Trafalgar 2024


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Trafalgar Meeting 2024 : Saturday 19th – Sunday 20th October

Our flagship Historic firearm event of the year!

This meeting includes a multitude of events for firearms dating between Muzzle Loading pre-1874 designs – our Open class (up to 1974)
The firearms being used attract attention especially when, what is basically a museum piece, can be seen in full operational glory


In addition to the competition programme you can also take in:

🎪 Trafalgar Trade Fair: Hosted in the NRA Pavilion: FREE ENTRY Saturday 19th October 8-6pm, Sunday 20th October 8-4pm
🍴 Trafalgar Dinner: Relax with your fellow shooters and ROs after a busy day of shooting. The evening will run from 7-10:30pm, to include a 3 course meal followed by a port toast to the memory of Admiral Lord Nelson. Price £32 per person


Competition Programme: for full details please CLICK HERE
10 Yard, 25m Advancing, 25m ARA, 25m Bobber, 25m Duelling, 25m Precision, 25m Slowfire, 25m Surrenden, 50m Advancing, 50m Precision, 50m Rook and Rabbit, 50 Yards Standing, Running Boar, Running Deer, 100 Yards Prone, 100 Yards Standing, 100 Yards Three Position, 200 Yards ‘Agony’ Snap, 200 Yards Double Snap, 200 Yards McQueen, 200 Yards Prone, 200 Yards Rapid,
200 Yards Standing, 500 Yards, 600 Yards, 900 Yards, 1000 Yards
🏆 The Trafalgar Letter: A framed copy of a letter written during the battle of Trafalgar will be presented to the winner of a specific match. This year the award is to be presented to match 611 – Running Deer Any Centrefire Rifle


Firearm Classes:
❤️ Muzzle Loading: Pre-1874 design: Flintlock & percussion. Capping breechloaders are eligible but not modern ‘straight line’ patterns
💙 Vintage: Pre-1891 design: Black powder only. Breech loaders only unless permission is given
🖤 Carbine: Pre-1961: max OAL 40.5 inches CF rifle or specified Carbine loads. No pistol calibres
💛 Classic: Pre-1919: CF unless stated otherwise
💜 Veteran: 1919 – 1945: datelined at BOTH ends, CF unless stated otherwise. Rifles No4 Mk2, 1/2 and 1/3 accepted
💚 Open: Design date up to 1974: Later designs of firearm that do not fall into any of the current classes. CF unless stated otherwise. Firearms must be either manufactured in the designated time period or be faithful reproductions of the original design. Modifications or modern interpretations of original designs are not permitted
🤎 Transitional: Designs between 1946 and 1960
🧡 Gallery Rifle: Pre-1961 designs: pistol calibre cartridge, open or aperture sights, fired standing, no slings
🧡 Pistol & Revolvers:
– Pistol: 19th Century pattern, single shot muzzle loading, open sights. Various ignition systems
– Standard Revolver: Basic 19th Century black powder Percussion design with fixed open sights and standard grips
– Target Revolver: As standard but allowing adjustable sights, match barrels, modified grips and nitro conversions
– Pocket Revolver: Size limited to height + length less than 15 inches
All Courses of Fire & Rules are listed in the Classic & Historic Rulebook available to download from the NRA Handbooks page.


🦺 Range Team: Please follow the link to sign up to be part of the Range Team when this event opens for bookings:

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