General Council Elections 2018


NRA UK Elections

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The following is the Procedure for the General Council Elections 2018

 Eligibility of Candidates and Proposers

Only persons who are Registered Members of the Association and who have fully paid up their subscriptions for 31st March are eligible to be Candidates for election to the General Council and to be Proposers for such Candidates.

Regional and Shooting Discipline Candidature and Voting

 Those voting for Regional Candidates must live in the appropriate Sports Council Region even though their nominated Candidates for election may live elsewhere.

Those voting for Shooting Discipline Candidates must have previously declared that Shooting Discipline to the NRA as their primary Shooting Discipline.

Eligibility for voting will be determined as at 30th April 2018.

Curriculum Vitae

 In order to assist the Registered Members with their choice of representatives in the election, a CV for each Candidate will be provided with the voting papers.  A draft of no more than 150 words should accompany the nomination.  A passport sized photograph of the Candidate will accompany all CVs.  A content layout for the CVs is on the pro-forma.

The Chief Executive will refer back to authors where CVs are too long or are or appear to be factually incorrect.

The Programme of key date for Elections

31st March 2018

 All Candidates and Proposers must be fully paid-up Registered Members of the Association by this date.

30th April 2018

  1.  Nominations for all vacancies must be returned to the Chief Executive by 17:00 on this date.
  2. Registered Members must be qualified for voting for their respective Regional or Shooting Discipline Candidate by this date.
  3. All Members desiring to vote must be fully paid-up Registered Members by this date.

22nd May 2018

Voting slips will be posted out to all entitled Members by this date together with the procedures for voting.

13th July 2018

Voting slips in the correct envelope supplied must be received by the NRA office by mail or by hand, no later than 5.00pm on this date.

Scrutineers appointed by the Council

To be notified after the Council Meeting on 20th April 2018.


All results will be confirmed at the General Council meeting in September.

Routine Vacancies

There will be the following vacancies in 2018, all of whom are entitled to stand for re-election.

Five Ordinary Members

GK Alexander

CM Brooks

MJJ Charlton

JM Kynoch

PDC Turner*

Five Regional Members

Mrs ID Bennett – West Midlands*

PR Coley – South Western

GAE Larcombe – Southern

JF Miller – Greater London & South East

MP Watkins – Wales

Three Shooting Discipline Members

JS Harris – Target Shotgun

M Bradley – CivSR & Practical Rifle

A Bullen – Sporting Rifle


*  Not standing for re-election


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