Club Certification

The NRA, as the National Governing Body of fullbore shooting, have been issuing Shooter Certification Cards (SCC) to affiliated clubs for the past 10 years following agreement with the MoD that civilian shooters have to be certified to shoot on MoD ranges. The NRA also requires shooters to hold an SCC to use Bisley ranges.
All issued affiliated club SCCs expire on 31st December 2018 and the NRA have taken the opportunity to review the process and have made the decision to produce all future club SCCs in house for affiliated clubs on an annual basis. Clubs will continue to train and certify their members as is the current practice, and should maintain relevant training records for this purpose. An example competency assessment form is enclosed should you wish to adapt for your own use.
The NRA recognises all holders of the NRA SCC as being covered under either full NRA membership insurance, or an affiliated club’s insurance and who have been trained as competent to shoot on MoD Ranges and Bisley ranges.
Clubs will be entitled to a certification card for each capitated fullbore shooter and NRA member of their club. Each card will be personalised with the member’s name, club name, a photograph and the relevant disciplines to be certified.
This new process will be implemented during the 2019 club renewal period, starting 1st October 2018.
Declaration of Fullbore Members
All clubs must declare ALL members who shoot fullbore (including Gallery Rifle and Shotgun), whether once a year or more regularly. A capitation fee is charged to all club fullbore members who are not members of the NRA. Clubs will be entitled to a certification card for each declared capitated fullbore shooter (excluding probationers) and those who are full NRA members.
Club Probationary Members & Club Guest Day Attendees
Probationary Members of affiliated clubs do not require an SCC. Club Guest Day attendees do not require an SCC but have to complete a Section 21 declaration form at all events.
Certification of Club Members
All clubs will continue to be responsible for the training and certification of their club members and will be required to provide the following information for their members in order to have an SCC produced:
- Member’s full name including middle name
- Member’s date of birth
- Member’s address details
- Member’s email address
- Member’s contact number
- Disciplines the club member has been trained to shoot
- An up to date photograph (file name to be surname & date of birth – surname-ddmmyy.jpeg)
An Excel spreadsheet can be downloaded as part of the club affiliation renewal process to complete the above information Club Affiliation Form – SCC sign off and this should be sent along with the photographs to , through the secure Dropbox link or by post if preferred.
‘Club Member’ records will be set up on the NRA database as individuals and linked to the Club (following GDPR rules and regulations). All SCCs will be produced and returned to the relevant affiliated club for distribution.
Renewal Process
Club renewals will commence from October each year and no change is being made to the current fee structure. Prices will increase by RPI only. SCC renewals should be included as part of that process.
The NRA will send out all renewal requests to club secretaries by email where possible and post which will include:
- Renewal letter explaining the process
- Club agreement form
- Club Payment Sheet
- Club Information Sheet
- Excel spreadsheet to log club members information for SCC renewals
- Insurance options for clubs offered through the insurance brokers
All SCC queries should be directed to
Club Members who join during the year
The club will have to pay a capitation fee for any new members to the club who require an SCC. An SCC card will be produced upon receipt of the required information for that member.
Club Members who leave the club
Any club members who leave the club during the calendar year should return their certification card to the club, which in turn should be returned to the NRA.
Telescopic Rifle
Iron Sighted Rifle
High Muzzle Energy (HME) firearms/ammunition
Gallery Rifle/Carbine
Long Range Pistol
Short Range Pistol
Muzzle Loaded Rifle
Muzzle Loaded Pistol
Target Shotgun
Handloaded Ammunition (all members/club members must read and sign the NRA Code of Practice for Handloaded Ammunition –