Birmingham Bisley 2023

Birmingham Bisley 2023
Saturday 3rd – Sunday 4th June
The 2023 Birmingham Bisley will take place at Kingsbury ranges (near Tamworth) on 3rd and 4th June. This is one of the few chances to shoot competitively away from Bisley. There are competitions for TR and FTR and shooting each day at 300, 500 and 600 yards. There is a large amount of silverware and unique Kingsbury medals to be won!
Bookings at Kingsbury for civilian clubs have been severely curtailed this year for military requirements. However, thanks to the good offices of Nic Couldrey at the NRA, we have been able to retain the dates for Birmingham Bisley.
We are keen to attract a large entry to justify the retention of these dates when so many civilian bookings have been cancelled.
Please CLICK HERE to view the entry form
Published on:
Apr 12, 2023