National Shooting Centre (“NSC”) Website – Update

National Rifle Association
The NSC website was taken down last week following reports of the presence of potential malware on the site from customers.
Further investigation has found that the site has been targeted by a large number of malware attacks; and resolving these issues is proving challenging for the contractor. The NSC website holds no personal or sensitive data; this is held on separate secure websites.
Whilst the contractor’s work is progressing we have decided to rebuild the site in a different hosting environment to minimise the disruption of service to our customers. To accelerate this process, we will be prioritising a smaller number of pages for a phase one release, which are anticipated to go live by the end of next week.
We sincerely regret that this incident has happened and thank our customers for their forbearance and patience
Andrew Mercer
NSC Chief Executive
Published on:
May 24, 2024