Final Report on the Prohibition of Lead Ammunition for Outdoor Shooting

General News

National Rifle Association

Published on:


UK Reach have today published their final report recommending the prohibition of the use of most lead ammunition used in outdoor shooting


The report recommends

  1. A derogation to allow the use of large and small calibre lead ammunition for target shooting on outdoor rifle ranges;
  2. The prohibition of the use of lead shot for target and live quarry shooting (with a derogation for Olympic level athletes);
  3. The prohibition of the use of large calibre lead ammunition for large quarry shooting; and
  4. No restriction on the use of airgun or small calibre lead ammunition for target or live quarry shooting.


Whilst the report is largely as we expected, it marks a monumental change in the nature of all shooting.

There is much work to do to address the rough edges of the UK Reach proposals.

We will publish further updates when we have considered the report in detail.


Andrew Mercer

Secretary General

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