Target Shotgun Festival – Spring 2019 – Results

Thank you to all those who attended the Target Shotgun Festival on23 & 24 February, we are delighted so many of you managed to get out on the range and enjoy the bumper February weather!
The results for the slug matches on Saturday and Practical Stages on Sunday have been processed and are now available to download (Please click here)
Regrettably a number of competitors were unable to complete all stages of the Shotgun League match on Sunday. Due to this occurance we have published the final standings from each individual stage.
Owing to this we are not be in a position to declare overall winners for the match, and results for this Meeting will not be included in the overall 2019 NRA Shotgun League results.
We wish to thank all the volunteers who offered their time over the weekend to deliver the events, and trust the competitions you took part in were both challenging and rewarding.
Published on:
Mar 04, 2019