Final Chance to Respond – HO Consultation – “Offensive Weapons”

General News

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The deadline to register your objections to Home Office proposals to ban .50 calibre and MARS rifles is 9thDecember 2017; please send your reply by email to with a copy your local MP.

 The current wording of the Consultation and Impact Assessment could be seen as an attempt to mislead the public; furthermore they have been presented without any credible supporting evidence of threat to public safety. This is a direct consequence of launching such proposals without prior engagement with shooting organisations;

We believe these changes to the scope of firearms proposals means that Consultation is fundamentally flawed and should be abandoned or re-issued as a separate document, with full details of what is proposed and an accurate re-working of the Impact Assessment.

To see the NRA’s full response click here

For the full Consultation and Impact Assessment click

These proposals may appear to present distant threats to your own type of shooting; however they have been poorly presented, are not evidence based and, if left unchallenged, will leave a dangerous legacy for the shooting community.  When drafting any firearms legislation a primary consideration must be to ensure that the scope of its application is clear and the rules are consistent, so that the honest citizen is not left at the mercy of inconsistent application of the law.


Andrew Mercer

Group Chief Executive & Secretary General

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