 | Mr | NBS | Logan | Wandsworth FBRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
1631 | Mrs | T | Capell | Cornwall R.C | Cornwall | England |
1632 | | JK | McPhee | Normandy RC | | France |
1633 | Mr | HL | Ingram | NRA | | France |
1634 | | PH | Jackson | West of Scotland R.C | | Scotland |
1635 | Mrs | CIM | Le Poidevin | Guernsey RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
1636 | | WL | Buxton | Old Marlburian R.C | | |
1637 | | AJ | Barr | N.L.R.C. | County of London | Scotland |
1638 | Mr | SG | Cuddy | Dungannon | Tyrone | Ireland |
1639 | Dr | PFBH | Buchanan | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
1640 | Mr | MB | Buckley | New Zealand | Lancashire | England |
1641 | | B | Lequertier | Normandy RC | | France |
1642 | | L | Winter | Ruislip RC | Middlesex | England |
1643 | Mr | A | Alvey | Huddersfield RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
1644 | | JH | Foulston | N.R.A | Suffolk | England |
1645 | Miss | AM | Brown | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1646 | | M | Mercer | 32nd 61st Surrey Home Gua | Surrey | |
1647 | Ms | HM | Griffiths | Pacific RC | | Australia |
1648 | | G | Kinross | BBC R.C | | |
1649 | Mrs. | ME | Restell | Eagle R & P.C | Berkshire | England |
1650 | Mr | CA | Leece | LMRA | Hampshire | Isle of Man |
1651 | Mr | D | Parr | West Atholl RC | | Scotland |
1652 | Mr | KG | Ellett | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
1653 | | JJK | Sheldon | A.T.R.C. | Hampshire | England |
1654 | Miss | DK | Upshall | SCRA | Somerset | |
1655 | Mr | DGM | Coleman | Surrey RA | | England |
1656 | | AJ | Collins | Barclays Bank R.C | | |
1657 | | RJ | Cushing | Guernsey R.C | Guernsey | Channel Islands |
1658 | Miss | MN | Chombart | Normandy RC | | France |
1659 | Mr | SL | Cleveland | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
1660 | Sqn Ldr | KP | Cressy | RAF Air Cmd | Buckinghamshire | England |
1661 | Cdt | A | Bednarz | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1662 | Cdt | A | Beecroft | Athelings | Derbyshire | England |
1663 | Cdt | CJB | Berragan | Wellington College | Wiltshire | England |
1664 | | AHM | Bhalsod | U.L.R.C | Cambridgeshire | England |
1665 | Mr | JJ | Bleakley | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
1666 | Cdt | D | Caouette | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1667 | | DJ | Caughey | Comber R.C | Ulster | N. Ireland |
1668 | Cdt | RA | Chamings | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
1669 | Miss | JK | Charlton | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | Netherlands |
1670 | | BM | Chowdhary | University of London | County of London | Ireland |
1671 | Mr | RE | Clarke | Uppingham Veterans RC | Lincolnshire | England |
1672 | Cdt | K | Coffin | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1673 | | JDA | Conradie | South African U25 | | South Africa |
1674 | Cdt | J | Cooper | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1675 | | NP | Craven | St Andrews Uni. R.C | Angus | Scotland |
1676 | | J | Cuneo | Australian Schools Combin | NSW | Australia |
1677 | Cdt | M | Currie | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1678 | Cdt | C | Cuthbert | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1679 | | OS | Davis | C.U.R.A | Gloucestershire | England |
1680 | | PR | de C Stock | Victoria College | Jersey | Channel Islands |
1681 | | PP | de Vries | South African U25 | | South Africa |
1682 | | C | Duguid | Guyana N.R.A | | Guyana |
1683 | | PT | Eckley | C.U.R.A | | |
1684 | Cdt | A | Ferguson | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1685 | | S | Fisher | Wandsworth | County of London | England |
1686 | Cdt | M | Fournier | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1687 | Cdt | R | Fulthorpe | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1688 | Ms | A | Gagne | DCRA | | Canada |
1689 | | CD | Gibson | Aberdeen University R.C | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
1690 | | J | Graves | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
1691 | Cdt | C | Gregoire | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1692 | Cdt | A | Hall | Wellington College | Kent | |
1693 | Ms | E | Hamilton | | | |
1694 | Mr | MG | Hargreaves | University of Durham | Yorkshire | England |
1695 | | S | Harless | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
1696 | Cdt | AP | Hayle | Sedbergh School | | |
1697 | | J | Higgins | | | Canada |
1698 | Cdt | RL | Hill | Athelings | Yorkshire | England |
1699 | | BTK | Hopson | OURC | Buckinghamshire | England |
1700 | | J | Hurd | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
1701 | Cdt | SS | Hutcheson | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
1702 | | J | Imhoff | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
1703 | | DA | Jacques | Australian U25 | | Australia |
1704 | | GR | Jordan | Edinburgh University R.C | | Scotland |
1705 | Cpl | PJ | Kirby | Malvern College | Midland Counties | England |
1706 | Cdt | M | Lafleur | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1707 | Cdt | G | Lovett | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1708 | CWO | P | Marwood | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1709 | Cdt | R | Mijic | Malvern College | | |
1710 | Cdt | JR | Moss | Wellington College | Surrey | |
1711 | Cdt | RW | Nieuwburg | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
1712 | | LC | O'Donnell | NSW Rifle Team | NSW | Australia |
1713 | Cdt | JW | Pearson | Sedbergh School | | |
1714 | Cdt | AR | Prideaux | Uppingham Veterans RC | | |
1715 | Cdt | S | Riopel | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1716 | Mr | RJA | Ritchie | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | England |
1717 | Sgt | T | Routledge | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
1718 | Cdt | N | Savard | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1719 | Cdt | CDA | Sears | Wellington College | Berkshire | United Kingdom |
1720 | Cdt | RA | Shanks | St. Johns School | Surrey | England |
1721 | Mrs | AH | Shepherd | | | |
1722 | L/Cpl | JN | Shooter | Cranbrook School | | |
1723 | | CF | Simon | Jersey R.A | Jersey | Jersey |
1724 | Cdt | A | Smith | Wellington College | | England |
1725 | Mr | A | Smith | Epsom College | Hampshire | England |
1726 | | L | Smith | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
1727 | | JN | Thompson | Highgate School CCF | Hertfordshire | England |
1728 | Miss | C | Tremblay | Canada U25 Rifle Team | Quebec | Canada |
1729 | | T | Tubb | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
1730 | Miss | REW | Wenham | WRA | Glamorgan | Wales |
1731 | Cdt | SA | Wilson | Campbell College C.C.F | Ulster | Ireland |
1732 | | AYLW | Wong | Perse CCF | Cambridgeshire | England |
1733 | Sgt | A | Young | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
1734 | | A | Zoetmulder | IRC Holland | Noord-Holland | Holland |
1735 | | WD | Adams | Canada | | Canada |
1736 | Miss | SG | Adamson | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
1737 | Cdt | D | Albinus | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | Glamorgan | Wales |
1738 | | W | Amberg | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | |
1739 | Cdt | A | Athkravisoonthorn | Epsom College | | |
1740 | Mr | PDB | Ayre | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
1741 | | TR | Bamford | Edinburgh University R.C | | England |
1742 | | DG | Barnes | Leiston Patriotic | Suffolk | |
1743 | | RP | Batty | University of London | Surrey | England |
1744 | | SP | Berkemeyer | MRA | Natal | South Africa |
1745 | | RG | Best | Canada | | Canada |
1746 | | TE | Bower | Cheltenham College C.C.F | Gloucestershire | England |
1747 | Cdt | PK | Boyle | Athelings | Ulster | N. Ireland |
1748 | Cdt | SSJ | Brearley | Uppingham School | County of London | England |
1749 | | GR | Breitmeyer | N.L.R.C. | Sussex | England |
1750 | | N | Brown | Canada | | Canada |
1751 | | M | Browning | USA Young Eagles | | United States of America |
1752 | | TH | Brutten | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
1753 | Cdt | R | Buck | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
1754 | | DJ | Bullen | | ACT | Australia |
1755 | Cdt | MN | Burdeniuk | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1756 | Mr | PS | Calvert | Old Stamfordians | Cambridgeshire | Ireland |
1757 | | O | Campbell | Reading University | | United Kingdom |
1758 | Miss | EJ | Cannings | UVRC | Northants | Leics |
1759 | Ms | SER | Carlton | Canada | | Canada |
1760 | Mr | TA | Chapman | Old Framlinghamians RC | Norfolk | England |
1761 | | G | Chase | NSRA | | Canada |
1762 | Cdt | D | Chen | Cheltenham College C.C.F | | |
1763 | Cdt | DJD | Christie | Campbell College C.C.F | Ulster | Ireland |
1764 | | JH | Clipstone | Rand R.C | | South Africa |
1765 | Cdt | MH | Cloughley | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
1766 | Mrs | SNJ | Collyer | East Grinstead | Sussex | England |
1767 | | HJ | Combrink | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
1768 | | JP | Cooke | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
1769 | Mr | DJ | Cooney | Comber RC | | Ireland |
1770 | Miss | LJ | Corner | N.R.A | Dorset | England |
1771 | Cdt | JAG | Corry | Athelings | | N. Ireland |
1772 | Cdt | SB | Coster | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
1773 | Cdt | S | Cox | Sedbergh School | | |
1774 | Cdt | D | Crann | 67(Nearmouth)Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
1775 | | DS | Creasey | Ibis R.C | | |
1776 | Cdt | KA | Cross | Athelings | Gloucestershire | England |
1777 | | PC | de Jager | | | South Africa |
1778 | Cdt | DB | De la Haye | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
1779 | | RIC | Denman | O.G.R.E | Surrey | England |
1780 | Mrs | S | Dennis | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
1781 | Cpl | K | Denny | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
1782 | | GE | Dewhirst | University of London | County Durham | England |
1783 | Cdt Sgt | SJG | Dickens | 111 (Sunderland) Sqn | County Durham | England |
1784 | Cdt | JR | Dixon | Uppingham Veterans RC | Suffolk | England |
1785 | Cdt | DWD | Dobbin | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1786 | Cdt | NW | Drapeau | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1787 | | EJB | Duggleby | Leeds R.C | Yorkshire | Great Britain |
1788 | | SG | East | | Victoria | Australia |
1789 | | GC | Epp | RMRC | | United States of America |
1790 | Cdt | J | Felton | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
1791 | Cdt | RA | Ferguson | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1792 | Mr | AJ | Finlay | St Andrews University | Yorkshire | Scotland |
1793 | | JH | Fouche | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
1794 | Mr | AJH | Fowler | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
1795 | | JH | Freebairn | Balaklava | | |
1796 | Mr | WS | Freebairn | | | Australia |
1797 | L/Cpl | MP | Garbutt | R.G.S Guildford | Surrey | |
1798 | | M | Garcia | Euroa | Victoria | Australia |
1799 | Cdt | JC | Green | Yorks NSW ACF | | |
1800 | Mrs | VW | Hall | DCRA | Ontario | Canada |
1801 | | JS | Harless II | USA Young Eagles | | United States of America |
1802 | Cdt | NA | Harlow | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
1803 | Cdt | M | Harten | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1804 | Cdt | JJ | Harvey | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
1805 | Mr | | Hashim Mohamad | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
1806 | Mr | E | Hewitt | Hampshire RA | Hampshire | England |
1807 | Mr | JC | Hilton-Johnson | Bedfordians RC | Oxfordshire | England |
1808 | Cdt | JD | Hogan | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
1809 | Mr | LE | Horwood | Stawell | | Australia |
1810 | | SJ | Howard | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
1811 | Cdt | T | Howard-Pearce | Wellington College | Berkshire | United Kingdom |
1812 | Mr | APH | Hoyle | Manchester | Cumbria | England |
1813 | Cdt | CW | Hughes | Campbell College C.C.F | | |
1814 | | SJB | Humphrey | Edinburgh University R.C | Grampian | Scotland |
1815 | | GF | Hutton | | Hawaii | United States of America |
1816 | S/Sgt | R | Ingram | Angus & Dundee Cdt Bn | Angus | Scotland |
1817 | Mr | MA | Jackson | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
1818 | Cdt | PJJ | Jackson | Cheltenham College C.C.F | Oxfordshire | England |
1819 | Mr | JM | Jarritt | City RC | | England |
1820 | Mr | ERT | Jeens | Welsh RA | London | Wales |
1821 | Mr | HRT | Jeens | Old Marlburian RC | County of London | Wales |
1822 | Cdt | RE | Jimenez | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1823 | Cdt | HE | Jones | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
1824 | | V | Kozicki | DCRA | | Canada |
1825 | | W | Kuhnt | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
1826 | | AJ | Kumar | OGRC | | |
1827 | Cdt | C | Labbe | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1828 | Mr | AR | Langley | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
1829 | Cdt | JP | Larbastier | Elizabeth College | | |
1830 | Mr | PDR | Law | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1831 | | NJA | Le Cocq | Jersey R.A | | Jersey |
1832 | Cdt | JYH | Lee | Epsom College | | |
1833 | | KM | MacDonald | West Atholl | | Scotland |
1834 | | WA | MacFarlane | Canberra RC | ACT | Australia |
1835 | Cdt | CML | Macintosh | Athelings | | Scotland |
1836 | Miss | T | Stuart-Gordon | LMRA | Sussex | |
1837 | Miss | N | Malkin | City of Newcastle RC | County Durham | England |
1838 | Cdt | M | Mallet | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1839 | | SG | Maree | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
1840 | Miss | SE | Marshall | Edinburgh University R.C | Ulster | Ireland |
1841 | | CK | Martin | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1842 | Cdt LS | AR | Mathew | Victoria College | Jersey | Great Britain |
1843 | Cdt | PH | Mayne | Uppingham Veterans RC | Rutland | England |
1844 | | TR | McInnis | NCRRA | | Canada |
1845 | Mr | N | McKendrick | OGRE | Lincolnshire | England |
1846 | Miss | E | McMullan | URA | Ulster | Ireland |
1847 | Bdr | HC | McNeilly | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
1848 | | GL | Mincham | | South Australia | Australia |
1849 | Miss | LA | Moore | Edinburgh University Rifl | East of Scotland | Ireland |
1850 | Dr | GP | Nelson | Manchester RC | Northumberland | England |
1851 | Cdt | TR | Neudorf | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1852 | Cdt | KW | Nicoll | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1853 | Cdt | PJ | Noble | Athelings | Jersey | Jersey |
1854 | Miss | EL | Norman | Jersey R.C | | Jersey |
1855 | Mr | AJ | Nowacki | CURA | Cambridgeshire | Jersey |
1856 | Miss | J | Nutt | Dungannon | Tyrone | Ireland |
1857 | | AP | Pamment | SLRC | Essex | England |
1858 | | HS | Panesar | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | England |
1859 | Mr | SJ | Pascoe | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
1860 | | TR | Paterson | Nottingham University | | |
1861 | Cdt | TE | Pennock | Malvern College | | |
1862 | Cdt | JC | Peterson | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1863 | | RR | Philipson-Stow | A.T.R.C. | | |
1864 | Cdt | CV | Phillips | Dollar Academy | | |
1865 | | M | Plug | KNSC | | Holland |
1866 | | DR | Proctor | Reading University | | |
1867 | Mr | PS | Quinn | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
1868 | Cdt | A | Ranger | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1869 | Mr | PL | Redstone | Canada | Hertfordshire | Canada |
1870 | Miss | KM | Reid | Leeds RC | Yorkshire | England |
1871 | | CAHS | Robinson | Northumbrian OTC | Middlesex | England |
1872 | | MT | Ryan | URA | | Ireland |
1873 | Cdt | RJ | Saint | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
1875 | | O | Shabbert | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
1876 | | B | Shanson | Edinburgh University R.C | County of London | England |
1877 | Mr | DMC | Sharp | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
1878 | Sgt | G | Smith | | Angus | Scotland |
1879 | Miss | T | Speir | Marlow | Buckinghamshire | England |
1880 | Cdt | ATG | Squires | Cheltenham College C.C.F | Gloucestershire | England |
1881 | Cdt Sgt | BWJ | Squires | Cheltenham College C.C.F | County of London | England |
1882 | Cdt | E | Stark | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
1883 | | B | Starks | Cheltenham | Gloucestershire | United Kingdom |
1884 | Mr | RMR | Stearn | RNTRC | Norfolk | England |
1885 | Cdt | RPS | Stewart | Cranbrook School | Kent | England |
1886 | | A | Steyn | South Africa | | South Africa |
1887 | | S | Steyn | South Africa | | South Africa |
1888 | Cdt | LB | Taggart | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1890 | | JC | Theriault | DCRA | | Canada |
1891 | | EL | Townsend | C.U.R.A | Kent | England |
1892 | Cdt | RG | Tregaskes | RGS Guildford | | |
1893 | Cdt | OGP | Troth | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
1894 | | RWM | Tuke | Old Carthusians | Devon | |
1895 | | PJ | van der Walt | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
1896 | | R | Von Selle | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
1897 | | MAP | Vos | IRC Holland | Noord-Holland | Holland |
1898 | | AG | Warrian | | | Australia |
1899 | Cdt | C | Watts | Oxfordshire ACF | Oxfordshire | England |
1900 | Cdt | J | Weir | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1901 | Miss | EA | Weston | C.U.R.A | Nottinghamshire | England |
1902 | Cdt | CR | Wheatley-Hubbard | Marlborough College | | |
1903 | Cdt | B | White | Oxfordshire ACF | Oxfordshire | England |
1904 | Cdt | W | White | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1905 | | NA | Wilkinson | Sheffield RC | Derbyshire | England |
1906 | | DJ | Williams | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | Wales |
1907 | Cdt | CA | Wolsey | Campbell College C.C.F | Down | N. Ireland |
1908 | Cdt | C | Wong | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1909 | Cdt | JR | Wyatt | Athelings | Hampshire | England |
1910 | Mr | I | Cheeseman | ATSC | | USA |
1911 | Mr | JD | Clifford | Canberra RC | | Australia |
1912 | | PG | Daniel | Old Wellingtonians | | |
1913 | Mr | GV | Feast | LMRA | Hertfordshire | England |
1914 | Wg Cdr | CM | Fopp | RAFTRC | Middlesex | England |
1915 | | DM | Higginson | 11 R.C | Lancashire | England |
1916 | Mr | JAC | McAllister | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
1917 | | JA | McKinnell | Ricochet R.C | | |
1918 | Dr. | RW | Nash | N.R.A | | |
1919 | | J | Parker | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
1920 | Mr | PD | Pelly | Old Marlburian RC | Sussex | England |
1921 | | L | Pearton | Senghenydd | Monmouthshire | Wales |
1922 | Mr | HW | Riley | City RC | County of London | England |
1923 | | HJH | Stafford | LMRA | | England |
1924 | | J | Hibbins | Dungannon | Cambridgeshire | England |
1925 | | MW | Hibbins | | Cambridgeshire | England |
1926 | Mr | M | Maksimovic | LMRA | Lincolnshire | England |
1927 | Mr | JA | Garnett | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
1928 | | T | O'Hanlon-Smith | | Essex | United Kingdom |
1929 | Mr | MJ | Good | Hurstpierpoint | Sussex | England |
1930 | | CR | Davis | Ibis R.C | | |
1931 | | S | Ingram | Normandy RC | | France |
1932 | Mrs | MM | Norman | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
1933 | | N | Washington | N.R.A | Oxfordshire | England |
1934 | Mr | S | Robinson | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
1935 | Mr | EJ | Hobbs | | South Wales | Wales |
1936 | | AM | Cooney | Langar | Nottinghamshire | England |
1937 | | A | Bowry | | | |
1938 | | SB | Pitcher | Jersey R.A | Jersey | Great Britain |
1939 | | AMC | Wilson | NRA | | Ireland |
1940 | Mr | AJ | Coleman-Cooke | Welwyn Phoenix | Yorkshire | England |
1941 | | AD | Christofi | Chichester R.C | | |
1942 | Prof | PJ | Chapman-Sheath | NLRC | Lincolnshire | England |
1943 | | AG | Baker | | Derbyshire | |
1944 | Cdt | FL | Beadle | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
1945 | | BHG | Boehme | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
1946 | Mr | RT | Bradley | NLRC | | England |
1947 | Cdt | J | Burke | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
1948 | Cdt | R | Cardinal | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
1949 | | CF | Clark | USA National | | United States of America |
1950 | | GJ | Cleary | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
1951 | Cdt | EK | Clipsham | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
1952 | | MJ | Collings | Te Puke | | New Zealand |
1953 | | DL | Crandall | USA National | | United States of America |
1954 | Mr | CMS | Dawes | Old Guildfordians RC | | |
1955 | Miss | RC | Dixon | OURC | Oxfordshire | England |
1956 | Cdt | K | Donnelly | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | S Glamorgan | Wales |
1957 | Cdt | EM | Dunnet | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
1958 | Mr | J | Fong Yew | Trinidad RA | | Trinidad |
1959 | Miss | HA | Foster | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
1960 | Mr | SR | Friling | ATSC | Gloucestershire | England |
1961 | Cdt | S | Glover | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | S Glamorgan | Wales |
1962 | Cdt | NV | Hall | Marlborough College | Oxfordshire | England |
1963 | | WL | Hammers | U.S.A | | United States of America |
1964 | | DH | Hausmann | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
1965 | Dr | SA | Hebbes | City RC | Gloucestershire | England |
1966 | Cdt LCpl | NJE | Holland | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
1967 | | MA | Homer | Trinidad R.A | | Trinidad |
1968 | | RA | Jones | USA National | | United States of America |
1969 | | JGRC | Jowett | C.U.R.A | Surrey | England |
1970 | Dr | CL | Chorlton | 11 RC | Lancashire | England |
1971 | Mr | JWE | Lothian | Old Epsomian RC | Middlesex | England |
1972 | Mr | MR | Lyons | OURC | Ulster | Ireland |
1973 | Mr | MJ | MacKeith | Old Epsomian RC | Somerset | Scotland |
1974 | Mr | JCF | Marshall | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Scotland |
1975 | Mr | KC | Marshall | NRA | Berkshire | Wales |
1976 | | MP | McCullough | OURC | Ulster | Ireland |
1977 | Mr | JF | Morris | Stock Exchange RC | Surrey | England |
1978 | Maj | DJC | Nelson | Jamaica RA | | Jamaica |
1979 | Mr | TJD | Raincock | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
1980 | Mr | G | Rasmussen | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
1981 | Cdt Sgt | AJ | Read | 2297 Sqn ATC | Devon | England |
1982 | Miss | IA | Reder | Cheltenham College C.C.F | | Ukraine |
1983 | Mr | JMG | Redman | NRA | Kent | Ireland |
1984 | Cdt Cpl | AJ | Richmond | 239 Sqn ATC | | |
1985 | | BA | Rollins | USA National | | United States of America |
1986 | Mr | RJ | Scaglione | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
1987 | | AM | Sedgwick | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | United Kingdom |
1988 | Mr | BMA | Stevens | City RC | London | England |
1989 | Mr | M | Stewart | West of Scotland RC | West of Scotland | Ireland |
1990 | Cdt LCpl | AJ | Stilwell | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
1991 | Mr | PRD | Stock | Jersey RA | Norfolk | Jersey |
1992 | Mr | JP | Thomson | Old Bradfieldians | Surrey | |
1993 | Mr | N | Thorburn | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
1994 | Mr | J | Wallace | ATSC | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
1995 | Mr | REWD | Watt | OURC | Ulster | Ireland |
1996 | | RJ | Wayman | Durham University | Northants | Great Britain |
1997 | Mr | SJ | Whitby | Hopton Supper Club | | England |
1998 | Cdt Sgt | E | Whitcombe | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
1999 | Mr | DF | Williams | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
2000 | Cdt | S | Willis | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2001 | Cdt | D | Worthington | 67(Nearmouth)Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
2002 | Mr | BH | Yates | Uppingham Veterans RC | Lincolnshire | England |
2003 | Mr | SM | Friling | ATSC | Gloucestershire | England |
2004 | Mr | C | Shorthouse | British Snipers | Surrey | England |
2005 | | WS | Cowell | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
2006 | | J | Toye | OBRC | | |
2007 | | PC | Duxbury | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | England |
2008 | Mr | RA | Dyball | Wandsworth FBRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
2009 | Mr | F | De Castro | TNV France | | France |
2010 | Mr | RG | Scott | Altcar RC | Lancashire | Scotland |
2011 | Mr | SL | Larter-Whitcher | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2012 | Dr | F | O'Sullivan | N.R.A | Devon | Ireland |
2013 | MEng | DJ | Doyle | RAFTRC | | |
2014 | Mr | SW | Kemp | Old Johnian RC | Hampshire | England |
2015 | Dr | P | Mackey | S.E.R.C. | Sussex | N. Ireland |
2016 | Mr | A I | Lawrie | Old Stamfordians | Lincolnshire | Scotland |
2017 | Mr | JF | Lawrie | Old Stamfordians | Lincolnshire | Scotland |
2018 | Mrs | SG | Sirett | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Jersey |
2019 | Mr | JA | Curd | Folkestone RC | Kent | England |
2020 | | CJH | Abri | Bedford Mod Schl | Bedfordshire | England |
2021 | Mrs | JG | Adamson | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2022 | | JM | Adell | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2023 | | MR | Al-Warith Al- Shidi | Cheltenham College C.C.F | | Oman |
2024 | Mr | J | Alford | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | |
2025 | Cdt | Z | Amran | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
2026 | Miss | SIM | Anderson | NLRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
2027 | OCdt | JM | Anthistle | A.T.S.C | Wiltshire | Great Britain |
2028 | Cdt | A | Attali | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2029 | Mr | A | Othman | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
2030 | Cdt | R | Baker | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | S Glamorgan | Wales |
2031 | Miss | L | Barnes | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2032 | SSgt | N | Batai | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2033 | Mrs | AJ | Bates | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2034 | | CA | Bayne | Canada | | Canada |
2035 | | J | Beltran | Normandy RC | | France |
2037 | | EC | Biggar | Canada | | Canada |
2038 | | DJ | Biggs | USA National | | United States of America |
2039 | Flt Lt | K | Bissell | LMRA | Derbyshire | England |
2040 | | D | Blair | Guyana N.R.A | | Guyana |
2041 | | HM | Blair | | Kent | New Zealand |
2042 | Cdt | I | Blewitt | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2043 | | H | Bock | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
2044 | Mr | RES | Bogie | City RC | | Ireland |
2045 | Mrs | N | Borrett | Pretoria-East | | South Africa |
2046 | | AJ | Bosman | Wonderboom RC | | South Africa |
2048 | | CN | Branson | RAFTRC | Cumbria | England |
2049 | | M | Brazeau | Canada | | Canada |
2050 | | TF | Breedt | South Africa | | South Africa |
2051 | Cdt | DC | Britten | St. Johns School | Surrey | England |
2052 | Cdt | KL | Buffoni | Athelings | Yorkshire | |
2053 | Mr | B | Bullock | Canada | | Canada |
2054 | SAC | FA | Burgwyn | R.A.F. Strike Command | Wiltshire | |
2055 | Mr | NH | Burton | Guernsey RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
2056 | Cdt | NJB | Bussell | Athelings | Gloucestershire | England |
2057 | Cdt | G | Butler | 67(Nearmouth)Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
2058 | | DR | Cadden | Australian Rifle Team | Queensland | Australia |
2059 | Cdt Cpl | L | Chan | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
2060 | LCP | JB | Charlton | Sedbergh School | | England |
2061 | Cpl | M | Cheruyiot | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2062 | | R | Cheu-Choi | IRC Holland | Noord-Holland | Holland |
2063 | | KD | Chittock | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2064 | Cdt | L | Churchill | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2065 | Cdt | AJ | Coates | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2066 | Cdt | BP | Cochrane | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
2067 | | AJ | Coello | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2068 | Cdt | ETC | Collas | Wellington College | Oxfordshire | |
2069 | | NL | Collings | Windsor RC | Buckinghamshire | England |
2070 | | CR | Collins | Univerity of Southampton | Hampshire | Scotland |
2071 | | JA | Considine | Bradfield College | | |
2072 | | T | Cooper | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2073 | Cdt | A | Cowan | Oakham School | Rutland | England |
2074 | | NF | Crawford | USA National | | United States of America |
2075 | Cdt | R | Crema | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2076 | Sgt | N | Cumming Bruce | | Berkshire | |
2077 | Cdt | DJ | Cummings | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
2078 | Cpl | T | Dack | | South Yorkshire | United Kingdom |
2079 | Mr | NT | Davies | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
2080 | | R | Davis | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
2082 | | JPR | De Quidt | RGS Guildford | Surrey | United Kingdom |
2083 | Mr | MJ | Dodson | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2084 | | SM | Dodson | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2085 | | JAP | Du Toit | S A Veterans | | South Africa |
2086 | Mr | JR | Dunbar | ATSC | Devon | England |
2087 | | GR | Duncan | Central Australian RC | | Australia |
2088 | Mrs | R | Duncan | Australia | Queensland | Australia |
2089 | | WK | Dunlap | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2090 | Cadet | JP | Edmund Hotton | R.G.S Guildford | Surrey | England |
2091 | Cdt | S | Emanuels | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2092 | Cdt | M | Ferguson | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2093 | | W | Flentje | Altcar RC | Cheshire | England |
2094 | Cdt | K | Foden | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2095 | | M | Forrest-Browning | USA Goodwill | | United States of America |
2096 | Sgt | OJL | Foster | Sedbergh School | | England |
2097 | | TI | Fouche | S A Veterans | | South Africa |
2098 | Mr | DJ | Fourie | SA Junior | | South Africa |
2099 | Cdt Sgt | HH | Fowler | Marlborough College | | |
2100 | | B | Fox | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2101 | | J | Fox | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2102 | Cdt LCpl | JB | Frazer Pimblett | Sedbergh School | | England |
2103 | Miss | AK | Freebairn | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2104 | | AS | Frost | C.U.R.A | Hampshire | England |
2105 | | J | Gaines | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2106 | Cdt | S | Gauthier | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2107 | | AE | Gerald | Cheltenham College C.C.F | Gloucestershire | England |
2108 | | AJ | Gibbs | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2109 | Cdt | KK | Gillam | Wellington College | Berkshire | United Kingdom |
2110 | Cdt | CE | Glen | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
2111 | Cdt Cpl | RPA | Goatly | Marlborough College | | England |
2112 | Cdt Cpl | F | Golden | 111 (Sunderland) Sqn | County Durham | England |
2113 | | JL | Goldfarb | University of Reading | Berkshire | England |
2114 | | WP | Grenness | Benalla | | Australia |
2115 | | AC | Greyling | S A Veterans | Gauteng North | South Africa |
2116 | | CFS | Greyling | South Africa | | South Africa |
2117 | Mr | MG | Grimsdell | CGRA | Gloucestershire | England |
2118 | | CW | Grinham | Yorkshire R.A | NSW | Australia |
2119 | | JJ | Grobler | South Africa | Gauteng | South Africa |
2120 | | R | Gross | USA National | | United States of America |
2121 | Cpl | ED | Halford | Oxford University RC | Kent | England |
2122 | Mr | | Hamdan Rahmat | | | Malaysia |
2123 | | RJ | Hassall | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2124 | | AB | Hawes | Brisbane RC | Queensland | Australia |
2125 | | CHE | Hawthorne | S A Veterans | Kwazulu-Natal | South Africa |
2126 | Miss | SL | Hayes | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | |
2127 | Maj | NT | Healy | ATSC | Ulster | Ireland |
2128 | | PJ | Hearle | Univ of Qld | Queensland | Australia |
2129 | Cdt | LH | Hearn | DCRA | | Canada |
2130 | Mr | RJK | Heathcote | Newcastle University | Hertfordshire | England |
2131 | | WE | Hedley | A.T.R.C. | Devon | England |
2132 | Maj | JD | Hoham | USA National | | United States of America |
2133 | | T | Hoham | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2134 | Mr | AJ | Horton | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | England |
2135 | Cdt Sgt | WAM | Howard | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
2136 | | J | Hudak | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2137 | | G | Ilse | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
2138 | | NR | Ingham | | Kent | England |
2139 | Cdt | C | Ippolito | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2140 | | HC | Jacobs | South Africa | | South Africa |
2141 | Cdt | RS | Jelley | Victoria College | Jersey | |
2142 | Mr | R | Johansen | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2143 | | R | Jones | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2144 | | BS | Joubert | S A Veterans | Gauteng North | South Africa |
2145 | Cpl | FF | Kalu | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
2146 | Mr | | Kamaruddin Mat Noh | | | Malaysia |
2147 | GySgt | DB | Karcher | USA National | | United States of America |
2148 | | BR | Kaufman | Canada | | Canada |
2149 | Cdt | CN | Kendrick | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
2150 | Miss | AL | Kent | Old Epsomians | Surrey | |
2151 | | P | Kerr | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2152 | ACP | S | Kihara | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
2153 | Mr | RDP | Knapstein | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2154 | Cdt | N | Koda | Wellington College | | |
2155 | | H | Konrad | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2156 | | H | Kremer | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2157 | | PA | LaBerge | USA National | | United States of America |
2158 | Mr | S | Lai | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2159 | | W | Lair | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2160 | Cdt | C | Lariviere | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2161 | Miss | C | Le Maitre | 11 R.C | Lancashire | England |
2162 | | CL | Leister | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2163 | | S | Letoiya | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2164 | | DKK | Lin | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | |
2165 | Cdt | TW | Llanwarne | | Kent | England |
2167 | Mrs | AMJ | Mace | N.L.R.C. | County of London | France |
2168 | P/C | J | Macharia | Kenya Regiment R.C | | Kenya |
2169 | | GJ | Maio | University of Reading | Berkshire | England |
2170 | Miss | R | Maly | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2171 | | RM | Mango | USA National | | United States of America |
2172 | Cdt | BJR | Marengo | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
2173 | Cdt | CP | Marshall | 111 (Sunderland) Sqn | County Durham | England |
2174 | Mr | JR | Marshall | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
2175 | Cdt LCpl | R | Martin | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2176 | | ME | Maurer | USA National | | United States of America |
2177 | | MW | Mayo | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2178 | Mr | TTW | McBride | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
2179 | | AC | McCready | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2180 | | JA | McKerron | | Ulster | Ireland |
2181 | Mr | RJ | McQuillan | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
2182 | Cdt | N | McRae | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2183 | Cdt | NAL | Meredith | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
2184 | | R | Metaxas | USA National | | United States of America |
2185 | | LP | Metcalf | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2186 | Mr | MRM | Millar | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2187 | Mr | R | Modenbach | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2188 | | T | Mollwitz | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2189 | | JF | Monchiet | Normandy RC | | France |
2190 | Cdt | A | Montaser | 67(Nearmouth)Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
2191 | | H | Mruck | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2193 | | BK | Muller | Australia | | Australia |
2194 | Cpl | P | Munene | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2195 | Cpl | J | Muthee | Kenya R.A | | Kenya |
2196 | | J | Myburg | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
2197 | Ms | VD | Newman | Jamaica R.A | | Jamaica |
2198 | Cdt | TF | Newsome | | Yorkshire | England |
2199 | Cdt JCpl | MP | Nieuwburg | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2200 | Cdt Cpl | SW | Noble | Campbell College C.C.F | Down | N. Ireland |
2201 | | PN | Noss | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2202 | | S | Ohlinger | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2203 | | H | Orav | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2204 | Miss | S | Pagel | USA National | | United States of America |
2205 | | TJ | Paterson | Newcastle Uni. R.C | Berkshire | England |
2206 | | PS | Pearce | Australia | | Australia |
2207 | Cdt | MDA | Peebles | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
2208 | Cdt | G | Peters | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2209 | | FO | Pinyon | Australia | | Australia |
2210 | Mrs | I | Pioche | | | France |
2211 | Mr | JF | Pioche | | | France |
2212 | Cdt | AE | Poisson | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2213 | | NMS | Pradham | Cheltenham College C.C.F | | Wales |
2214 | Mr | E | Praslick | USA National | | United States |
2215 | | NF | Pringle | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2216 | Mr | JRL | Purdy | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
2217 | Cdt Sgt | RL | Raybold | Bedford Mod Schl | | |
2218 | | IH | Rayner | Univ of Qld | Queensland | Australia |
2219 | Cdt LCpl | BM | Rees | Oxfordshire ACF | Buckinghamshire | England |
2220 | | KR | Reeve | USA National | | United States of America |
2221 | | MO | Richards | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | England |
2222 | Mr | DA | Richardson | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
2223 | | S | Riles | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2224 | Cdt | I | Rissanen | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2225 | | JA | Roach | Australia | | Australia |
2226 | Cdt | M | Robert | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2227 | Dr | JG | Robertson | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
2228 | P/C | MK | Rop | Kenya Regiment R.C | | Kenya |
2229 | Cdt | T | Ross | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2230 | | JP | Rousseau | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
2231 | Mr | R | Mohamad | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
2232 | CWO3 | PE | Rucks Jr | USA National | | United States of America |
2233 | | RW | Rush | Australian Rifle Team | Queensland | Australia |
2234 | Mr | TC | Rylands | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
2235 | Cdt | DW | Sanderson | RGS Guildford | Surrey | |
2236 | | J | Sanger | Normandy RC | | France |
2237 | Cdt | MS | Saunders | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
2238 | | RL | Schlam | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2239 | | T | Schroeder | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2240 | | RJS | Scoones | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
2241 | Lt Col | BAR | Scott | Australia | | Australia |
2242 | Mr | PG | Seebohm | OO Troubleshooters | Hertfordshire | Scotland |
2243 | | RS | Sekellick | USA National | | United States of America |
2244 | Mr | | Shahfame Ramly | | | Malaysia |
2245 | Cdt | JR | Shanahan | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
2246 | Cdt | RJ | Shaw | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
2247 | | BMG | Shouler | Langar | Nottinghamshire | England |
2248 | | DG | Simpson | USA National | | United States of America |
2249 | | RH | Sinclair | S A Veterans | Gauteng North | South Africa |
2250 | Mrs | MA | Skelton | City of Brisbane RC | Queensland | Australia |
2251 | Lt Col | PG | Slabber | S A Veterans | Gauteng | South Africa |
2252 | | JD | Sleep | Australian U25 | | Australia |
2253 | Cdt | OGAD | Smith | Oundle School | Northants | England |
2254 | | RD | Smith | Australia | | Australia |
2255 | Mr | J | Snowden | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2256 | Cdt Cplt | SJ | Steel | 324 Sqn ATC | | |
2257 | Mr | MR | Steele | | | New Zealand |
2258 | WO | JRA | Surette | DCRA | | Canada |
2259 | | D | Surmat | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2260 | Mr | DAJ | Talbot | Altcar RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
2261 | Maj | D | Thompson | Australian Army | | Australia |
2262 | | MRP | Thorogood | Old Glenalmond R.C | | United Kingdom |
2263 | | GL | Tierney | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2264 | | SN | Todd | Salisbury R & PC | Wiltshire | England |
2265 | Cdt | J | Tremblay | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2266 | | P | Tremblay | DCRA | Quebec | Canada |
2267 | Mr | PT | Tremblay | Canada | | Canada |
2268 | | J | Upton | USA Under 25 | | United States of America |
2269 | | AP | Van Niekerk | South Africa | | South Africa |
2270 | | CA | Van Niekerk | South Africa | | South Africa |
2271 | LAC | D | van Oosterhout | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2272 | | RJ | van Rensburg | S A Veterans | | South Africa |
2273 | Dr | WJ | van Rooyen | South Africa | | South Africa |
2274 | | RJJ | van Vuuren | S A Veterans | Gauteng North | South Africa |
2275 | Mnr | CDP | van Zyl | South Africa | | South Africa |
2276 | Miss | EJ | Venables | Southampton Uni | Devon | England |
2277 | | A | Visser | South Africa | | South Africa |
2278 | Cdt Sgt | JA | Waghorn | | Berkshire | |
2279 | Cdt Sgt | JM | Watson | 36(Hetton le Hole) Sqn AT | County Durham | England |
2280 | Cdt | DJAW | Webb | Wellington College | Sussex | |
2281 | | TJ | Whitaker | USA National | | United States of America |
2282 | | MW | Wiendlocha | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2283 | Cdt | O | Williams | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2284 | | K | Winter | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2285 | Sgt | LL | Wong | Sedbergh School | | England |
2286 | Mr | W | Wood | Bunhill Rifle Club | Surrey | England |
2287 | | SB | Young | South Africa | | South Africa |
2288 | Mr | SE | Young | Surrey RA | Lancashire | England |
2289 | Mrs | TH | Luckman | 11 RC | Lancashire | England |
2290 | Mrs | NJ | Zinsmaster-Mayo | USA National | | United States of America |
2291 | Mr | ML | Kent | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2292 | Mr | JA | Seager | Dorset Riflemen | Hampshire | |
2293 | Mr | AW | Symonds | Old Malvernians | Hereford & Worcs | England |
2294 | Mr | PR | Tyldesley | Old Wellingburian | Northants, Leics, Rutland | Ireland |
2295 | | DB | Bell | Huddersfield R.C | Yorkshire | England |
2296 | Capt | H | Banks | A.T.R.C. | Suffolk | England |
2297 | | H | Woolschot | Queensland Team | Queensland | Australia |
2299 | | S | James | Bedfordshire County | Bedfordshire | United Kingdom |
2300 | Mr | CI | Cooper | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
2301 | Mr | VK | Thickett | Twickenham | Middlesex | England |
2302 | Mr | J | Campbell | Altcar RC | | |
2303 | Mr | DA | Stewart | Marquis | Surrey | England |
2304 | | | | | | |
2305 | Mr | J | Elgin | NLRC | Buckinghamshire | |
2306 | | HF | Forgie | | | Scotland |
2307 | Mr | SD | Shouler | Surrey RA | Nottinghamshire | England |
2308 | Mr | GC | King | Ibis RC | Kent | England |
2309 | | TJ | Whiteside | LMRA | | |
2310 | Mr | CP | Norton | Ross-on-Wye | Herefordshire | England |
2311 | Mr | J | Robbins | Petworth RC | | England |
2312 | Mr | TS | McDowell | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | Wales |
2313 | Dr | JJ | Mehta | Old Framlinghamians RC | Essex | Scotland |
2314 | | J | Verdier | France | | France |
2315 | Mr | JBE | Personne | France | | France |
2316 | Mr | JA | Anderson | Wilbury RC | Oxfordshire | Scotland |
2317 | Mr | SCK | Agnew | Surrey RA | | United Kingdom |
2318 | Mr | JW | Anderson | University of London | Surrey | England |
2319 | L/Cpl | JK | Armstrong | Surrey ACF | | |
2320 | L/Cpl | J | Ashall | Derbyshire ACF | | England |
2321 | L/Cpl | P | Ashall | Derbyshire ACF | | England |
2322 | Mr | L | Bacon | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | |
2323 | Cpl | MP | Bateman | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2324 | Mr | SD | Benest | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
2325 | | I | Benusik | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2326 | | JB | Berg | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2327 | Cdt | JC | Billot | Athelings | Jersey | Jersey |
2328 | Cdt | IM | Blondel | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
2329 | Miss | C | Boake | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2330 | | R | Borgeaud | OURC | Oxfordshire | England |
2331 | Sgt | M | Bryant | Middlesex & NW London ACF | County of London | |
2332 | Cdt | PIK | Budden | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
2333 | Lt Col | WDH | Burden | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
2334 | | S | Callan | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2335 | Cdt | BD | Chamberlain | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
2336 | Sgt | R | Chepkok | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2337 | Ms | N | Clara | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2338 | Cdt | TQ | Clark | 1297 Sqn ATC | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
2339 | Cpl | P | Coleman | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2340 | Miss | ERL | Coombs | Cheltenham College CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
2341 | Cdt | JD | Cormie | Athelings | Angus | Scotland |
2342 | Cdt | JD | Cromarty | Athelings | Cambridgeshire | England |
2343 | Miss | K | Cross | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2344 | | FHJ d G | Crowley | Glenalmond College | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2346 | Cpl | APT | D'Authreau | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2347 | CDT | C | Dale | | Kent | |
2348 | | B | Davison | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2349 | Mrs | F | Day | LMRA | Suffolk | England |
2350 | | AC | de Jong | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2351 | | B | Dean | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2352 | Miss | CJ | Dee | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
2353 | Mr | EC | Dickson | Old Marlburian RC | Hampshire | England |
2354 | Mr | L | Dodington-Boyes | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2355 | Mr | HR | Donaldson | Dungannon | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
2356 | Sqn Ldr | RL | Douglas | RAF Air Cmd | West of Scotland | Scotland |
2357 | Mr | AF | Downer | Dorking & District RC | Sussex | England |
2358 | | FC | du Plessis | | | South Africa |
2359 | | A | Dugal | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2360 | Mr | BR | Ebbetts | Old Wellingtonians | Berkshire | England |
2361 | Cdt | C | Edwards | Derbyshire ACF | Yorkshire | England |
2362 | Mr | P | Eggemann | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2363 | | WA | Eilbeck | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | Australia |
2364 | Lt Col | TH | Emck | ATSC | Wiltshire | England |
2365 | | BJ | Farrer | Bedford Mod Schl | Bedfordshire | England |
2366 | Cpl | G | Farrow | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2367 | Ms | A | Felder | NCRRA | | Canada |
2368 | Cdt Sgt | SJB | Ferguson | Campbell College C.C.F | Down | N. Ireland |
2369 | | DM | Findlay | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | |
2370 | | OF | Fischer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2371 | | T | Fitzgerald | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2372 | | M | Flikweert | IRC Holland | | Netherlands |
2373 | CCH | M | Fritte | | | France |
2374 | Capt | NJ | Gamp | ATRC | Kent | England |
2375 | Mr | SIG | Gluck | New York R&P Association | | USA |
2376 | Cdt | GJP | Goatly | Marlborough College | Dorset | England |
2377 | | J | Gogne | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2378 | | XL | Gonin | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2379 | | DA | Gorokhov | Durham University | | |
2380 | | JR | Graves | Reading University | Essex | England |
2381 | | LW | Gray | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
2382 | Cdt | B | Greene | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2383 | Mr | P | Gregorio | Groupe Mike | | France |
2384 | | PG | Guse | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2385 | Mr | JIB | Halahan | Old Framlinghamians RC | London | Ireland |
2386 | Mr | AC | Haley | Welsh RA | Gloucestershire | Wales |
2387 | Miss | C | Hammond | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2388 | | MD | Hanson | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2389 | Mr | SHJ | Harley | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2390 | Gnr | AW | Hayward | ATSC | Sussex | England |
2391 | Miss | C | Hillier | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2392 | Miss | FM | Hinson | Uppingham Veterans RC | Lancashire | England |
2393 | Cdt | J | Hoare | Bucks ACF | Buckinghamshire | |
2394 | Miss | RE | Hooper | OURC | Gloucestershire | England |
2395 | RSM | WR | Howard | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
2396 | Sgt | EJP | Hutton | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
2397 | | J | Ihugo | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2398 | Mr | HCG | Ives | NLRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
2399 | Cdt | OT | Jackman | Bradfield College | Surrey | England |
2400 | Mr | G | Jarret | ATSC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2401 | Mr | JW | Jenkins | RNTRC | | Wales |
2402 | Cdt | ER | Jones | Shrewsbury School CCF | Shropshire | England |
2403 | | T | Jones | St Lawrence College | Kent | England |
2404 | Sgt | TEC | Jowett | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
2405 | Sgt | G | Kariuki | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2406 | Cdt | TRB | Kendrick | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
2407 | ACP | S | Kihara Maina | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2408 | Capt | W | Kilmartin | | | |
2409 | PC | D | Kirui | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2410 | Cdt | PS | Knight | Athelings | Guernsey | Guernsey |
2411 | Cdt | GM | Kohler | | | Scotland |
2412 | Mr | G | Krebber | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2413 | Cdt | C | Kuntz | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2414 | Miss | EC | Lamont | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
2415 | Mr | GAE | Larcombe | Hampshire RA | Hampshire | England |
2416 | | P | Lepariyo | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2417 | | DJ | Mair | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2418 | Mr | EJK | Malleson | NLRC | Gloucestershire | |
2419 | | E | Marr | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2420 | Mr | IJ | McCallum | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2421 | Mr | ASH | McCullough | City RC | Ulster | Ireland |
2422 | | RG | McDonald | OURC | Oxfordshire | South Africa |
2423 | Cdt | JA | McKernan | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
2424 | | KG | McNeil | Glenalmond College | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2425 | Mr | PCT | Meatyard | Oundle School | Northants | |
2426 | OS | TP | Millar | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2427 | Mr | DCB | Mitchell | Old Marlburian RC | Cambridgeshire | England |
2428 | Mr | | Mohd Rosafindi Ahmad | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
2429 | Mr | S | Monaghan | Bunhill Lodge | Middlesex | Ireland |
2430 | Mr | AJ | Monro | Exeter University RC | Devon | England |
2431 | Mr | | Muhd Asmawie Yaacob | | | Malaysia |
2432 | | A | Muller | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2434 | Insp | G | Muturi | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2435 | Sgt | CD | Nelson | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2436 | | RTG | Nelson | Heriot-Watt URC | Ulster | Ireland |
2437 | Miss | OC | Newhouse | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
2438 | Cpl | G | Nixon | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2439 | Mr | DE | Nuthall | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2440 | Cdt | GEH | Oates | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
2441 | | PK | Odenwalder | Cheltenham College CCF | | Germany |
2442 | Sgt | M | Owen | | | |
2443 | Cdt | NG | Paluch | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
2444 | LSgt | JPJ | Parker | ATRC | Hampshire | England |
2445 | | J | Pearson | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
2446 | Ms | BE | Pendley | Mars & Minerva | Wiltshire | England |
2448 | Mr | TF | Pimblett | Old Sedberghians | Lancashire | England |
2449 | MWO | CE | Pothier | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2450 | Sgt | NMS | Pradhan | Cheltenham College CCF | | Wales |
2451 | | FR | Pullar | Glenalmond College | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2452 | Cdt | GR | Radev | Middlesex & NW London ACF | County of London | England |
2453 | Cdt | CMJ | Redburn | Athelings | Surrey | |
2454 | Mr | SJ | Reddish | Durham University | Derbyshire | England |
2455 | Sgt | RG | Richardson | Dungannon | Tyrone | Ireland |
2456 | Mr | ML | Robeson | Bradfield College | Oxfordshire | England |
2457 | | PO | Rokke | SERC | | |
2459 | Cdt | NJ | Sarafilovic | Athelings | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2460 | Cfn | JP | Scarr | ATSC | Cambridgeshire | England |
2461 | Sgt | HA | Scott | Clifton College | Avon | England |
2462 | | HS | Seeger | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2463 | Cpl | JS | Serem | | | Kenya |
2464 | Mr | OJ | Siddall | Old Tonbridgian | Sussex | England |
2465 | Cdt | HP | Snyder | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
2466 | Mr | MJ | Spencer | NLRC | | England |
2467 | Mr | RN | Stebbings | BYSA | County of Durham | England |
2468 | Mr | WFS | Stewart | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2469 | Cdt | G | Stockbridge | 261 Sqn ATC | | |
2470 | Mr | HCG | Sutton | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
2471 | Mr | CS | Taljaard | South Africa | | South Africa |
2472 | Cdt | J | Taylor | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
2473 | Cdt | R | Tustin | Wellington College | Cambridgeshire | |
2474 | Mr | CR | Tyler | Chobham & District RC | Surrey | England |
2475 | Miss | A | van Zyl | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
2476 | Mr | WAF | Vaz | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2477 | Cdt | K | Villeneuve | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2478 | Mr | TP | Wharram | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2479 | Cdt | CM | White | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2480 | Cdt | CW | Whiteford | Athelings | | Scotland |
2481 | | JAB | Whittaker | Reading University | Hampshire | |
2482 | Cdt | A | Whitwood | Athelings | County Durham | England |
2483 | Cdt | ML | Wiscombe | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
2484 | Fg Off | EL | Wolstenholm | RAFTRC | | |
2485 | Mr | KMS | Wong | LMRA | Derbyshire | England |
2486 | Miss | FS | Reynolds | Gresham's RC | Norfolk | Australia |
2487 | Dr | HA | Day | LMRA | Suffolk | England |
2488 | Mr | M | Marples | Old Sergeants Mess | | England |
2489 | | DA | Robinson | NRA | Hampshire | England |
2490 | Dr | CM | Sturges | Old Alleynians | Gloucestershire | England |
2491 | Mr | AEC | Briant | Room RC | Sussex | England |
2492 | Mr | AM | Bullen | Welwyn Phoenix | Norfolk | England |
2493 | Mr | JWH | Bell | West Atholl RC | Perthshire | Scotland |
2494 | Mr | CM | Geldart | NRA | Sussex | |
2495 | Mr | AP | Sienkiewicz | KCS Old Boys RC | Surrey | England |
2496 | Mr | TJ | Reeve | Wandsworth FBRC | Suffolk | England |
2497 | Mr | MT | West | Westerham RC | Kent | England |
2498 | Mr | AT | House | NRA | County of London | England |
2499 | Mr | P | Halford | KCRA | Kent | England |
2500 | Mr | AW | Davies | Oratory Cardinals RC | Berkshire | England |
2501 | Mr | WM | Jennings | Midland RC | | Ireland |
2502 | | DE | Coates | | | |
2503 | Mr | JJS | Hooper | ISIS Rifle & Pistol Club | Oxfordshire | England |
2504 | | VW | Thomas | Bromsgrove RC | Worcestershire | |
2505 | L CPL | TJ | Roberts | ATSC | Sussex | England |
2506 | Mr | M | Robson | WRA Worcester | Hereford & Worcs | England |
2507 | Mr | R | Oxford | Welsh RA | Kent | Wales |
2508 | Mr | R | Solomon | Wandsworth FBRC | Sussex | England |
2509 | Miss | MJ | Anderson | CNRC | | Scotland |
2510 | Mrs | DE | Curtis | Club 25 | Hampshire | England |
2511 | Sgt | N | Argo | 2452 ATC | | Scotland |
2512 | Cdt | N | Atkin | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2514 | Mr | BG | Bailey | Ruislip RC | Gloucestershire | England |
2515 | Mr | RFM | Baird | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
2516 | Mr | DW | Baker | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
2517 | Miss | EH | Barr | LMRA | County of London | Scotland |
2518 | | W | Batstone | Heriot-Watt URC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2519 | Cdt | AGC | Baudains | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2520 | | JR | Benchley | SA Junior | | South Africa |
2522 | Mr | C | Berntsen | Falkland Islands RA | | Falkland Islands |
2523 | | CG | Blumson | Old Berkhamstedians | Hertfordshire | |
2524 | Miss | LMA | Bogie | OCRA | Gloucestershire | England |
2525 | Cdt | AJ | Bolton King | Uppingham School | Rutland | |
2526 | Cdt | K | Boustead | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2527 | Mr | GCB | Brett | Oratory School | Oxfordshire | England |
2528 | Miss | CE | Briscoe | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
2529 | Pte | KTS | Burden | ATSC | Derbyshire | England |
2530 | Mr | SJ | Burden | SUOTC | Surrey | England |
2531 | Miss | MU | Burger | Greshams RC | | South Africa |
2532 | Cdt | G | Cahill | 239 Sqn ATC | Ulster | Ireland |
2533 | Cpl | CW | Campbell | ATRC | Ulster | Ireland |
2534 | Cdt | A | Carrier | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2535 | Mr | BN | Carter | | | New Zealand |
2536 | Mr | TJC | Caulfield | Cheltenham College CCF | | England |
2537 | Cdt | C | Charters | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
2538 | Cdt | H | Chu | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | Hong Kong |
2539 | Miss | CL | Clarke | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2540 | Cdt | K | Clow | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2541 | | DW | Coleman | DCRA | | Canada |
2542 | Cdt | P | Colman | Athelings | County Durham | |
2543 | L/Cpl | RAB | Cook | Bunhill Lodge | County of London | |
2544 | Cdt | M | Corrin | Athelings | Lincolnshire | |
2545 | Cdt | CJ | Coupland | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
2546 | Dr | C | De Beer | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
2547 | | JA | De Beer | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
2548 | | M | Dida | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2549 | | PL | Dingle | Blair Atholl | Perthshire | Scotland |
2550 | Cdt | L | Doddington-Boyes | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2551 | Mr | TM | Drysdale | City of Newcastle RC | County of Durham | England |
2552 | Cdt | JW | Du Feu | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2553 | | JO | Du Plessis | SA Junior | | South Africa |
2554 | | JA | Du Toit | SA Junior | | South Africa |
2555 | | FAE | Ellis | DCRA | | Canada |
2556 | Cdt | D | Ferguson | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2557 | | RS | Fincham | Upper Hutt | | New Zealand |
2558 | | NJF | Firth | Durham University | Nottinghamshire | England |
2559 | Cdt | B | Gaucher | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2560 | | A | Ghavami | CUOTC | Cambridgeshire | England |
2561 | WO2 | T | Gibson | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
2562 | Mr | HWR | Gilbert | OCRC | Berkshire | England |
2563 | Cdt | EJ | Giron Marquez | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2564 | PC | A | Gitonga | | | Kenya |
2565 | | J | Glover | Hereford & Worcester | Hereford & Worcs | |
2566 | Miss | CJ | Gomez | Trinidad RA | | Trinidad |
2567 | Mr | DS | Goodwin | Falkland Islands RA | | Falkland Islands |
2568 | Mr | JR | Green | ATSC | Lancashire | England |
2569 | Mr | DJ | Groom | CNRC | | |
2571 | Cdt Cpl | LA | Harris | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
2572 | | TJ | Harrison | | Berkshire | England |
2573 | | JS | Heaton | Heriot-Watt URC | East of Scotland | Wales |
2574 | OCdt | R | Hebb | SUOTC | Yorkshire | England |
2575 | | CJH | Heckstall-Smith | Wellingborough | Northants | England |
2576 | | IR | Hogg | DCRA | | Canada |
2577 | Mr | RC | Holloway | NLRC | County of London | South Africa |
2578 | | J | Horlock | Whitgift Veterans | Hereford & Worcs | |
2579 | Mr | WJM | Taylor | English VIII | | England |
2580 | Mr | SG | Hunter | Tageme RC | Kent | England |
2581 | | SLG | Husheer | CURA | Cambridgeshire | New Zealand |
2582 | | AD | Jackman | Old Epsomians | Surrey | |
2583 | Mr | ER | Johnson | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
2584 | Maj | CP | Judge | ATSC | Worcestershire | England |
2585 | Mr | MJ | Judge | NLRC | | England |
2586 | C/Sgt | AL | Kamli | Bunhill Lodge | County of London | |
2587 | Mr | TS | Keen | Somerset CRA | Somerset | England |
2588 | Mr | PA | Kelly | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Scotland |
2589 | Miss | HC | Kent | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2590 | Cdt | G | Kershaw | Gresham's RC | Norfolk | England |
2591 | | CW | King | ULRC | County of London | England |
2592 | Miss | RE | Knight | Edinburgh University RC | Suffolk | England |
2593 | | JS | Kruger | | | South Africa |
2594 | Cdt | M | La Flamme | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2595 | Miss | RL | Laird | Irish Rifle Club | Ulster | Ireland |
2596 | Cdt | MC | Lariviere | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2597 | Cdt | JP | Laurenson | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
2598 | Cdt | A | Lauzon | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2599 | Mr | J | Le Cheminant | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
2600 | | J | Le Roux | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
2601 | | JJ | Le Roux | Peninsula RC | | South Africa |
2602 | | M | Ling | DCRA | | Canada |
2603 | Cdt | P | Livingston | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2604 | Cdt | M | Loberg | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2605 | Cdt | TAO | Lothian | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
2606 | | AC | Louw | SA Junior | | South Africa |
2607 | | WJ | Lowe | Oundle School | Northants | England |
2608 | Cdt | M | MacInnis | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2609 | Cdt Cpl | RA | Makepeace | Marlborough College | | |
2610 | | GAY | McBride | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
2611 | J/Cpl | RD | McCall | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2612 | | P | McCullough | | | Ireland |
2613 | Cdt | K | McKenna | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2614 | Cdt | AJ | McKenzie | Gresham's RC | Norfolk | Scotland |
2615 | Cdt | S | Merchant | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2616 | | DG | Meredith | Bavanspoort | Gauteng | South Africa |
2617 | Mr | S | Mortimer | Newcastle Uni RC | Devon | |
2618 | Cdt | A | Moskovich | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2619 | Cdt | DH | Muckle | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
2620 | Cdt | K | Mustard | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2621 | PC | M | Muya | | | Kenya |
2622 | | DN | Naumann | CURA | Cambridgeshire | England |
2623 | Cdt | LW | Naylor | Yorks NSW ACF | Yorkshire | England |
2624 | Cpl | A | Ndungu | | | Kenya |
2625 | Cpl | F | Ndungu | | | Kenya |
2626 | Cdt | A | Newby | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2627 | | BJ | Newman | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
2628 | Mnr | RG | Nortier | SA Junior | | South Africa |
2630 | Revd | KM | O'Brien | Wellington College | Berkshire | Ireland |
2631 | Sgt | D | OKelly | Athelings | Gloucestershire | England |
2632 | | RJ | Opperman | SA Junior | | South Africa |
2633 | Mr | WD | Owen | Oxford University RC | Hampshire | England |
2634 | Mr | BJ | Page | NLRC | County of Durham | Canada |
2635 | Mr | KJA | Painter | University of London | County of London | Scotland |
2636 | | CM | Palmer | CURA | Cambridgeshire | England |
2637 | Mr | R | Parsons | Oundle School | Northants | |
2638 | Cdt | CD | Paterson | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
2639 | Cdt | S | Paterson | | | Scotland |
2640 | Cdt | OJ | Peggram | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
2642 | | JRN | Plunket | | | |
2643 | Cdt | N | Poirier | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2644 | Cdt | JJ | Pollock | Athelings | Yorkshire | England |
2645 | Spr | KJ | Potter | ATRC | Buckinghamshire | England |
2646 | Mr | DJF | Rees | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
2647 | Sgt | J | Richardson | Derbyshire ACF | | |
2648 | Mr | JA | Rowley | Newcastle Uni RC | Norfolk | England |
2649 | Miss | LV | Rylands | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
2650 | | CO | Scheepers | Bloemfontein Bisley Club | | South Africa |
2651 | | O | Scullion | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
2652 | Mr | DM | Sherville | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
2653 | Mr | NP | Silvester | Old Johnian RC | Oxfordshire | England |
2654 | Cdt | PT | Skelton | 239 Sqn ATC | Ulster | Ireland |
2656 | Mr | RJW | Smeltzer | Canada | | Canada |
2657 | Major | WF | Squires | ATRC | Cheshire | England |
2658 | | DAP | Stanley | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2659 | Mr | N | Stebbings | City of Newcastle RC | County of Durham | England |
2660 | Dr | G | Stevenson | Darlington R & PC | County of Durham | England |
2661 | | GE | Stewart | CURA | Cambridgeshire | Scotland |
2662 | Cdt | WS | Stewart | Epsom College | Surrey | |
2663 | | J | Sullivan | Oratory School | | United States of America |
2664 | Mr | L | Tomlinson | West of Scotland RC | | Scotland |
2665 | Cdt | JDR | Vincent | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
2666 | Mr | PW | Wakefield | ISIS Rifle & Pistol Club | Oxfordshire | England |
2667 | Mr | TEW | Ward | Old Wellingtonians | Sussex | Wales |
2669 | Mr | RJ | Weeks | Teignbridge & District | | England |
2670 | | J | Willcocks | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
2671 | Cdt | ML | Williams | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
2672 | Cdt | SH | Williams | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
2673 | Mr | AJC | Wilson | NRA | Sussex | England |
2674 | Cdt | J | Winchester | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2675 | Mr | G | Woodman | DCRA | | Canada |
2676 | Cdt | N | Woodman | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2677 | Ms | ZE | Woodroffe | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2678 | | BW | Yarmoshuk | | | Canada |
2679 | Mrs | KM | Young | 11 RC | Lancashire | Scotland |
2680 | | JP | Evans | Room RC | Surrey | England |
2681 | Dr | G | Kolbe | West of Scotland RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
2682 | Dr | SA | Brooks | NLRC | Hampshire | England |
2683 | Mr | PJW | Sparks | Mansfield & District R&PC | | |
2684 | Mr | NR | Steadman | Long Parish | Buckinghamshire | |
2685 | Mr | M | Lee | NLRC | Hampshire | England |
2686 | Mr | K | Baxby | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2687 | F/L | D | Saunders | Bearstead & Thurnham | Kent | England |
2688 | Mrs | A | Dixon | NLRC | Sussex | England |
2689 | | SR | Jones | Artists | | England |
2690 | Miss | HM | Freeman-Owen | | | |
2691 | Mr | FJ | Roberts | Dartford RC | | |
2692 | Mrs | JF | Davies | NLRC | Sussex | Ireland |
2693 | | B | Gower | NRA | Northants | |
2694 | Mr | G | Trembath | Newcastle RC | County of Durham | England |
2696 | Mr | BRW | Parker | Guernsey RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
2697 | Ms | S | Cheslyn-Curtis | NLRC | Gloucestershire | England |
2698 | Dr | P | Holdstock | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
2699 | Mr | PA | Wilson | Hailsham RC | Sussex | England |
2700 | | A | Brothers | NRA | Sussex | England |
2701 | Mr | RJ | Simmonds | Dorset Riflemen | Dorset | |
2702 | Mr | DJ | Pay | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
2703 | | T | Little | NRA | Sussex | England |
2704 | | TJ | Amy | Jersey R.A | Jersey | Jersey |
2705 | | RP | Bawden | DCRA | | Canada |
2706 | Cdt | CJ | Beddoe | Epsom College | | |
2707 | | SL | Chung | Trinidad RA | | Trinidad |
2708 | Cdt | APC | Crow | Athelings | Kent | England |
2709 | | AI | Hakim | Old Johnian R.C | Surrey | England |
2710 | Cdt | JAG | Hurden | Uppingham Veterans RC | Suffolk | England |
2711 | | NB | James | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
2712 | Cdt | PD | Joseph | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
2713 | | HB | Kamp | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2714 | | BK | Languille | DCRA | | Canada |
2715 | Cdt | JSL | Lavoie | RCAC Bisley Team | | Canada |
2716 | Mr | D | Mesletsky | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2717 | Cpl | J | Mills | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | Glamorgan | Wales |
2718 | | PA | O'Callaghan | W.R.A | Glamorgan | Wales |
2719 | | FI | Oldfield-Box | N.L.R.C. | Berkshire | England |
2720 | | PG | Oxnam | Oakham School | Northants | Leics |
2721 | CFS | MC | Phelan | | | |
2722 | | NA | Porter | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
2723 | Mrs | JM | McQuillan | Surrey RA | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2724 | WO2 | T | Sands | RMRA | | |
2725 | | PMA | Savage | Chobham & District R.C | Surrey | England |
2726 | Sgt | J | Seegolun | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | S Glamorgan | Wales |
2727 | Mr | JR | Binder-Swash | OSM | Essex | England |
2728 | | TS | Sweetnam | Comber R.C | Ulster | Ireland |
2729 | Mr | JP | Tapster | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
2730 | Cdt | JA | Tumelty | Athelings | South Wales | Wales |
2731 | Mr | OH | Vallis | LMRA | Kent | England |
2732 | | SF | Van der Vyver | South Africa U-19 | | England |
2733 | Mr | ANR | Walker | Old Framlinghamians RC | Surrey | Scotland |
2734 | Mr | MP | Watkins | Abergavenny RC | South Wales | Wales |
2735 | Mr | A | Wilde | LMRA | Somerset | England |
2736 | Mr | R | Harwood | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
2737 | Mr | ATC | Collins | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
2738 | Cdt | PAE | Efthymiou | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
2739 | | PM | Golds | U.L.R.C | Sussex | England |
2740 | Cpl | TC | Hammett | RGS | | |
2741 | | P | Lyon | Reading University | | |
2742 | | RM | Mathew | Athelings | Jersey | Jersey |
2743 | | JH | Middleton | OCRA | Hampshire | |
2744 | | PR | Mills | Old Carthusians | Sussex | England |
2745 | Cdt | JAR | Park | Athelings | Surrey | England |
2746 | L Cpl | JT | Perry | ATRC | Derbyshire | England |
2747 | | JJE | Porter | 1st (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
2748 | | AM | Rainbow | Oxon RA | Oxfordshire | England |
2749 | | HC | Reynolds | Bristol University | Cambridgeshire | England |
2750 | Miss | CA | Riley | Derbyshire RA | Derbyshire | England |
2751 | Cdt | S | Spencer | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
2752 | Sgt | | Rajeli Asri | Royal Malaysian Police | | Malaysia |
2753 | | RA | Bickell | Queensland Team | Queensland | Australia |
2754 | Sgt | JK | Birgen | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2755 | Mr | LR | Braithwaite | Guyana NRA | | Guyana |
2756 | Mr | ES | Compton | Sussex CRA | Sussex | England |
2757 | | AJ | Coots | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2758 | | DMC | Dodds | Rand RC | Gauteng | South Africa |
2759 | Mr | FM | Evers | International RC | | Netherlands |
2760 | | NC | Forward | KCS Old Boys R.C | | |
2761 | | RR | Goodluck | Guyana NRA | | Guyana |
2762 | | DG | Grummt | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2763 | | AS | Kolenko | Ontario Rifle Team | Ontario | Canada |
2764 | Dr | GD | Launcelot | DCRA | | Canada |
2765 | Mr | EL | Legei | | | Kenya |
2766 | Mr | RK | Modenbach | | | Germany |
2767 | Miss | EJ | Nuttall | ATSC | Lancashire | England |
2768 | Lt Gen | L | O'Donnell | Australian Army | NSW | Australia |
2769 | Lt Col | JF | Rice | USA National | | United States of America |
2770 | | AD | Scates | NRRC | Natal | South Africa |
2771 | Mr | S | Sehmi | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2773 | Mr | AT | Zaidee Mohd Zain | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
2774 | | SC | Bradshaw | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
2775 | | DW | Cotterill | Australian U25 | NSW | Australia |
2776 | Mr | ME | Fray | | Hampshire | Wales |
2777 | Miss | MM | Gallagher | USA | | USA |
2778 | Miss | SJ | Gallagher | USA Young Eagles | | United States of America |
2779 | | JK | Harless | USA Young Eagles | | United States of America |
2780 | Cdt | TL | Haskell | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
2781 | Cdt | RJA | Hinde | Wellington College | Hampshire | England |
2782 | Cdt | WTC | Hinde | Wellington College | Surrey | England |
2783 | C/Sgt | RTS | Holtum | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2784 | F/Sgt | NJG | Jenkins | Uppingham School | Rutland | England |
2785 | Cdt | LE | Jones | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
2786 | | JR | Kovac | USA Goodwill | | United States of America |
2787 | Cdt | JPE | McBride | Campbell College C.C.F | | |
2788 | | ADN | Noel | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2789 | Mr | JC | Norris | LMRA | | |
2790 | Cpl | MJR | Rogers | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
2791 | Cdt | HE | Snelgrove | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
2792 | | CDG | Spurr | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2793 | Cdt | CE | Tootell | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
2794 | Cdt | R | Whatley | Cranbrook School | Kent | England |
2795 | Mr | A | Burton | Guernsey RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
2796 | Mr | TA | Cochrane | Old Guildfordians | Surrey | England |
2797 | | JS | Colquhoun | Manydown Rifle Club | Oxfordshire | England |
2798 | | BSA | Lacy | Edinburgh University R.C | Buckinghamshire | Ireland |
2799 | | KM | Maddison | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | England |
2800 | Mr | CSTJ | Marlow | Bromsgrove RC | | Wales |
2801 | Mr | PAM | Schouten Trautig | IRC Holland | | Netherlands |
2802 | | T | Schroder | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2803 | | WJ | Tanzer | Sevenoaks School | Sussex | England |
2804 | Cdt | NE | Termeer | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
2805 | | OT | Wheble | Reading University | Devon | England |
2806 | Mr | MG | Whicher | Old Guildfordians RC | Berkshire | England |
2807 | Cdt | JH | Bannock | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
2808 | Cpl | BE | Barber | Christ's Hospital | Sussex | England |
2809 | Cdt | K | Benterud | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2810 | Mrs | AL | Bathurst | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | Ireland |
2811 | | DM | Campbell | Australia | | Australia |
2813 | Cdt | MC | Cleary | Australian Cadets | | |
2814 | Cdt | MJ | Cleary | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2815 | | CV | Cole | Australia | | Australia |
2816 | Cdt | ES | Colin | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
2817 | | DR | Collings | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
2818 | Cdt | CA | Cook | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
2819 | Sgt | S | Cote | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2820 | Mr | CB | Cotillard | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
2821 | Cdt | AD | Coulton | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2822 | Sgt | TRK | Coulton | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2823 | Cdt | C | Crann | 67(Nearmouth)Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
2824 | | JP | Creedon | City RC | Hampshire | Scotland |
2825 | Cdt | KF | Crickmar | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
2826 | Mr | SFD | Dash | Sussex RC | Sussex | England |
2827 | Cdt | MCD | Day | Cheltenham College CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
2828 | Cdt | S | Deyell | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2829 | Cpl | C | Donnelly | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
2830 | Cdt | MF | Faucher | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2831 | | F | Fladmark | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
2832 | Cdt | j | Forward | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2833 | | AC | French | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | England |
2834 | Cdt | RP | Furlong | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2835 | Cpl | PR | Gordon | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2836 | | DBA | Graham | Lee Enfield RA | | |
2837 | LCpl | NW | Grima | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2838 | | DW | Grove | Exeter School CCF | Devon | England |
2839 | Mr | | Halim Jaafar | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
2840 | | GFJ | Halsey | Durham University | Hertfordshire | England |
2841 | | F | Hansel | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2842 | WO2 | JR | Haskins | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2844 | Cdt | JAH | Hengen | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2845 | PHK | GH | Herter | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2846 | Cdt | TH | Hickey | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2847 | Cpl | JS | Honner | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2848 | | SR | Hussey | U.L.R.C | Dorset | Great Britain |
2849 | Mr | | Hussin Mat Jais | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
2850 | Cdt | AD | Islas | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2851 | WO2 | D | Jessup | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2852 | | P | Jmaeff | DCRA | | Canada |
2853 | Mrs | EG | Charlton | Old Guildfordians RC | Northants | Leics |
2854 | Rfn | A | Keely | | | |
2855 | Cdt | C | Kennedy | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2856 | Cdt | M | Kershaw | Gresham's R.C | Norfolk | England |
2857 | Mr | JF | Lambe | Canada | | Canada |
2859 | Cdt | PD | Lanouette | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2860 | | B | Large | | | |
2861 | | TEM | Law | University of London | | |
2862 | Cdt | FL | Lewis | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
2863 | | M | Lottritz | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2864 | Mr | JA | Marshall | Canada | | Canada |
2866 | | JM | Moree | IRC Holland | Noord-Holland | Netherlands |
2867 | | F | Morgan | Wodonga RC | Victoria | Australia |
2868 | | H | Mostofi | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
2869 | | DJ | Mott | Welwyn Phoenix | Northants | United Kingdom |
2870 | M. | P | Mullot | Groupe Mike | | France |
2872 | Cdt | A | Norris | Campbell College C.C.F | Ulster | Ireland |
2873 | | R | Nuttall | Derbyshire RA | Derbyshire | England |
2874 | Dr | CJ | Padbury | City RC | Cambridgeshire | England |
2875 | Cdt Cpl | OJJ | Palasmith | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
2876 | Cdt | CJ | Paquette | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2877 | Mr | JAM | Paton | Canada | | Canada |
2878 | Cdt | SP | Patterson | Durham ACF | County Durham | |
2879 | Cpl | L | Payne | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
2880 | Mr | R | Peckett | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
2881 | | BJ | Pieters | South Africa | Gauteng | South Africa |
2882 | | NP | Pinks | NLRC | Norfolk | England |
2883 | | MF | Rahman | Canada U25 Rifle Team | Ontario | Canada |
2884 | | KJ | Reid | | Kent | England |
2885 | Cdt | LE | Roberts | 111 (Sunderland) Sqn | County Durham | Great Britain |
2886 | | ERL | Ross | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2887 | Cpl | SW | Roth | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2889 | Cdt | TB | Ryan | Australian Cadets | | |
2890 | | NS | Saloman | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2891 | Cdt | JB | Scharfegger | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2892 | Cdt | LM | Scoville | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2893 | Miss | TE | Shields | URA | County Down | N. Ireland |
2894 | Sgt | LE | Silver | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2895 | | JN | Simpson | Bedfordians | Surrey | Great Britain |
2896 | | GE d'E | Skipwith | Edinburgh University R.C | Middlesex | England |
2897 | | P | Slowe | Guyana N.R.A | | Guyana |
2898 | C/Cpl | M | Sommerville | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
2899 | | RM | Spencer | Huddersfield R.C | | |
2900 | Cdt | CAF | Stening | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2901 | | FJ | Sweatman | Christ's Hospital | Devon | England |
2902 | Cdt | KP | Taylor | Campbell College C.C.F | | |
2903 | Cdt Cpl | SJ | Taylor | 239 Sqn ATC | Ulster | Ireland |
2904 | | RF | Teustel | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2905 | Cdt | SL | Thompson | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2906 | Mrs | NT | Tompkins | USA National | | USA |
2907 | Cdt | FT | Tremblay | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2908 | Sgt | AJ | Turner | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
2909 | Cdt | HJ | Turner | Dollar Academy | | |
2910 | Cdt | BA | Usher | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2911 | CUO | CP | van Schalkwyk | Australian Cadets | | Australia |
2912 | Cdt | KA | Webb | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
2913 | | MS | Westmoquette | ULRC | Sussex | England |
2914 | | MP | Wheatcroft | C.U.R.A | Cambridgeshire | England |
2915 | Sgt | MJ | White | St. Johns School | | |
2916 | | R | Whitney | U.S.A | | United States of America |
2917 | | WDC | Wilcox | Cheshire Police | Cheshire | Wales |
2918 | | GA | Wittorff | Bunbury | | Australia |
2919 | | D | Worheide | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
2922 | Cpl | MR | Zynda | Devon ACF | Devon | England |
2923 | | JB | Crawford | NACRA | Somerset | England |
2924 | Capt | NA | Hawkins | ATRC | Essex | England |
2925 | | I | Macarty | Croydon R&PC | | |
2926 | | I | Annand | N.L.R.C. | County of London | England |
2927 | | J | Dalley | Ricochet R.C | Essex | England |
2928 | | D | Shaw | Marylebone R&PC | | |
2929 | | DA | Reynolds | National Westminster Bank | | |
2930 | | KA | McLuckie | Sidcup | Kent | England |
2931 | | C | Brannigan | Comber R.C | Ulster | Ireland |
2932 | Mr | NBG | Alliston | Uppingham Veterans RC | Leicestershire | England |
2933 | Cdt | SJ | Balbach | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
2934 | Mr | A | Biggs | RNTRC | Derbyshire | England |
2935 | Mr | D | Blake | LMRA | London | England |
2936 | Mr | MI | Buchanan | Roseville | | Australia |
2937 | Cdt | C | Clapham | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
2938 | Mr | ARG | Cross | NLRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
2939 | Mr | SJ | Dawes | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | England |
2940 | | HSM | Elliott | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | England |
2941 | Mr | BM | Ellis | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
2942 | Cdt | MA | Forsyth | Angus & Dundee Cdt Bn | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2943 | Cdt | SJ | Gilbert | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
2944 | Mr | HJ | Golaszewski | Welsh RA | Somerset | Wales |
2945 | Mr | OP | Henry | MCC RC Australia | | Australia |
2946 | | HK | Krueger | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2947 | Cdt | MLV | Latimer | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
2948 | Cdt | AJ | Maltby | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
2949 | Sgt | MGD | McArdle | Tonbridge School | Sussex | England |
2950 | Mr | PR | McCurley | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
2951 | SSgt | SL | McIlreavy | 1st (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
2952 | Mr | JMC | McSparron-Edwards | LMRA | Yorkshire | England |
2953 | Cdt | RE | Molloy | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
2954 | Dr | JGR | Munn | Chobham & District RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
2955 | Cdt | JARF | Roulston | Sedbergh School | Northumberland | England |
2956 | | FC | Yip | DCRA | | Canada |
2957 | Cpl | JM | Gatere | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
2958 | Miss | JK | Hanna | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
2959 | Mr | H | Mitera | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
2960 | Mr | HGM | Mooiman | KSV Rotterdam | | Netherlands |
2961 | Mr | JCB | Peachey | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | |
2962 | | WA | Botha | South Africa | | South Africa |
2963 | Mr | M | Tompkins | USA | Ulster | USA |
2964 | Miss | TI | Macleod | St Andrews Uni. R.C | | |
2965 | Mr | RI | Nelson | Old Stamfordians | Lincolnshire | England |
2966 | Mr | NM | Bartlett | Etonian RC | | Wales |
2967 | | WJ | Oddy | | | Australia |
2968 | Miss | JM | Campbell-Smith | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2969 | Mr | MH | Davis | OCRA | London | England |
2970 | | JA | de Havilland | N.R.A | | England |
2971 | Mr | DK | Haskell | OCRA | Hampshire | England |
2972 | Mr | JEB | Hissey | English VIII | | |
2973 | Mr | CJF | Hayes | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2974 | Mr | MJ | Hissey | English VIII | | England |
2975 | Mr | RS | Kenchington | NLRC | | England |
2976 | Mr | CD | Law | LPSC | Middlesex | England |
2977 | | JA | Lyons | N.L.R.C. | | Ireland |
2978 | Mr | AWC | Meldrum | NRC of Scotland | Sussex | Scotland |
2980 | Mr | WM | McDowell | NRA | Berkshire | Ireland |
2981 | Mr | CDF | Boylan | Irish Rifle Club | Kent | Ireland |
2982 | Mr | JC | Peck | NLRC | | England |
2983 | Mr | KM | Pilcher | NLRC | Surrey | England |
2984 | | A | Pitcher | N.R.A | Essex | England |
2985 | | B | Tostevin | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | England |
2986 | | RPG | Voremberg | N.R.A | | England |
2987 | | | | | | |
2988 | Mr | GEW | Blakeney | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2989 | | RS | Temme | N.R.A | | |
2990 | Mr | AR | Campbell-Smith | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2991 | | J | Llandro | C.U.R.A | | Great Britain |
2992 | Mrs | D | Bridger | NLRC | Surrey | Wales |
2993 | | JR | Doran | Herts & Essex | Essex | England |
2994 | Mr | MFD | Brown | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2995 | Mr | HM | Butcher | NRC of Scotland | | England |
2996 | Mr | BC | Mackie | NRC of S | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
2997 | Mr | MW | Andrews | English VIII | | England |
2998 | Mr | M | Crichton Maitland | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
2999 | Mr | TG | Mack | NLRC | | Scotland |
3000 | | JF | Frey | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
3001 | Cdt | RJM | Holtum | Athelings | Somerset | England |
3002 | Mr | S | Ndambuki | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3003 | | H | Ohlsen | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
3004 | | T | Ozawa | | | Japan |
3005 | Mr | Y | Sakakibara | MRSA Japan | | Japan |
3006 | Mr | U | Soelzer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3007 | | K | Thumschat | | | Germany |
3008 | Mr | DRC | Brechin | NRC of S | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3009 | Mr | D N | Lindsay | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
3010 | Mr | O | Jones | NRA | Norfolk | England |
3013 | | P | Doerrer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3014 | | M | Hochmuth | B.D.M.P Germany | | Germany |
3015 | Cdt | AD | Jackson | 1297 Sqn ATC | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
3016 | | JC | Lall | Trinidad RA | | Trinidad & Tobago |
3017 | | JG | Schafferius | Australia | Queensland | Australia |
3018 | Mr | MJ | Barlow | Fife & Kinross FBRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3020 | | DA | Rose | Australian Schools | NSW | Australia |
3022 | Mr | B | Bowden | Central RC | | Australia |
3024 | Mr | WLL | Lewis | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
3025 | Sgt | SJ | Hier | ATSC | Wiltshire | Wales |
3026 | Mr | PJ | Westlake | DCRA | | Canada |
3027 | Mrs | SP | Thorogood | Welsh RA | Gloucestershire | Wales |
3028 | Mrs | J | Belanger | DCRA | | Canada |
3029 | Mr | H | Ball | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | Wales |
3030 | Cdt | RJW | Waters | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3031 | Mr | JA | Borland | Fife & Kinross FBRC | Shropshire | Scotland |
3032 | Flt Lt | G | Basnett | RAF Air Cmd | Cheshire | England |
3033 | Mr | JM | De Kort | F Class Netherlands | | Netherlands |
3034 | Mr | R | Van niel | IRC Holland | | Netherlands |
3035 | Mr | JJW | Edwards | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3036 | Mr | CJ | Bowley | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | | Wales |
3037 | Mr | SG | Gilbert | URA | Ulster | Ireland |
3038 | Miss | KE | Simpson | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | |
3039 | Miss | HM | Taylor | Irish Rifle Club | Northumberland | Ireland |
3040 | Mr | SKC | Hunter | Old Epsomian RC | | Scotland |
3041 | Mr | SA | Creedy | Yorks N&W ACF | | |
3042 | Mr | CD | Pocock | Durham University | Surrey | England |
3043 | Miss | ACL | Lean | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3044 | Mr | WJS | Hayman | Bunhill Rifle Club | Middlesex | England |
3046 | Miss | TD | Duhre | Newcastle Uni RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3047 | Mr | SD | Spinney | Canada | Ontario | Canada |
3048 | Mr | NJ | Branch | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3049 | Mr | R | Mills | OCRC | Sussex | England |
3050 | Mr | SLB | Borin | CURA | Cambridgeshire | England |
3052 | Miss | ER | Bagge | Newcastle University Stud | Norfolk | England |
3054 | Mr | TCR | Richmond | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3055 | Mr | GR | Jeal | ATSC | Buckinghamshire | England |
3056 | Mr | FR | Rahman | DCRA | | Canada |
3057 | Mr | PCA | Slater | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
3058 | Mr | IH | Hindshaw | NLRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3059 | Mr | RB | Morgan | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3060 | Mr | PH | Muckle | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
3061 | Miss | AL | Lamont | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3062 | Mr | AJ | Mayers | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
3063 | Dr | MA | Szymankiewicz | Chobham & District RC | Surrey | England |
3064 | Mr | AN | Tongue | ATSC | Kent | England |
3066 | Miss | EF | Parker | Yorks N&W ACF | | |
3067 | Mr | JH | Churchwell | Durham University | Middlesex | England |
3068 | Cdt | SG | Gowin | Hants and IOW ACF | Hampshire | England |
3069 | Lt | DP | Mills | ATRC | Oxfordshire | England |
3070 | Mr | RN | Burkill | OURC | County of London | Wales |
3071 | Mr | C | Beesley | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
3072 | Mr | J | Dawes | SUOTC | Hampshire | England |
3073 | Miss | FC | Barrell | NRA | Shropshire | Wales |
3074 | Mr | AR | Webster | Heriot-Watt URC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3075 | Mr | PTB | Brett | CURA | Cambridgeshire | England |
3076 | Mr | IA | Green | Royal Navy | Somerset | |
3077 | Cdt | TPJ | Cook | Athelings | Gloucestershire | Wales |
3078 | Mr | D | Booker | Newcastle University | Warwickshire | England |
3079 | Miss | JC | Carson | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
3080 | Mr | SME | Hayton | Old Cranleighans | London | England |
3081 | Miss | EC | Sigournay | SUOTC | Sussex | England |
3082 | Ms | KMB | Brewer | OURC | Oxfordshire | |
3083 | Mr | DB | Thomas | Reading University | Berkshire | England |
3084 | Mr | JA | Corrall | Reading University | Oxfordshire | England |
3085 | Major | M | Geernaert-Davies | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
3086 | Mr | LV | Vanstone | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3087 | Mr | MAS | Sammels | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3088 | Cdt | KP | Pilcher | Cambs ACF | Cambridgeshire | England |
3089 | Miss | S | Williams | Hants and IOW ACF | Gloucestershire | Ireland |
3090 | Miss | IS | Klymchuk | CURA | Cambridgeshire | New Zealand |
3091 | Mr | GJ | Stephen | Glasgow University RC | West of Scotland | |
3092 | Mr | JH | Williams | Lloyds TSB RC | Lancashire | England |
3093 | Mr | LRJ | Allen | Glasgow University RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3094 | Mr | RD | Rudduck | | | Australia |
3095 | Mr | WP | Hanley | Surrey RA | Northants | Leics |
3096 | Cdt | AW | Dowle | Athelings | Surrey | England |
3098 | Mr | OSS | Stewart | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
3100 | Mr | MRT | Tahir | OURC | Oxfordshire | England |
3101 | Mr | A | Freemantle | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
3102 | Mrs | E | Clarke | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3103 | Cdt | AM | Clark | Athelings | Dorset | England |
3104 | Mr | TJ | Bryan | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
3105 | Mr | P | Cameron Taylor | BBC RC | County of London | England |
3106 | Mr | P | Carneau | NRA | | England |
3107 | Mr | RS | Hayden | NLRC | Surrey | England |
3108 | Mr | D A | Smith | Ibis RC | Kent | England |
3109 | Mrs | A | Uhlig | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3110 | Mr | AL | Wort | Dorking & District RC | Surrey | |
3111 | Mr | AJ | Duffy | Metropolitan Police SC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3112 | Mr | IC | Mowbray | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
3113 | Mr | MW | Brown | RAFTRC | Nottinghamshire | England |
3114 | Mr | LP | Fenlon | MNSCI | | Republic of Ireland |
3115 | Mr | EB | Haynes | NRA | | |
3116 | Mr | C | Steele-Benny | RAF Air Cmd | Wiltshire | England |
3119 | Miss | JE | Newing | BBC Rifle Club | Kent | England |
3120 | Mr | P | Waldron | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
3121 | Mr | MR | Frost | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
3122 | Mr | D | Morgan | NRA | | |
3123 | Mr | DN | Webber | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
3124 | Mr | G | Baillie | NRA | Ulster | Ireland |
3125 | Mr | AJ | Burgess | West Wales ML | | Wales |
3126 | Mr | CRM | Asquith | Old Wellingburian | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
3127 | Mr | GL | James | Welsh RA | | Wales |
3128 | Mr | JC | Evans | Wandsworth FBRC | Somerset | Wales |
3129 | Mr | RV | Thomas | Bletchingly RBL | Surrey | |
3130 | | J | Stewart | NRA | Ulster | Ireland |
3131 | Mr | S | Scott | Carshalton Rifle Club | Surrey | Scotland |
3132 | Mr | S | Marcus | SMKSG | | Switzerland |
3133 | Miss | AEL | West | LMRA | Surrey | England |
3134 | Mr | SJ | Baker | NRA | | England |
3135 | Mr | PA | Hill | Grove Small Arms Club | | England |
3136 | Mr | JW | Alexander | Dungannon | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
3137 | Mr | JT | Kennedy | Nottingham City RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
3138 | Mr | OEJ | Spencer | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
3139 | Mr | RE | Nott | Windsor RC | Berkshire | England |
3140 | Mr | PR | Bain | Explorers RC | | Australia |
3141 | Mr | DAG | Mitchell | OWRC | Berkshire | England |
3142 | Mr | S | Doble | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
3143 | Mr | MW | Latimer | URA | Ulster | Ireland |
3144 | Mr | TW | Hunter | Old Epsomian RC | County of London | Scotland |
3145 | Dr | IT | Matsumoto | LMRA | County of London | England |
3146 | Mr | R | Carter | Bexleyheath SC | Kent | England |
3147 | Mr | E | Robertson | Wellington College | County of London | Scotland |
3148 | Mr | JFJ | Bryson | Cambridge University RA | Surrey | England |
3149 | Mr | CR | Atherton | Raglan TSC | | Australia |
3150 | Mr | WA | Wright | Wingham RC | | Australia |
3151 | Mr | J | Kielly | Pheasant Creek | | Australia |
3152 | Mr | PS | Hill | Queensland | | Australia |
3153 | Mr | RJ | Halloran | | | Australia |
3154 | Mr | DS | Freebairn | Balaklava | | Australia |
3155 | Mr | TS | Courtney | Maryborough | | Australia |
3156 | Mr | SA | Ruddell | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
3157 | Cdt | ME | Lecavalier | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3158 | Cdt | ML | Laflamme | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3159 | Mr | PM | Lanigan | Old Tonbridgian | Kent | Ireland |
3160 | Cpl | JI | Phomboro | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3161 | Cdt | P | Clement | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3162 | Mr | JS | Kleynhans | SABU | | South Africa |
3163 | Mr | H | Kruger | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3164 | Mr | MK | Knackstedt | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3165 | Mr | D | Brough | CNRC | | England |
3166 | Mr | C | Clifford | Fassaroe | | Ireland |
3167 | Mr | PB | Vamplew | DCRA | | Canada |
3168 | Cdt Sgt | WH | Hall | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
3169 | Mr | TAD | Lilley | SRA | Hampshire | England |
3170 | Mr | GW | Corfield | LMRA | Middlesex | Wales |
3171 | Cdt | BB | Baker | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3172 | Cdt | A | Audet-Hall | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3173 | Miss | D | O'Kelly | Irish Rifle Club | Gloucestershire | Ireland |
3174 | Cdt | C | Enger | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3175 | Cdt | J | Comeau | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3176 | Mr | P | Rutherford | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
3177 | Mr | WA | Odhiambo | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3178 | Sgt | M | Lekalaile | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3179 | Cpl | JB | Kipkorir | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3180 | Mr | U | Solzer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3181 | Cdt Cpl | MM | Wright | Bedford Mod Schl | Bedfordshire | England |
3182 | Cdt Cpl | C | Ridley | Marlborough College | | |
3183 | Cdt | X | Wang | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3184 | WPC | C | Jerop | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3186 | Cdt | J | Dodds | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
3188 | Cdt | M | Tremblett | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3190 | Mr | J | McKellar | Canada | | Canada |
3191 | Cpl | W | Kerema | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3192 | PC | J | Ngari | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3193 | Mr | EFG | Voisin | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
3194 | Mr | K | Feustel | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3195 | Mr | ATH | Hodge | Bedford Mod Schl | Bedfordshire | England |
3196 | Mr | PW | Hornsby | DCRA | | Canada |
3197 | Cdt | KJ | Montagnese | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3200 | | N | Bonaya | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3201 | J/Cpl | TMJ | Burgess | Tonbridge School | Kent | England |
3202 | Mr | GEH | Pilkington-Oates | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
3203 | Cdt | CC | Congram | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3204 | | E | Stolk | KSV Rotterdam | | Netherlands |
3206 | Cdt | A | Belyea | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3207 | | SA | Illsley | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3208 | Miss | HC | Born | Exeter University RC | Devon | England |
3209 | Mr | T | Simpson | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3210 | Mrs | MJ | Van Strien-Buitelaar | IRC Holland | | Netherlands |
3211 | Cdt | TJ | Walkey | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3212 | Mr | JRO | Boyd | Surrey RA | Gloucestershire | |
3213 | Sgt | M | Capron | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3214 | Cdt | E | Meyers | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3215 | | FK | Kinyua | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3216 | Sgt | SDJ | Glanville | RAF Air Cmd | Hampshire | England |
3217 | Cdt | M | Belanger | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3218 | Spr | RA | Lote | ATRC | | England |
3219 | Cdt | E | Beland | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3221 | Cdt | JAH | Le Maistre | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
3222 | 2LT | PA | Finn | Marlborough College | | |
3223 | C/Sgt | PR | Moore | | | |
3224 | Mr | OJ | Neill | Comber RC | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
3225 | Mr | A | Seifried | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3226 | Mr | KH | Tumschat | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3227 | Cdt | HFM | Hemsley | Wellington College | Somerset | England |
3228 | Cdt | NE | Johnson | Sedbergh School | | |
3229 | L/Cpl | AJM | Maher | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3230 | Capt | M | Purdy | ATSC | Norfolk | England |
3231 | Mr | TEO | Richards | Hampshire RA | Hampshire | England |
3234 | Cdt Bdr | RJM | McIlveen | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
3235 | Cdt | G | Wigmore | Athelings | Norfolk | England |
3236 | Cdt | GWD | Davies | GB U25 | Northants | Leics |
3237 | Mr | G | Wright | Harrovian RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
3238 | Cdt Sgt | NR | Rewston | Notts ACF | Nottinghamshire | England |
3239 | CSgt | JWP | Taylor | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3240 | Mr | M | Fox | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3241 | Mr | DJ | McIntosh | Canberra RC | | Australia |
3242 | Cdt | V | Wanie | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3243 | PC | CJ | Enyatta | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3244 | Mr | GD | Orchard | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
3245 | Cdt | MJL | Lidgitt | Durham University | Gloucestershire | England |
3246 | Cdt C/Sgt | IJ | Ruggles-Brise | Harrow School CCF | Middlesex | England |
3247 | Cdt | A | Tong | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | Hong Kong |
3248 | POC | AJP | Lamb | Sea Cadets | Cornwall | England |
3250 | Cdt | TJL | Garton | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
3251 | Mr | JT | Boyd | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
3252 | Cpl | M | Allan | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
3253 | Cpl | P | Lepario | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3254 | Cdt | A | Briggs | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
3255 | Cdt | S | Munzel | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3256 | Mr | T | Roxborough | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3257 | Mr | H | Buitelaar | IRC Holland | | Netherlands |
3258 | Lt | MA | Veti | RNTRC | Hampshire | England |
3259 | F/Sgt | S | Leonard | Durham/Northumberland ATC | County Durham | England |
3260 | Cdt | AP | Lacombe | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3261 | Mr | DMN | Newman | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3262 | Mr | FCP | Mostyn | Birmingham University RC | Buckinghamshire | England |
3263 | L Cpl | SL | Ridley | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3264 | Mr | AED | Webster | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3265 | Mr | PJ | Inwood | OCRC | Berkshire | England |
3266 | Mr | P | Stanley | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
3267 | Cdt C/Sgt | BH | Tomkins | Harrow School CCF | Middlesex | England |
3268 | Mr | EC | Farries | Exeter School CCF | Devon | England |
3270 | Cdt | AM | Winchester | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
3271 | POMEM(M) | AJ | Heywood | RNTRC | | |
3272 | Mr | S | De Gruchy | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
3273 | Cdt Cpl | RJ | Stilgoe | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
3274 | Miss | K | Uphill | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
3275 | LC | L | Main | Sea Cadets | Gwent | England |
3276 | Mr | R | Deane | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3277 | Mr | TO | Overbury | Cheltenham College CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
3278 | Mr | OC | Shave | CURA | | |
3279 | Cdt Cpl | CD | Paluch | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3280 | Mr | GC | Strong | Durham University | Norfolk | England |
3281 | Mr | AK | Daneshmend | Exeter School CCF | Devon | |
3282 | Cdt | AL | Pimblett | Sedbergh School | | |
3283 | Mr | AWJ | Logan | CURA | Cambridgeshire | Scotland |
3284 | Mr | RK | Berghus | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3285 | Cpl | GDW | Weir | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3286 | | MJC | Hamill | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3287 | Mr | G | Hart | Bedfordians RC | Norfolk | England |
3288 | Mr | DA | Quinn | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3289 | Mr | DG | Couch | Cornwall RC | Cornwall | England |
3291 | Cdt | HJH | Hudson | Uppingham Veterans RC | Rutland | England |
3292 | Mr | JJ | Hillman | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
3293 | Miss | CML | Mackintosh | St Andrews University | Surrey | Scotland |
3294 | Mr | MT | Phipps | Exeter University RC | Berkshire | England |
3295 | Mr | AJK | Kelly | Wellingborough | Northants | |
3296 | Mr | DA | Wort | Dorking & District RC | | |
3297 | Cpl | R | Cook | Bunhill Rifle Club | County of London | England |
3298 | LC | S | Pinches | Nuneaton Sea Cadets | | |
3299 | WO1 | JR | Davies | ATSC | Wiltshire | Wales |
3300 | Mr | NC | Bartholomew | NRA | Suffolk | England |
3301 | Mr | NJ | Atkins | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
3302 | Mr | WJ | Myburgh | South African U25 | | South Africa |
3303 | Mr | R | Johnson | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
3305 | Mr | N | Beesley | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | Scotland |
3306 | Sqn Ldr | RC | Andrews | | | New Zealand |
3307 | Mr | C | Russell | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
3308 | Mr | A | Tikkanen | DCRA | | Canada |
3309 | Mr | PJS | Smith | St Nicholas RPC | Kent | England |
3310 | Mr | JP | Baxter | NSWRA | | Australia |
3312 | Mr | D | de Vere | Old Marlburian RC | London | England |
3313 | Mr | R | McIlveen | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
3314 | Mr | BJ | Benest | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3315 | Mr | W | Waldron | Ashford & District RC | Kent | Wales |
3316 | Miss | NR | Rothwell | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
3317 | Cdt | K | Hohenberg | Oratory School | | |
3318 | Mr | CJ | Mitchell | Cardinals | Berkshire | England |
3319 | Mr | J | Maguire | West Wallsend RC | | Australia |
3320 | Mr | G | Bendik | Canada | | Canada |
3321 | Mr | K | McCamley | Surrey RA | Warwickshire | Australia |
3322 | Mr | RJ | Waters | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
3323 | Miss | GJF | Ogden | Yorkshire RA | Yorkshire | England |
3325 | Mr | IW | Monroe | Durham University | County Durham | England |
3326 | Cdt | T | Wallington | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3327 | Mr | D | Ferdinand | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3328 | Mr | P | Cutts | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
3329 | Miss | SE | Lawrence | Malvern College | Worcestershire | England |
3331 | WO2 | DN | Budden | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3332 | Cdt | G | Wier | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3333 | Mr | PM | Newman | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3334 | Mr | FJT | Puckle Hobbs | Athelings | Wiltshire | England |
3335 | Cdt Sgt | J | Saville | Marlborough College | | |
3336 | Capt | HCM | Bennett | ATSC | Norfolk | England |
3338 | Cdt | MJP | Purdy | Gresham's RC | Norfolk | England |
3339 | Cdt | HZ | Taylor | Gresham's RC | Norfolk | England |
3341 | Mr | M | Neal | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
3342 | Mr | COB | Perkins | Jersey RA | Jersey | |
3343 | Mr | GJM | Maio | University of Reading | Berkshire | England |
3345 | Mr | PM | Horn | Reading University | Berkshire | England |
3346 | Miss | JJ | Carson | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
3348 | Mr | AD | McDougall | North Sydney | | Australia |
3349 | Mr | AJ | McGuigan | NSWRA | | Australia |
3350 | Mr | C | Rivett-Carnac | Old Epsomian RC | Gloucestershire | England |
3351 | Mr | PRK | Kenrick | Oratory School | Oxfordshire | England |
3352 | CDT | CE | Hearsum | Epsom College | Surrey | |
3354 | Mr | DGEM | Mutter | Darlington R & PC | County Durham | England |
3355 | Mr | AC | Griffin | University of London | Buckinghamshire | |
3356 | Mrs | BA | Bell | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
3357 | Ms | RL | Furniss | City RC | Northumberland | England |
3358 | Mr | SRJ | Joshi | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
3359 | Cdt | OS | Stewart | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
3362 | Cdt | NM | Taylor | Athelings | Somerset | England |
3363 | Mr | T | Bulmer | Athelings | Somerset | England |
3364 | Mr | JF | Salmon | Bedford Mod Schl | Bedfordshire | England |
3365 | Mr | JG | Glen | Old Glenalmond RC | Perthshire | Scotland |
3367 | Mr | C | Hildebrandt | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3368 | Mr | M | Knackstedt | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3369 | Miss | C | Lemmer | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
3370 | Mr | B | Anscombe | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
3371 | Mr | G | Drewett | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
3374 | Mr | AJ | Du Toit | SA Junior | | South Africa |
3375 | Mr | FW | Viljoen | SA Junior | | South Africa |
3376 | Cdt | TFF | Smart | Cheltenham College | Gloucestershire | |
3378 | Mrs | LCP-L | Healy | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
3379 | Cdt | T | Overbury | Cheltenham College | Gloucestershire | England |
3380 | Mrs | LF | Andrews | Club 25 | Hampshire | England |
3381 | Mr | AM | West | LMRA | Surrey | England |
3382 | Mr | A | Godliman | OWRC | Berkshire | |
3383 | Cfn | S | Kirkcaldy | ATSC | Hampshire | |
3385 | Mr | BN | Craig | OCRA | Cheshire | England |
3386 | Mr | JMP | Fitzsimons | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
3387 | Mr | GP | Perron | DCRA | | Canada |
3388 | Mr | PT | Dwyer | Kent CRA | Kent | England |
3389 | Miss | TAM | Hutton | 2452 ATC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3390 | Mr | LJ | Downie | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3391 | LT | R | Whalen | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
3392 | WO2 | M | Carberry | ATSC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3394 | Miss | CMA | O'Donovan | Durham University | Surrey | England |
3395 | Sjt | M | House | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
3396 | Miss | HL | Landrum | Dorset ACF | Lancashire | England |
3397 | Cdt | GA | Hopkinson | Wellington College | Berkshire | Scotland |
3398 | Mr | TE | Hirst | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
3399 | Cdt | JE | McGuire | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
3401 | Mr | ACH | Bryson | OWRC | Surrey | England |
3402 | Mr | HW | Orpen-Smellie | Old Wellingtonians | Essex | England |
3403 | Cdt | A | Idris | Wellington College | | Malaysia |
3404 | Mr | J | Walsby-Tickle | Birkenhead School CCF | Cheshire | England |
3405 | Sgt | DG | Slaughter | Bunhill Rifle Club | Middlesex | Ireland |
3406 | Mr | F | Zeresenai | Bunhill Rifle Club | Middlesex | |
3407 | Mr | JSW | Hayman | Bunhill Rifle Club | Middlesex | England |
3408 | Cdt | C | Congram | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3409 | Cdt | N | Jmyi | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3410 | Cdt | MRS | Badmington | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3411 | Cdt | N | Morrison | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3412 | Cdt | DG | Galati | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3413 | Cdt | G | Edge | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3414 | Cdt | B | Dickenson | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3415 | Cdt | S | Desilets | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3416 | Cdt | M | Churchill | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3417 | Cdt | S | Brisebois | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3418 | Cdt | DR | Benterud | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3419 | Cdt | CM | MacDonald | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3420 | Cdt | KL | LeBlanc | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3421 | Cdt | EL | Lafleur | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3422 | Cdt | M | Jones | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3423 | Cdt | M | Poulin | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3424 | Cdt | T | Stuckless | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3425 | Cdt | D | Taylor | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3426 | Mr | CT | Leyden | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
3427 | Mrs | LAE | Robinson | Old Sedberghians | Yorkshire | England |
3428 | Mr | SS | Qaisar | Durham University | Cheshire | Scotland |
3429 | Cdt | CR | McCall | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
3430 | Monsieur | B | Berthineau | France | | France |
3431 | Sgt | MD | Argo | 2452 Shawlands ATC | | Scotland |
3432 | Mrs | MF | Shepherd | Endeavour RC | | Australia |
3434 | Mr | JEC | Branch | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3435 | Miss | JYSL | Lau | University of London | | |
3436 | Ms | RM | Shepherd | Endeavour RC | | Australia |
3437 | Mr | CA | Skellett | Welwyn Phoenix | Hertfordshire | England |
3438 | Mr | NDJ | Gaywood | NRC of Scotland | West of Scotland | England |
3439 | Miss | JM | Waters | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3440 | Mrs | AM | Tracey | LMRA | | |
3441 | Mr | MD | Peebles | ARA | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3442 | Mr | SG | Turner | University of London | | |
3443 | Mr | M | Rewston | Huddersfield RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
3444 | Mr | JA | Lindsay III | OCRA | | England |
3445 | Mr | RG | Hemingway | University of Southampton | Hampshire | England |
3446 | Miss | SJ | Hunter | University of Southampton | Yorkshire | England |
3447 | Mr | D | Foy | Sussex CRA | Sussex | England |
3448 | Mr | TME | Ince | Birkenhead School CCF | Cheshire | England |
3449 | Cpl | M | Wells | | Surrey | England |
3450 | Mr | RA | Hyndman | Old Guildfordians RC | County of London | Northern Ireland |
3451 | | JD | Van Oppen | RGS Guildford | Hampshire | England |
3452 | Mr | AJW | Erskine | Surrey RA | Ulster | Ireland |
3453 | Cpl | J | Baker | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3454 | Sjt | BG | Mulvey | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3455 | Bdr | K | Towers | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3456 | Miss | H | Kent | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
3457 | Mr | D | Odutola | Trinidad RA | Gloucestershire | |
3458 | Cdt | H | Lau | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
3459 | Mr | GCRG | Greenbury | Cambridge University RA | Gloucestershire | Wales |
3460 | Mr | T | Waycott | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
3461 | Cpl | D | Slone | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3462 | Sgt | AP | Mitchinson | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3463 | Sgt | K | Waterston | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3464 | Sgt | AP | Barton | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3465 | Mr | U | Adendorff | SA Junior | | South Africa |
3466 | Mr | JR | Brenchley | SA Junior | | South Africa |
3467 | Ms | M | Ilse | SA Junior | | South Africa |
3468 | Mr | SF | Scheepers | SA Junior | | South Africa |
3469 | Mr | SFC | Churchill | NRA | | |
3470 | Mr | S | Burford | Cinque Ports | Sussex | England |
3471 | Mr | D | Marsden | Geraldton RC | | Australia |
3472 | Mr | HH | Prinsloo | South African U25 | | South Africa |
3473 | Mr | NJ | Slabbert | North West | | South Africa |
3474 | Mr | PW | Coen | North West | | South Africa |
3475 | Mnr | PJ | Slabbert | South African U25 | | South Africa |
3476 | Mr | O | Slabbert | South African U25 | | South Africa |
3477 | Mr | PP | Prinsloo | South African U25 | | South Africa |
3478 | Mr | DB | Cotterill | Bungendore | | Australia |
3482 | Mr | N | Maynard | Canada | | Canada |
3485 | Mr | SJD | Durrant | Bunhill Rifle Club | Essex | England |
3486 | Mr | WJD | Broad | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
3487 | Miss | L | Colley | University of London | | |
3488 | Cdt | JMS | Brind | Wellington College | Wiltshire | England |
3489 | Mr | KDA | Pilcher | Bunhill Rifle Club | Cambridgeshire | England |
3490 | Mr | CBC | Brook | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
3491 | Mr | JA | Ritchie | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | |
3493 | Mr | AR | Smith | South Africa | | South Africa |
3494 | Mr | HDG | Hyslop | Old Wellingburian | Northants | Leics |
3495 | Mr | MJ | Creber | Guernsey RC | | Guernsey |
3496 | Miss | C A | Staples | Bunhill Rifle Club | Hampshire | England |
3497 | Mr | N | Pinks | NLRC | Norfolk | England |
3498 | Mr | CA | Mandella | Bunhill Rifle Club | Gloucestershire | England |
3499 | Mr | JST | Turley | Glos ACF | Gloucestershire | Ireland |
3501 | Mr | AL | James | Welsh RA | | Wales |
3502 | Miss | E | Cohen | St Johns School | Surrey | |
3503 | Miss | EL | Hoolahan | Surrey RA | Kent | England |
3504 | Mrs | FK | Day | Hopton Supper Club | | England |
3505 | Mr | F | Roberts | South London RC | | |
3506 | Mr | C | Heckstill-Smith | | | |
3507 | Mr | M | McCullough | Oxford University RC | | |
3508 | Mr | BRF | Perkins | Oxford University RC | Hampshire | England |
3509 | Cpl | D | Smith | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
3510 | Cpl | M | Smith | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
3511 | Sqn Ldr | HM | French | RAFTRC | Kent | England |
3512 | Cpl | P | Prys-Roberts | Bristol Filton Sea Cadets | Avon | |
3513 | Bdr | K | Butler | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
3514 | Flt Lt | MR | Leyman | RAF Air Cmd | Devon | England |
3515 | L/Cpl | RV | Stirling | Rugby Sea Cadets | | |
3516 | Cdt | A | Newton | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
3518 | Mr | ZH | Hamsan | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
3519 | Mr | ZA | Zain | Malaysia Rifle Team | | Malaysia |
3520 | Mr | M | Ford | Old Cheltonians | Gloucestershire | England |
3521 | Mr | JHL | Longworth | St Johns School | Somerset | England |
3522 | Mr | ADJ | Stewart | ATSC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3523 | Cdt | MSM | Clayton | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
3524 | Mr | JPS | Scarr | ATSC | | |
3525 | Mr | S | Witorowski | Ontario RC | | Canada |
3526 | Mr | G | Blakeney | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
3527 | POC | M | Collis | SCC Cambridge | Cambridgeshire | England |
3528 | Mr | JHC | Bayne | Room RC | Sussex | England |
3530 | | ER | McDowell | OURC | | |
3532 | Mr | B | Sampson | North Herts Rifles | Hertfordshire | England |
3534 | Miss | JRA | Mcintosh | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3535 | Mr | GL | Barker | University of Southampton | Devon | England |
3536 | Mr | AW | Coupland | Oratory School | Oxfordshire | England |
3537 | Miss | IRJD | Stevenson | Uppingham Veterans RC | Derbyshire | England |
3538 | Mr | KZ | Von Csefalvay-Bartal | Oxford University RC | | |
3539 | Mr | BH | Jones | Altcar RC | | England |
3540 | Cpl | SD | Hutchison | 2452 Shawlands ATC | | Scotland |
3541 | Mr | A | Brunton-Reed | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
3542 | Miss | DLT | Taylor | Somerset CRA | Somerset | England |
3544 | Mr | BAAC | Sandford | Royal School Armagh | Ulster | Ireland |
3545 | Miss | KM | Parks | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Co Tyrone | Ireland |
3546 | Mr | PA | Gaskell | Durham University | | |
3547 | Mr | ADO | Oates | Reading University | Hertfordshire | England |
3548 | Mr | BG | White | Old Johnian RC | Surrey | England |
3549 | Mr | AJK | Knight | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
3550 | Mr | E | McConnell | Edinburgh University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3551 | Mr | HD | Worheide | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3552 | Mr | AM | Norman | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3553 | Miss | JA | McArdle | Wandsworth FBRC | County of London | Ireland |
3554 | Mr | ND | Trewhella | Wellington College | Hampshire | England |
3555 | Mr | CJ | Fullerton | Ulster RA | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
3559 | Mrs | VKR | Duffy | Metropolitan Police SC | Dumfries & Galloway | Scotland |
3560 | Mr | RW | Shaw | Huddersfield RC | Derbyshire | England |
3561 | Cdt | M | Webb | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3562 | Mr | WA | Hardy | St Johns School | Surrey | England |
3564 | | J | Glen | Glenalmond College | Perthshire | Scotland |
3565 | Miss | GR | Redman | 2391 Sqn ATC | Dorset | Wales |
3566 | Cpl | HREH | Howse | Woodbridge School | Suffolk | England |
3567 | | B | Turner | Malvern College | | |
3568 | Miss | FE | Purdy | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
3569 | Mr | D | Purcell | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3570 | Mr | T | Firth | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
3572 | Flt Sgt | A | Clark | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3573 | Mr | DH | Moss | New Forest SC | Hampshire | England |
3574 | Mr | ED | Carrick | Glasgow University RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3577 | Cdt | R | Paquette | Canada | | Canada |
3578 | Mr | HJ | Mitera | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3579 | Mr | DW | Wulff | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3581 | Mr | M | Liversage | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
3582 | Mr | DK | Kirui | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3583 | Mr | HR | Woryna | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3584 | Mr | JM | Dekort | SV Breda | | Netherlands |
3588 | Mr | M | Woolger | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | England |
3589 | Mr | MP | Plug | F Class Netherlands | | Netherlands |
3591 | Mr | P | Sandie | West Atholl RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3595 | Cdt | JWB | Ball | Athelings | Surrey | Wales |
3596 | M | O | Larrue | France | | France |
3597 | Mr | P | Valentin | Groupe Mike | | France |
3598 | Mrs | N | Valentin | Groupe Mike | | France |
3599 | RSM | GPR | Hall | Oundle School | Northants | England |
3600 | Mr | AJ | Sonnenberg | | | Australia |
3601 | Mr | NJC | Thomas | Civil Service RA | Hertfordshire | |
3602 | Mr | GD | Erskine | NRA | Surrey | Ireland |
3603 | Cdt | MC | Evans | Cheltenham College | Gloucestershire | Wales |
3604 | Cdt | CE | McSparron-Edwards | Cheltenham College | Wiltshire | Scotland |
3605 | Cdt | LJ | Craigen | Cheltenham College | | England |
3606 | Cdt | MJ | Strittmatter | Cheltenham College | | Germany |
3607 | Cpl | A | Donoghue | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3608 | Cdt | K | Parrott | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3609 | WOII | K | Kiarie | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3611 | Cdt | V | Carter | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3612 | Mr | B | Lottritz | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3613 | WOII | J | Mwebia | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3615 | Mr | RW | Jarvis | County of Gloucester RA | Gloucestershire | England |
3616 | Cdt | O | Ahmed | 2452 Shawlands ATC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3619 | Cpl | C | Ndegwa | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3620 | Miss | SEA | Ellis | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
3621 | Cdt | L | Bruder | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3622 | Mr | DA | Stain | Notts ACF | Nottinghamshire | |
3623 | Cdt | D | Lister | Canada | | Canada |
3624 | Mr | JE | Diviney | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
3625 | Mr | F | Stewart | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3626 | Mr | FF | Lalear | Prairie Provinces | | |
3627 | Cpl | N | Tucker | RGS High Wycombe | Buckinghamshire | England |
3628 | Mr | O | Van der Sluis | IRC Holland | Noord-Holland | Netherlands |
3629 | Mr | GA | Buchannon | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3630 | Miss | NRR | Rothwell | Athelings | Derbyshire | England |
3631 | Mr | JSR | Rea | Glasgow University RC | East of Scotland | Northern Ireland |
3632 | Miss | SC | Yates | British Snipers | Surrey | England |
3633 | Cpl | N | Elson | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
3634 | Mr | JE | Diviney | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
3635 | Mr | CMS | Duly | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3636 | Mr | OC | Collas | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3637 | C/Sgt | P | Hunter | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3638 | Cdt | G | Le Vaillant | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
3639 | Cpl | T | O'Brien | Plymouth & Cornwall ATC | Devon | England |
3640 | Mr | S | Moss | Reading University | Berkshire | England |
3641 | Miss | CK | Skelton | UKCRT | | |
3642 | Cpl | J | East | 67 (Wearmouth) Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
3644 | Sgt | SG | Rose | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
3645 | Mr | SR | Osmont | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
3647 | Cdt | D | Trochimchuk | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3648 | Mr | A | Katona | DCRA | | Canada |
3649 | Miss | NJS | Sarafilovic | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3650 | Mr | P | Lucey | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3652 | Mr | SJ | Pym | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Derbyshire | |
3653 | Cdt | P | Messiaen | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3654 | Mr | C | Kluh | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3655 | Mr | D | Adams | Canada | | Canada |
3657 | Cdt | N | Berry | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3660 | Mr | CD | Atkins | Surrey RA | | England |
3662 | Mr | JD | Ward | Uppingham Veterans RC | Gloucestershire | England |
3664 | Miss | HP | McCullough | Irish Rifle Club | Ulster | Ireland |
3666 | Capt | GT | Heyes | ATSC | | |
3667 | Mr | TJG | Greenhalgh | ATSC | Derbyshire | |
3669 | Cdt | D | Adams | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3670 | Mr | AG | Lloyd | City of Newcastle RC | County of Durham | England |
3671 | Sgt | MR | Reed | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
3672 | Miss | JL | Barber | University of Southampton | Hampshire | |
3673 | | TJH | Hatch | St Johns School | Surrey | England |
3675 | Mr | RL | Marshall | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
3677 | Cdt | A | Boyd | Athelings | | |
3678 | Miss | A | Durrant | Bunhill Rifle Club | Cambridgeshire | England |
3679 | Cpl | D | Kiprotich | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3680 | Miss | O | Valentin | Groupe Mike | | France |
3681 | Mr | RW | Coatsworth | RNTRC | Durham | England |
3682 | Miss | LP | McKibbin | Glenalmond College | Perthshire | Scotland |
3683 | Mr | P | Kirtchev | Bunhill Rifle Club | County of London | England |
3684 | Cpl | PS | Lehmann | ATRC | | England |
3685 | Cdt | H | Simpson | Glenalmond College | | Scotland |
3686 | Miss | MEP | Bryant | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | England |
3687 | Mr | SO | Jauncey | Jersey RA | Wiltshire | Jersey |
3688 | | PJS | Evans | St Johns School | Surrey | England |
3689 | Miss | J | Simpson | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3690 | Miss | C | Halleran | West of Scotland RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3691 | Mr | TAE | Giulian | NRA | Suffolk | |
3692 | Cdt Cpl | RCA | Tunnard | Wellington College | | England |
3693 | Mr | PERD | Hunt | City RC | | England |
3694 | Mr | AR | Coakes | Lancing College | Sussex | England |
3695 | Mr | JA | Mulcahy | Old Lancing Rifle Club | Sussex | England |
3696 | Mr | FPR | Northam | North Herts Rifles | Hertfordshire | England |
3697 | Mr | EJ | Gardener | NRA | Devon | England |
3698 | Mr | AEM | Mateiro | University of London | | |
3699 | Mr | EFBG | Glanville | Southampton RC | Hampshire | England |
3700 | | D | Trowsdale | Norfolk | | England |
3701 | Cdt | GT | Jones | Uppingham School | | |
3702 | Mr | A | Phythian | Oundle School | Northants | England |
3703 | M | M | Garreau | Groupe Mike | | France |
3705 | Mr | AK | Glen | Basingstoke 1945 Club | Hampshire | England |
3707 | Mr | ORW | Russell | Old Guildfordians RC | Sussex | Wales |
3709 | Mr | PM | Jones | Bradfield College | Berkshire | |
3710 | Cpl | NG | Stewart | RAF Air Cmd | | |
3711 | Dr | ITR | Jobling | Langar RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
3712 | Mr | CAS | Penrose | Newcastle Uni RC | Essex | |
3714 | | B | Henry Benjamin | | | |
3715 | Mr | WJ | Joicey | Oundle School | | England |
3716 | Mr | KA | Van Ast | | | Netherlands |
3717 | Capt | RCG | Knight | ATSC | Berkshire | England |
3718 | Mr | RH | Platt | Stanmore R&PC | | |
3719 | Mr | P | Lusted | Imperial College RPC | County of London | |
3720 | Mr | NM | Duncan | Cardinals | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3721 | Mr | PC | Coulboute | Groupe Mike | | France |
3723 | Mr | N | Harman | Whitgift Veterans | County of London | England |
3724 | Cdt | KE | Ross (cancelled) | Epsom College | Surrey | |
3725 | Mr | N | Yarmolenko | Wellington College | | Russia |
3730 | Mr | P | Todd | Comber RC | Co Down | Ireland |
3731 | Cdt | J | Pinch | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3732 | Ms | HK | Mallinckrodt | Bunhill Rifle Club | Gloucestershire | Netherlands |
3734 | Mr | A | Lakhani | 143 (Reford) Sqn ATC | Derbyshire | England |
3736 | Mr | PJ | Haines | Athelings | Northants | Leics |
3737 | Miss | HLL | Landrum | Athelings | Dorset | |
3738 | Cdt | K | Gagnon | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3739 | Mr | CK | Saina | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3741 | Mr | BS | Preece | Pumas RC | | England |
3743 | Mr | R | Hirst | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
3744 | Mr | A | Rowley | Uppingham Veterans RC | Norfolk | |
3745 | Mr | RA | Fullerton | Dungannon | Ulster | Ireland |
3746 | Cdt | SM | Amin | University of London | Surrey | England |
3747 | Cdt | J | Rogowski | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3748 | Mr | M | Yego | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3749 | | C | Witham | Framlingham College CCF | Suffolk | |
3750 | Mr | RIB | Bramwell | Uppingham Veterans RC | Lincolnshire | |
3751 | Mr | C | Milton | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | England |
3752 | Cdt | TFFS | Smart | Cheltenham College | Hampshire | England |
3753 | Mr | TW | Tatchell | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
3754 | Mr | HAD | Howard | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
3755 | Mr | DJD | Dick | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3756 | Sgt | M | Chetwyn | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Derbyshire | England |
3757 | PC | F | Muema | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3758 | Cpl | C | Livingstone | Athelings | Gloucestershire | Scotland |
3760 | Mr | DS | Slaughter | Athelings | County of London | Ireland |
3761 | Miss | NR | Ball | Reading University | Berkshire | England |
3762 | Mr | A | Edwards | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
3763 | Mr | OJN | Lyon | Old Wellingtonians | Surrey | England |
3764 | Mr | O | Banks | Wellington College | Hampshire | England |
3765 | Mr | R | Grafton | Old Guildfordians RC | | Ireland |
3766 | RSM | L | Waude | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3767 | Cdt | R | McCutcheon | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3768 | Sgt | D | Lambert | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
3770 | Mr | IJ | Milward | ATSC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
3771 | Mr | D | Hausmann | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
3772 | Mr | B | Humphreys | Wellingborough | Northants | Leics |
3773 | Mr | M | Dodd | Falkland Islands RA | | Falkland Islands |
3774 | Mr | MD | Williams | Wellington College | Hampshire | England |
3775 | Cdt | C | Emmens | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3776 | Cdt | CGD | Dickson | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
3777 | Cdt | D | McGlynn | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3779 | Mr | GHM | Tonks | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
3780 | Cdt | ERT | Torrance | Athelings | | |
3781 | Miss | S | Ponter | Jersey RA | East of Scotland | Jersey |
3782 | Cdt | E | Ferguson | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3783 | Miss | C | Choquette | DCRA | | Canada |
3784 | Mr | MAS | Robson | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3786 | Mr | HJG | Green | NLRC | Surrey | England |
3787 | Mr | R | Clark | Glasgow University RC | | |
3789 | Miss | AZ | Zulkharnain | University of London | | |
3790 | Mr | GJO | Pearson | Reading University | Dorset | England |
3791 | | M | Roper | Malvern Sea Cadets | | |
3792 | Miss | TR | Rewston | Notts ACF | Nottinghamshire | |
3793 | Cpl | N | Jones | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
3794 | Mr | T | Allthorpe-Mullis | Uppingham School | County of London | |
3795 | Sgt | S | Fahy | Glos ACF | Gloucestershire | England |
3796 | Mr | JM | Man | Reading University | Berkshire | England |
3797 | Mr | JM | Cerdan | Groupe Mike | | France |
3798 | Mr | MG | Guy | Groupe Mike | | France |
3799 | Mr | EJ | Joseph | Trinidad RA | | |
3800 | Mr | JB | Corr | Sea Cadets | Cheshire | England |
3801 | Mr | CLW | Whale | Bunhill Rifle Club | Middlesex | England |
3802 | Mrs | KE | Heath | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | Ireland |
3803 | Cpl | J | Kimondo | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3804 | Mr | RP | Birch | Jersey RA | Jersey | |
3805 | Miss | C | Pearce | Cambridge University RA | Middlesex | England |
3806 | Mr | BB | Henry | Jamaica RA | | Jamaica |
3807 | Miss | C | Peacock | Reading University | East of Scotland | |
3808 | Mr | AC | Brooker | Oxford University RC | Berkshire | Scotland |
3810 | Miss | F | Danczak | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
3811 | Cdt Sgt | A | Cannon | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
3813 | Sgt | T | Colquitt | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
3814 | Cdt | T | Hassan | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3815 | Sgt | LS | Bugmann | Plymouth & Cornwall ATC | Devon | England |
3816 | Cdt PO | J | Palmer | Framlingham College CCF | Suffolk | |
3817 | Cdt | A | Norejko | Llandovery College | | |
3818 | Cpl | H | Gaughan | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3819 | Cdt | G | Stevenson | RCAC | | Canada |
3820 | Mrs | SR | Hinde | Old Wellingburian | Cambridgeshire | Denmark |
3821 | Mr | D | Carpenter | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
3822 | Mr | A | Rathwell | DCRA | | Canada |
3823 | Mr | TC | Perkins | DCRA | | Canada |
3824 | Mr | M | Dechamplain | DCRA | | Canada |
3825 | Mr | M | Wolf | DCRA | | Canada |
3826 | | WM | Watts | DCRA | Alberta | Canada |
3827 | Mrs | KA | Fitton | English VIII | | England |
3828 | Mr | WR | Flintoft | DCRA | | Canada |
3829 | Mr | VAAM | Sessink | F Class Netherlands | | Netherlands |
3830 | Mr | AW | Turner | Marquis | Berkshire | England |
3831 | Mr | M | Been | NRA | | Netherlands |
3832 | Mr | JWM | Murphy | USA National | | USA |
3833 | Mr | A | Brough | CNRC | | England |
3834 | Mr | S | Balolia | USA National | | USA |
3835 | Mr | LT | Taite | USA National | | USA |
3836 | Mr | JS | Traylor | USA National | | USA |
3837 | Mr | JG | Cochran | USA National | | USA |
3838 | Mr | DG | Gosnell | USA National | | USA |
3839 | Mr | R | Bock (Jr) | USA National | | USA |
3840 | Mr | RT | Bock | USA National | Dorset | USA |
3841 | Mr | JM | Brewer | USA National | | USA |
3842 | Mr | DO | Morris | USA National | | USA |
3843 | Mr | BWO | Otey | USA National | | USA |
3844 | Mr | E | Bair | USA National | | USA |
3845 | Mr | PH | Wilson | Mars & Minerva | | England |
3846 | Mr | MWJ | De Kort | F Class Netherlands | | Netherlands |
3847 | | A | Kritzinger | SABU | | South Africa |
3848 | Mr | SP | Barrett | Welsh RA | Lancashire | Wales |
3849 | Mr | MAD | Downey | USA National | | USA |
3850 | Mr | J | Cronje | South Africa | | South Africa |
3851 | Mr | DRB | Bailey | USA National | | USA |
3852 | Mr | L | Bartholome | USA National | | USA |
3853 | Mr | GJ | Phelan | Yarram | | Australia |
3854 | Mr | SW | Jones | Cambridge University RA | | |
3855 | Mr | A | Lilley | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
3856 | Mr | DG | Kumbang | CURA | | |
3857 | Mr | EK | Kerfoot | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | |
3858 | Mr | DRJF | Forster | Cambridge University RA | Buckinghamshire | Belgium |
3859 | Mr | SM | Murugesu | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
3860 | Miss | L | Saxton | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Ireland |
3861 | Mr | AM | Gent | English VIII | Derbyshire | England |
3862 | Mr | FWA | Coetzee | South Africa | | South Africa |
3863 | Mr | LC | James | RNTRC | Northants | Leics |
3864 | Mr | RJ | Hull | Hampshire RA | Hampshire | England |
3865 | Mr | JB | Hull | Uppingham Veterans RC | Hampshire | England |
3866 | Cdt | E | Vaillancourt | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3867 | Mr | AJ | Sims | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
3868 | Mrs | HA | Cook | OWRC | Devon | England |
3869 | Cdt | WBP | Hutton | Athelings | Surrey | |
3870 | Mr | LS | Otundo | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3871 | Cdt | FX | Cliche | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
3872 | Mr | SW | Cullinan | Middelburg | | South Africa |
3873 | Mr | PS | Holmes | Manchester RC | Lancashire | England |
3874 | Mr | W | Hooper | RNTRC | East of Scotland | |
3875 | Cdt | S | McEvoy | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3876 | Cdt | A | Poulter | Athelings | Dorset | England |
3877 | Mr | H | Hattingh | South Africa | | South Africa |
3878 | Cdt | D | St-Cyr Brossard | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3879 | Cdt | KX | Zhao | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3880 | Sjt | C | Atherton | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3881 | Cdt | K | Letendre | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3882 | Mr | GH | Pretorius | South Africa | | South Africa |
3883 | Cdt FS | T | Marsh | 126 Sqn ATC | Derbyshire | England |
3884 | Mr | T | Smith | English XX | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
3885 | Cdt | J | Martin | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3886 | Mr | OL | Ryndziewicz | Surrey RA | Gloucestershire | England |
3887 | 2Lt | RJ | Kellett | Sedbergh School | Lancashire | England |
3888 | Mr | MAJ | Barber | RNTRC | Guernsey | |
3889 | Cdt | B | Garnett | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3890 | Cpl | P | Calvert | ATSC | | |
3891 | Mr | LRM | Irungu | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3892 | Mr | N | Mringie | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3893 | Miss | RR | Davis | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3894 | Mr | GM | Gee | | | Australia |
3895 | Mr | A | Cummings | 239 Sqn ATC | Ulster | Ireland |
3896 | Mr | D | Cottrill | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | England |
3897 | Cdt | AE | Corner | Wellington College | Middlesex | England |
3898 | Cdt | T | Sangster | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3899 | Mr | LJ | Potgiter | South Africa | | South Africa |
3900 | Mr | CRW | Downing | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
3901 | Mr | ET | Egne | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
3902 | Mr | J | Macaulay | ATSC | | |
3903 | Sgt | GED | Hart | ATSC | London | Ireland |
3904 | Cpl | C | Moylan | ACNSTC | Midland Counties | England |
3905 | Mr | OCIK | Kember | Uppingham School | Norfolk | England |
3906 | Mr | TJG | Hendriks | Old Tonbridgian | London | Jamaica |
3907 | Dr | CW | Freeman | Old Haberdashers | Middlesex | England |
3908 | Mr | AR | Morris | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
3909 | Cdt | J | Atherton | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3910 | Mr | PC | Champagne | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
3911 | Cdt | CJ | Beynon | Cheltenham College | | England |
3912 | Cdt | N | Beaulne | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3913 | Mr | J | Balson | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Derbyshire | England |
3914 | Mrs | AM | McDougall | North Sydney | | Australia |
3915 | Cpl | T | Ford | Glos ACF | Gloucestershire | |
3916 | Mr | A | Sladek | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3917 | Mr | RW | Smith | Athelings | Jersey | |
3918 | Miss | L | Lewin | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3919 | Miss | CA | Evans | Welsh RA | Norfolk | Wales |
3920 | Cdt | R | Deveau | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3921 | Sgt | M | Devine | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
3922 | Mr | ML | Wilks | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
3923 | Mr | RG | Evans | NLRC | Sussex | England |
3924 | Mr | BSC | Kelso | 239 Sqn ATC | Ulster | Ireland |
3925 | Mr | WF | De Beer | South Africa | | South Africa |
3926 | Cdt | O | Oppelt | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3927 | Cdt | K | Wathier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
3928 | Sgt | M | Smart | 396 (Paisley) Sqn ATC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3929 | Mrs | HV | Golaszewski | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
3930 | Cdt | HSJC | Cubbin | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
3931 | Mr | OS | Ridd | Old Tonbridgian | Sussex | England |
3932 | Mr | LP | Davison | University of London | Yorkshire | England |
3933 | Cdt | OTP | Purdy | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
3934 | Mr | IMR | Power | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
3935 | Capt | JN | Lowe | ATSC | Northants | England |
3936 | Miss | F | Tancred-Holmes | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
3937 | Cdt | S | Pelletier | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3938 | Mr | JD | Webber | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
3939 | Miss | M | Miller | University of London | Surrey | England |
3940 | Mr | RL | Passmore | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Wales |
3941 | Mr | J | Britz | South Africa | | South Africa |
3942 | Mr | RJH | Hurdle | University of London | County of London | England |
3943 | Sgt | JR | Kennedy | Tonbridge School | Kent | England |
3944 | Cdt | RJA | Argo | Aberdeen University RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
3945 | Mr | EK | Ngetich | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
3946 | Sgt | H | Walker | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3947 | Cdt | P | Urquhart | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3948 | Mr | J | Bradshaw | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3949 | Mr | AJM | Mazumdar | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
3950 | LBdr | A | Shead | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3951 | Cdt | GBA | Astin | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
3952 | Miss | RC | Stevens | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3953 | Miss | EK | Gibson | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
3954 | Cdt | H | Nash | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3955 | Mr | MJB | Benning | Newcastle Uni RC | Yorkshire | England |
3956 | Miss | M | Ang | University of London | County of London | England |
3957 | Mr | KG | Gladding | Uppingham School | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
3958 | Cpl | J | Crease | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
3959 | Mr | HJM | Awin | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | Ireland |
3960 | Cdt | H | Macrae | Oundle School | Northants | England |
3961 | Cdt | TA | Arrowsmith | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
3962 | Mr | JR | Allum | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
3963 | Mr | BJ | Gradwell | South Africa | | South Africa |
3964 | Mr | EJE | Mearns | Bradfield College | Oxfordshire | |
3965 | Mr | FC | Hummert | Wellington College | Oxfordshire | Germany |
3966 | Mr | DP | Marshall | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Wales |
3967 | Mr | TCE | Elworthy | Oxford University RC | Yorkshire | Wales |
3968 | Mr | DDR | Warner | University of London | County of London | England |
3969 | Cpl | L | Thirlaway | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3970 | Cdt | E | Bedard | RCAC National RifleTeam | | Canada |
3971 | Mrs | LE | Haley | Nottingham City RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
3972 | Miss | H | McLoughlin | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3973 | Sgt | C | Beddow | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
3974 | Mr | TG | Gordon | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
3975 | Cdt | A | Carruthers | 396 (Paisley) Sqn ATC | Renfrewshire | Scotland |
3976 | Mr | MJ | Cronje | South Africa | | South Africa |
3977 | Cdt | CAS | Lucas | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3978 | Cpl | J | Gould | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
3979 | Cpl | U | Qazi | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
3980 | Mr | JH | Molesworth | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | England |
3981 | Sgt | JT | McKay | Oundle School | Northants | England |
3982 | Capt | JJ | Jalili | ATSC | Oxfordshire | England |
3983 | Mr | PMJ | Tooley | Stock Exchange RC | Essex | England |
3984 | Cpl | C | Butler | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
3985 | Cdt CSM | A | Pattison | Wellingborough | Northants | |
3986 | Sgt | GM | Irish | NLRC | Gloucestershire | England |
3987 | Miss | RM | Camm | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | England |
3988 | Mr | C | Downer | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
3989 | Cdt | C | Buchanan | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3990 | Mr | B | Jarvis | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
3991 | Cpl | C | Veich | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
3992 | LCpl | LA | Volkwein | Oundle School | Northants | England |
3993 | Mrs | S | Stebbings | City of Newcastle RC | County of Durham | England |
3994 | Cdt | GA | Buchanan | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3995 | Miss | HR | Charles | Reading University | Essex | England |
3996 | Cdt | G | Critchlow | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
3997 | Cdt | T | Ferris | Campbell College CCF | Ulster | Ireland |
3998 | Cdt | N | Folbigg | Cambs ACF | Cambridgeshire | |
3999 | Mr | NB | Burns | Oxford University RC | Somerset | England |
4000 | Sjt | S | Altus | Athelings | Gloucestershire | England |
4001 | Lt | WR | Hooper | Royal Navy | | |
4002 | | D | Lakapana | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4003 | Mr | SRG | Anselm | White Horse Lodge SC | Lancashire | England |
4004 | Mr | G | Bowden | East Bristol RC | | |
4005 | Mr | A | Brewer | University of Southampton | | |
4006 | | D | Briand | France | | France |
4007 | Mr | D | Buell | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4008 | Mr | DR | Comerford | MNSCI | | Republic of Ireland |
4009 | | AB | Condie | DCRA | | Canada |
4010 | Mr | FXC | Conlon | USA | | |
4011 | Mr | M | Daish | SPRC | Derbyshire | England |
4012 | Mr | A | Dau | SABU | | South Africa |
4013 | Mr | BJ | Day | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
4014 | Mr | W | Dean | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4015 | Mr | SW | Donaldson | 11 RC | Lancashire | England |
4016 | Mr | JH | Els | SABU | | South Africa |
4017 | Mrs | PA | Purdy | Welsh XX | Northants, Leics, Rutland | Wales |
4018 | J/Cpl | AF | Filhol | Oundle School | Northants | Ireland |
4019 | | | | | | |
4020 | Mr | E | Hooper | Reading University | Gloucestershire | England |
4021 | Mr | GE | Hutley | Reading University | Essex | England |
4022 | Mr | NG | Kelly | MNSCI | | Republic of Ireland |
4023 | Mr | JWK | Kilgallon | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
4024 | Mr | JA | Kruger | SABU | | South Africa |
4025 | Mr | J | Lepeuve | TNV France | | France |
4026 | Miss | JE | Lewsey | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
4027 | Mr | AW | Marsh | SCRA | | England |
4028 | Mr | M | Mead | Welsh RA | South Wales | Isle of Man |
4029 | Mr | M | Milanuk | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4030 | Mr | M | Miller | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4031 | Mr | AC | Morley | Wandsworth FBRC | Devon | England |
4032 | Mr | CK | Murphy | MNSCI | | Republic of Ireland |
4033 | Mr | JP | Nice | ATSC | Suffolk | England |
4034 | Mr | SWO | Owen | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
4035 | Mr | S | Pate | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4036 | Mr | P | Phillips | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4037 | Mr | I | Potgieter | SABU | | South Africa |
4038 | Mr | J | Rorer | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4039 | Mr | B | Sauve | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4040 | Mr | JJ | Tracey | Queensland | | Australia |
4041 | Mr | HW | Van der Linden | SABU | | South Africa |
4042 | Mr | FH | Van der Merwe | SABU | | South Africa |
4043 | Mr | FC | Van Niekerk | SABU | | South Africa |
4044 | | JK | Walsh | Dublin Rifle Club | | Ireland |
4045 | Cpl | K | Weatherall | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
4046 | Mr | RA | Webb | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
4047 | Mr | J | Weil | Team USA - F-T/R | | USA |
4048 | Mr | K | Witthaus | SABU | | South Africa |
4049 | Mr | S | Broad | Lancing College | Sussex | England |
4050 | Mr | LR | Chisholm | High Power RA | Buckinghamshire | England |
4051 | Mr | R | James | RAFTRC | Suffolk | |
4052 | Mr | L | Lozano | | | |
4053 | Dr | EL | Sweet | City RC | Hertfordshire | Scotland |
4054 | Mr | R | Cole | USA | | United States of America |
4055 | Mr | AJ | Wilson | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4056 | Dr | DJR | Lloyd | Dorset Riflemen | | Wales |
4057 | Mr | AC | Abrahams | NLRC | | England |
4062 | Mr | A | Jenkins | WDRC | Surrey | England |
4064 | Mr | AR | Papezyk | CSA Mailly | | France |
4065 | | FP | Papezyk | France | | France |
4067 | Mr | FT | Bodman | NRA | Hampshire | England |
4071 | O/Cdt | BA | Boyle | ATSC | Nottinghamshire | Ireland |
4087 | SAC | J | Thompstone | RAFTRC | Nottinghamshire | England |
4098 | Mr | MC | Cooper | Ulster SASC | Ulster | Ireland |
4099 | Mr | DA | Rowell | University of Southampton | Devon | England |
4106 | Mr | SHM | Keith | LMRA | Wiltshire | Ireland |
4140 | Miss | SJ | Dick | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4143 | Mr | K | Crabtree | LMRA | Middlesex | England |
4196 | Miss | LG | Taylor | Old Epsomian RC | Lancashire | England |
4253 | Miss | GE | Coburn | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
4271 | Miss | KR | Sharpington | Cambridge University RA | Buckinghamshire | England |
4272 | Mr | R | Adler | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4273 | Mr | TGS | Sherwin | Oxford University RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
4274 | | | | | | |
4275 | Mr | AD | Jenkins | Waverley & District | Surrey | England |
4276 | Mr | RE | Eckbauer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4279 | Mr | DM | Tree | Stevenage RC | Hertfordshire | |
4281 | Mr | AT | Wyspianski | | Middlesex | |
4282 | | | | | | |
4283 | Mr | NJB | Blunsom | UKCRT | Northants | Leics |
4285 | Mr | SAJ | Dowley | Surrey RA | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
4286 | Mr | CC | Chevrier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4287 | Miss | CHM | Mckeever | UKCRT | Cambridgeshire | England |
4288 | Mr | JD | Dugal | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4289 | Mr | K | Dauncey | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4290 | Cdt | DSC | Chadwick | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4291 | Mr | TJ | Bullock | NLRC | Nottinghamshire | England |
4292 | Cdt | CR | Rancourt | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4293 | Miss | AR | Southall | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Yorkshire | England |
4294 | Mr | B | Newgard | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4295 | Mr | SWH | Huish | University of Southampton | Devon | England |
4296 | Mr | MA | Atyeo | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4297 | Mr | LW | Belton | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
4298 | Mr | TA | French | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
4299 | Mr | ES | Maclean | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4301 | Cdt | KD | Dycer | Dorset ACF | Dorset | |
4302 | Mr | ST | Welsh | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
4303 | Cdt | LA | Sutton | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
4304 | Mr | RS | Binns | LMRA | Berkshire | England |
4306 | Mr | N | Houle | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4307 | Mr | BK | McFall | University of Southampton | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
4308 | Cdt | CW | Boag | Black Watch ACF | | |
4309 | Miss | ATJV | Voorthuyzen | Canada | | Canada |
4310 | Miss | KMA | Atkinson | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | South Wales | Wales |
4313 | Mr | P W | Glen | West Atholl RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4314 | Mr | SJ | Frank | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
4315 | Mr | TJB | Barkel | Bunhill Rifle Club | Buckinghamshire | England |
4316 | Mr | AD | Partridge | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
4317 | Cpl | N | McGowan | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
4318 | Miss | CJ | Moogk | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4320 | Mr | MD | Wright | Sheffield RC | Yorkshire | England |
4321 | Mr | CN | Jaynes | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4322 | Mr | MB | Grant | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4323 | Sjt | P | Tucker | UKCRT | Somerset | England |
4324 | Mr | C | Palfrey | Wiltshire ACF | Wiltshire | England |
4325 | Miss | IS | O'Bryan | Cambs ACF | Cambridgeshire | England |
4326 | Miss | CM | McKenzie | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4327 | Sjt | J | McCready | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
4328 | LCpl | L | Le Breuilly | Glos ACF | Gloucestershire | England |
4329 | Miss | EP | Bryant | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | |
4330 | Mr | KSPB | Brown | 2391 Sqn ATC | Dorset | |
4331 | LCpl | A | Gray | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
4332 | Mr | FL | Laberge | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4333 | Cdt | BJB | Briggs | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
4334 | Cdt | PI | Mare | Victoria College | | Jersey |
4335 | Cdt | A | Johnston | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
4336 | CSgt | A | McBain | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
4337 | Mr | TV | Vlad | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4338 | Mr | FTG | Amy | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
4339 | Mr | MS | Savage | Newcastle Uni RC | Ulster | Ireland |
4340 | Mr | I | Brotherston | East of Scotland RC | W Lothian | Scotland |
4341 | Cdt | MT | Lehmann | Glasgow University RC | | |
4342 | Cdt | GBA | Anderson | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
4343 | Fg Off | S | Livingston | RAFTRC | County of Durham | England |
4344 | Mr | RJ | Jardine | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4345 | Cpl | M | Day | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
4346 | LCpl | B | Robson | Durham ACF | County Durham | |
4347 | Cdt | AR | Riopel | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4348 | Mr | SMW | Clifford | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4349 | Mr | S | Sharma | Sedbergh School | Gloucestershire | Wales |
4350 | Miss | JC | Melling | Exeter University RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
4351 | Miss | PK | Kirk | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4352 | Mr | L | Gibbons | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
4354 | Miss | C H | Sayers | Cambridge University RA | Gloucestershire | England |
4355 | Mr | EA | Graves | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4357 | Cpl | T | Shair | Oundle School | Northants | England |
4358 | Cpl | LM | Potter | Eastbourne SCC | Sussex | |
4359 | Pte | G | Evans | 2R Welsh | | Wales |
4360 | Mr | TM | Mason | City of Newcastle RC | County Durham | |
4361 | Mr | NH | Heal | Wiltshire ACF | Wiltshire | England |
4362 | Miss | ER | Chamberlain | Exeter School CCF | Devon | England |
4363 | Mr | RPF | Fagan | Old Sedberghians | Cheshire | England |
4364 | LCpl | WA | Shelton | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | England |
4366 | Jnr Cpl | HL | Holah | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | |
4367 | Cdt | J | Surmon | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
4368 | Mr | AJP | Paluch | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
4369 | Pte | C | Howells | 2R Welsh | Gwent | Wales |
4370 | Cpl | JH | Holding | Athelings | | |
4371 | Miss | EKB | Beech | Bunhill Rifle Club | Dorset | England |
4372 | Cdt | ASW | Waterworth | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
4373 | Mr | CMAG | Greaves | Sea Cadets | Cheshire | England |
4374 | Cdt | DB | O'Hare | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
4375 | LC | R | Laughlin | Keighley | Yorkshire | England |
4376 | Sjt | CD | Bean | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
4377 | Cdt | A | Hay | | Gloucestershire | Australia |
4378 | Cpl | K | Perrett | Glos ACF | Gloucestershire | England |
4379 | Cdt | JM | Price | Cheltenham College | | |
4380 | Mr | H | Tancred-Holmes | | Gloucestershire | England |
4381 | Mr | JRC | Stanford-Beale | Cardinals | Berkshire | England |
4382 | Cpl | A | Jordan | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
4383 | WO2 | J | Petrie | Stamford School | Northants | Leics |
4384 | Sgt | H | Martin | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
4385 | Mr | DR | MacCallum | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4386 | JCpl | DRS | Stringer | Oundle School | Northants | England |
4387 | Sgt | L | Tweddell | Durham ATC | Northumberland | England |
4388 | Mr | J | Ferrand | Uppingham Veterans RC | | |
4389 | Mr | HMES | Swindon | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
4390 | Ms | AM | Strachan | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | Scotland |
4391 | Cdt LCpl | SJ | Pudney | Tonbridge School | Kent | England |
4392 | Mr | FAN | Neathercoat | Lancing College | Sussex | England |
4393 | Mr | RO | Wade | Shanklin | Hampshire | England |
4394 | Mr | JBG | Shepherd | Old Guildfordians RC | London | Scotland |
4395 | Mr | K | Duffy | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
4396 | Mr | W | Berty | Imperial College RPC | Yorkshire | England |
4397 | L Cpl | HA | Brown | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
4398 | Cdt | TK | Dodds | Tonbridge School | Kent | England |
4399 | Cdt | T | Matthewson | Tonbridge School | | England |
4400 | Cdt | BM | Morton | Cheltenham College | | England |
4401 | Mr | BDW | Parsons | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
4402 | Miss | KB | Pelton | University of London | | |
4403 | Mr | KW | Sage | Old Berkhamstedians | Hertfordshire | |
4404 | Cdt | Z | Slater | Glos ACF | Gloucestershire | England |
4405 | Mr | CJM | Maxwell | Lancing College | Sussex | England |
4406 | Miss | HM | Messam | Sea Cadets | Lancashire | England |
4407 | Mr | T | Newson | | Sussex | England |
4408 | Mr | JWS | Scott | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | |
4410 | Mrs | SI | Webb | Altcar RC | Lancashire | Scotland |
4411 | Mr | PG | Spink | NRA | Surrey | |
4412 | Mr | TB | Barna | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | |
4413 | Mr | G | Sarin | Stock Exchange RC | London | India |
4414 | Mr | M | Pearson | 27th London Putney RC | | England |
4415 | | RT | Cherryman | NLRC | | |
4416 | Mr | S | Hardy | Spent Cases Shooting Club | Sussex | |
4417 | Mr | JH | Wood | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4418 | Mr | M | Pozzebon | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4419 | Mr | NG | Smith | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4420 | Mr | BGE | Picton | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4421 | Mr | EI | Cartwright | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | Australia |
4422 | Mr | DA | Whalan | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4423 | Mr | I | Francis | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4424 | Mr | J | Pyne | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4425 | Mr | KRN | Nelson | PPRA | | Canada |
4427 | Mr | RJ | Shehan | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4428 | | JL | Breeze | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4429 | Ms | TC | East | Canada | Lancashire | Canada |
4430 | Mr | A | Rempel | PPRA | | Canada |
4431 | Mr | DA | Grant | PPRA | | Canada |
4432 | | F | Mwema | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4433 | Miss | ER | Lewin | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
4434 | | J | Muriuki | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4435 | | J | Sichei | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4436 | Mr | JE | Fraser | | | West Indies |
4437 | | J | Kamau | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4439 | Miss | CLP | Peacock | Glenalmond College | Perthshire | |
4440 | Miss | M | McLoughlin | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | England |
4441 | Mr | S | Hamano | MRSA Japan | | Japan |
4442 | Mr | SM | Matsuno | Japan | | Japan |
4443 | Mr | TS | Sugita | Japan | | Japan |
4444 | Mr | DH | Brown | Australian U25 | | Australia |
4445 | Sqn Ldr | JM | Fitzpatrick | RAFTRC | Oxfordshire | England |
4446 | Mr | AJ | Hissey | English VIII | | England |
4447 | Mr | I | Miles | NLRC | | |
4448 | Mr | SH | Harada | Japan | | Japan |
4449 | Mr | SD | Fulmer | USA National | | United States |
4450 | Mrs | JA | Wagland | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4451 | Mr | J | Huber | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4452 | Mr | NA | Cock | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4453 | Mr | B | Langille | Canada | | Canada |
4454 | Mr | MJLA | Landreville | DCRA | | Canada |
4455 | Mr | MTM | Macleod | DCRA | | Canada |
4456 | Mr | RJ | Ashton | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4457 | Mr | HD | Werner | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4458 | Mr | SM | McGinnis | Canada | | Canada |
4459 | Mr | RA | Grundy | Canada | | Canada |
4460 | Miss | R | Werner | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4461 | Mr | W | Quick | Canada | | Canada |
4462 | Mr | HH | Hashizume | Japan | | Japan |
4463 | Mr | MT | Tsunesada | Japan | | Japan |
4465 | Mr | LO | Larrue | Groupe Mike | | France |
4466 | Cdt Sgt | GC | Coburn | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
4467 | Mr | ETE | Egre | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
4468 | Mr | TA | Purvis | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
4469 | Miss | Z | Latimer | Irish Rifle Club | Ulster | Ireland |
4470 | Mr | MP | Hudson | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | England |
4471 | Mr | OCRB | Ballsdon | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
4472 | Prof | MJ | Guille | Manydown RC | Hampshire | Guernsey |
4473 | Mr | AT | Pettigrew | Queensland | | Australia |
4474 | Mr | N | Watson | Dursley | Gloucestershire | England |
4475 | Mr | GJ | Dyson | | | Australia |
4476 | Mr | DRG | Rich | KRRC | | Australia |
4477 | Mr | BW | Schlam | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4478 | Mr | GC | Edser | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4479 | Mr | RL | Cuthbert | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4480 | Mr | PG | Thurtell | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
4482 | Mr | PM | Pierre | Groupe Mike | | France |
4483 | LTC | RM | Koch | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4484 | Mr | J | Kaufmann | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4485 | Mr | K | Kroll | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4486 | Mr | BJ | Le Cheminant | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
4487 | Mr | BH | Huget | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4488 | Mr | MD | Hayter | SA Junior | | South Africa |
4489 | Mr | MM | Moore | Athelings | | England |
4490 | Mr | JC | Ng | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | Australia |
4492 | Mr | JM | Burger | SA Junior | | South Africa |
4493 | Mr | HS | Bush | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | Australia |
4494 | Mr | JF | Hager | SA Junior | | South Africa |
4495 | Mr | X | Barrette Lecoin | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4496 | Cdt | AT | Talbot | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4497 | Mr | R | Van Den Bossche | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Belgium |
4498 | Mr | AG | Jones | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
4499 | Cdt | SM | Montreuil | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4500 | Cdt | AJH | Hines | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4501 | Mr | J | Hager | Kathu | | South Africa |
4502 | Cdt | OS | Marshall | Victoria College | Jersey | |
4503 | Mr | WJ | Gilpin | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
4504 | Mr | CJ | Macdonald | Glasgow University RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
4505 | Ms | I | Butland | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4506 | Mr | BP | Etienne | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
4507 | Mr | PF | Davel | SA Junior | | South Africa |
4508 | Mr | ZCY | Cheung | Epsom College | Surrey | Hong Kong |
4509 | Cdt | JC | Charbonneau | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4510 | Lt | CE | Holland | RNTRC | Norfolk | England |
4511 | Mr | CM | McGuile | Glasgow University RC | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
4512 | Mr | RA | Aube | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4513 | Mr | S | Hunt | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
4514 | Miss | LR | Mckerrell | BYSA | West of Scotland | Scotland |
4515 | Ms | CH | Hearn | Canada | | |
4516 | Mr | AE | Leigh-Pemberton | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Germany |
4517 | Mr | MJL | Traynor | CURA | Cambridgeshire | Wales |
4518 | Ms | MB | Burke | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4519 | LCpl | H | Abdille | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4520 | Mr | M | Eifler | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
4521 | Cpl | O | Holloway | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
4522 | Cdt | AD | Despres | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4523 | Mr | DF | Nesbit | Darlington R & PC | County Durham | England |
4524 | Cdt | JWJ | Annison | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
4525 | Miss | AM | Gray | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4526 | Sgt | RT | Taylor | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4527 | Mr | GMO | Overton | Victoria College | Jersey | |
4528 | Mr | BBB | Bingham | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4529 | Cpl | J | Chebii | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4530 | Cdt | WJ | Briggs | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
4531 | Sgt | JE | Lawson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4532 | Mr | PO | Oppelt | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4533 | Miss | LE | Stokes | Athelings | Cheshire | England |
4534 | Mr | ML | Easden | RGS High Wycombe | | |
4535 | Mr | RJ | Copeland | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4536 | Mr | TM | Stevenson | Darlington R & PC | County of Durham | England |
4537 | Mr | OR | Rolfe | NLRC | Oxfordshire | England |
4538 | Mr | MA | Houston | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4539 | Mr | TF | Fielder | | Northants | Leics |
4540 | Mr | LMD | Cheek | Old Guildfordians RC | London | Ireland |
4541 | Sgt | SP | Ireson | | Dorset | England |
4542 | Mr | MJW | Willing | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
4543 | Cdt | NJ | Bass | Wellington College | Middlesex | England |
4544 | Mr | CC | Cockerill | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
4545 | Spr | L | Rooney | ATSC | Derbyshire | England |
4546 | Cdt | B | McLain | Canada | British Columbia | Canada |
4547 | Sgt | RK | Littleproud | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
4548 | Dr | FCD | Flanagan | NLRC | | Scotland |
4549 | Cdt | EEP | Pomeroy | Fettes College | County of London | England |
4550 | Cpl | J | Bell | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
4551 | Cpl | M | Ekiru | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4552 | Mr | WJD | Dineen | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | |
4553 | Mr | LID | Alban-Davies | Tonbridge School | | Wales |
4554 | Ms | SM | Williams | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
4555 | Cdt | L | Yu | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
4556 | | W | Dooley | Stamford School | Lincolnshire | |
4557 | Cdt | S | James | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
4558 | Mr | G | Meijer | KSV Rotterdam | | Netherlands |
4559 | Mr | DI | Lekapana | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4560 | Cpl | L | Sawe | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4561 | Mr | JY | Savage | Newcastle Uni RC | Oxfordshire | |
4562 | Mr | RH | Young | Glasgow University RC | Yorkshire | England |
4563 | Mr | BA | Ross | Epsom College | County of London | England |
4564 | Sgt | AJW | Woodward | Exeter School CCF | Devon | |
4565 | Mr | JJ | Lunn | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
4566 | Sgt | AS | Davis | Durham ACF | County Durham | |
4567 | Mr | CA | Venter | SA Junior | | South Africa |
4568 | Cpl | A | Drape | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
4569 | Cdt | OG | Graziosi | Wellington College | Middlesex | England |
4570 | Mr | TR | Ward | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
4571 | Mr | TAN | Dowd | NRA | Surrey | England |
4572 | Mr | LK | Kucharczyk | Clifton College | Somerset | |
4573 | Mr | NJ | Hall | NLRC | | England |
4574 | Miss | T | Smith | Cambs ACF | Cambridgeshire | England |
4575 | Mr | MAG | Woodrow | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
4576 | Mr | ADWH | Wheeler | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
4577 | Sgt | A | Todd | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
4578 | Mr | JM | Mbugua | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4579 | Sgt | J | Dixon | ACF | | England |
4580 | Sgt | T | Biggins | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
4581 | Sjt | C | Naumann | Glos ACF | Gloucestershire | England |
4582 | Sgt | S | Pevler | Notts ACF | Nottinghamshire | England |
4583 | Mr | PHC | Costello | NLRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
4584 | Mr | THD | Dodds | RNTRC | Kent | Wales |
4585 | LCpl | J | Gair | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
4586 | Cpl | A | Towler | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
4587 | Cpl | M | Davidson | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
4588 | Mr | LVW | Brand | SA Junior | | South Africa |
4589 | LCpl | F | Mohammed | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
4590 | Mr | DHP | Phillips | CURA | Cambridgeshire | Scotland |
4591 | Mr | NRT | Lennon | Dungannon | Ulster | Ireland |
4592 | Cdt | AS | Voden | Cheltenham College | | |
4593 | AB | IG | Elbrow | RNTRC | | |
4594 | Mr | LWHR | Stewart | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4595 | Mr | TLB | Burton | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
4596 | Dr | DA | Firth | NLRC | | England |
4597 | Miss | CS | Baltesz | Clifton College | Gloucestershire | |
4598 | Cpl | FM | King | Wellington College | Kent | Scotland |
4599 | Cpl | T | Wynn | Durham ACF | County Durham | |
4600 | Mr | LA | Bridle | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | England |
4601 | Mr | WO | Tooth | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
4602 | Mr | MA | Higson | Cambridge University RA | | Wales |
4603 | Mr | A | Sadler | BYSA | Essex | England |
4604 | Cdt | G | Manchip | Somerset ACF | Somerset | |
4605 | Miss | AF | Foggett | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
4606 | Mr | MC | Ayers | Dorset Riflemen | | |
4607 | Mr | ID | Chapman | Chelmsford 1944 | Essex | England |
4608 | Mr | J | Howe | NRA | | England |
4609 | Mr | YJ | Joubel | Normandy RC | | France |
4610 | Mr | P | Morgan | NRA | | |
4611 | Mr | QH | Nguyen | France | | France |
4612 | Mr | SJM | Rowe | NRA | | |
4613 | Mr | IJ | Spruce | Dorset Riflemen | Dorset | |
4614 | | | | | | |
4615 | Dr | JG | Sullivan | Chelmsford 1944 | Buckinghamshire | |
4616 | Mr | J | Chambers | NRA | Berkshire | England |
4617 | Mr | GM | Clark | Marlow | | England |
4618 | Mr | CJ | Cookson | Christchurch GC | Hampshire | England |
4619 | Mr | PR | May | Oxford RC | Oxfordshire | |
4620 | Mr | CC | Jones | NRA | Oxfordshire | |
4621 | Mr | J | Ford | Surrey RA | Gloucestershire | Scotland |
4622 | Mr | TE | Brankin-Frisby | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
4623 | Mr | MG | Faulkner | Epsom College | Surrey | |
4624 | Mr | PJ | Carr | Chichester RC | Sussex | England |
4625 | Mr | B | Stoichescu | Epsom College | Surrey | |
4626 | Mr | FGAC | Becker | St Johns School | Surrey | England |
4627 | Mr | GR | Ratcliff | NRA | | England |
4628 | Cdt | JF | Meyer | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
4629 | Cdt | WFC | Heseltine-Carp | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
4630 | Miss | E | Dixon | Gloucestershire RC | Gloucestershire | England |
4631 | Cdt | B | Warburton | Oundle School | Northants | England |
4632 | Mr | TE | Parker | Imperial College RPC | Cambridgeshire | |
4633 | Mr | CAY | Young | Oxford University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
4634 | Mr | JNFF | Campbell | NLRC | Sussex | Scotland |
4635 | Mr | D | Moore | Bunhill Rifle Club | Hereford & Worcs | England |
4636 | Mr | KKW | Lai | Lancing College | Sussex | |
4637 | Mr | CDCS | Smith | Epsom College | Surrey | |
4638 | Mrs | OG | Goberville | Normandy RC | | France |
4729 | Mr | CG | Costello | Fife & Kinross FBRC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5000 | Mr | CA | Aantjes | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5001 | Mr | C | Akers | Lee Enfield RA | | |
5002 | Mr | BHA | Allen | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
5003 | Mr | FJ | Anderson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5004 | Dr | AI | Ashworth | Dursley | Gloucestershire | England |
5005 | Mr | JD | Badman | Imperial College RPC | County of London | England |
5006 | Mr | AB | Banea | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5007 | Mr | R | Bennett | SCRA | Sussex | England |
5008 | Mr | MF | Boucher | NLRC | Gloucestershire | Ireland |
5009 | Cpl | J | Bowey | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
5010 | Mr | CM | Bowring | OCRA | Gloucestershire | England |
5011 | Mr | IW | Boxall | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
5012 | Cdt | N | Boyle | Sedgemoor TSC | Somerset | England |
5013 | Mr | AJB | Brennan | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5014 | Mr | SF | Brewer-Marchant | Surrey RA | Yorkshire | Guernsey |
5015 | Mr | M | Bumford | Welsh RA | Gloucestershire | Wales |
5016 | Cpl | JAC | Burgess | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5017 | CSgt | JA | Butcher | Cambs ACF | Cambridgeshire | England |
5018 | Cdt | R | Butt | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
5019 | Mr | ZPC | Cairns | | Ulster | Ireland |
5020 | Sjt | J | Calcutt | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5021 | CI | JL | Calcutt | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5022 | Mr | MJC | Cameron | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5023 | Ms | ESC | Campbell | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Canada |
5024 | Mr | MS | Cavie | Bullet Lodge RC | Essex | England |
5025 | Mr | MSC | Chandler | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | England |
5026 | Miss | BTYC | Cheung | Epsom College | | England |
5027 | Mr | D | Clark | ATSC | Durham | |
5028 | Miss | AJ | Clarke | Surrey RA | Nottinghamshire | England |
5029 | Mr | DC | Clegg | | Ulster | Ireland |
5030 | Mr | JFC | Collis | | | Australia |
5031 | Mr | TABC | Coonan | St Johns School | Surrey | England |
5032 | Cdt | SA | Cox | Tonbridge School | Kent | England |
5033 | Lt | A | Crockett | | | |
5034 | Cdt | PC | De Souza | Athelings | Kent | England |
5035 | Mr | P | Dean | LMRA | Middlesex | England |
5036 | Mr | Q | Den Rooijen | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5037 | Mr | DMD | Dineen | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | |
5038 | Mr | TA | Dowley | | Gloucestershire | England |
5039 | Mr | MTJ | Downes | RGS Guildford | | |
5040 | Mr | SRE | Ewing | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5041 | Cdt | BA | Fenn | Tonbridge School | Kent | |
5042 | Sgt | L | Fennell | Black Watch ACF | Perthshire | England |
5043 | Mr | KE | Ferguson | DCRA | | Canada |
5044 | Dr | HM | Fisher | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
5045 | Miss | BR | Fraser-Burn | OGRE | Suffolk | Scotland |
5046 | | GP | Gannon | OURC | Lancashire | England |
5047 | Miss | H | Gedney | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Derbyshire | England |
5048 | Mr | MG | Godin | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5049 | Mr | PA | Goubert | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5050 | Mr | RW | Gow | Fife & Kinross FBRC | | Scotland |
5051 | Mr | RSG | Graham | Athelings | West of Scotland | Scotland |
5052 | Lcpl | CG | Gray | Oratory School | | |
5053 | Ms | N | Greenleaf | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5054 | Mr | MF | Halloran | | | |
5055 | Sgt | L | Hamilton | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
5056 | Cfn | SJ | Hartnett | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
5057 | Miss | SH | Hassan | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5058 | Cpl | F | Hawes | CCRS | Suffolk | England |
5059 | Mr | B | Heatley | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
5060 | Mr | FM | Herve | CPC France | | |
5061 | LCpl | SA | Hill | ATSC | Co Antrim | Northern Ireland |
5062 | Mr | RJ | Hodgson-Jones | Old Wellingburian | Northants | England |
5063 | Mr | GR | Horder | Sydney RC | | |
5064 | Mr | NE | Hudleston | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | England |
5065 | Mr | S A | Hunting | Uppingham Veterans RC | Leicestershire | England |
5066 | | K | Jahnke | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5067 | Mr | JJ | James | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
5068 | LCpl | C | Jowett | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5069 | Ms | G | Kaile | NRA | | England |
5070 | Mr | JK | Kelleher | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
5071 | Mr | NNT | Thompson | Guernsey RC | Northumberland | Guernsey |
5072 | Mr | RD | Kierstead | DCRA | | Canada |
5073 | Mr | SA | Kuppen | NLRC | | Netherlands |
5074 | Mr | R | Lang | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5075 | Mr | WHCL | Ledsham | RGS Guildford | Surrey | |
5076 | Mr | MLH | Lee | Oxford University RC | | Hong Kong |
5077 | LCpl | HYH | Lei | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5078 | Cdt | DW | Leitch | Athelings | Berkshire | England |
5079 | Mr | SL | LÚvesque | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5080 | Cpl | J | Lowes | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5081 | Miss | PG | Macdonald | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5082 | Col | RH | MacKeith | Old Epsomian RC | | |
5083 | Mr | M | Mann | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5084 | Miss | E | Marsh | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Derbyshire | |
5085 | Cdt | HG | Martin | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5086 | Mr | MM | Matloob | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5087 | Miss | AL | Matthews | Newcastle Uni RC | Cheshire | Ireland |
5088 | Mr | DEM | Matthews | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
5089 | Miss | M | Mcaleenan | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
5090 | Miss | KE | McGuigan | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | |
5091 | Miss | S | Mcintosh | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5092 | Miss | RA | McNaught | Greshams RC | | Australia |
5093 | Mr | N | Meintjes | NRA | Hampshire | South Africa |
5094 | Ms | AM | Michano | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5095 | Mr | TEM | Mills | Oxford University RC | Kent | England |
5096 | Mr | J | Minien | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
5097 | Mr | AI | Morgan | St Johns School | Surrey | England |
5098 | Mr | HMS | Mott | Old Nottinghamians | | England |
5099 | Cdt | EN | Ng | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5100 | Gdsm | L | Nicholson | ATSC | Derbyshire | England |
5101 | Mr | TO | Orpen-Smellie | Athelings | Essex | England |
5102 | Mr | CJ | Palmer-Makowski | RGS Guildford | | |
5103 | Ms | L | Paulson | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5104 | Spr | CA | Pearce | ATSC | | |
5105 | Mr | AGPP | Poulter | Dorset Riflemen | Dorset | England |
5106 | Mr | S | Poultney | Dorset Riflemen | Dorset | England |
5107 | Mr | GR | Ramsden | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5108 | Ms | WF | Reid | DCRA | | Canada |
5109 | Cdt | Z | Rudge | Somerset ACF | Somerset | |
5110 | Mr | CJ | Salji | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Ireland |
5111 | Mr | SJB | Sander | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
5112 | Miss | M | Sanders | Old Wellingburian | Northants | England |
5113 | | W | Schaffner | | | Australia |
5114 | Mr | GW | Shelton | Langar RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
5115 | Mr | VAS | Shenshin | Fettes College | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5117 | Mr | MS | Smith | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5118 | LCpl | TJ | Smith | Sedbergh School | Cheshire | England |
5119 | Cdt | WJC | Smith | Oundle School | Norfolk | England |
5120 | Mr | SJ | Smith-Maxwell | Glenalmond College | Perthshire | |
5121 | Mrs | A | Soelzer-Hermes | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5122 | Mr | BN | Southern | | | Australia |
5123 | Sjt | A | Swaffield | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
5124 | Mr | JAT | Taylor | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5125 | Sjt | M | Taylor | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5126 | Mr | O | Taylor | Shrewsbury School CCF | Cheshire | England |
5127 | Miss | AT | Tessier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5128 | Mr | BT | Thebeau | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5129 | Mrs | DA | Thompson | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5130 | Miss | LC | Thompson | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5131 | Mr | RWT | Thornton | Lancing College | Sussex | |
5132 | Mr | RP | Thorp | | | |
5133 | Cuo | J | Tordoff | Athelings | Northumberland | England |
5134 | Mr | ST | Treacy | Old Framlinghamians RC | Buckinghamshire | England |
5135 | Mr | JT | Truelove | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5136 | Mr | JP | Waite | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
5137 | Mr | I | Webb | LMRA | Kent | |
5138 | Mr | AS | Webber | Canada | | Canada |
5139 | Mr | FSW | Whitehead | | Gloucestershire | England |
5140 | Mr | CH | Wijsman | Old Wellingtonians | Buckinghamshire | England |
5141 | Mr | CBW | Wilcox | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5142 | Lcpl | REW | Williams | | | |
5143 | Cdt | JF | Wimpeney | Oundle School | Northants | England |
5144 | Mr | WJ | Woodward | Oratory School | Oxfordshire | England |
5145 | Bdr | D | Yhia | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5146 | Mr | HGW | Hawes | Lancing College | Sussex | England |
5147 | Mrs | JE | Dickson | Uppingham Veterans RC | Lincolnshire | England |
5148 | Cpl | A | Mackenzie | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
5149 | Mr | PA | Haasbroek | Witwatersrand | | South Africa |
5150 | Mr | RA | Bale | | | Australia |
5151 | Miss | JL | Bale | | | Australia |
5152 | Mr | FB | Bezeau | Canada | | Canada |
5153 | Mr | PK | Geelmuyden | Grove Small Arms | Suffolk | England |
5154 | Mr | M | Miles | Pennine SSA | Norfolk | England |
5155 | Mr | SD | Baldock | Chelmsford 1944 | Essex | England |
5156 | Mr | PBI | Milnes | | Hampshire | Great Britain |
5157 | Mr | S | Bailey | | Suffolk | |
5158 | Mrs | E | Davis | Dorset Riflemen | Dorset | |
5159 | Mr | PA | Maher | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
5160 | Mr | BJ | Wood | City RC | | Australia |
5161 | Mr | BH | Hayes | Australia | | Australia |
5162 | Mr | RCH | Courtney | | | Australia |
5163 | | | | | | |
5164 | | P | Wagner | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5165 | Mr | RF | Thorp | | Sussex | England |
5166 | Mr | P F M | Ryan | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | Jersey |
5167 | Pte | L | Bennett | ATSC | Lancashire | England |
5168 | Mr | JDH | Hearn | Canada | | |
5169 | Mr | DTA | Cobb | Wandsworth FBRC | Devon | England |
5170 | Mr. | MT | TrÄpanier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5171 | Air Cdre | JA | Ford | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | England |
5172 | Cadet | M | Rainier-Kirkwood | Athelings | Berkshire | England |
5173 | C/Cpl | TMK | Hampson | Framlingham College CCF | Suffolk | England |
5174 | Sgt | A | Dodds | Durham ATC | Northumberland | England |
5175 | Mr | NF | Flint | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5176 | Mr | MJB | Barker | Athelings | Surrey | |
5177 | Miss | IMC | Cubitt | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5178 | Mr | J | Lei | Wellington College | Berkshire | Hong Kong |
5179 | Mr | BP | Creane | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | Ireland |
5180 | Mr | CMT | Truman | Nottinghamshire RC | Nottinghamshire | England |
5181 | Miss | CM | Jones | ATSC | | Wales |
5182 | Sgt | JH | Howard | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5183 | Miss | CLM | Nettie | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5184 | | | | | | |
5185 | Cpl | CI | Walker | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5186 | MR | WDLM | De La Mare | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
5187 | Miss | CE | Davies | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
5188 | Mr | EJT | Thomas | Imperial College RPC | Surrey | England |
5189 | Mr. | B | Chiang | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5190 | Mr | SDKM | Mansley | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
5191 | Mr | B | Hendrikz | | | South Africa |
5192 | Lt | B | Fung | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5193 | Maj | JME | Cook | ARA | Hampshire | England |
5194 | Mr | AM | Mallette | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5195 | Mr | RW | Ramage | Rolls-Royce Derby R & PC | Nottinghamshire | Wales |
5196 | Mr | MM | Makin | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5197 | Mr | PG | Gilleece | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
5198 | Mr. | L.M. | Wilford | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5199 | | JS | Fourie | SA Junior | | South Africa |
5200 | Mr | MS | Shaw | University of London | County of London | Scotland |
5201 | Mr | JTM | Magill | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
5202 | Mr. | K.W | Fierling | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5203 | Mr | MS | Le Maitre | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
5204 | Mr | M | Witherley | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
5205 | Miss | A | Strain | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
5206 | Miss | RD | Dunn | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5207 | Mr | CM | Nunan | Royal Navy | South Wales | Wales |
5208 | Miss | LK | Broomfield | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5209 | Cpl | SJ | Day | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5210 | Mr | SJ | Armstrong | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
5211 | Cdt | ML | Henderson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5212 | | GJ | De Kock | SA Junior | | South Africa |
5213 | LCpl | K | Lacey | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
5214 | Mr | RT | MacLeod | Old Wellingtonians | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5215 | Mr. | PR | Roy | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5216 | Cdt Cpl | AJT | Innes-Whitehouse | Wellington College | Sussex | England |
5217 | Dr | MR | Horrell | NLRC | Oxfordshire | England |
5218 | Mr | MD | Norman | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5219 | Mr. | JA | Schakel | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5220 | Sgt | BA | Beadle | Suffolk CRA | Suffolk | |
5221 | Cdt | EH | Gittins | Tonbridge School | Sussex | |
5222 | | S | Ishak | | | Malaysia |
5223 | Mr. | DTC | Lohnes | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5224 | Ms | NM | MacDougall | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5225 | Miss | KE | Milner | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
5226 | Mr | ES | Scougall | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5227 | Mr | PJG | Barber | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
5228 | Mr | EWV | Feast | Hertfordshire RA | Hertfordshire | England |
5229 | Cdt | SMB | Maitland | Oratory School | Oxfordshire | England |
5230 | Mr | WAR | Yeo | Lincolnshire ACF | Lincolnshire | |
5231 | Mr | OJLW | Woolcott | Old Guildfordians RC | Devon | England |
5232 | Mr | DJ | Walker | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5233 | Mr | LS | Skinner | Lancing College | Sussex | |
5234 | Mr. | JTH | Jones | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5235 | LCpl | K | Burnell | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5236 | CSjt | LG | Gamble | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
5237 | Mr | TJ | Johnston | Sussex RC | Sussex | Ireland |
5239 | Mr | A | Tucker | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5240 | F/Sgt | E | Brown | Durham ATC | County Durham | England |
5241 | Miss | B | Charlton | University of London | Northumberland | England |
5242 | Cpl | S | Maundrill | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
5243 | Mr | OWTR | Rowe | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
5244 | Dr | HE | Walker | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5245 | Mr | A | Aryaeipour | Humberside & S Yorks ACF | Yorkshire | England |
5246 | Mr | DCJ | Poxon | Old Wellingburian | Northants | Leics |
5247 | Mr | R | Hedley | GB U19 | Gloucestershire | England |
5248 | Dr | HE | Nuttall | NLRC | | England |
5249 | Dr | PJ | Taylor | NLRC | | England |
5250 | Mr | RL | Lee | Epsom College | Surrey | Hong Kong |
5251 | | RK | Leite | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
5252 | Mr | JE | Bell | Sedbergh School | Northumberland | England |
5253 | Mr | OZ | Wong | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5254 | Mr | YW | Thorne | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
5255 | Mr | ELM | Macaulay | 239 Sqn ATC | Ulster | Ireland |
5256 | Lcpl | JCH | Lee | Lancing College | Sussex | |
5257 | | K | Pehiee | | | Malaysia |
5258 | CSjt | L | Scull | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
5259 | LCpl | N | Vincent | Hants and IOW ACF | | |
5260 | Cpl | CX | Legge | Lincolnshire ACF | Lincolnshire | United Kingdom |
5261 | Mr | D | Furner | | Hampshire | |
5262 | Mr | TP | Shaw | Cardinals | Berkshire | England |
5263 | FSgt | T | Low | Durham ATC | Northumberland | England |
5264 | LCpl | MJ | Newton | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5265 | Mr | DT | Taylor | ATSC | | England |
5266 | Mr | MB | Bree | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5267 | Cadet | R | Williams | Eastbourne SCC | Sussex | England |
5268 | Miss | T | Myagkova | Epsom College | Gloucestershire | England |
5269 | Mr | KI | Ortmann | OCRA | | Germany |
5270 | | HJ | Diederichs | SA Junior | | South Africa |
5271 | Mr | MA | Chance | Club 25 | County Durham | England |
5272 | SSGT | HD | Quilliam | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
5273 | Miss | MC | Montgomery | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5274 | | GPJ | Nel | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
5275 | Mr | BDJ | Jones | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | United Kingdom |
5276 | Cdt | BG | Chamberlain | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5277 | Cdt | REJ | Mcgregor | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5278 | Cpl | J | Coombes | Durham ATC | Northumberland | England |
5279 | Miss | AV | Virani | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5280 | Cdt | JJ | Cracknell | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5281 | Mr | E | Lawrence | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
5282 | Cdt | CWF | Kingston | Tonbridge School | Kent | |
5283 | Mr | MB | Benka | Oxford RC | Oxfordshire | |
5284 | Miss | CL | Coutts | Wandsworth FBRC | Buckinghamshire | England |
5285 | Miss | E | Potter | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
5286 | Sgt | D | Sibbald | Durham ATC | Northumberland | England |
5287 | Miss | HL | Wills | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5288 | Miss | VRM | Jowett | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5289 | Mr | EF | Farley | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
5290 | LCpl | RS | Scadding | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
5291 | Mister | AI | Ishaq | University of Edinburgh | | Malaysia |
5292 | Mr | W | Jowett | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | |
5293 | SSgt | PJ | Perry | Cambs ACF | Cambridgeshire | England |
5294 | Cdt | EMO | Johnson | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5295 | Sgt | TH | Durell | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5296 | Mr | GH | Bentley | Athelings | Yorkshire | England |
5297 | Miss | L | Dell | University of London | London | England |
5298 | Mr | B | Innis | University of London | London | England |
5299 | MR | DF | Leonard | | | Wales |
5300 | Mr | RD | Lindsay | Comber RC | Co Down | Ireland |
5301 | Mr | D | Rajnauth | Trinidad RA | | Trinidad |
5302 | Lady | CLAJ | Tudor-Parry | | | Wales |
5303 | Mr | DJ | Whatton | Old Wellingburian | Northants | Leics |
5304 | Mr | OLGA | Armstrong | Epsom College | | |
5305 | Flt Lt | RJ | Clegg | RAFTRC | Surrey | England |
5306 | Cdt CSM | CT | Dawes | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5307 | Mr | CG | Green | Brunel University | Middlesex | England |
5308 | Mr | NWN | Newbould | Aberdeen University RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5309 | Mr | B | Graham | NRA | Gloucestershire | England |
5310 | Mr | R | Pook | | Sussex | England |
5311 | Mr | RW | Carson | Pumas RC | Hampshire | Scotland |
5312 | Mr | HOB | Boyd | Greensleeves | Gloucestershire | |
5313 | Mr | JL | Brooking | NLRC | Sussex | England |
5314 | Mr | N | Gates | Cambridge University RA | Hertfordshire | England |
5315 | Mr | K | Sitathani | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | |
5316 | Mr | SG | Hunt | Canada | | Canada |
5317 | Mr | DC | Rickman | Jamaica RA | | Jamaica |
5318 | Mr | PA | Collins | | | Australia |
5319 | Mr | MJ | Parr | NRA | County of London | Scotland |
5320 | Mr | EWK | Leonard-Pugh | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Wales |
5321 | Dr | DM | Clarke | | Surrey | England |
5322 | Mr | CMG | Gregory | Cambridgeshire | Cambridgeshire | England |
5323 | MR | DL | Lee | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
5324 | Miss | JP | Patterson | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
5325 | Mr | GHC | Wirgman | | | |
5326 | Mr | WF | Livesey | Old Guildfordians RC | | Ireland |
5327 | Mr | CJ | Marriott | | Nottinghamshire | England |
5328 | Mr | JH | Lee | Cambridge University RA | | |
5330 | Mr | JM | Baldwin | Stock Exchange RC | Buckinghamshire | England |
5331 | Ms | MC | Taillefer | DCRA | | Canada |
5332 | Mr | M | Meyer | NRA | | Germany |
5334 | Mr | J | Hawke | Oxford University RC | Gloucestershire | England |
5335 | Cdt | CD | Smith | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5336 | Miss | AE | Manley | Cheltenham | Gloucestershire | England |
5337 | Mr | M | Raiber | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5338 | Mr | A | Eckardt | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5339 | SSgt | PJ | Kenmir | Pates Grammar CCF | Glamorgan | England |
5340 | Mr | A | Rieger | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5341 | Mr | K | Capaldi | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5343 | Mr | M | Raps | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5344 | Mr | D | Taylor | Marylebone R&PC | Surrey | England |
5345 | Mr | ARW | Smith | Ulster RA | Ulster | Ireland |
5346 | Mr | WN | White | NRA | | England |
5347 | Mr | G | Stewart | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5348 | Mr | GRG | Garro | DCRA | | Canada |
5349 | Mr | R | Bird | Old Lawrentians | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
5350 | Mr | W | Johnson | Cambridge University RA | Surrey | England |
5351 | Mr | RB | Fitzsimmons | Old Guildfordians RC | Middlesex | England |
5352 | Mr | G | Wiens | Canada | | Canada |
5353 | Sgt | M | MacKenzie | Black Watch ACF | Perthshire | Scotland |
5354 | Cdt | T | Shalom | Athelings | Norfolk | England |
5355 | Cdt | CC | Chan | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5356 | Dr | LV | Boddy | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
5357 | Mr | A | Taylor | Welsh RA | | Wales |
5358 | Mr | JM | Fox | Midland Counties RC | | England |
5359 | Cdt | JET | Dowley | Cheltenham College | Northants | Leics |
5360 | CSgt | WC | Compton | Athelings | Hampshire | England |
5361 | Mr | LA | Reid | Surrey RA | Nottinghamshire | Scotland |
5362 | WO | E | Zhang | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5363 | MWO | A | Wlodarczyk | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5364 | MWO | C | Perry | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5365 | WO | A | Tardif | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5366 | MWO | R | Robinson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5367 | MWO | Z | Pelletier-Mercier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5368 | WO | Z | Montreuil | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5369 | MWO | T | Moeller | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5370 | Sgt | C | McArthur | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5371 | WO | D | Lomack | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5372 | WO | F | Lemoine | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5373 | MWO | A | La Sala | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5374 | Sgt | M | Kirkeby | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5375 | WO | T | Fortin | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5376 | WO | M | DeYoung | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5377 | Sgt | Y | Chun | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5378 | CWO | J | Brown | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5379 | MWO | D | Arlow | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5381 | Mr | AH | Hill | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | |
5382 | LCpl | HG | Asquith-Beard | ARA | Berkshire | England |
5383 | Mr | M | Hartung | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5384 | Sgt | RN | Volkwein | Oundle School | Northants | England |
5385 | Sgt | HC | Harris | Oundle School | Northants | England |
5386 | Mr | CAD | Flanagan | OO Troubleshooters | | Ireland |
5387 | Cdt | H | Godwin-Austen | Oundle School | Northants | England |
5388 | Cdt | LY | Chan | Epsom College | | Hong Kong |
5389 | Mr | HRA | Goddard | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5390 | Dr | KA | Fleck | NLRC | Yorkshire | England |
5391 | Mr | WB | Ross | Cambridge University RA | Yorkshire | Scotland |
5392 | | NJ | Beloussov | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5393 | Cdt | DL | Osmond | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5394 | Cdt | B | Brooke | Northumbria ACF | Northumberland | England |
5395 | Bdr | N | Reid | Northumbria ACF | Northumberland | England |
5396 | SSgt | J | Furness | Northumbria ACF | Northumberland | England |
5397 | Mr | BG | Greasley | ATSC | | England |
5398 | Cdt | H | Parker | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
5399 | Cdt | SWH | Norval | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
5401 | Sgt | O | McCulloch | Hants and IOW ACF | Hampshire | England |
5402 | Cdt | BL | Wijsmuller | Victoria College | Jersey | England |
5403 | Mr | AJOC | Collins | St Albans School | Hertfordshire | England |
5404 | Mr | MRWJ | Jones | Cambridge University RA | Dorset | England |
5405 | Mr | DF | Charlton | Oakham School | Leicestershire | England |
5406 | Cdt | CWS | Simionesu-Marin | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5407 | Cdt | J | Moor | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5408 | Cdt | S | Elliott | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5409 | Mr | A | Niblett | RAFTRC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
5410 | Cpl | AMJ | Gilchrist | | Gloucestershire | England |
5411 | Cdt | MJ | Sheehy | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5412 | Mr | ST | Taylor | Old Stamfordians | Lincolnshire | England |
5413 | Cadet | CTR | Gicquel | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5414 | Mr | DC | Chisholm | DCRA | | Canada |
5415 | Mr | TN | Nicholls | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
5416 | Mr | AJ | Baldry | NRA | Lincolnshire | England |
5418 | Mr | WH | Hall | Athelings | Berkshire | England |
5419 | Miss | GI | Izzard | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5420 | Mr | RH | Horne | Bradfield College | Oxfordshire | England |
5421 | Mr | SJ | Bates | Bradfield College | Devon | England |
5422 | Mr | JK | Kelly | Bradfield College | Oxfordshire | England |
5423 | Mr | MR | Clewer | LMRA | Hereford & Worcs | England |
5424 | Mr | LA | Alder | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5425 | Miss | IM | Macleod | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5426 | Mr | SG | Gordon | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | |
5427 | Mr | MH | Heil | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5428 | MR | R | Ganguly | Epsom College | Surrey | |
5430 | Mr | H | Lee | Oxford University RC | Hertfordshire | England |
5431 | Mr | ML | Lee | University of London | County of London | |
5432 | Lt Col | ARK | Clayton | Old Malvernians | Lincolnshire | England |
5433 | Mr | JK | Kelleher | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
5434 | Mr | WG | Griffiths | ATRC | Hereford & Worcs | Wales |
5436 | Mr | AJ | Grainger | BYSA | Northumberland | England |
5437 | Gdsm | AEA | Hinton | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
5438 | Mr | JR | Russell | Old Wellingburian | Northants | England |
5439 | Sgt | CS | Neuhauser | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5440 | CSM | GW | Holland | Oxford University RC | Kent | England |
5441 | Cdt | TB | Charles | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5442 | Miss | KL | Peters | Durham University | Buckinghamshire | England |
5443 | CPL | J | Duncan | 67 (Wearmouth) Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
5445 | Cpl | D | Saunders | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
5446 | Miss | ZN | Northam | GB U25 | Hertfordshire | England |
5447 | Cdt Sgt | AY | Sayers | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5448 | Miss | KM | Muhammad | Wellington College | Middlesex | England |
5449 | Mr | OL | Leith | ACF | | England |
5450 | Mr | SR | Robinson | Athelings | Guernsey | |
5451 | Dr | CPDP | Lister | Old Framlinghamians RC | Hampshire | England |
5452 | Cdt | CI | Alder | Wellington College | Middlesex | England |
5453 | Miss | KA | Hinkly | Old Wellingtonians | Somerset | England |
5454 | Cdt WO2 | CPM | Kent-Payne | Wellington College | Yorkshire | Northern Ireland |
5455 | Cdt Cpl | MG | O'Hare | Wellington College | Wiltshire | England |
5456 | Mr | JEK | Pepera-Hibbert | Old Wellingtonians | Lancashire | England |
5457 | Cpl | C | Eaton | | | |
5458 | | JW | Lim | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
5459 | Mr | HJ | Laing | Newcastle Uni RC | Northumberland | England |
5460 | Mr | FJ | Slevin | Havant RC | | England |
5461 | Mr | SN | West | NRA | | England |
5462 | Mr | CE | Dart | Cardinals | Berkshire | Ireland |
5463 | Mr | C | Pirouet | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5464 | Mr | AH | Hood | Bunhill Rifle Club | Suffolk | |
5465 | Cdt | CS | Donaghy | Northumbria ACF | Northumberland | England |
5466 | Csgt | L | Collins | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5467 | | | | | | |
5468 | CSgt | M | Hedley | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5470 | LBdr | L | Girard | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5471 | | AWS | Sykes | Oratory School | Oxfordshire | England |
5473 | Mr | P | Kiveleeti | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
5475 | Mr | JA | Ashby | Cambridge University RA | | |
5476 | WO | P | Asselin | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5477 | Mr | EGH | Atkins | OWRC | Berkshire | England |
5478 | Mr | TOA | Atkinson | Oakham School | Rutland | England |
5479 | Mr | A | Baldry | Wessex GC | Wiltshire | England |
5480 | Cdt | D | Bamber | Epsom College | Surrey | Scotland |
5481 | Mr | J | Barlow | Glasgow University RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
5482 | Ms | V | Bieger | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5483 | Mr | CB | Blumsom | OBRC | Hertfordshire | England |
5484 | Miss | HPC | Bramwell | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
5485 | Ms | AB | Braun | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Canada |
5486 | Mr | CPP | Brewin | Surrey University RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5487 | WO | J | Brodeur | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5489 | Ms | AJ | Carnell | Sedbergh School | Hereford & Worcs | Wales |
5490 | Cdt | CD | Carratu | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5491 | Mr | DC | Cavanagh | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
5492 | WO | F | Clark | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5493 | Cdt Cpl | OAC | Clark | Oratory School | Berkshire | England |
5494 | Sgt | E | Clarke | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5495 | Mr | MC | Cockerill | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5497 | Mr | OM | Conway | Oakham School | Leicestershire | England |
5498 | Mr | WC | Cowen | Old Sedberghians | Yorkshire | England |
5499 | Mr | WP | Cubitt | ATSC | Norfolk | England |
5500 | WO | J | Czuba | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5501 | Mr | TJR | De La Cour | Exeter University RC | Jersey | Jersey |
5502 | Mr | AD | De Vivenot | Cambridge University RA | Middlesex | England |
5503 | Cpl | EJ | Dell | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5504 | Mr | H | Dodds | OTRC | | |
5505 | 2Lt | KS | Dods | BYSA | County Durham | United Kingdom |
5506 | Cdt Cpl | K | Drelaud | Humberside & S Yorks ACF | Yorkshire | England |
5507 | Cdt | JA | Edwards | Wellington College | Hampshire | England |
5508 | Mr | S | Edwards | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5509 | Mr | TO | Fermor | Old Suttonians | Kent | England |
5510 | Miss | AF | Fernandes | Oakham School | | |
5511 | Mr | SJA | Fielding-Isaacs | | | Canada |
5512 | Mr | T | Foote | ATSC | Gloucestershire | England |
5513 | Cdt LCpl | SW | Franklin | Surrey ACF | Yorkshire | England |
5514 | Mr | SJ | Gambling | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
5516 | Mr | NS | Gibbins | Mosman-Neutral Bay RC | | Australia |
5517 | | | | | | |
5518 | Mr | J | Gough | Dorset Riflemen | Hampshire | England |
5519 | Miss | SG | Gould | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
5520 | Sgt | P | Green | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5521 | Mr | LA | Greenaway | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
5522 | Mr | CL | Greenhough | Winfarthing | Suffolk | England |
5523 | Mr | PJH | Harkins | 11 RC | | England |
5524 | Mr | OH | Hawes | Glasgow University RC | West of Scotland | England |
5525 | Mr | L | Hegarty | Basildon R&PC | | |
5526 | WO | V | Ho | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5527 | Mr | JF | Hollingdale | Old Wellingtonians | London | Scotland |
5528 | Mr | OH | Hood | Woodbridge School | Suffolk | England |
5529 | Mr | OGE | Howard-Vyse | Uppingham Veterans RC | Wiltshire | |
5530 | LCpl | WCW | Howseman | Woodbridge School | Suffolk | |
5531 | Mr | R | Hu | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5532 | Lt Cdr | GMC | Hunter | RNTRC | | Scotland |
5533 | Mr | C | Irwin | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5534 | Mr | R | Islam | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5535 | Mr | T | Jaggard | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5536 | LCpl | SD | James | ATSC | | England |
5537 | Mr | AF | Jenvey | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | Wales |
5538 | MWO | Y | Jin | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5539 | Mr | A | Jones | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | Wales |
5540 | WO1 | W | Jury-Simpson | Cheltenham College | Gloucestershire | England |
5541 | Mr | CK | Kailayapillai | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5542 | Cdt | MJS | Keeler | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5543 | Miss | AK | Kellett | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5544 | Ms | KP | Kent | Lyndhurst RC | | |
5545 | Miss | ME | Kenyon | Edinburgh University RC | Lancashire | England |
5546 | Mr | ML | Kirkillo-Stacewicz | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | England |
5547 | WO | A | Kurd | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5548 | Mr | T | Laing-Baker | LMRA | County of London | England |
5549 | OCdt | G | Lapointe | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5550 | Mr | MDE | Larcombe | Old Epsomian RC | Lancashire | England |
5551 | Mr | AJ | Le Cheminant | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5552 | Capt | RW | Leonard | Peveril Rifle Club | | Isle of Man |
5553 | Miss | K | Lightbown | NLRC | Oxfordshire | Wales |
5554 | Mr | JL | Lim | University of London | County of London | Malaysia |
5555 | Mr | D | Lister | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
5556 | Mr | TO | Little | OGRE | Norfolk | Wales |
5557 | C/Sgt | M | Loughhead | Northumbria ACF | Northumberland | England |
5558 | Sgt | J | Lumley | Northumbria ACF | Northumberland | England |
5559 | Mr | ML | Lungu | 241 Sqn | Essex | England |
5560 | Cdt | TA | Maclaren | Cheltenham College | Gloucestershire | |
5561 | Mr | MM | Magill | 239 Sqn ATC | Ulster | |
5562 | Mr | SMB | Maitland Bondonneau | Oratory School | Oxfordshire | |
5563 | Mr | DM | Mathieson | RAFTRC | | Scotland |
5564 | Mr | HM | Mccaughey | Athelings | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
5565 | Mr | A | Mcconnell | St Andrews University | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5566 | | CM | McManus | ARA | | England |
5567 | Mr | MM | McMillan | Cambridge University RA | | |
5568 | Miss | AC | Melling | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5569 | Cdt | S | Mendis | Cheltenham College | Gloucestershire | England |
5570 | Mr | DM | Mills | LRPC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
5571 | Mr | TM | Minter | Bunhill Rifle Club | Essex | England |
5572 | WO | C | Moase | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5573 | Sgt | O | Money-Kyrle | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5574 | Mr | M | Naiman | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | |
5575 | Mr | R | Nowinski | NRA | | |
5576 | Mr | G | Oakland | Athelings | Berkshire | England |
5577 | | S | Ouellet | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5578 | Dr | JW | Page | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5579 | Mr | J D | Parsons | 27th London Putney RC | Kent | England |
5580 | Cpl | E | Partington | Framlingham College CCF | Suffolk | England |
5581 | Miss | M | Patrick | Canada | | Canada |
5582 | Miss | MP | Patton | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | |
5583 | Miss | J | Powell | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
5584 | WO | A | Ressi | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5585 | Mr | AR | Rigby | University of London | Cheshire | England |
5586 | Mr | J | Robinson | Victoria College | Jersey | Wales |
5587 | WO | R | Rousseau | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5588 | Mr | J | Scambler | Jersey RA | Jersey | England |
5589 | Dipl. Ing. | KSC | Schwegler | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5590 | Mr | EA | Sewell | NLRC | Lancashire | England |
5591 | Cdt | D | Shakhman | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5592 | Mr | P | Shambrook | NRA | | England |
5593 | LCpl | H | Shaw | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5594 | Mr | LJ | Smith | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | England |
5595 | Cdt RSM | O | Smith | Humberside & S Yorks ACF | Yorkshire | England |
5596 | Mr | CB | Smith | Chichester RC | Sussex | |
5597 | Cpl | BCN | Southworth | Framlingham College CCF | Suffolk | England |
5598 | Mr | DS | Stephenson | Athelings | Surrey | England |
5599 | Mr | JS | Stewart | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
5600 | WO | T | Swanson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5601 | Mr | RJ | Sweegers | Lyndhurst RC | | |
5602 | Mr | AT | Thomas | Newcastle Uni RC | Yorkshire | |
5603 | Ms | KT | Tulloch | Chichester RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5604 | WO | J | Vallee | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5605 | WO | T | Vila | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5606 | Cdt | AE | Vlas | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5607 | Mr | CR | Vonchek | Old Wellingtonians | Hampshire | England |
5608 | WO | A | Walton | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5609 | Cdt | M | Welch | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
5610 | Mr | D | Wescott | | Gloucestershire | England |
5611 | Cdt W/O | HL | Wigston | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5612 | 2Lt | ML | Wilkins | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
5613 | Mr | SH | Wingrove | Canberra RC | | Australia |
5614 | Miss | PL | Winter | Bunhill Rifle Club | Hampshire | England |
5615 | Cpl | W | Woods Ballard | Woodbridge School | | England |
5616 | Cdt | IO | Young | Woodbridge School | Suffolk | England |
5617 | Mr | CSP | Gray | Old Etonians | Hertfordshire | England |
5618 | Dr | SYM | Ali | NLRC | Kent | England |
5619 | Mr | JA | Ambler | NRA | | |
5620 | Mr | AA | Antoniewicz | NRA | Essex | England |
5621 | Cdt | HMC | Ardern | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5622 | Mr | GDA | Auty | Perse CCF | Cambridgeshire | England |
5623 | Miss | MB | Bamford | Athelings | County Durham | England |
5624 | Cpl | M | Bell | D&N Wing ATC | Durham | England |
5625 | Mr | LB | Bennett | Wellington College | County of London | England |
5626 | WO | J | Bernier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5627 | MWO | A | Bewli | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5628 | Mr | HP | Bielefeldt | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5629 | Cdt | T | Blackburn | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5630 | Lt | E | Bosse | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5631 | Mr | J | Bowsher | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
5632 | MWO | D | Brais | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5633 | Mr | RB | Brewer-Marchant | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
5634 | Dr | AE | Bromley | Old Suttonians | Kent | England |
5635 | Mr | B | Burton | ATSC | Lincolnshire | England |
5636 | Mrs | L | Bushell | NRA | Sussex | England |
5637 | Cdt | F | Cade | BCRT | Yorkshire | England |
5638 | WO | B | Chaisson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5639 | Cpl | AL | Chapman | | Yorkshire | England |
5640 | Miss | F | Chesterfield | Cambridge University RA | Sussex | England |
5641 | Mr | JLC | Christian | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
5642 | Mr | CC | Clifford | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
5643 | Mr | M | Connole | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5644 | MWO | T | Dalin | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5645 | Mr | BZ | Danziger | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
5646 | Cadet | LD | Davies | | South Wales | Wales |
5647 | Mr | OD | De Gruchy | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5648 | Sgt | CEA | Depla | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5649 | Mr | JD | Dixon | Bradfield College | Buckinghamshire | England |
5650 | Mr | HD | Donovan | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
5651 | Mr | G | Donsworth | Framlingham College CCF | Suffolk | England |
5652 | | D | Du Toit | SA Junior | | South Africa |
5653 | | P | Du Toit | South Africa | | South Africa |
5654 | Mr | H | Durkie | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5655 | MWO | G | Dusseault | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5656 | Mr | PD | Dyer | Newcastle Uni RC | Berkshire | |
5657 | Miss | C | Eastwick-Field | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
5658 | Sgt | T | Elvin | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5659 | WO | K | Evans | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5660 | Mr | OR | Farrell | Old Wellingtonians | Yorkshire | Wales |
5661 | Mr | T | Frame | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5662 | Mr | PF | Francois | France | | |
5663 | Mr | SWM | Freeborn | Sedbergh School | | Scotland |
5664 | Cpl | OSF | Fretz | Lancing College | County of London | England |
5665 | WO | G | Gagne | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5666 | Mr | TG | Garfield-Bennett | Victoria College | Jersey | Wales |
5667 | Mrs | CJ | Gomez-Graham | SRA | | Trinidad & Tobago |
5668 | Miss | O | Graham | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | |
5669 | | PA | Haasbroek | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
5670 | Miss | R | Harrison | Comber RC | Ulster | Ireland |
5671 | | JJ | Hendrikz | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
5672 | Dr | N | Hendrikz | SA Junior | | South Africa |
5673 | Miss | JM | Hince | Old Wellingtonians | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
5674 | Cdt | A | Hoo | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5675 | Mr | JA | Hopkins | Old Sergeants Mess | Devon | England |
5676 | WO | E | Hoyes | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5677 | Mr | OM | Hudson | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5678 | Col | SJ | Isherwood | Lee Enfield RA | Surrey | England |
5679 | Cdt | A | James | | Gloucestershire | England |
5680 | | LJ | Jansen van Rensburg | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
5681 | Mr | BJ | Jean_marc | | | |
5682 | Mr | R | Johnson | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Scotland |
5683 | WO | T | Jones | Canada | | Canada |
5684 | Mr | PK | Kapkundos | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
5685 | WO | P | Karran | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5686 | Sgt | CK | Keenan | Dorset ACF | Dorset | England |
5687 | Mr | CK | Kerr | ATSC | Gloucestershire | England |
5688 | MWO | A | King | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5689 | Mr | RK | Knowles | Abergavenny RC | South Wales | |
5690 | MWO | M | Kommes | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5691 | Mr | M | Le Vasseur | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | |
5692 | Mr | NL | Lehrter | Cambridge University RA | Surrey | |
5693 | Miss | K | Lindsay | NLRC | | England |
5694 | Mr | JWM | Longhurst | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
5695 | Mr | I | Makarenko | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
5696 | Mr | LT | Malcic | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5697 | Miss | HJ | Mansell | NLRC | | England |
5698 | Mr | ZS | Martin | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5699 | Mr | S | Mason | Wellington College | County of London | England |
5700 | Mr | A | Masson | Uppingham School | Rutland | |
5701 | Mr | SWM | McBain | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
5702 | Miss | EM | McGinnis | Canada | | Canada |
5703 | WO | V | Melanson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5704 | Miss | M | Message | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5705 | WO | J | Metcalfe | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5706 | Mr | AH | Methven | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5707 | Mr | GM | Michel | | | |
5708 | Mr | B | Millard | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
5709 | Mr | PM | Morrison | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5710 | Mr | R | Murray | Athelings | Berkshire | Scotland |
5711 | Mr | S | Murray | Wellington College | Berkshire | Scotland |
5712 | Mr | D | Neal | Victoria College | Jersey | England |
5713 | Mr | P G | Newman | RAFTRC | Oxfordshire | England |
5714 | Mr | GFH | Nichols | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | England |
5715 | Mr | JAH | Nicholls | Cambridge University RA | Gloucestershire | England |
5716 | Mr | HN | Niu | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | |
5717 | Mr | BJ | North | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5718 | Mr | MHN | Palmer | Old Epsomian RC | Surrey | England |
5719 | Mr | JJ | Parsons | Old Lancing Rifle Club | Sussex | England |
5720 | Mr | B | Pepin | Canada | | Canada |
5721 | Mr | H | Percival | Old Suttonians | Kent | England |
5722 | CWO | JA | Perron | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5723 | Lady | RE | Picknett-Powell | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5724 | Mr | S | Pigeon | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5725 | Cdt | RJH | Piper | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
5726 | Mr | TP | Pollard | Victoria College | Jersey | Wales |
5727 | Mr | AJ | Price | Oyster Rifle Club | | England |
5728 | WO | E | Pritchard | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5729 | Mr | VP | Prokopyuk | Lancing College | | |
5730 | Mr | MPJ | Pybus | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | England |
5731 | Miss | J | Ramsden | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5732 | Mr | J | Rankin | NRC of Scotland | West of Scotland | Scotland |
5733 | | DR | Reineke | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
5734 | Cdt | HS | Robertson | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
5735 | Mr | D | Rosenberger | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5736 | Mr | T | Rule | Lloyds TSBRC | Cornwall | |
5737 | Mr | WS | Sheng | Wellington College | Berkshire | |
5738 | Mr | MP | Sheppard | Lloyds TSBRC | Lancashire | Wales |
5739 | Mr | AT | Talwar | Air Training Corps | Derbyshire | England |
5740 | Cdt | R | Tancred | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5741 | Mr | CT | Tanfin | Groupe Mike | | |
5742 | Mr | JI | Thombora | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
5743 | Mr | JD | Thorp | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | England |
5744 | Mr | DT | Thursfield | Durham University | Hertfordshire | England |
5745 | Mr | OJ | Trehearne | Air Training Corps | Sussex | England |
5746 | Mr | JA | Tunsley | Durham University | Cambridgeshire | England |
5747 | Mr | CV | Van Beveren | Old Johnian RC | Berkshire | England |
5748 | Mr | AV | Vitart | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5749 | CDT | M | Wall | Epsom College | | Scotland |
5750 | Mr | JW | Walley | 67 (Wearmouth) Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
5751 | Sgt | R | Walley | Air Training Corps | County Durham | England |
5752 | Mr | JB | Wallis | SCRA | Somerset | England |
5753 | Mr | M | Warne | Shield RC | Surrey | England |
5754 | Mr | M | Webb | NRA | | England |
5755 | Mr | HEJ | Welch | Athelings | Cumbria | England |
5756 | Mr | JW | West | NRA | Norfolk | England |
5757 | | | | | | |
5758 | Lt RN | TJ | Westmas | RNTRC | | |
5759 | WO | S | Wilkinson-DeRoche | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5760 | Mr | L | Wittenburg | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
5761 | | G | Witthaus | South Africa U-19 | | South Africa |
5762 | Mr | W | Wycherley | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5763 | Dr | J | Xiao | Cambridge University RA | | England |
5764 | Mr | GA | Aitchison | Canberra RC | | Australia |
5765 | Miss | R | Allan | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5766 | Cdt | A | Amoroso | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5767 | Miss | DJ | Armstrong | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
5768 | Mr | T | Baillon | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5769 | Mr | DB | Ball | Leeds Service RC | Yorkshire | England |
5770 | Mr | R | Batchelor | Welsh RA | | Wales |
5771 | Mr | JP | Beaumont | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5772 | Mr | M | Bell | Old Oakhamians RC | Northants | Leics |
5773 | Mr | A | Bennett-Wallis | Bradfield College | Oxfordshire | England |
5774 | Cpl | S G | Benson | ATSC | Yorkshire | Wales |
5775 | Mr | G | Bible | ATSC | Wiltshire | England |
5776 | Mr | A | Booker | SCRA | Somerset | England |
5777 | Mr | GPC | Bramwell | Altcar RC | Lancashire | England |
5778 | LCpl | J | Brown | Northumbria ACF | Buckinghamshire | England |
5779 | Miss | A | Burrows | Old Stamfordians | Lincolnshire | England |
5780 | Miss | HNL | Butler | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
5781 | Mr | T | Chapman | North Herts Rifles | Hertfordshire | England |
5782 | Mr | FA | Chapman-Sheath | NLRC | Lincolnshire | England |
5783 | Mr | A | Cheetham | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5784 | Mr | SA | Ching | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
5785 | Mr | AP | Clark | CURA | | Ireland |
5786 | Cdt | M | Clark | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5787 | Mr | R | Clarkson | Mars & Minerva | Hampshire | England |
5788 | Miss | EC | Colgan | 67 (Wearmouth) Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
5789 | LCpl | B | Corbishley | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5790 | Cdt | M | Corkum | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5791 | Mr | LR | Coventry | Manchester RC | Cheshire | England |
5792 | Mr | DC | Crook | Cardiff University | South Wales | England |
5793 | Mr | TC | Cubitt | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
5794 | Miss | CH | Cuming | NLRC | Yorkshire | England |
5795 | LCpl | J | Davies | Northumbria ACF | Buckinghamshire | England |
5796 | Cdt | J | Desjardins | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5797 | Mr | PA | Dommett | Tonbridge R&PC | | England |
5798 | Mr | T | Douglas | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5799 | LCpl | A | Egereva | Berkshire ACF | | |
5800 | Mr | D | Epton | Oakham School | Lincolnshire | England |
5801 | Cpl | A | Fantozzi | Northumbria ACF | Buckinghamshire | England |
5802 | Mr | I | Farbon | LMRA | Cambridgeshire | England |
5803 | Mr | CN | Farr | NRA | | England |
5804 | Cdt | M | Fata | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5805 | Cdt LCpl | S | Flanagan | Athelings | Hampshire | England |
5806 | Cdt | Z | Flavell | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5807 | Mr | JA | Fox | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
5808 | Miss | K | Foye | Oxford University RC | Gloucestershire | England |
5809 | Mr | S | Giannikas | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5810 | Cdt | H | Glawson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5811 | Mr | J | Goss | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Channel Islands |
5812 | Miss | EF | Graham | Exeter University RC | Dorset | England |
5813 | Cdt | I | Guy | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5814 | Mr | C | Hayes | NRC of Scotland | | Scotland |
5815 | Mr | BAM | Hebblethwaite | LMRA | London | England |
5816 | Mr | AW | Hellings | Old Guildfordians RC | Hampshire | England |
5817 | Cdt | D | Hewitt | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5818 | Mr | M | Horton-Baker | Old Guildfordians RC | Yorkshire | Wales |
5819 | Miss | AH | Howell | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
5820 | Mr | D | Howseman | Woodbridge School | Suffolk | England |
5821 | Cdt | A | Huang | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5822 | Miss | CH | Hudson | 67 (Wearmouth) Sqn ATC | County Durham | England |
5823 | Ms | MT | Hughes | Caterham & District RC | Surrey | England |
5824 | Sgt | O | Hutt | BCRT | Perthshire | Scotland |
5825 | Miss | AI | Islam | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5826 | Miss | C | Jacklin | Oxford University RC | Lincolnshire | England |
5827 | Miss | BJ | James | 241 Sqn | Essex | England |
5828 | Mr | MJ | Jatoi | | | Pakistan |
5829 | Mr | J | Johnston | 1st (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
5830 | Cdt Sgt | TR | Jones | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5831 | Miss | KV | Shaw | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
5832 | Cdt | J | Kavanagh | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5833 | Cpl | JH | Keates | ATSC | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
5834 | C/Smg | J | Kelly | Berkshire ACF | Berkshire | England |
5835 | Mr | FK | Key | OGRE | Lincolnshire | England |
5836 | Mr | CK | Kiptarus | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
5837 | Mr | NK | Konovalchik | LMRA | Middlesex | England |
5838 | Cdt | D | Laflamme | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5839 | Cdt | W | Lam | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5840 | Cdt | M | Liu | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5841 | Cadet | L | Lyons | UKCRT | Gloucestershire | England |
5842 | CWO | R | Melhuish | Welsh RA | | Wales |
5843 | LCpl | H | Milner-Benham | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5844 | Mr | CM | Moore | Athelings | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
5845 | Cdt | T | Mulholland | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5846 | Mr | W | Mulholland | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5847 | Cadet | J | Murphy | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
5848 | Cdt | M | Naidu | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5849 | Mr | LO | O'Connell | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5850 | Mr | LVG | OFlynn | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | Ireland |
5851 | Mr | LP | Parkins | Athelings | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5852 | Cdt | A | Perry | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5853 | Mr | D | Raybould | Staveley | | England |
5854 | Mr | P | Reddish | ATSC | Nottinghamshire | England |
5855 | Mr | IR | Reeves | Oakham School | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
5856 | Mr | JR | Rennie | Cambridge University RA | Sussex | England |
5857 | | | | | | |
5858 | Mr | A | Rooney | Oakham School | Northants | Leics |
5859 | Miss | SAM | Rorison | NRA | Lancashire | England |
5860 | Mrs | N | Rossignol | Canada | | Canada |
5861 | Mr | MS | Sayers | Durham ACF | County Durham | England |
5862 | Hon | RMJ | Sharman | Dorset Riflemen | Wiltshire | England |
5863 | Miss | G | Shearer | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
5864 | Mrs | CE | Silver | NRA | Sussex | England |
5865 | Mr | M | Silver | NRA | Sussex | England |
5866 | Miss | S | Sindoi | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
5867 | Mr | AS | Smyth | Athelings | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
5868 | Mr | B | Soelzer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
5869 | Dr | G | Stewart | Canada | | Canada |
5870 | Mr | M | Strudwick | Bunhill Rifle Club | Suffolk | England |
5871 | Mr | SR | Sutton | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Scotland |
5872 | Cdt | TT | Tancred | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
5873 | Mr | LT | Taylor | 2nd (NI) BN ACF | Ulster | Ireland |
5874 | Cdt Cpl | G | Templar | Somerset ACF | Somerset | |
5875 | Mr | GR | Thomas | LMRA | South Wales | Wales |
5876 | Miss | LT | Thomas | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
5877 | Dr | ML | Thomas | NRA | | England |
5878 | Mr | WT | Tiffin | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
5879 | Mr | AJ | Todd | OGRE | Norfolk | England |
5880 | Mr | M | Todd | LMRA | London | England |
5881 | Mr | H | Vaughan-Johnson | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
5882 | Cdt | M | Vinarski | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5883 | Mr | A | Wahid | NRA | Middlesex | Pakistan |
5884 | Mr | GP | Waugh | CNRC | | England |
5885 | Mr | GN | Welch | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | England |
5886 | Miss | S | Wentges | Irish Rifle Club | | Ireland |
5887 | Mr | JW | Whitaker | Durham University | Kent | England |
5888 | CSgt | A | Wilson | | Kent | England |
5889 | Mr | RG | Woodger | Cambridge University RA | Sussex | England |
5890 | Mr | GW | Yates | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
5891 | Cdt | D | Zhou | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
5994 | Mr | LJ | Smith | St Andrews University | Lancashire | England |
5995 | Cdt | HC | Adams | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
5996 | Mrs | K | Airey | Staveley | Derbyshire | England |
5997 | Mr | J | Allan | Jersey RA | Jersey | Jersey |
5998 | Mr | M | Auriol | Groupe Mike | | |
5999 | Mr | P | Auroil | Groupe Mike | | |
6000 | Mr | JM | Barbe | Groupe Mike | | |
6001 | Mr | TJ | Barclay | Uppingham Veterans RC | Rutland | |
6002 | Miss | NE | Barnes | Bedfordians RC | Hertfordshire | Wales |
6003 | | LSG | Barnett | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6004 | Mr | F | Barratt | Sevenoaks School | Kent | |
6005 | Miss | F | Beard | | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
6006 | Cdt | J | Beddoe | BCRT | | |
6007 | Cdt | D | Billings | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6008 | Cdt | J | Birch | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6009 | Mr | DM | Booysen | SA Junior | | South Africa |
6010 | Mr | S | Bose | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6011 | Mr | H | Bradshaw | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
6012 | Air Cdre | ANC | Bramwell | Shrewsbury School CCF | Lancashire | England |
6014 | | | | | | |
6015 | Mr | M | Budden | Cardiff University | Suffolk | Wales |
6016 | Mr | HB | Bull | Bunhill Rifle Club | Suffolk | England |
6017 | Mr | F | Bull | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6018 | Miss | KM | Butler | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6019 | Mr | DW | Campbell | RAF Air Cadets | Aberdeenshire | Scotland |
6020 | Cdt | F | Carrier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6021 | Miss | C | Catuogno-Cal | NLRC | | England |
6022 | Miss | CS | Chan | Stock Exchange RC | Kent | England |
6023 | Mr | C | Chen | BCRT | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6024 | Mr | SE | Cherry | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6025 | Mr | N | Clark | Jaguar RC | | England |
6026 | Ms | S | Cleeve | Lancing College | Sussex | |
6027 | Mr | T | Clifford | Old Lancing Rifle Club | Sussex | England |
6028 | Cdt | S | Couillard | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6029 | Mr | CS | Courtness | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6030 | Mr | D | Cownley | LMRA | | England |
6031 | Mr | TS | Craig-Fleming | Old Lancing Rifle Club | Kent | England |
6032 | Miss | D | de Carpentier | Old Nottinghamians | Nottinghamshire | England |
6033 | Mr | B | Digby | Tugela Commando Club | | South Africa |
6034 | Mr | HM | Dodds | Old Tonbridgian | Dorset | Ireland |
6035 | Mr | M | Downing | Dorset Riflemen | Gloucestershire | England |
6036 | Mr | C | Drennan | Welsh RA | | Wales |
6037 | Mr | P | Du Toit | SA Junior | | South Africa |
6038 | Cdt | LA | Duffett | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | |
6039 | Cdt | JC | Duffy | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6040 | Fg Off | L | Falconbridge | RAF Air Cmd | Surrey | England |
6041 | Mr | I | Farnell | Club 25 | Cambridgeshire | England |
6042 | Miss | C | Foley | Sevenoaks School | Surrey | England |
6043 | Miss | M | Foort | Oakham School | | |
6044 | Mr | A | Ford | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
6045 | Miss | A | Forsyth | | | Scotland |
6046 | Mr | JT | Foster | Centerville Small Arms RC | | United States |
6047 | Cdt | A | Fournier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6048 | Mr | D | Fox | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6049 | Mr | EPB | Garnier | Charterhouse | Worcestershire | England |
6050 | Mr | M | Garrood | Bradfield College | Buckinghamshire | England |
6051 | Cdt | A | Giasson-Pitre | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6052 | Miss | AL | Gibbs | Old Sedberghians | Lancashire | England |
6053 | Mr | JC | Gontek | Groupe Mike | | |
6054 | Miss | AP | Good | Cambridge University RA | Sussex | England |
6055 | Miss | L | Gorgens | SA Junior | | South Africa |
6056 | Mr | M | Halstead | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6057 | SAC (T) | W | Hammond | RAF Air Cmd | Cornwall | England |
6058 | Mr | C | Harborne | NLRC | | England |
6059 | Mr | W | Hart | Bedfordians RC | Norfolk | England |
6060 | Cdt | D | Hayden | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6061 | Mr | DS | Hendrikz | SA Junior | | South Africa |
6062 | Mr | N | Hendrikz | SA Junior | | South Africa |
6063 | Cdt | CAV | Hilton | Oundle School | London | England |
6064 | Miss | KG | Hines | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6065 | Mr | J | Hogan | Wellington College | Oxfordshire | England |
6066 | Mr | M | Horsnell | Katandra RC | | Australia |
6067 | Cpl | MS | House | RAFTRC | Hampshire | England |
6068 | Mr | CP | Hughes | NRA | Hertfordshire | England |
6069 | Miss | A | Hutton | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6070 | Cpl | LD | Janney | ATSC | | England |
6071 | Mr | J | Jeffery | Lyndhurst RC | | Australia |
6072 | 2Lt | KJA | Johnson | ATSC | Ulster | Ireland |
6073 | Sgt | F | Johnston | BCRT | Essex | |
6074 | Mr | RA | Keeling | NLRC | Sussex | England |
6075 | Mr | J | Kellinger | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
6076 | Cdt | J | Kim | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6077 | Mr | R | Kinch | Cardiff University | Berkshire | England |
6078 | Mr | A | Kreutz | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6079 | Miss | A | Lawrence | Epsom College | Surrey | |
6080 | Fg Off | O | Lazko | RAF Air Cmd | Hertfordshire | England |
6081 | Ms | IJE | Logan | Wandsworth FBRC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6082 | CSgt | M | Luckyn-Malone | BCRT | | Germany |
6083 | Cdt | K | Macdonald | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6084 | Mr | CP | Maher | Canberra RC | | Australia |
6085 | Mr | HM | Marden | Durham University | Hampshire | England |
6086 | Mr | H | Mayne | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6087 | LCpl | RP | McGowan | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6088 | Cdt | L | McPherson | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6089 | Mr | R | Middleton | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6090 | Cdt | R | Morin | BCRT | Jersey | Jersey |
6091 | Cdt | K | Morrison | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6092 | Miss | AK | Morriss | NLRC | London | England |
6093 | Mr | APW | Moulton | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6094 | Mr | EN | Munro | West Atholl RC | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6095 | CSM | HM | Murray | Athelings | Northumberland | England |
6096 | Mr | LM | Mutegi | | | Kenya |
6097 | Cdt | C | Nielsen | RCAC NRT | | |
6098 | Mr | TVCF | Nightingale | OCRA | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6099 | Mr | BO | O'Shea-Smith | SCRA | Somerset | England |
6100 | Mr | R | Ochaba | Groupe Mike | | |
6101 | Dr | T | Pantke | Tiro Olimpico Menorca | Baleaves | Spain |
6102 | Cpl | P | Paudyal | UKCRT | Gloucestershire | Scotland |
6103 | Mr | J | Peters | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | USA |
6105 | Mr | WP | Playle | North Herts Rifles | Hertfordshire | England |
6106 | Cdt | J | Powers | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6107 | Mr | LP | Prodan | Italian Sport SU | | Italy |
6108 | Cdt | C | Putney | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6109 | Ms | GL | Rantile | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
6110 | Mr | A | Richardson | OO Troubleshooters | Northants | England |
6111 | Mr | ND | Richmond | Athelings | Ulster | Ireland |
6112 | LCpl | B | Rigo | BCRT | Surrey | |
6113 | Mr | JB | Roberts | West Atholl RC | | Scotland |
6114 | Miss | EMG | Robertson | East of Scotland RC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6115 | Mr | EB | Robinson | Hampshire RA | Hampshire | England |
6116 | Cdt Cpl | M | Rollisson | CCRS | Derbyshire | England |
6117 | Mr | CA | Shelley | Troubleshooters RC | Suffolk | England |
6118 | Mr | M | Shepherd | Endeavour RC | | Australia |
6119 | Mr | JP | Short | Athelings | | |
6120 | Mr | A | Simpson | Artists RC | Sussex | England |
6121 | Mr | W | Skinner | | | Australia |
6122 | Mr | WJ | Slatford | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6123 | Mr | JH | Smith | USA | | United States |
6124 | Miss | EN | Smith | Epsom College | Sussex | England |
6125 | Fg Off | J | Spratt | RAF Air Cmd | Surrey | England |
6126 | Mr | K | Stewart | Athelings | Ulster | |
6127 | Miss | A | Strong | | | |
6128 | Mr | A | Strudwick | Sedbergh School | | Scotland |
6129 | Cdt | J | Tarnowski | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6130 | Mr | OMJ | Taylor | Durham University | Cheshire | England |
6131 | Mr | D | Thomas Du Toit | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6132 | Mr | J | Tomlinson | English XX | Lancashire | England |
6133 | Mr | L | Townshend | Woodbridge School | Suffolk | |
6134 | Cdt | V | Tremblay | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6135 | Cdt | A | Tucker | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6136 | Mr | GDP | Twinn | NLRC | | England |
6137 | LCpl | EM | Venn | Somerset ACF | Somerset | England |
6138 | Mr | E | Vert | Wellington College | Berkshire | Russia |
6139 | Mr | G | Viala | Groupe Mike | | |
6140 | Cdt | JC | Voyer | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6141 | Mr | HJ | Waldern | Surrey RA | Surrey | England |
6142 | Mr | T | Westmaas | RNTRC | | |
6143 | Mr | D | Wilks | NLRC | | England |
6144 | Mr | A | Williams | 11 RC | Lancashire | England |
6145 | LCpl | A | Wiseman | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | Scotland |
6146 | Cdt | MG | Woodcock | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6147 | Miss | A | Woodland | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6148 | Mr | AJ | Woodsford | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6149 | Mr | J | Woollett | Oxford University RC | Hampshire | England |
6150 | Prince | A | zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn | Charterhouse | Shropshire | England |
6151 | Mr | N | Ackerman | East Bristol RC | Somerset | England |
6152 | Mr | DH | Acton | BYSA | Essex | England |
6153 | Mr | W | Adams | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | England |
6154 | | | | | | |
6155 | Mr | T | Allen Baptista | Sevenoaks School | Kent | England |
6156 | Cdt | L | Allinott | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6157 | Cdt | C | Alvarez | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6158 | Mr | I | Archer | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
6159 | Pte | HG | Asquith-Beard | ATSC | Berkshire | England |
6160 | Mr | O | Bailey | North Herts Rifles | Hertfordshire | England |
6161 | Sgt | M | Barnes | BCRT | Middlesex | England |
6162 | Mr | AC | Barrell | Welsh RA | Shropshire | Wales |
6163 | | | | | | |
6164 | Cdt | D | Bolduc | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6165 | Mr | T | Bonner | USA National | | United States |
6166 | Mr | TM | Booth | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6167 | Cdt | CL | Breckendridge | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6168 | Mr | DA | Brewster | Lilydale Rifle Club | | Australia |
6169 | Mr | M | Brown | Headley Park | Berkshire | England |
6170 | Cdt Sgt | EE | Bruce-Gardyne | Oundle School | Angus | Scotland |
6171 | CWO | L | Bryant | 277 Sqn ATC | | Wales |
6172 | Mr | JRL | Burch | GB U19 | Surrey | England |
6173 | Mr | CHS | Burden | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
6174 | Mr | S | Butler | NRA | Berkshire | England |
6175 | Cdt | D | Cai | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6176 | Miss | A | Calvert | | | |
6177 | Cdt | R | Cameron | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6178 | Miss | E | Campbell | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6179 | Mr | RW | Cantello | Bristol RC | Somerset | England |
6180 | Miss | V | Carman | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6181 | Mr | RA | Carmichael | Uppingham Veterans RC | Leicestershire | England |
6182 | Mr | DP | Chalmers | Dark Horse RC | Hereford & Worcs | England |
6183 | Mr | P | Chamberlain | Colchester RC | Essex | England |
6184 | Mr | EMC | Chambers | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
6185 | Mr | RJ | Chinn | Headley Park | | England |
6186 | Mr | S | Clark | | | Australia |
6187 | Mr | M | Clark | Canada | | Canada |
6188 | Mr | D | Colegate | Ibis RC | Gloucestershire | England |
6189 | Mr | B | Colman-Sadd | Canada | Nova Scotia | Canada |
6190 | Mr | T | Colston Sr | USA National | | United States |
6191 | Cdt | M | Cooper | D&N Wing ATC | County Durham | England |
6192 | Mr | DS | Cooper | Marlow | | England |
6193 | Mr | F | Cotton | Canada | | Canada |
6194 | Cdt | CAJ | Crosby | BCRT | Berkshire | England |
6195 | Mr | CW | Dale | Old Suttonians | Kent | England |
6196 | Mr | O | Daniel | | | West Indies |
6197 | Mr | JD | Dixon | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6198 | Cdt | A | Doody | BCRT | Somerset | England |
6199 | Mr | RK | Edwards | North Herts Rifles | Gloucestershire | England |
6200 | Mr | MR | Endres | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6201 | Cdt | N | Ertl | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6202 | Mr | EHB | Ervine | Old Suttonians | Kent | England |
6203 | Cdt | A | Fata | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6204 | Cdt | J | Fifield | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6205 | Mr | A | Fitzpatrick | USA National | | United States |
6206 | Cpl | A | Foster | D&N Wing ATC | Northumberland | England |
6207 | Dr | T | Free | North Warrnambool | | Australia |
6208 | Miss | H | Freiman | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
6209 | Mr | O | Garfield-Bennett | Victoria College | Jersey | Wales |
6210 | Cdt | J | Gendron | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6211 | Mr | TH | Glynne-Percy | Epsom College | London | England |
6212 | Cdt | GDD | Godwin-Austen | Oundle School | London | England |
6213 | Mr | C | Gordon | USA National | | United States |
6214 | Cdt | F | Grenier | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6215 | Mr | NP | Guernsey | USA National | | United States |
6216 | Mr | M | Hall | Artists RC | Berkshire | England |
6217 | Mr | C | Halloran | | | Australia |
6218 | Mr | N | Hampton | GB F Class Association | | England |
6219 | Mr | B G | Harrigan | Wandsworth FBRC | Surrey | England |
6220 | Mr | JW | Harris | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6221 | Mr | A R P | Harrison | Cambridge University RA | Middlesex | Wales |
6222 | Mr | EH | Hatzistefanis | NRA | | Greece |
6223 | Miss | A | Hendy | Derbyshire ACF | Derbyshire | England |
6224 | Miss | S | Hodge | OWRC | Berkshire | England |
6225 | Mr | G | Holloway | Canada | | Canada |
6226 | Mr | K | Hoverstad | USA National | | United States |
6227 | Mr | OJ | Hughes | Old Epsomian RC | West of Scotland | Wales |
6228 | Mr | FJ | Huisamen | NRA | Hertfordshire | |
6229 | Mr | GJ | Huisamen | NRA | Hertfordshire | |
6230 | Mr | BJ | Hunt | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6231 | Cdt | I | Hunt | BCRT | | |
6232 | Mr | A | Hynd | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6233 | Mr | JAMM | Ingham | Old Carthusians | Sussex | England |
6234 | Mr | PT | Janski | NRA | | England |
6235 | Mr | L | Jardine | NRA | Kent | |
6236 | LCpl | SE | Jones | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6237 | Miss | SL | Josling | Durham University | County of Durham | England |
6238 | Mr | M J | Keel | NLRC | Berkshire | England |
6239 | Mr | WT | Kemsley | RGS Guildford | | |
6240 | Mr | CJ | Kershaw | Malvern RC NZ | | New Zealand |
6241 | | | | | | |
6242 | Mr | FM | Key | OGRE | Lincolnshire | England |
6243 | Mr | A | Kofmann | Marlborough College | Wiltshire | Denmark |
6244 | Mr | C | Koros | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
6245 | Mr | M | Kuanyshev | Wellington College | County of London | England |
6246 | Mr | K | Kyle | Canada | | Canada |
6247 | Mr | B | Lacey | | | Australia |
6248 | Mr | J | Lam | Lancing College | | Hong Kong |
6249 | Dr | M | Lawrence | Chippenham RPC | | England |
6250 | Cdt | F | Le Marinel | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6251 | Mr | AR | Le Quesne | Victoria College | | Jersey |
6252 | Cdt | JH | Lee | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6253 | Cdt | A | Leneveu | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6254 | Cdt | I | Levesque | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6255 | Mr | X | Li | DCRA | | Canada |
6256 | Ms | AC | Lohnes | DCRA | | Canada |
6257 | Miss | A | Longhurst | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
6258 | Mr | CRW | Luckyn-Malone | Epsom College | | England |
6259 | Mr | Q | Lyle | West Atholl RC | | |
6260 | Mr | A | Macdonald | Canada | | Canada |
6261 | Mr | S | Mackey | USA National | | United States |
6262 | Cdt Sgt | DL | Martin | Oundle School | Cambridgeshire | England |
6263 | Mr | J | Matheson | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6264 | Mr | CC | McKenzie | RNTRC | | England |
6265 | Cpl | A | McLellan | UKCRT | London | England |
6266 | Mr | W | Meade | USA National | | United States |
6267 | Cpl | Z | Melhuish | CCRS | Glamorgan | Wales |
6268 | Mr | O | Milanovic | USA National | | United States |
6269 | Cdt | G | Moore | Wimbledon RC | | England |
6270 | Miss | KL | Morley | Exeter School CCF | Devon | |
6271 | Mr | W | Morton | Durham University | County Durham | England |
6272 | Mr | J | Mossom | Imperial College RPC | County of London | England |
6273 | Mr | A | Mulla | St Nicholas RPC | Kent | |
6275 | Miss | N | Murrin | NLRC | London | England |
6276 | Mr | L | Nagy | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Slovakia |
6277 | Mr | L | Nell | NLRC | Surrey | England |
6278 | Cdt | M | Neumann | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6279 | Miss | KS | Nichols | ATSC | Somerset | England |
6280 | Mr | JA | Oakland | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6281 | Mr | J | Overbury | Old Framlinghamians RC | Suffolk | Wales |
6282 | Mr | E | Parkins | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6283 | Cdt | E | Pasemko | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6284 | Dr | NAD | Pasternak-Albert | BYSA | London | England |
6285 | Mrs | E | Patrick | Roseville | | Australia |
6286 | Mr | A | Patrick | Roseville | | Australia |
6287 | Mr | S | Paul | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6288 | Mr | CI | Pawlik | Old Suttonians | Hampshire | England |
6289 | Mr | C | Perry | | | West Indies |
6290 | Cpl | TA | Peters | BCRT | Devon | England |
6291 | Mr | J | Phillipps | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
6292 | Cdt | M | Philo | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6293 | Cdt RSM | CP | Philp | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6294 | FS | M | Phipps | CCRS | | Northern Ireland |
6295 | Mr | R | Pike | USA National | | United States |
6296 | Mr | M | Ponya | Cambridge University RA | | England |
6297 | Cpl | H | Quillam | ATSC | Hampshire | England |
6298 | Mr | AR | Radkovskii | Stock Exchange RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6299 | Cdt LCpl | HM | Read | Oundle School | Lincolnshire | England |
6300 | Cdt | P | Ready | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6301 | Cdt | KH | Redpath | CCRS | | |
6302 | Mr | CB | Ridout | Somerset CRA | Dorset | England |
6303 | Mr | AD | Robertson | Wilbury RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6304 | Mr | BC | Robinson | Irish Rifle Club | Ulster | Northern Ireland |
6305 | Mr | FJA | Robson | Durham University | Norfolk | England |
6306 | Mr | RO | Roche | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6307 | Cpl | OEC | Ross | BCRT | Yorkshire | Scotland |
6308 | Mrs | K | Rowe | USA National | | United States |
6309 | Cpl | J | Rowe | CCRS | | England |
6310 | Mr | C | Rowe Jr | USA National | | United States |
6311 | | | rozze | | | |
6312 | Mr | JR | Santana | CURA | | England |
6313 | Mr | S | Schmitz | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6314 | Mr | KSC | Schwegler | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6315 | Sgt | I | Seddon | CCRS | | Wales |
6316 | Cdt | M | Serr | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6317 | Cdt | AL | Shine | CCRS | Norfolk | England |
6318 | Mr | A | Singh | Old Wellingtonians | Berkshire | England |
6319 | Mr | G | Smeeton | Staveley | Derbyshire | England |
6320 | Mr | G | Smith | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6321 | Mr | DEC | Smith | Leatherhead RC | Kent | England |
6322 | | | | | | |
6323 | Mr | CH | Smith | NLRC | | England |
6324 | Mrs | C | Snowden | New Zealand | | New Zealand |
6325 | Ms | H | Sparkes | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6326 | Mr | FC | Stewart | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Channel Islands |
6327 | Mr | AG | Stewart | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6328 | Dr | M | Stopher | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6329 | Mr | DJ | Studholme | BYSA | Gloucestershire | England |
6330 | | | | | | |
6331 | Miss | TY | Sunang-Joret | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6332 | Bdr | L | Taylor | BCRT | Co Antrim | Northern Ireland |
6333 | Miss | LR | Taylor-Fitzgibbon | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6334 | | | | | | |
6335 | Cdt | R | Tiffin | BCRT | | |
6336 | Mr | BJ | Tinegate-Smith | Brunel University | Hertfordshire | England |
6337 | Miss | E C | Trace | St Andrews University | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6338 | Mr | HDL | Turnbull-Hall | Uppingham School | | England |
6339 | Miss | L E | Tuson | Club 25 | Surrey | England |
6340 | Mr | ACJ | Van Grondelle | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6341 | Mr | PM | Walters | Australia | | Australia |
6342 | Mr | RR | Warren | LMRA | London | England |
6343 | Miss | JC | Westall | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6344 | Miss | TRE | White | GB U19 | Essex | England |
6345 | Cdt Cpl | P | Wilkinson | RGS Guildford | Yorkshire | England |
6346 | Miss | S | Williams | Old Lancing Rifle Club | Sussex | England |
6347 | Mr | E | Woodall | Woodbridge School | Suffolk | England |
6348 | Mr | J | Wu | DCRA | | Canada |
6349 | | | young | | | |
6350 | Mr | CJ | Youngman | Sutton Valence School RC | Kent | England |
6351 | Cdt | J | Zheng | RCAC NRT | | Canada |
6352 | Spr | M | Bamsey | LMRA | | England |
6353 | Miss | S | Bladon | LMRA | | England |
6354 | | | | | | |
6355 | Mr | ED | Chapman-Sheath | NLRC | Lincolnshire | England |
6356 | Mr | J | Cheetham | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6357 | Cdt | J | Clark | LMRA | | England |
6358 | Mr | M | Crossley | LMRA | | England |
6359 | Cdt | A | Ganesan | UKCRT | Gloucestershire | England |
6360 | Mr | J | haines | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6361 | Cdt | F | Lawry | UKCRT | Surrey | England |
6362 | | | | | | |
6363 | Cdt | HM | McCaig | BCRT | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6364 | Cdt | T | Phillimore | UKCRT | | |
6365 | Mr | AM | Poulton | Old Epsomian RC | Cheshire | England |
6366 | Mr | DA | Roberts | NRA | Suffolk | England |
6367 | LCpl | A | Shah | LMRA | | England |
6368 | Cdt | EJ | Skelhorn | BCRT | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6369 | Mr | BM | Smith | LMRA | | England |
6370 | Mrs | KM | Stebbings | BYSA | County of Durham | Canada |
6371 | Mr | HB | Thomson | NLRC | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6372 | | | | | | |
6373 | Mr | R | Zhou | LMRA | | England |
6374 | Mr | T | Lawson | NRA | | Wales |
6375 | Mr | MD | Seager | BSRC | | Wales |
6376 | | | | | | |
6377 | Mr | P | Allen | Swadlincote RPC | | England |
6378 | | | | | | |
6379 | Mr | CA | Bailey | OURC | | England |
6380 | Mr | D | Beaumont | Teesside R&PC | | England |
6381 | Mr | T | Bindley | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
6382 | Mr | JW | Botha | Middelburg | | South Africa |
6383 | Mr | EG | Campbell | OURC | | Scotland |
6384 | Mr | I | Chenery | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
6385 | Mr | GL | Costello | NRA | | England |
6386 | Mr | J | Derenne | NRA | | France |
6387 | Mr | P | Fellows | OURC | | England |
6388 | Mr | N | Gilbert | Diggle | | England |
6389 | Mr | R | Goodman | NRA | | England |
6390 | Mr | N | Gould | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
6391 | Mr | L | Groves | Club Name | | England |
6392 | Mr | RJ | Hale | SCRA | | England |
6393 | Mr | MA | Harris | NRA | | England |
6394 | Mr | M | Jarram | Dorset Riflemen | | England |
6395 | Mr | MG | Johns | NLRC | | England |
6396 | Mr | D | Jordanou-Bailey | OURC | | England |
6397 | Mr | D | Lomas | Leek SC | | England |
6398 | Mr | AP | Martin | Oundle RC | | England |
6399 | Dr | SA | McDowell | NRA | | Ireland |
6400 | Mr | VS | Meyer | White Horse Lodge SC | | England |
6401 | Mr | DC | OConnor | NRA | Co Galway | Ireland |
6402 | Mr | R | Page | Marlow | | England |
6403 | Mr | T | Reynolds | Surrey University RC | | England |
6404 | Mr | SJ | Rigby | Leek SC | | England |
6405 | Mr | D | Rollafson | LMRA | | England |
6406 | Mr | P | Sammons | NRA | | England |
6407 | Mr | E | Schulz | Netherlands F Class | | Netherlands |
6408 | Mr | PT | Sheffield | 11 RC | | England |
6409 | Mr | RG | Stevens | Woodstock RC | | England |
6410 | Dr | CE | Titmus | Bassingbourn RPC | | England |
6411 | Mr | L | Vinall | NRA | | England |
6412 | Mr | D | Wallace | Prestatyn | | Wales |
6413 | Mr | M | Withe | LMRA | | England |
6414 | Mr | GF | Zanoni | GB F Class Association | | Italy |
6415 | Miss | NI | Barnes | Bedfordians RC | Hertfordshire | Wales |
6416 | Mr | GA | Barton-Wood | Southampton University | Devon | England |
6417 | Miss | MD | Beaton-Jaramillo | BCRT | Berkshire | England |
6418 | | | | | | |
6419 | Cdt | GM | Bohn | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6420 | Cdt | HA | Broadhurst | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6421 | Dr | AJ | Browne | BYSA | West of Scotland | Ireland |
6422 | Mr | CL | Bull | BYSA | Dorset | England |
6423 | Cdt | J | Caldwell | UKCRT | | |
6424 | Mr | OJ | Christy | Sedbergh School | | England |
6425 | Cdt | JS | Clark | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6426 | Cdt | GFRW | Clarke | GB U19 | Norfolk | England |
6427 | | | | | | |
6428 | Mr | RJ | Cooper | ATSC | Ulster | Ireland |
6429 | Miss | ICN | Cox | BCRT | | England |
6430 | Cdt | L | Crabb | BCRT | | |
6431 | Miss | BRD | Digance | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6432 | Mr | AJC | Dodds | LMRA | London | New Zealand |
6433 | Mr | TAE | Dorey | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6434 | Mr | MJ | Dowe | LMRA | Kent | England |
6435 | Cdt | L | Eadon | CCRS | | |
6436 | Miss | KE | Farley | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6437 | Cdt | B | Farr | CCRS | | |
6438 | Mr | DW | Farwell | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6439 | Mr | OJ | Frost | GB U19 | Devon | Scotland |
6440 | Miss | S | Frost | Guernsey RC | | Guernsey |
6441 | Mr | MJS | Gerhardt | BYSA | Surrey | England |
6442 | Cdt | BG | Glancey | Greshams RC | | England |
6443 | Mr | G | Green | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6444 | Miss | HD | Grindon | NLRC | Sussex | England |
6445 | Miss | J | Hamon | NRA | Kent | England |
6446 | Mr | EJ | Harriss | Imperial College RPC | Nottinghamshire | Wales |
6447 | Miss | KEM | Harriss | UKCRT | Sussex | England |
6448 | Cdt | A | Hazelton | BCRT | | |
6449 | Mr | TDB | Hebblethwaite | LMRA | London | England |
6450 | Mr | TE | Hill | Exeter University RC | Devon | England |
6451 | Mr | LR | Hinkly | Charterhouse | Cheshire | England |
6452 | Miss | PEH | Hobbs | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6453 | Mr | AH | Honey | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6454 | Cdt | LEI | Horsman Carpenter | BCRT | Norfolk | England |
6455 | Mr | TWG | Janelid | Marlborough College | | England |
6456 | Mr | VT | Jensen | Charterhouse | Surrey | England |
6457 | Mr | J | Kahtava | Wellington College | Hampshire | Japan |
6458 | Cdt | S | Kasica | CCRS | | |
6459 | Mrs | J | Kirkby | University of Surrey | Surrey | England |
6460 | Mr | KS | Kousetta | BCRT | London | England |
6461 | Mr | I | Kwon | Imperial College RPC | Surrey | England |
6462 | Mr | GJ | Lake Coghlan | Exeter University RC | Surrey | England |
6463 | Mr | TW | Le Huray | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6464 | Mr | RL | Lombard | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6465 | Dr | J | Mac Taggart | Exeter University RC | Sussex | England |
6466 | Mr | RJ | Mace | Bradfield College | Hampshire | England |
6467 | Mr | JD | Magalhaes | BCRT | Jersey | Jersey |
6468 | Mr | JAS | McCosh | NLRC | London | England |
6469 | Mr | RPM | McKenna | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
6470 | Cdt Cpl | AM | Moldoveanu | BCRT | Berkshire | England |
6471 | Mr | JM | Nippers | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6472 | Mr | H P | Nippers | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6473 | Cdt | I | Noor | Wellington College | | |
6474 | Mr | SF | Oldridge | BCRT | Jersey | Jersey |
6475 | Cdt | J | Orr | BCRT | | |
6476 | | | | | | |
6477 | Mr | SR | Parker | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6478 | Mr | FEG | Pawlik | Old Suttonians | Kent | England |
6479 | Cdt | A | Pike | BCRT | | |
6480 | Cdt | HJ | Purslow | BCRT | Norfolk | England |
6481 | Mr | EJT | Quayle | Epsom College | London | England |
6482 | Mr | OR | Rankin | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6483 | Cdt | KMR | Rivoallan | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6484 | Cdt | EM | Robinson | UKCRT | Cumbria | England |
6485 | Mr | OJ | Scott | Epsom College | | England |
6486 | Mr | MW | Sheridan-Oliver | Charterhouse | Surrey | England |
6487 | Cdt | NR | Shutt | Charterhouse | | England |
6488 | Cdt Sgt | LG | Skingley | BCRT | Surrey | Wales |
6489 | Mr | TEB | Smith | Durham University | Kent | England |
6490 | Mr | SA | Stanley | ATSC | Lincolnshire | England |
6491 | Miss | L | Stewart | Welsh XX | Nottinghamshire | Wales |
6492 | Cdt Sgt | ASO | Stewart | BCRT | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6493 | Mr | MJ | Stewart | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6494 | Mr | L | Strangemann | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6495 | Mr | L | Stuart | Wellington College | Surrey | England |
6496 | Mr | R | Turner | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6497 | Mr | B | Vary | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6498 | Mr | BJW | Wardell | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6499 | Miss | MJ | Websper | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6500 | Cdt Sgt | JJ | Weir | BCRT | Norfolk | England |
6501 | Mr | ACM | White | Uppingham School | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
6502 | Miss | GI | Williams | BCRT | Surrey | Wales |
6503 | Cdt | B | Williams | CCRS | | |
6504 | Cdt | W | Williamson | UKCRT | | |
6505 | Miss | CES | Wiltshire | Yorkshire RA | Yorkshire | England |
6506 | Mr | H | Wogan | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6507 | Miss | J | Won | OURC | | England |
6508 | Mr | GWSW | Wood | Edinburgh University RC | Yorkshire | England |
6509 | Miss | L F | Yates | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6510 | Mr | JA | Zerby | NRA | Buckinghamshire | USA |
6511 | Mr | GE | Campbell | OURC | | Scotland |
6512 | Mr | T | Cordan | NRA | | England |
6513 | | | | | | |
6514 | Mr | C | Hircombe | 27th London Putney RC | Middlesex | England |
6515 | Mr | RHJ | Hoogendoorn | NRA | | Netherlands |
6516 | Mr | B | Moore | NRA | | England |
6517 | Mr | PS | Russell | Bridlington R&PC | | England |
6518 | Miss | CA | Ryan | NRA | | Wales |
6519 | Mr | SA | Smithson | Louisa GC | | England |
6520 | Mr | BA | Tudgay | NRA | | England |
6521 | Mr | WN | Bartlett | Etonian RC | | Wales |
6522 | Miss | I | Ziviani Soares | Cambridge University RA | | Italy |
6523 | Mr | MC | Armstrong | CURA | | England |
6524 | Mr | F | Ahmad | University of Surrey | | England |
6525 | Cdt Sgt | H | Anselm | BCRT | East of Scotland | England |
6526 | Mr | WJM | Bacon | CURA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6527 | Cdt | GJ | Baker | Greshams RC | Cambridgeshire | England |
6528 | Mr | O | Biddle | BYSA | Hertfordshire | England |
6529 | Mr | AJ | Jasiak | NCRRA | | Canada |
6530 | Mr | P | Carvell | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6531 | Mr | RC | Celesia | Wellington College | Berkshire | Italy |
6532 | Mr | AJ | Chapman-Sheath | NLRC | Lincolnshire | England |
6533 | Mr | AF | Chidlow | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6534 | Mr | A P | Clark | CURA | Cambridgeshire | Ireland |
6535 | Miss | JL | Comins | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
6536 | | | | | | |
6537 | Flt Lt | LS | Crisp | RAFTRC | Lincolnshire | England |
6538 | Miss | LK | Crosby | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6539 | Mr | AC | Cui | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6540 | Mr | RS | Darwish | Epsom College | Yorkshire | England |
6541 | Miss | MB | Davies | Exeter University RC | South Wales | Wales |
6542 | Mr | CJ | Denham | Cambridge University RA | Yorkshire | England |
6543 | Mr | J | Donnelly | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6544 | Miss | A | Downie | BCRT | | Scotland |
6545 | Mr | SF | Franck | Wellington College | London | England |
6546 | Miss | A | Fung | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6547 | Cdt | AJD | Germain | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6548 | Mr | TG | Gorvett | Huddersfield RC | Yorkshire | England |
6549 | Mr | MV | Gosling | University of Surrey | Essex | England |
6550 | Miss | CY | Gregory | University of Surrey | Yorkshire | Scotland |
6551 | Ms | HWE | Grisenthwaite | NLRC | Cambridgeshire | Scotland |
6552 | Cdt LCpl | S | Hall | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6553 | Mr | H | Hamlyn | Epsom College | | England |
6554 | Miss | DF | Harrison | BCRT | Hereford & Worcs | Scotland |
6555 | Cdt | LM | Hart | Jersey RC | | Jersey |
6556 | Cpl | L | Hetherington | UKCRT | | Wales |
6557 | Miss | AE | Hoile | Welsh RA | Oxfordshire | Wales |
6558 | Miss | LI | Hughes | Epsom College | Surrey | Wales |
6559 | Mr | M | Hughes | CCRS | | Wales |
6560 | Mr | T | Ishikawa | MRSA Japan | | Japan |
6561 | Mr | V | Jain | University of Surrey | Surrey | England |
6562 | Mr | JC | Jonck | Wonderboom | | South Africa |
6563 | Sgt | IC | Jones | Oundle School | Northants | Leics |
6564 | FS | JJ | Joomun | BCRT | | England |
6565 | Mr | MEH | Kapusta | University of Surrey | Surrey | England |
6566 | Mr | S | Kasica | BCRT | | Wales |
6567 | Mr | ACN | Khan | Dollar Academy | | Scotland |
6568 | Miss | G | King | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6569 | Mr | LA | Lawrence | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6570 | Mr | NR | Lewington | Exeter University RC | Suffolk | England |
6571 | Mr | WW | Liu | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Singapore |
6572 | Mr | DG | Lumley-Wood | University of Southampton | Bedfordshire | England |
6573 | Miss | F | Mahoney | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6574 | Mr | HAS | Malim | Oxford University RC | | Ireland |
6575 | Mr | JD | Mallabone | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6576 | Miss | IP | Martin-Webb | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6577 | Cdt | T | Maxwell Randeria | UKCRT | London | England |
6578 | Mr | TFJ | McDowell | Greshams RC | Suffolk | England |
6579 | Mr | RPF | McKenna | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6580 | Mr | CM | Mckenna | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6581 | Mr | SJ | Messenger | University of Surrey | Surrey | England |
6582 | Miss | CA | Mills | University of Surrey | Hampshire | England |
6583 | Miss | ZKN | Moir | Epsom College | Middlesex | England |
6584 | Mr | CJ | Monk | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6585 | Mr | WFO | Montgomery | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6586 | Miss | KC | Moody | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6587 | Mr | WAM | Morriss | UKCRT | London | England |
6588 | Ms | I | Mundia | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
6589 | Mr | HD | OıConnell | Welsh RA | South Wales | Wales |
6590 | Cdt | PEV | Osmond | UKCRT | Lincolnshire | England |
6591 | WO | SR | Parker | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6592 | Mr | AP | Patel | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6593 | Ms | SC | Postins | Durham University | County of Durham | England |
6594 | Mr | JN | Prout | Exeter University RC | Berkshire | England |
6595 | Mr | OM | Pryke | Jersey RA | | Jersey |
6596 | Mr | RR | Richards | BCRT | Hampshire | England |
6597 | Cdt | KM | Rivoallan | BCRT | Jersey | Jersey |
6598 | Mr | LF | Robson | Bradfield College | Hampshire | England |
6599 | Miss | A | Ross | BCRT | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6600 | LCpl | HP | Ryan | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6601 | LCpl | JH | Sale | Oundle School | Northants Leics | |
6602 | Mr | JJ | Sauer | Canada | | Canada |
6603 | Mr | J | Scheuerl | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6604 | Mr | LC | Schwarz | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Germany |
6605 | Ab Cdt | C | Sekine | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6606 | Mr | T | Snaith | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
6607 | Mr | RP | Snaith | Exonia & Tiverton RC | Devon | England |
6608 | Miss | CJ | Stirling | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6609 | Cdt | L | Tallinn | Greshams RC | Norfolk | Estonia |
6610 | Cpl | K | Thomas | UKCRT | | Wales |
6611 | Mr | KC | Thorne | CCRS | | England |
6612 | Mr | M-Y | Tsang | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6613 | Cdt Cpl | DRM | Tuke | Merchiston Castle School | | Scotland |
6614 | Mr | JV | Viney | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6615 | Mr | PV | Viney | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6616 | Mr | W | Viney | UKCRT | Gloucestershire | England |
6617 | Miss | EL | Wackan | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6618 | Cdt | R | Wang | Epsom College | London | England |
6619 | Cdt Sgt | EC | Wang | Oundle School | London | China |
6620 | Miss | RE | Warden | BCRT | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6621 | Mr | KW | Webb | Dorking & District RC | London | England |
6622 | Mr | F | Weir | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6623 | Mr | A | Wild | NLRC | Kent | England |
6624 | Mr | D | Wild | NLRC | Kent | England |
6625 | Miss | JL | Williams | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6626 | Miss | M | Williams | BCRT | | Wales |
6627 | Mr | P | Wright | Staveley | Derbyshire | England |
6628 | Miss | AR | Xu | CURA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6629 | Lt Col | MD | Yates | ATSC | Oxfordshire | England |
6630 | Mr | EJ | Young | Southampton University | Yorkshire | England |
6631 | Mr | A | Zhang | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6632 | Mr | MJ | Bailey | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
6633 | Cdt | M | Balrajan | UKCRT | Essex | England |
6634 | Cdt | ICL | Bartlette | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6635 | Mr | D | Bell | Oxford University RC | Cumbria | England |
6636 | Mr | MP | Blythe | North Herts Rifles | Gloucestershire | England |
6637 | Mr | TJ | Bourne | Old Cranleighans | Surrey | England |
6638 | Miss | E | Brindley | Bungendore | | Australia |
6639 | Miss | LI | Brindley | Canberra RC | | Australia |
6640 | Mr | SW | Brindley | Explorers RC | | Australia |
6641 | Mr | T | Brown | Wandsworth FBRC | Gloucestershire | England |
6642 | Miss | GE | Bush | St Andrews University | Dorset | England |
6643 | LCpl | HABC | Cardozo | Charterhouse | Surrey | England |
6644 | Mr | CHY | Chan | Old Greshamian RC | Norfolk | England |
6645 | Mr | CC | Clavier | | | France |
6646 | Mr | I | Cotillard | Jersey RC | Jersey | Jersey |
6647 | Mr | FWC | Cowling | CCRS | Surrey | England |
6648 | Mr | JJ | Culshaw | BYSA | Surrey | England |
6649 | Mr | B | Cunningham | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6650 | Mr | JM | Di Bona | South Africa | | South Africa |
6651 | Mrs | M | Di Bona | South Africa | | South Africa |
6652 | Miss | A B | Dorey | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6653 | Cdt | S | Dudler | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | England |
6654 | Mr | S | Emongor | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
6655 | Cdt | SF | Farrow | BCRT | | England |
6656 | Mr | AJ | Fassilis | Australian Rifle Team | | Australia |
6657 | Cdt | TLM | Flanagan | Oundle School | Oxfordshire | England |
6658 | Cpl | A | Franks | NRA | | England |
6659 | Mr | ACG | Gauci | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6660 | Cdt Cpl | GG | Gill | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6661 | Cdt | MGLC | Gordon-Le Clerc | Elizabeth College | | Jersey |
6662 | Mr | PL | Green | Royal Navy | | England |
6663 | Mr | A | Greenlees | City of Newcastle RC | Northumberland | England |
6664 | Cdt | MS | Griesemann | Greshams RC | Norfolk | Germany |
6665 | Cdt | GLG | Griffiths | Sedbergh School | Yorkshire | England |
6666 | Cpl | DK | Hakim | BYSA | Lincolnshire | England |
6667 | Ms | JS | Hallin | St Andrews University | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6668 | Mr | S | Hentschel | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6669 | Cdt | CD | Hiles | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6670 | Mr | GW | Holliday | South Africa | | South Africa |
6671 | Mr | JJ | Holmes | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6672 | Miss | JT | Huang | Durham University | County of Durham | China |
6673 | Cpl | A | Hussain | Dollar Academy | West of Scotland | Scotland |
6674 | Mr | LJ | Jack | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6675 | Mr | RE | Jackson | Yarram | | Australia |
6676 | Miss | AE | Jallot | Epsom College | Yorkshire | Scotland |
6677 | Mr | FW | Johnston | Horsham R&PC | Sussex | Ireland |
6678 | Cdt | AM | Jones | BCRT | Cheshire | England |
6679 | Mr | HS | Jones | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6680 | Mr | A | Kauderer | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6681 | Mr | G | Kendall | RNTRC | | England |
6682 | Mr | WJ | Kingsley-Filshie | Durham University | London | England |
6683 | Mr | IKK | Kwon | Old Guildfordians RC | London | England |
6684 | Mr | MH | Lane | Otorohanga RC | | New Zealand |
6685 | Mr | JRW | Latimer | NRA | Lancashire | England |
6686 | Mr | FW | Lawry | Wellington College | Cheshire | England |
6687 | Cdt | A | Lebedeva | Oundle School | Middlesex | England |
6688 | Sgt | A | Lerwill | BCRT | | England |
6689 | Miss | LKJ | Leung | Epsom RC | | England |
6690 | Mr | IA | Litster | Durham University | Hertfordshire | Scotland |
6691 | Mr | D | Livermore | MRSA Japan | | Australia |
6692 | Miss | MK | Lucas | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Channel Islands |
6693 | Mr | AJM | Lyle | Exeter University RC | Lincolnshire | Wales |
6694 | Cdt | K | Lynnyk-Ali | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6695 | Mr | CH | Maxwell Randeria | Epsom College | Herefordshire | England |
6696 | Ms | PW | Mburu | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
6697 | Miss | IG | McAree | CCRS | Shropshire | Ireland |
6698 | Miss | GC | McCaig | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6699 | Mr | DJ | Meakings-Clark | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6700 | Mr | J | Meyers | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6701 | Miss | RL | Millar | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6702 | Mr | ED | Moncreiffe | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | Scotland |
6703 | Mr | BJ | Morris | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6704 | Miss | AR | Munday | Warwick University | Suffolk | England |
6705 | Mr | J | Myers | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6706 | Mr | AS | Nanrey | Canada | | Canada |
6707 | Ms | MM | Ngaira | Kenya RA | | Kenya |
6708 | Mr | J | Nicholas | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6709 | Miss | KF | Noble | St Andrews University | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6710 | Miss | M | Noubir | | London | England |
6711 | Mr | LS | ODonnell-Roberts | Warwick University | London | Wales |
6712 | Mr | O | Parkins | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6713 | Mr | S | Pasarkar | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6714 | Mr | PP | Persaud | Guyana NRA | | Guyana |
6715 | Mr | T | Phillimore | Pates Grammar CCF | Gloucestershire | England |
6716 | Mr | O | Polat | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6717 | Mr | D | Raiber | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6718 | Mr | JC | Rainbird | NRA | Suffolk | England |
6719 | Mr | TP | Randell | Old Guildfordians RC | Surrey | England |
6720 | Mr | ETB | Redman | | | |
6721 | Dr | H | Reynolds | Uppingham Veterans RC | Hertfordshire | England |
6722 | Cdt LCpl | OE | Roussel | ESRC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6723 | Fg Off | PAR | Runting | RAFSAA | Hampshire | England |
6724 | Mr | AL | Ryan | | | |
6725 | Mr | M | Saberton | RAFTRC | Cambridgeshire | England |
6726 | Miss | NJ | Sales Scott | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6727 | Mr | RA | Sampson | Guyana NRA | | Guyana |
6728 | Cdt | GE | Sanderson | Greshams RC | Norfolk | England |
6729 | Cdt | K | Sandhu | CCRS | | England |
6730 | Mr | BD | Scott Langley | Bedfordians RC | Herefordshire | Ireland |
6731 | Mr | NOL | Searight | St Andrews University | Wiltshire | England |
6732 | Cpl | KS | Selvarajah | CCRS | Kent | England |
6733 | Miss | JS | Shen | Uppingham School | Leicestershire | England |
6734 | Ms | JC | Small | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6735 | Miss | EM | Stratford | Oxford University RC | Middlesex | England |
6736 | Mr | D | Sukys | Bedfordians RC | Bedfordshire | England |
6737 | Ms | N | Tercjak | University of Surrey | Surrey | England |
6738 | Flt Lt | W | Thordgood | | | |
6739 | Miss | M | Trela-Brownlie | St Andrews University | | Scotland |
6740 | Mr | J | Tsai | Uppingham School | Warwickshire | Hong Kong |
6741 | Mr | CSM | Tuke | West of Scotland RC | | Scotland |
6742 | Mr | SE | Watson | ATSC | Ulster | Ireland |
6743 | Miss | AAW | Weinberger | UKCRT | Berkshire | England |
6744 | Miss | RMW | Weinberger | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6745 | Miss | Rosina | White Belchere | Oxford University RC | Sussex | England |
6746 | Mr | B | Whitley | Epsom College | | England |
6747 | Dr | SBK | Williams | Old Tonbridgian | Kent | England |
6748 | Mr | MJ | Wilson | Bungendore | | Australia |
6749 | Miss | CL | Wiseman | Metropolitan Police SC | Northumberland | England |
6750 | LCpl | O | Witt | Pates Grammar CCF | | England |
6751 | Mr | A | Hay | West Atholl RC | | Scotland |
6752 | Miss | H | Hunter | Welsh RA | | Wales |
6753 | Mr | S | Russell | Cambridge University RA | | England |
6754 | | | | | | |
6755 | Mr | R | Davis | 1344 (Cardiff) ATC | | Wales |
6756 | Dr | JA | Marsden | PSSA | | England |
6757 | Mrs | MB | Marsden | PSSA | | England |
6758 | Mr | H | Meitzler | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6759 | Mr | C | Needham | Peninsula RC | | England |
6760 | Mr | HJ | Scherf | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6761 | Mr | V | Korolkov | Nottingham City RC | | |
6762 | Mr | GH | Oliver | Exeter University RC | Devon | England |
6763 | Mr | C | Cairns | Crawhill Farm | West lothian | |
6764 | | | | | | |
6765 | | | | | | |
6766 | Mr | R | Paul | Bridlington Rifle & Pistol Club | | England |
6767 | Mr | RD | Ford | USA National | Oklahoma | United States |
6768 | Mr | M | Gianluca | NRA | | England |
6769 | Mr | B | Roberto | Victrix | | Italy |
6770 | Mr | C | Ludovice | Victrix | | Italy |
6771 | Mr | P | Bernini Vanni | | | Italy |
6772 | Mr | NA | Mohideen | DCRA | Pickering | Canada |
6773 | Mr | AT | Mohideen | DCRA | Pickering | Canada |
6774 | Mr | RA | Tewari | Guyama NRA | East Bank Essequibo | Guyana |
6775 | Mr | K | Sachs | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6776 | Mr | G | Wan | Marylebone Rifle Club | | England |
6777 | Mr | SA | Felicien | Guyama NRA | | Guyana |
6778 | Mr | M | Nawaz | Pakistan Long Range RA | | Pakistan |
6779 | Ms | MA | Morrison | Durham University | | Northern Ireland |
6780 | Mr | IJ | Saturley | Bromsgrove RC | | England |
6781 | Mr | DG | Lacey | NRA | London | England |
6782 | Mr | G | Merlo | | | |
6783 | Mrs | J | Bagnall | | | |
6784 | Mr | AJ | Bagnall | | | |
6785 | Mr | DD | Charles | Antigua and Barbuda Shooting Club | | West Indies |
6786 | Mr | MMV | James | Antigua and Barbuda Shooting Club | | West Indies |
6787 | Mr | A | Bhagat | RGS Guildford | Surrey | England |
6789 | Cdt | E | Andrews-Flint | Pate's Grammar School | Gloucester | England |
6790 | Sgt | EM | Barrow | Pate's Grammar School | Gloucester | England |
6791 | Cdt | HJ | Green | Pate's Grammar School | Gloucester | England |
6792 | Ms | A | Day | NRA | London | England |
6793 | Mr | K | O'Loghlen | Natives RC | | Australia |
6794 | Mr | Z | Patel | Antigua and Barbuda Shooting Club | | West Indies |
6795 | Mr | EJ | Gadd-Chapman | University of Southampton | Sussex | England |
6796 | | | | | | |
6797 | Mr | Gruffudd | Morgan | Abergavenny Rifle Club | Cardiff | Wales |
6798 | Mr | MS | Reeves | Altcar RC | Cheshire | England |
6799 | Miss | L | Lambert | BDMP Germany | | Germany |
6800 | Mr | AJT | Key | Exeter University RC | Surrey | England |
6801 | Mr | TD | Bailey | BYSA | Leicestershire | England |
6802 | | | | | | |
6803 | Mr | C | Bolland | NRA | Berkshire | England |
6804 | Mr | TBD | Hebblethwaite | Exeter University RC | London | England |
6805 | | | | | | |
6806 | Mr | NJ | Harris | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6809 | Mr | RA | Monaghan | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6810 | Mr | P | Gillies | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6811 | Mr | FJ | Lawry | NLRC | Cheshire | England |
6812 | RJH | Miss | Piper | BYSA | Yorkshire | England |
6813 | Mr | B | Morris | BCRT | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6814 | Mr | HL | Yiu | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Hong Kong |
6815 | Mr | SE | Fry | BYSA | Gloucestershire | England |
6816 | Mr | R | Kapisthalam | Westminster School | London | England |
6817 | Cdt Cpl | M | Nikolic | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6818 | Cdt Cpl | M | Clark | Canada | | Canada |
6819 | Cdt Cpl | Ben | Reeves | Oudle School | Surrey | Hong Kong |
6820 | Cdt Cpl | Adrian | Tam | Oudle School | Suffolk | England |
6821 | Cdt Sgt | Leon | Castro | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6822 | | AC | Meagher | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6823 | | S | Bland | CTV SC | | Australia |
6824 | | S | Wragg | LMRA | Yorkshire | England |
6825 | Mr | | Wragg | LMRA | Yorkshire | England |
6826 | Cdt | NP | Giabaut | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6827 | Cdt | EM | Giabaut | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6828 | Mr | F | Lomax | Imperial College | Nottinghamshire | Wales |
6829 | | M | Ghorashi | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6830 | | ZZ | Grosvenor | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Scotland |
6831 | | F | Cheung | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6832 | Mr | JHN | Pattison | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6833 | Mr | HB | Johnstone | BYSA | Surrey | England |
6834 | Mr | AC | Coombs | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | England |
6835 | Mr | RCG | Thomas | Victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6836 | Mr | JH | Gibson | BTSC Moretonhampstead | Devon | England |
6837 | | ER | Cunningham | victoria College | Jersey | Jersey |
6838 | | L | Vitek | Cambridge University RA | Cambridgeshire | Canada |
6839 | Mr | A | Poulton | NRA | Surrey | England |
6840 | Miss | ZA | Sayers | Wellington College | Berkshire | England |
6841 | Miss | SO | Brumby | Wellington College | Oxfordshire | England |
6842 | Miss | VM | Churchouse | Wellington College | London | England |
6843 | Mr | FSS | Reis | Wellington College | Hampshire | England |
6844 | Mr | M | Garcia-Oliver | Wellington College | London | England |
6845 | | | | | | |
6846 | Mr | CH | Kwok | Wellington College | Surrey | England |
6847 | Mr | LK | Wilkin | Wellington College | London | England |
6848 | Miss | IW | Fraser | Bradfield College | Wiltshire | England |
6849 | Miss | EM | Page | Bradfield College | Wiltshire | England |
6850 | Miss | EAV | Barrett | Bradfield College | Berkshire | England |
6851 | GP Capt | WD | Cooper | RAFTRC | Gloucestershire | England |
6852 | Mr | D | Gibson | LMRA | Middlesex | |
6853 | Ms | CAE | Renart | UKCRT | London | England |
6854 | | M | Barlette | UKCRT | | |
6855 | | | | | | |
6856 | | T | Temperley | BCRT | | |
6857 | | G | Maas | 10 sigs regt | | England |
6858 | | A | Stewart | UK Stratcom | | England |
6859 | Mr | LM | O'grady | HQ Army | | England |
6860 | Cdt | KM | Chung | Gresham's Rifle Club | Norfolk | England |
6861 | Cdt | BG | Bendall | Gresham's Rifle Club | Norfolk | England |
6862 | Cdt | MEF | Bartlette | UKCRT | Norfolk | England |
6863 | Mr | JM | Picariello | Stock Exchange RC | Kent | England |
6864 | Cdt | Alastair | Simpson | Gresham's Rifle Club | Norfolk | England |
6865 | Mr | PB | Bussetti | BCM Shooting Team | | Italy |
6866 | Mr | GC | Pietro | BCM shooting team | | Italy |
6867 | Li | Zhuoxuan | Li | Oxford University Rifle Club | | China |
6868 | Mr | I | McMillan | NRA | Surrey | England |
6869 | Mr | A | Tursini | Poligono le Chamois
| | Italy |
6870 | Mr | GAK | Ahmed | Oxford University Rifle Club | Oxfordshire | England |
6871 | Mr | J | Bideau | Elizabeth College | | Guernsey |
6872 | Miss | IA | Matson | Epsom College | Surrey | England |
6873 | Mr | T | Starr | Warwick University | Warwickshire | England |
6874 | Mr | AS | Hood | Jersey RC | | Jersey |
6875 | Mr | D | Chapman | NLRC | Hertfordshire | England |
6876 | | P | Sofia Abram | CCRS | | |
6877 | | N | Luchmun | CCRS | | |
6878 | | A | Jones | CCRS | | |
6879 | | L | Vas Pinto | CCRS | | |
6880 | Mr | JWD | Grace | St Andrews University | Northants, Leics & Rutland | England |
6881 | Miss | EG | Button | Wandsworth FBRC | Lincolnshire | England |
6882 | Col | KACO | Bohlman | Oklahoma City GC | Oklahoma | United States |
6883 | Mr | KA | Shomber | Oklahoma City GC | Oklahoma | United States |
6884 | Mr | K | Yang | Durham University | London | China |
6885 | Miss | E | Gelain-Sohn | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6886 | Mr | RC | Bourne | Old Cranleighians | Surrey | England |
6887 | Cdt | CH | Maxwell Randeria | Epsom College | Herefordshire | England |
6888 | Mr | CAER | Jarnach | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6889 | Mr | MA | Chammings | Guernsey RC | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6890 | Dr | MPJ | Hollowday | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6891 | Mr | LA | Callister | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6892 | Mr | GL | Kratochwill | Oklahoma City GC | Oklahoma | United States |
6893 | Mr | TL | Philo | Durham University | County of Durham | England |
6894 | Mr | SM | Turner | Oakham School | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
6895 | Mr | CR | Hopkinson | Oakham School | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
6896 | Mr | HJ | Riley | Oakham School | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
6897 | Miss | R | White-Belchere | Oxford University RC | Oxfordshire | England |
6898 | Cdt Sgt | A | Goulty | Pates Grammar CCF | Berkshire | England |
6899 | Mr | M | Hannaford | Elizabeth College | Guernsey | Guernsey |
6900 | Mr | HT | Fearn | Oakham School | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
6901 | Cdt | A | Nishikawa | Sedbergh School | Cumbria | Japan |
6902 | Cdt | MML | Holt | Sedburgh School RC | Lancashire | England |
6903 | Cdt | IG | Ogilvie Robinson | Sedbergh School | Berkshire | England |
6904 | Cdt | ARB | Curtis | Sedbergh School | | Scotland |
6905 | Cdt LCpl | AA | Gardiner | Sedbergh School | | Scotland |
6906 | Mr | MT | Lane | OO Troubleshooters | Northants, Leics, Rutland | England |
6907 | Cdt LCpl | L | Warden | Dollar Academy | East of Scotland | Scotland |
6908 | MR | AT | Lawson | SRA | Wales | Wales |
6909 | MR | CL | Shepard | Oxford University RC | United States | United States |
6910 | MR | N | Kanayama | MRAJ, JAPAN | Japan | Japan |
6911 | Cdt | S | Burgess | Pates Grammar CCF | Wiltshire | England |
6912 | Cdt | E | Woodhead | CCRS | Yorkshire | England |
6913 | Cdt Sgt | R | Barrett | CCRS | Yorkshire | England |
6914 | Mr | AM | Oldham | Cambridge University RA | Berkshire | England |
6915 | Mr | H | Bishop | CCRS | Gloucestershire | England |
6916 | Mr | E | Chrystal | CCRS | Hampshire | England |
6917 | Miss | Hebe | Hunter | Welsh RA | | |
6918 | Mr | RAB-HB | Buchanan | BYSA | Scotland | Scotland |
6919 | Mr | HS | Jones | Gresham's Rifle Club | Norfolk | England |
6920 | Mr | MGA | McDowell | OLRC | Middlesex | England |
6921 | Mr | T | Burns | | | England |
6922 | Mr | A | Subramanian | | | England |
6923 | Mr | C | Gill | | | England |
6924 | | M | Gennari | Whitgift School | | |
6925 | | E | Hoolahan | Old Sennockians | | |
6926 | Mr | T | Manton | Pates Grammar CCF | | England |
6927 | Mr | JM | Mitchell | Edinburgh University RC | | Scotland |
6928 | Mr | T | Ralph | Edinburgh University RC | | Scotland |
6929 | Mr | WR | McMallan | USCARC | | Scotland |
6930 | Mr | L | Vignjevic | Southampton Uni RC | | England |
6931 | Mx | CJ | Newton | Southampton Uni RC | | England |
6932 | Mr | A | Fenn | BYSA | | England |
6933 | Miss | S | Yao | King's College London Rifle Club | | England |
6934 | | R | Belli | | | |
6935 | Mr | BM | Davison | Bunhill Rifle Club | Essex | England |
6936 | Mr | M | Curtis | Bunhill Rifle Club | | |
6937 | Mr | C | Kotschy | NRA | | England |
6938 | Miss | I | Tinson | NRA | | England |
6939 | Miss | B | Sweet | NRA | | England |
6940 | Mr | P | Cottrell | NRA | | England |