Update on 6.5mm Creedmoor ammunition

National Rifle Association
Following updated direction from DIO, NRA Clubs licenced to fire on Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) ranges in the UK must comply with the following restrictions on the use of 6.5mm Creedmoor:
- The use of 6.5mm Creedmoor by NRA Clubs is restricted to fixed ranges with a 3700m danger area
- As part of the planning process and range recce, Club Officials and RCOs must check the suitability of the range for the intended shooting activity. Consult Range Standing Orders and refer questions to the Training Safety Officer (TSO)
- Note local restrictions may apply on fixed ranges; not all ranges that permit the use of 8.59mm by qualified military users are approved for civilian use of 6.5mm Creedmoor
These restrictions are likely to remain in place until Defence has completed an evaluation of the new 6.5mm Creedmoor weapons system. NRA Members, Club Officials and RCOs should be patient and allow our colleagues in Defence to complete the process. The NRA and its members enjoy privileged access to military ranges; let us keep this top of mind.
These restrictions do not apply at the National Shooting Centre Bisley.
Nic Couldrey
Regional Ranges Manager
21st October 2024
Published on:
Oct 22, 2024