R Jarvis 2018 – Results

The R Jarvis was shot in breezy conditions on the morning of the Inter Counties Matches. It was encouraging to see the Royal Air Force and Army further along Century Range competing in their respective Service events – a reminder of the continued strong links between the NRA and the Services.
The R Jarvis is a Queen’s I course of fire and attracted 124 entries. 23 competitors achieved a score of 102, 16 shot a 103, 10 shot 104 and 8 the HPS of 105.
Congratulations to the winners:
Under 25 Jamie Allum – score of 102.9v
Under 23 Jemima Hince – score of 102.12v
R Jarvis Challenge Trophy and NRA Gold Medal – Nick Mace with a score of 105.17v
Published on:
Jun 16, 2018