Firearms Bill – Miniature Rifle Ranges and Ammunition Components

General News

National Rifle Association

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Parliament is considering new firearms legislation regarding Section 11(4) (miniature rifle ranges) and reloading components (intent to manufacture)  which were announced following the 2021 Home Office Firearms Safety Consultation.

The Private Members Bill, supported by the Government, can be found

The proposal that miniature range operators should hold a firearm certificate in order to purchase, acquire and possess firearms and ammunition is sensible. This will ensure that they are subject to the same background checks as other firearm owners, and that they are responsible for the security of the firearms and ammunition.

The proposal to criminalise those found in possession of components with intent to manufacture unauthorised ammunition is again sensible. During discussions with Government following the consultation the NRA was reassured changes to the legislation would be drafted in such a way that they would not inadvertently criminalise those who lawfully possess ammunition or component parts of it, or who intend to manufacture authorised rounds. In particular, simple possession by such a person of components sufficient to assemble quantities of ammunition in excess of the limit of their certificate would not qualify as “intent” in any legislation.

The draft Bill proposes a person will commit an offence if they possess any component part, intend to manufacture ammunition, and would have no lawful basis for having the ammunition once it was assembled and complete. Whilst the wording of the draft Bill could be misinterpreted, it will be a matter for the police and the Courts  to determine  how ‘intent’ to unlawfully manufacture ammunition is to be proven.

The NRA, working with the British Shooting Sports Council (“BSSC”), is carefully monitoring the progress of the Bill through Parliament, and were pleased that BSSC Chairman Jonathan Djanogly MP is a member of the Committee scrutinising the Bill. The Second Reading debate can be found Firearms Bill – Hansard – UK Parliament and the Committee Debate on 15 March


Andrew Mercer

Secretary General

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