April 22, 2021
Access to MoD ranges in Wales
The Welsh Government has published updated Covid-19 guidance in line with the easing of restrictions scheduled for 26th April 2021. Organised outdoor activities will permitted for up to 30 people. We are pleased to announce that NRA affiliated Clubs that hold a current MoD licence may resume bookings on outdoor MoD ranges in Wales
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March 10, 2021
Charges for NRA clubs using MoD/DIO ranges 2021
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) has confirmed that the relevant charges for access to DIO ranges in the UK will remain unaltered during 2021/2022. This is in part recognition that due to Covid-19 restrictions it has not been possible for Clubs to maximise the use of the training estate over the last year. DIO
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March 5, 2021
Bisley Accommodation
Further to recent Government guidance we are planning the following schedule of reopening for Bisley accommodation:- Not before Monday 12th April Pavilion Cottage self-catering rooms (x4) Not before Monday 17th May ABC lines (Crawford cabins) Pavilion hotel rooms J&K lines Camping sites (tents, touring caravans and motorhomes) Please note:- Bookings must comply
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March 4, 2021
NRA Affiliated Clubs that operate an indoor range in England during Covid-19 restrictions
The Government published new national guidance for England on 24th February for indoor sports and leisure facilities. Indoor shooting ranges may reopen not earlier than 12th April 2021 as part of Step 2 of the gradual relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions. Details are available here–7XVFgrf7eSzgoc7DvBWOm-VE9cmdNxkwqjrDJmJtNBo Range premises should only be visited alone or with household
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March 2, 2021
Access to MoD Ranges in England
Access to MoD ranges in England The Government published the “Covid-19 Response Spring 2021” on 22nd February 2021 detailing the proposed changes to Covid-19 restrictions in England. Item 102 allows formally organised outdoor sport that is compliant with NGB guidance to restart from 29th March 2021. I am pleased to announce that NRA affiliated
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February 23, 2021
Covid Update – 23rd February 2021 – Shooting Ranges to Open
Yesterday the Government published a roadmap for the phased easing of COVID lockdown regulations in England. We are delighted to note the following:- From Monday 29th March 2021 (Phase 1) Outdoor shooting ranges, with other outdoor sports facilities, to re-open Formally organised outdoor full bore target shooting can resume without gatherings limits, as long
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January 15, 2021
Message to Clubs – Support during Covid-19 restrictions
On 5th January the Government announced various support packages to reduce the negative financial impact of Covid-19 restrictions on organisations including clubs. Full details are available here See also the on-line tool “find coronavirus support for your business” here One off grants up to £9,000 may be available to organisations through
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January 15, 2021
Access to MoD ranges during Covid-19 restrictions
In light of the restrictions announced by the Devolved Administrations and HM Government, the NRA working with colleagues in the MoD has agreed to the cancellation of all NRA affiliated club bookings until 15th February 2021. This applies to outdoor ranges in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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