John Killian

Half Mast
We are sorry to report the death of John Killian, long time NRA member and International TR shot.
He represented his country 30 times in ‘Big 5’ matches
– for England, 7 in the National and 8 in the Mackinnon
– for GB, 5 in the Australia match, 3 in the Palma Match and 7 in the Kolapore (including captaining the winning GB team in 1997). He was also a member of 9 GB team overseas tours.
He made 12 appearances in HM The Queen’s final, including winning the Silver Medal (the 2nd stage) in 1974, and 7 Grand Agg crosses, including the Silver Cross in 1976. He also won a full set (Gold, Silver and Bronze) of St. George’s Crosses.
He was a founder member of the Bisley V Club and having toured Australia 4 times, was a great friend of Australian teams visiting Bisley. He won the NSW Queen’s in 1974 when touring with the GB team, scoring a 50 at the final range.
Our sympathy goes to his family and his many friends.
Published on:
Jan 17, 2022